stackato The command line client stackato add-service-broker [OPTIONS] [] Make the named service broker known. This is a Stackato 3 specific command. stackato add-user [OPTIONS] [] Register a new user in the current or specified target. This operation requires administrator privileges, except if "allow_registration" is set server-side. This exception is specific to Stackato 2. stackato admin A set of adminstrative tasks. stackato admin exit [OPTIONS] Exit the shell. No-op if not in a shell. stackato admin grant [OPTIONS] Grant the named user administrator privileges for the current or specified target. stackato admin help [OPTIONS] [...] Retrieve help for a command or command set. Without arguments help for all commands is given. The default format is --full. stackato admin list [OPTIONS] Show a list of the administrators for the current or specified target. stackato admin patch [OPTIONS] Apply a patch to the current or specified target. stackato admin report [OPTIONS] [] Retrieve a report containing the logs of the current or specified target. This is a stackato-specific command. stackato admin revoke [OPTIONS] Revoke administrator privileges for the named user at the current or specified target. stackato alias [OPTIONS] ... Create a shortcut for a command (prefix). stackato aliases [OPTIONS] List the known aliases (shortcuts). stackato app [OPTIONS] [] Show the information of the specified application. stackato apps [OPTIONS] List the applications deployed to the target. stackato bind-service [OPTIONS] [] [] Bind the named service to the specified application. stackato buildpacks [OPTIONS] Show all build-packs known to the target, in the order they are checked in during auto-detection. stackato clone-services [OPTIONS] Copy the service bindings of the source application to the destination application. stackato color Management of terminal colors stackato color exit [OPTIONS] Exit the shell. No-op if not in a shell. stackato color help [OPTIONS] [...] Retrieve help for a command or command set. Without arguments help for all commands is given. The default format is --full. stackato color list [OPTIONS] Show the current color settings. stackato color set [OPTIONS] (Re)define a color. stackato color test [OPTIONS] [] Test a color specification. stackato color unset [OPTIONS] ... Remove a color redefinition. stackato colors [OPTIONS] Show the current color settings. stackato crashes [OPTIONS] [] List recent application crashes. stackato crashlogs [OPTIONS] [] Display log information for the application. An alias of 'logs'. stackato create-app [OPTIONS] [] Create an empty application with the specified configuration. stackato create-buildpack [OPTIONS] Add a build-pack to the target. stackato create-domain [OPTIONS] Create a new domain. This is a Stackato 3.2+ specific command. stackato create-org [OPTIONS] [] Create a new organization. This is a Stackato 3 specific command. stackato create-service [OPTIONS] [] [] [] Create a new provisioned service, and optionally bind it to an application. stackato create-service-auth-token [OPTIONS] [