

entities -- 


enum        xmlEntityType;
struct      xmlEntity;
typedef     xmlEntitiesTablePtr;
void        xmlInitializePredefinedEntities (void);
xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDocEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             int type,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDtdEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             int type,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID,
                                             const xmlChar *content);
xmlEntityPtr xmlGetPredefinedEntity         (const xmlChar *name);
xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDocEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDtdEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
xmlEntityPtr xmlGetParameterEntity          (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);
const xmlChar* xmlEncodeEntities            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);
xmlChar*    xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant      (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);
xmlChar*    xmlEncodeSpecialChars           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);
xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCreateEntitiesTable  (void);
xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCopyEntitiesTable    (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);
void        xmlFreeEntitiesTable            (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);
void        xmlDumpEntitiesTable            (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);
void        xmlDumpEntityDecl               (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlEntityPtr ent);
void        xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities    (void);



enum xmlEntityType

typedef enum {
} xmlEntityType;

struct xmlEntity

struct xmlEntity {
    void           *_private;	        /* application data */
    xmlElementType          type;       /* XML_ENTITY_DECL, must be second ! */
    const xmlChar          *name;	/* Entity name */
    struct _xmlNode    *children;	/* First child link */
    struct _xmlNode        *last;	/* Last child link */
    struct _xmlDtd       *parent;	/* -> DTD */
    struct _xmlNode        *next;	/* next sibling link  */
    struct _xmlNode        *prev;	/* previous sibling link  */
    struct _xmlDoc          *doc;       /* the containing document */

    xmlChar                *orig;	/* content without ref substitution */
    xmlChar             *content;	/* content or ndata if unparsed */
    int                   length;	/* the content length */
    xmlEntityType          etype;	/* The entity type */
    const xmlChar    *ExternalID;	/* External identifier for PUBLIC */
    const xmlChar      *SystemID;	/* URI for a SYSTEM or PUBLIC Entity */

    struct _xmlEntity     *nexte;	/* unused */
    const xmlChar           *URI;	/* the full URI as computed */


typedef xmlEntitiesTable *xmlEntitiesTablePtr;

xmlInitializePredefinedEntities ()

void        xmlInitializePredefinedEntities (void);

Set up the predefined entities.

xmlAddDocEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDocEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             int type,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Register a new entity for this document.

doc : the document
name : the entity name
type : the entity type XML_xxx_yyy_ENTITY
ExternalID : the entity external ID if available
SystemID : the entity system ID if available
content : the entity content
Returns :a pointer to the entity or NULL in case of error

xmlAddDtdEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlAddDtdEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name,
                                             int type,
                                             const xmlChar *ExternalID,
                                             const xmlChar *SystemID,
                                             const xmlChar *content);

Register a new entity for this document DTD external subset.

doc : the document
name : the entity name
type : the entity type XML_xxx_yyy_ENTITY
ExternalID : the entity external ID if available
SystemID : the entity system ID if available
content : the entity content
Returns :a pointer to the entity or NULL in case of error

xmlGetPredefinedEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlGetPredefinedEntity         (const xmlChar *name);

Check whether this name is an predefined entity.

name : the entity name
Returns :NULL if not, otherwise the entity

xmlGetDocEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDocEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Do an entity lookup in the document entity hash table and returns the corresponding entity, otherwise a lookup is done in the predefined entities too.

doc : the document referencing the entity
name : the entity name
Returns :A pointer to the entity structure or NULL if not found.

xmlGetDtdEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlGetDtdEntity                (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Do an entity lookup in the DTD entity hash table and returns the corresponding entity, if found. Note: the first argument is the document node, not the DTD node.

doc : the document referencing the entity
name : the entity name
Returns :A pointer to the entity structure or NULL if not found.

xmlGetParameterEntity ()

xmlEntityPtr xmlGetParameterEntity          (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *name);

Do an entity lookup in the internal and external subsets and returns the corresponding parameter entity, if found.

doc : the document referencing the entity
name : the entity name
Returns :A pointer to the entity structure or NULL if not found.

xmlEncodeEntities ()

const xmlChar* xmlEncodeEntities            (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);

Do a global encoding of a string, replacing the predefined entities and non ASCII values with their entities and CharRef counterparts.

TODO: remove xmlEncodeEntities, once we are not afraid of breaking binary compatibility

People must migrate their code to xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant ! This routine will issue a warning when encountered.

doc : the document containing the string
input : A string to convert to XML.
Returns :A newly allocated string with the substitution done.

xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant ()

xmlChar*    xmlEncodeEntitiesReentrant      (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);

Do a global encoding of a string, replacing the predefined entities and non ASCII values with their entities and CharRef counterparts. Contrary to xmlEncodeEntities, this routine is reentrant, and result must be deallocated.

doc : the document containing the string
input : A string to convert to XML.
Returns :A newly allocated string with the substitution done.

xmlEncodeSpecialChars ()

xmlChar*    xmlEncodeSpecialChars           (xmlDocPtr doc,
                                             const xmlChar *input);

Do a global encoding of a string, replacing the predefined entities this routine is reentrant, and result must be deallocated.

doc : the document containing the string
input : A string to convert to XML.
Returns :A newly allocated string with the substitution done.

xmlCreateEntitiesTable ()

xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCreateEntitiesTable  (void);

create and initialize an empty entities hash table.

Returns :the xmlEntitiesTablePtr just created or NULL in case of error.

xmlCopyEntitiesTable ()

xmlEntitiesTablePtr xmlCopyEntitiesTable    (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);

Build a copy of an entity table.

table : An entity table
Returns :the new xmlEntitiesTablePtr or NULL in case of error.

xmlFreeEntitiesTable ()

void        xmlFreeEntitiesTable            (xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);

Deallocate the memory used by an entities hash table.

table : An entity table

xmlDumpEntitiesTable ()

void        xmlDumpEntitiesTable            (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlEntitiesTablePtr table);

This will dump the content of the entity table as an XML DTD definition

buf : An XML buffer.
table : An entity table

xmlDumpEntityDecl ()

void        xmlDumpEntityDecl               (xmlBufferPtr buf,
                                             xmlEntityPtr ent);

This will dump the content of the entity table as an XML DTD definition

buf : An XML buffer.
ent : An entity table

xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities ()

void        xmlCleanupPredefinedEntities    (void);

Cleanup up the predefined entities table.