Authoring and Publishing

tetex: The TeX text formatting system.

Name:tetex Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:3.0 License:distributable
Release:32.al3 URL:
TeTeX is an implementation of TeX for Linux or UNIX systems. TeX takes a text file and a set of formatting commands as input and creates a typesetter-independent .dvi (DeVice Independent) file as output. Usually, TeX is used in conjunction with a higher level formatting package like LaTeX or PlainTeX, since TeX by itself is not very user-friendly. The output format needn't to be DVI, but also PDF, when using pdflatex or similar tools. Install tetex if you want to use the TeX text formatting system. Consider to install tetex-latex (a higher level formatting package which provides an easier-to-use interface for TeX). Unless you are an expert at using TeX, you should also install the tetex-doc package, which includes the documentation for TeX.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Wed Oct 25 15:18:24 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:46.75 MiB


* Sun Oct 1 17:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating{%}redhat{*}com> - 3.0-32
- rebuilt for unwind info generation, broken in gcc-4.1.1-21
* Thu Sep 21 17:00:00 2006 Jindrich Novy <jnovy{%}redhat{*}com> 3.0-31
- fix para option in footmisc package (#188701)
* Sat Sep 16 17:00:00 2006 Jindrich Novy <jnovy{%}redhat{*}com> 3.0-30
- use `install' instead of `mv' in mktexlsr, thanks to Dan Walsh

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