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cpufreq-utils: CPU Frequency changing related utilities

Name:cpufreq-utils Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:002 License:GPL
Release:1.1.41.al3.1 URL:
cpufreq-utils contains several utilities that can be used to control the cpufreq interface provided by the kernel on hardware that supports CPU frequency scaling.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Sat Dec 2 08:56:21 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:93 KiB


* Fri Dec 1 16:00:00 2006 Tom "spot" Callaway <tcallawa{%}redhat{*}com>
- sparc can use libcpufreq too
* Tue Jul 11 17:00:00 2006 Karsten Hopp <karsten{%}redhat{*}de>
- buildrequire libsysfs-devel
* Sun Jul 9 17:00:00 2006 Dave Jones <davej{%}redhat{*}com>
- Rebuild against new libsysfs

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