Getting Started stackato login [] Log in to the current or specified target with the named user stackato logout [] Log out of the current, specified, or all targets stackato target [] Set the target API endpoint for the client, or report the current target Applications stackato app [] Show the information of the specified application stackato apps List the applications deployed to the target stackato list List the applications deployed to the target stackato releases [] Show the list of versions for the specified application stackato versions [] Show the list of versions for the specified application Information stackato crashes [] List recent application crashes stackato crashlogs [] Display log information for the application stackato disk [] Show the disk reservation for a deployed application stackato drain list [] Show the list of drains attached to the application stackato drains [] Show the list of drains attached to the application stackato env [] List the application's environment variables stackato events [] Show recorded application events, for application or space stackato file [] Display directory listing or file stackato files [] Display directory listing or file stackato health [...] Report the health of the specified application(s) stackato instances [] List application instances for a deployed application stackato logs [] Display the application log stream stackato mem [] Show the memory reservation for a deployed application stackato stats [] Display the resource usage for a deployed application stackato tail Monitor file for changes and stream them Management stackato create-app [] Create an empty application with the specified configuration stackato dbshell [] [] Invoke interactive db shell for a bound service stackato delete [...] Delete the specified application(s) stackato drain add [] Attach a new named drain to the application stackato drain delete [] Remove the named drain from the application stackato env-add [] Add the specified environment variable to the named application stackato env-del [] Remove the specified environment variable from the named application stackato map [] Make the application accessible through the specified URL (a route consisting of host and domain) stackato open [] Open the url of the specified application in the default web browser stackato push [] Configure, create, push, map, and start a new application stackato rename [] [] Rename the specified application stackato restart [] Stop and restart a deployed application stackato rollback [] Switch to a different version of the application stackato run ... Run an arbitrary command on a running instance stackato scale [] Update the number of instances, memory, disk reservation and/or autoscaling settings for a deployed application stackato scp ... Copy files and directories to and from application containers stackato set-env [] Add the specified environment variable to the named application stackato ssh [...] SSH to a running instance (or target), or run an arbitrary command stackato start [] Start a deployed application stackato stop [] Stop a deployed application stackato switch-version [] Switch to a different version of the application stackato unmap [] Unregister the application from a URL stackato unset-env [] Remove the specified environment variable from the named application Placement stackato placement-zone [] Show the list of DEAs associated with the specified placement zone stackato placement-zones Show the available placement zones stackato set-placement-zone [] Associate the application with a specific placement zone stackato unset-placement-zone [] Remove the association between application and its current placement zone Introspection Command history stackato history clear Clear the saved history stackato history limit [] Limit the size of the history stackato history list [] Show the saved history of commands Services stackato marketplace List the supported service plans of the target, for the current or specified space stackato purge-service-offerings Purge all offerings of the service type from the system stackato service Show the information about the named service stackato services List the supported and provisioned services of the target Authentication Tokens stackato create-service-auth-token [