2.5.2: Released Januar 21, 2016.

       NEW: Support for Red Pitaya (RX only).
       NEW: Build with GNU Radio 3.7.9.
  IMPROVED: Increased spacing between frequency divisions to prevent overlap.
  IMPROVED: Reduced minimum window size requirement to around 800x600 pixels.

       2.5  Released January 7, 2016

       NEW: Read out signal time and on the waterfall (disabled on OS X).
       NEW: Save waterfall to graphics file.
       NEW: Allow user settable waterfall time span (up to 24 hours).
       NEW: Cmake option to build using gr-audio backend (Andrea Merello).
     FIXED: FM stereo (revert to pre-2.4 behavior).
     FIXED: Mode selector not updated when selecting a WFM OIRT bookmark.
     FIXED: Show correct filter preset when filter LO/HI corresponds to one.
     FIXED: Prevent RDS panel from growing by making it scrollable.
     FIXED: Use correct audio backend on OS X (app bundle only).
  IMPROVED: Button layouts (mostly on Mac OS X).

       2.4  Released December 14, 2015

       NEW: Bookmarks.
       NEW: FM RDS decoder using gr-rds.
       NEW: Frequency tooltips on the FFT area (disabled on Mac).
       NEW: Filter shape selector (soft, normal, sharp).
       NEW: Slider to aid zooming on the frequency and dB axes.
       NEW: RFSpace Cloud-IQ support.
       NEW: OIRT stereo decoder (Daniil Cherednik).
       NEW: Input decimator.
     FIXED: Prevent crash due to device errors while starting the application.
     FIXED: Use hardware frequency in IQ file names.
     FIXED: FFT averaging (it can now be disabled).
     FIXED: "Could not resolve pattern10600" error messages in the terminal.
     FIXED: Antenna selection error with USRP B210 (Ethan Trewhitt).
     FIXED: LNB LO value not updated in I/O config dialog.
     FIXED: Initial gain of rtlsdr devices is no longer 0 dB.
     FIXED: DSP freeze when setting FM de-emphasis time constant to 0.
     FIXED: Use correct main category in desktop entry file.
  IMPROVED: Support up to 1M point FFT.
  IMPROVED: Fractional PPM correction.
  IMPROVED: AGC peformance.
  IMPROVED: FFT performance.
  IMPROVED: Right click on frequency digit to clear digits.
  IMPROVED: Robustness against malformed remote control commands.

     2.3.2  Released November 28, 2014

     FIXED: Pandapter and waterfall widths are limited to 4096 pixels.
  IMPROVED: Add 2.5 Msps preset for Airspy.

     2.3.1  Released August 8, 2014

     FIXED: Use correct categories in .desktop file.

     2.3.0  Released August 5, 2014

       NEW: Support for setting analog bandwidth.
       NEW: Support for setting gain stages individually.
       NEW: Remember visibility status of main toolbar.
       NEW: Restore the geometry of the main window between sessions.
       NEW: Restore the state and placement of the dock windows.
       NEW: Nuand BladeRF support.
       NEW: RF Space SDR-IQ, SDR-IP and Netsdr support.
       NEW: Airspy support.
       NEW: Peak detection on the FFT plot.
       NEW: Max hold on the FFT plot.
       NEW: Audio streaming over UDP socket.
       NEW: Remote control through TCP socket.
       NEW: Set squelch level from current signal/noise level.
       NEW: Command line option to list existing configurations.
       NEW: I/Q recording and playback.
     FIXED: Incorrect handling of decimal values in LNB LO frequency.
     FIXED: Correctly apply initial LNB LO frequency.
     FIXED: Audio output device selection on Mac OS X.
     FIXED: Properly store settings when using Save As function.
     FIXED: Crash when recording audio whith no rec directory set.
     FIXED: Only allow audio playback while DSP is running.
     FIXED: Ensure DSP is stopped when we exit.
     FIXED: Freeze when switching modes after audio recording.
     FIXED: Toggling "ignore limits" changes frequency.
     FIXED: Include gqrx.dekstop file.
     FIXED: Rename scope.svg to gqrx.svg to avoid confusion.
  IMPROVED: Gqrx can fit on small screens (900x600 pixels).
  IMPROVED: Better color gradient for the waterfall.
  IMPROVED: FFT presentation at high rates and high sizes.
  IMPROVED: Make release news available through the Help menu.

     2.2.0  Released August 8, 2013

       NEW: Official Ubuntu PPA and Mac OS X app bundle.
       NEW: Allow using audio output devices other than the default.
       NEW: Automatic I/Q phase and gain correction (requires gr-iqbal).
       NEW: Qt 5 support.
       NEW: GNU Radio 3.7 support.
       NEW: HackRF Jawbreaker support.
       NEW: Funcube Dongle Pro+ support.
       NEW: Option to select antenna connector on e.g. USRP devices.
       NEW: Configuration option to choose location of WAV recordings.
       NEW: Uses gr-audio as default on all platform (pulseaudio still possible).
       NEW: Command line option to remove configuration file.
       NEW: Command line option to launch I/O device editor before application.
     FIXED: Frequency control widget with recent Qt was broken.
     FIXED: Bug that caused audio FFT data to be leaked into the I/Q FFT.
     FIXED: Audio recording & playback.
     FIXED: Proper handling of frequencies above 2147483647 Hz. 
  IMPROVED: Y-axis panning (click-and-drag).
  IMPROVED: Rescale waterfall when resizing the main window.
  IMPROVED: gr-audio support on Linux.
  IMPROVED: Audio gain setting no longer has impact on WAV recording.

   2.1.251  Released on March 1, 2013

     FIXED: Incorrect device selection in config dialog.

   2.1.246  Released on February 29, 2013

       NEW: I/Q swapping option.
       NEW: FFT video filter with non-linear gain (still WIP).
       NEW: Save and restore FFT settings.
       NEW: Save and restore receiver options (offset, mode and squelch level).
       NEW: AM DC removal using IIR filter.
     FIXED: Removed graphics redraw delay when changing frequency or demodulator.
     FIXED: Respect RF frequency range of input device.
     FIXED: Added workaround for pixel error introduced in Qt 4.8.
     FIXED: Crash when FFT size is smaller than plot width.
     FIXED: Show correct initial filter preset in filter selector.
     FIXED: Workaround for 'jerky streaming' when DSP is started using rtlsdr.
     FIXED: Freeze when channel filter becomes too narrow in AM and FM modes.
     FIXED: Crash when changing sample rate of the current input device.
   CHANGED: Show device ID (e.g. rtl=0) in title bar instead of description.
  IMPROVED: AGC settings moved to dialog window.
  IMPROVED: Increase LO resolution to 1 Hz.
  IMPROVED: GUI layout fixes for Mac OS X.
  IMPROVED: Shortcuts for resetting and re-centering FFT plot after zooming.
  IMPROVED: Crash recovery in case of bad config file.
  IMPROVED: Support 50 fps FFT rate and allow disabling FFT.
  IMPROVED: I/Q DC canceling.

   2.1.148  Released on December 9, 2012

       NEW: Support for USRP and RTL2832U (rtlsdr) devices.
       NEW: Pan & zoom on the pandapter axes.
       NEW: Allow changing FFT size.
     FIXED: Mac OS X compatibility.
  IMPROVED: Various improvements to the user iterface.

     2.0.0  Released on July 7, 2012
       First stable release of C++ version with Funcube Dongle support.


       Initial experiments using Python and gr-qtgui.