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Currently selected Program
Past Events


General information

There will be a come-together event on Friday evening for those arriving in Munich the day before.
We will meet in the restaurant Steinheil 16, which is close to the meeting place for eating, drinking and talking.
It will start at 19:00 and you can join anytime depending on your arrival time.

Saturday evening the official social event will take place in the restaurant Munich Flair, which is directly below the meeting room in the same building.

Note, that lunches on Saturday and Sunday as well as the social event are included in the registration fee.

Preliminary Program Schedule

19:00 Come Together at the Steinheil 16
09:00 10:00 On-site registration, Meet and Greet
10:00 10:15 Welcome
10:15 11:45 Steve Landers The Power Behind Einstein's Brain
11:45 12:30 Csaba Nemethi A Tcl/Tk Tool for Aiding Internationalization Support in Qt-Based Applications
12:30 14:00 Lunch (Italian restaurant)
14:00 14:45 Franz Vater YAXE (Yet Another XML Editor) - Building tools by means of a generic and configurable XML-Editor, written in pure Tcl/Tk
14:45 15:30 Thomas Lang Half an application: Using the console and a simple GUI to grade image sensors
15:30 16:00 Coffee break
16:00 16:45 Paul Obermeier poTools Revisited
16:45 All Discussion about future of Tk.
19:30 Social Event (Munich Flair)
09:30 10:15 Neophytos Demetriou A simple web templating system for TCL using C
10:15 11:00 Arnulf Wiedemann ItclWidgets, a possible replacement for Iwidgets without itk
11:00 11:45 All State and Future of Tcl. Discussion with TCT members.
11:45 13:00 Lunch (buffet in the meeting room)
13:00 13:45 Steve Redler Stax Demo
13:45 14:30 Johannes Kuhn Safe Base
14:30 15:00 Conclusion and Good bye


Photos from EuroTcl 2013