Packages not in Groups

parted-devel: Files for developing apps which will manipulate disk partitions.

Name:parted-devel Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:1.7.1 License:GPL
Release:16.al3.2 URL:
The GNU Parted library is a set of routines for hard disk partition manipulation. If you want to develop programs that manipulate disk partitions and filesystems using the routines provided by the GNU Parted library, you need to install this package.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Fri Dec 1 18:50:30 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:778 KiB


* Wed Oct 4 17:00:00 2006 David Cantrell <dcantrell{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.7.1-16
- Don't throw PED_EXCEPTION_ERROR in ped_geometry_read() if accessing
  sectors outside of partition boundary, since returning false will
  shift ped_geometry_check() to the correct sectors.
* Wed Aug 23 17:00:00 2006 David Cantrell <dcantrell{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.7.1-15
- Fixed gpt patch (*asked_already -> asked_already, whoops)
* Tue Aug 22 17:00:00 2006 David Cantrell <dcantrell{%}redhat{*}com> - 1.7.1-14
- Improve error message returned by _parse_header() on GPT-labeled disks
  so users actually have an idea of how to correct the problem
- Fix off-by-one error with LastUsableLBA and PartitionEntryLBA overlap
  to prevent possible data corruption when using non-parted GPT editing

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