rpm 4.19.0
The RPM Package Manager
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pgpPktPre_u Union Reference
Collaboration diagram for pgpPktPre_u:
Collaboration graph

Public Attributes

pgpPktPubkey pubkey
pgpPktSig sig
pgpPktSymkey symkey
pgpPktOnepass onepass
pgpPktKey key
pgpPktCdata cdata
pgpPktEdata edata
pgpPktLdata ldata
pgpPktTrust tdata
pgpPktUid uid

Member Data Documentation

◆ cdata

pgpPktCdata pgpPktPre_u::cdata

5.6. Compressed Data

◆ edata

pgpPktEdata pgpPktPre_u::edata

5.7. Symmetrically Encrypted Data 5.8. Marker (obsolete)

◆ key

pgpPktKey pgpPktPre_u::key

5.5. Key Material

◆ ldata

pgpPktLdata pgpPktPre_u::ldata

5.9. Literal Data

◆ onepass

pgpPktOnepass pgpPktPre_u::onepass

5.4. One-Pass Signature

◆ pubkey

pgpPktPubkey pgpPktPre_u::pubkey

5.1. Public-Key Encrypted Session Key

◆ sig

pgpPktSig pgpPktPre_u::sig

5.2. Signature

◆ symkey

pgpPktSymkey pgpPktPre_u::symkey

5.3. Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session-Key

◆ tdata

pgpPktTrust pgpPktPre_u::tdata

5.10. Trust

◆ uid

pgpPktUid pgpPktPre_u::uid

5.11. User ID

The documentation for this union was generated from the following file: