WAN Router for Linux Operating System
Version 2.1.1 - Nov 08, 1999
Version 2.0.8 - Nov 02, 1999
Version 2.0.7 - Aug 26, 1999
Version 2.0.6 - Aug 17, 1999
Version 2.0.5 - Aug 12, 1999
Version 2.0.4 - Nov 26, 1998
Version 2.0.3 - Aug 25, 1998
Version 2.0.2 - Dec 09, 1997
Version 2.0.1 - Nov 28, 1997
Version 2.0.0 - Nov 06, 1997
Version 1.0.3 - June 3, 1997
Version 1.0.1 - January 30, 1997
Author: Nenad Corbic <ncorbic@sangoma.com>
Copyright (c) 1995-1999 Sangoma Technologies Inc.

WARNING:  This Version of WANPIPE supports only the S508 and S508/FT1 cards.  


Wide Area Networks (WANs) are used to interconnect Local Area Networks (LANs)
and/or stand-alone hosts over vast distances with data transfer rates
significantly higher than those achievable with commonly used dial-up

Usually an external device called `WAN router' sitting on your local network
or connected to your machine's serial port provides physical connection to
WAN.  Although router's job may be as simple as taking your local network
traffic, converting it to WAN format and piping it through the WAN link, these
devices are notoriously expensive, with prices as much as 2 - 5 times higher
then the price of a typical PC box.

Alternatively, considering robustness and multitasking capabilities of Linux,
an internal router can be built (most routers use some sort of stripped down
Unix-like operating system anyway). With a number of relatively inexpensive WAN
interface cards available on the market, a perfectly usable router can be
built for less than half a price of an external router.  Yet a Linux box
acting as a router can still be used for other purposes, such as firewalling,
running FTP, WWW or DNS server, etc.

This kernel module introduces the notion of a WAN Link Driver (WLD) to Linux
operating system and provides generic hardware-independent services for such
drivers.  Why can existing Linux network device interface not be used for
this purpose?  Well, it can.  However, there are a few key differences between
a typical network interface (e.g. Ethernet) and a WAN link.

Many WAN protocols, such as X.25 and frame relay, allow for multiple logical
connections (known as `virtual circuits' in X.25 terminology) over a single
physical link.  Each such virtual circuit may (and almost always does) lead
to a different geographical location and, therefore, different network.  As a
result, it is the virtual circuit, not the physical link, that represents a
route and, therefore, a network interface in Linux terms.

To further complicate things, virtual circuits are usually volatile in nature
(excluding so called `permanent' virtual circuits or PVCs).  With almost no
time required to set up and tear down a virtual circuit, it is highly desirable
to implement on-demand connections in order to minimize network charges.  So
unlike a typical network driver, the WAN driver must be able to handle multiple
network interfaces and cope as multiple virtual circuits come into existence
and go away dynamically.
Last, but not least, WAN configuration is much more complex than that of say
Ethernet and may well amount to several dozens of parameters.  Some of them
are "link-wide"  while others are virtual circuit-specific.  The same holds
true for WAN statistics which is by far more extensive and extremely useful
when troubleshooting WAN connections.  Extending the ifconfig utility to suit
these needs may be possible, but does not seem quite reasonable.  Therefore, a
WAN configuration utility and corresponding application programmer's interface
is needed for this purpose.

Most of these problems are taken care of by this module.  Its goal is to
provide a user with more-or-less standard look and feel for all WAN devices and
assist a WAN device driver writer by providing common services, such as:

 o User-level interface via /proc file system
 o Centralized configuration
 o Device management (setup, shutdown, etc.)
 o Network interface management (dynamic creation/destruction)
 o Protocol encapsulation/decapsulation

To ba able to use the Linux WAN Router you will also need a WAN Tools package
available from


where vX.Y.Z represent the Linux kernel version number.

For technical questions and/or comments regarding this product please e-mail
to jaspreet@sangoma.com or dm@sangoma.com.


This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass
Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.


This product is based on the WANPIPE(tm) Multiprotocol WAN Router developed
by Sangoma Technologies Inc. for Linux 1.2.x.  Release of Linux 2.0 in summer
1996 commanded adequate changes to the WANPIPE code to take full advantage of
new Linux features.  Instead of continuing developing proprietary interface
specific to Sangoma WAN cards, we decided to put all hardware-independent code
into a separate module and define two levels of interfaces - one for user-
level applications and another for kernel-level WAN drivers.

Many useful ideas concerning hardware-independent interface implementation
were given by Mike McLagan <mike.mclagan@linux.org> and his implementation
of the Frame Relay router and drivers for Sangoma cards (dlci/sdla).

Special thanks to all the WANPIPE users who performed field-testing, reported
bugs and made valuable comments and suggestions that help us to improve this


2.1.1   Nov 09, 1999 		- New code for S514PCI card
                                - Completely redesigned drivers
                                  fully tested and optimized.

2.0.8   Nov 02, 1999            - Fixed up the X25API code.
                                - Clear call bug fixed.i
                                - Enabled driver for multi-card

2.0.7   Aug 26, 1999		- Merged X25API code into WANPIPE.
				- Fixed a memory leak for X25API
				- Updated the X25API code for 2.2.X kernels.
				- Improved NEM handling.

2.0.6   Aug 17, 1999            - Kernel patch works for both 2.2.10 and 2.2.11 kernels
                                - Fixed up 2.0.5 installation bugs
                                - No functional difference between 2.0.6 and 2.0.5         

2.0.5   Aug 12, 1999            - NEW PPP, interrupt drive code
				- NEW X25 Xpipmon debugger
				- Comments added to setup scripts
				- Numerous bug fixes

2.0.4	Nov 26, 1998		- NEW Cisco Dual Port support. 
				- NEW support for BiSync Streaming API.
				- NEW support for HDLC (LAPB) API.
				- WANPIPE provides an API for application 
				  development using the BSD socket interface.

2.0.3 	Aug 25, 1998		- NEW support for Cisco HDLC, with cpipemon 
				  utility for monitoring
				- CIR support for Frame-relay
				- Support for PAP and CHAP for ppp has been 
				- Dynamic IP assignment for PPP
				- Multiple channel IPX support for Frame-relay 
				  and X25
				- Inverse Arp support for Frame-relay
				- FT1 Configuration utility for linux
				- Man Pages for router.conf, router, sdladump,
				  cfgft1, fpipemon, ppipemon and cpipemon

2.0.2	Dev 09, 1997	      - Implemented PAP and CHAP for ppp.

2.0.1	Nov 28, 1997	      -	Protection of "enable_irq()" while
                                "disable_irq()" has been enabled from any other
                                routine (for Frame Relay, PPP and X25).
			      - Added additional Stats for Fpipemon and Ppipemon
                              - Improved Load Sharing for multiple boards.

2.0.0   Nov 07, 1997          - Implemented protection of RACE conditions by
                                critical flags for FRAME RELAY and PPP.
                              - DLCI List interrupt mode implemented.
                              - IPX support in FRAME RELAY and PPP.
                              - IPX Server Support (MARS)
                              - More driver specific stats included in FPIPEMON
                                and PIPEMON.

1.0.5   July 28, 1997         - Configurable T391,T392,N391,N392,N393 for Frame
                                Relay in router.conf.
                              - Configurable Memory Address through router.conf
                                for Frame Relay, PPP and X.25. (commenting this
                                out enables auto-detection).
                              - Fixed freeing up received buffers using kfree()
                                for Frame Relay and X.25.
                              - Protect sdla_peek() by calling save_flags(),
                                cli() and restore_flags().
                              - Changed number of Trace elements from 32 to 20
                              - Added DLCI specific data monitoring in FPIPEMON.

1.0.4   July 10, 1997         - S508/FT1 monitoring capability in fpipemon and
                                ppipemon utilities.
                              - Configurable TTL for UDP packets.
                              - Multicast and Broadcast IP source addresses are
                                silently discarded.

1.0.3	June 3, 1997
	 		      -	UDP port for multiple boards (Frame relay, PPP)
	 			Continuous Transmission of Configure Request 
			      -	Packet for PPP (this support is only added for 
			   	508 cards)
	 		      -	Connection Timeout for PPP changed from 900 to 0
	 	              -	Flow Control for multiple boards and multiple 
				channels (Frame Relay)

1.0.1	January 30, 1997

			      -	Implemented user-readable status and statistics
				via /proc filesystem

1.0.0	December 31, 1996

			      -	Initial version

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