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CGAL-demos-source: Examples and demos of CGAL algorithms

Name:CGAL-demos-source Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:3.3 License:QPL/LGPL
Release:4.al3 URL:
The CGAL-demos-source package provides the sources of examples and demos of CGAL algorithms.

Arch: sparc

Build Date:Sun Jun 24 14:10:55 2007
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux
Size:18.69 MiB


* Thu Jun 7 17:00:00 2007 Laurent Rineau <laurent{*}rineau__fedora_extras{%}normalesup{*}org> - 3.3-4.al3
- Move the makefile back to %{_datadir}/CGAL, and rename it (sync
  with Debian package). That file is not a config file, but just an example
  .mk file that can be copied and adapted by users.
- Fix the %{_sysconfdir}/profile.d/cgal.* files (the csh one was buggy).
- CGAL-devel now requires all its dependancies.
* Sat Jun 2 17:00:00 2007 Laurent Rineau <laurent{*}rineau__fedora_extras{%}normalesup{*}org> - 3.3-2.al3
- Officiel CGAL-3.3 release
- Skip file named "skip_vcproj_auto_generation"
* Wed May 30 17:00:00 2007 Laurent Rineau <laurent{*}rineau__fedora_extras{%}normalesup{*}org> - 3.3-0.1.RC1.al3
- New upstream version: 3.3-RC1
- Obsolete patches CGAL-3.2.1-build-libCGALQt-shared.patch,
  These patchs have been merged and adapted by upstream.
- New option --disable-static
- Shipped OpenNL and CORE have been renamed by upstream:
    - %{_includedir}/OpenNL is now /usr/include/CGAL/OpenNL
    - %{_includedir}/CORE is now /usr/include/CGAL/CORE
    - libCORE has been rename libCGALcore++
    - CGAL/OpenNL is a special version of OpenNL, rewritten for CGAL 
      in C++ by the OpenNL author,
    - CGAL/CORE is a fork of CORE-1.7. CORE-1.7 is no longer maintained by 
      its authors, and CORE-2.0 is awaited since 2004.
  In previous releases of this package, CORE was excluded from the package, 
  because %{_includedir}/CORE/ was a name too generic (see comment #8 of
    %{_includedir}/CGAL/CORE, CORE is now shipped with CGAL.
- move %{_datadir}/CGAL/make/makefile to %{_sysconfdir}/CGAL/makefile
(because it is a config file).

Listing created by RepoView-0.5.2-1.al3