rpm 4.19.0
The RPM Package Manager
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pgpPktSymkey_s Struct Reference

#include <rpmpgp.h>

Public Attributes

uint8_t version
uint8_t symkey_algo
uint8_t s2k [1]

Detailed Description

5.3. Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session-Key Packets (Tag 3)

The Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet holds the symmetric- key encryption of a session key used to encrypt a message. Zero or more Encrypted Session Key packets and/or Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packets may precede a Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet that holds an encrypted message. The message is encrypted with a session key, and the session key is itself encrypted and stored in the Encrypted Session Key packet or the Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packet.

If the Symmetrically Encrypted Data Packet is preceded by one or more Symmetric-Key Encrypted Session Key packets, each specifies a passphrase that may be used to decrypt the message. This allows a message to be encrypted to a number of public keys, and also to one or more pass phrases. This packet type is new, and is not generated by PGP 2.x or PGP 5.0.

The body of this packet consists of:

Member Data Documentation

◆ version

uint8_t pgpPktSymkey_s::version

version number (4).

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: