o-[ЗHUORA!ASCII^93З]-------------------------------------------o | | | 09-Apr-94 02:41:57 Apply at +358-UKNOWIT? | : --------- -------- .INSANE DIST. SITE. | _ ________ /\_________/\________________ | ______ Ќ\/ ______/ ____________ \_.o IMPERIUM WHQ! o. | | |\ \ ___|_/ ___|_ | |/ / | : |/ / | \ | \| _____/ ЗTHE SHARKS FINHQЗ | |____/ /\_____ \____ \_ | : ----\____/------\______/--\______/ |-------------------------<| _ _________/\___ __ ____________| : __________/\____________ _ _ ___ | \\// ______ | |/ ________ | ___ _ __/| |/ \/ /| Ќ\| | / \_ Ќ\/ \| |\__ | | _/ | \ \| \ | / | \ | \_ | | | : \_____| \________/____ \__________/ |_____/ : | `--|____|----|______/--[пmR!]---\___|-------\_____|----|____|--' Staff: ALBERT/IMPERIUM.ZaC+Hude.JMF/SCANDAL&IMPERIUM.[StN]/AFL HOFFI.Manuel.Tormentor/Imperium.DBT/SHARkS ЙЙВ ----------------------- ..tHE bItCH is bac[k]! -------------------------- ^o^ |)ECNITE \x/ORLD \-/EADQUARTERS ^o^ :_____ /\_________________/\________________________/\________ | _/ / _________ _____. \___ ___/ ______ \____ \| | \ \_______ \| |/ _| \| || |/ |\ \ \ \ | _/ | \ _/ \_ \ || / |/ \ \ З : \ ________/ \_____| \___|: \___________/ |\_____| З /-------| :----|______/---| |----------|____|-[пmR!] \ \/_ __ _ |____| __ _ _ ___ |____| _ _ ___ ______ _ _ \ ///\__ __________/\ _____________ /\____________/\ __ \ \ / / / ________ \/ _________ \/ __________. \ \/ \ \/ / / /| \/ \ / \/ _/ \ \_ / _| \ __ _\_ _/ / \| \ \/ \_ \_____/ | _/ \_ \\/ // _ Ќ\ \__________/ ||_____/ _____________ \_____| \_ _/ \ \---------\______|------\/------------|____|---|______/ \____/\ \_jAM ^ tUkAN ^ ECHO&GUIDO ^ CEDRIC! ^ MIC DAIR&HYDE - --- \____/-- - - - - - - - - - - [ NODE #1 ]::[> +358-17-6125635 <]::[ COURIER 21.6K DUAL STD ] [ NODE #2 ]::[> +358-17-6165553 <]::[ COURIER 14.4K DUAL STD ] ----------------------- rOllin' wIth nEw stЅle.. ------------------------ @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZAssembly'94 general information! @END_FILE_ID.DIZ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - /\ ____ ______ |\ _ _______ ___ /\ / \ | .| / --o\|.\ | | .\ \ __| ј| ___ / \\ / ј| /\ || | __ || \\ | | \ \\ \\ / / ||/ / / \\ / || / \\ || | | | || \\ | | |\ \\ \\/ /| / / | ___\ \ | ||/ // || |____ | | \\| | | \ \ / | \ | |_ \| | // |__\ /_| | \ \ | |_/ / / | \ \| Џ_|____ | \ \________/____/|___|\ |______/___/К /___|\___\_________\ |___|\ \ \ | \ / \| SySop: WhiZZ \/ RUNniNG oN: C H R O M E S F H Q SuPPoRtiNG: A4000 POWeR & 245MB AmigA 0-3 dayz warez USR HST DS 21.6 - MORE THAN PLAiN VENEER - FREE LEECH: Lotsa MoDs ReGGEd /X & /X-Warez DiANA FoR FiNNS FiLEmAsTER SuPPORT BBS JUST DiAL : __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ _ _|_ _) |_ (_) _ | _/ _ (_ _/ |_| _) | | (_ (_) | __) _) (_) | / (_) / | (_ |_| (_) / 0NlY C00L DUdEZ! Uploaded Fri Apr 08 12:53:46 1994 _-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_ лл лллллплл ллллллплл ллллллплл ллллллплл ллллллпллплл ллллллплл лллллл лллллл лл ллллл лл лллллл пп лллллл пп лллллл лллллл лл лллллл лл лллллл лллллл лл ллллл лл ппппппплл ппппппплл ллллллп лллллл лл ллллллпплл лллллл ппппппплл лллллплл ллллллмлл ллллллмлл ллллллмлл лллллл лл ллллллммлл ллллллмлл лллмлл лл мммм мм лл Metal Head [iCE] лл лл л лл л пп пппл пппл -==№ THE THIRD PHASE №==- Helsinki, Finland, 5th - 7th August Organized by: кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г ACCESSION љ FUTURE CREW љ THE MOVEMENT љ SONIC PC љ CARILLON & CYBERIAD Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ФФ Ф њ Ф ФФ ФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФй Sponsored by: кФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФП Г ADVANCED GRAVIS љ ID SOFTWARE љ EPIC MEGAGAMES љ SSI љ TEAM17 Г Г Г Г TOPTRONICS љ DATA SERVICE љ TERTON љ PC SUPERSTORE љ TERRAMARQUE Г РФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФФ ФФ Ф њ Ф ФФ ФФФФФФФФФФй - - - - - - - OPENING WORDS - - - - - - - Again the time for the biggest summer demo party is closing fast! If great competitions, drinking a LOT of Coke, spending sleepless nights, making great deals with some computer companies, meeting all your friends on the scene and having a great time is what you're after, you just can't miss Asm'94! This time the party will be held in the very center of Helsinki, the capital of Finland, from the 5th to the 7th of August. There will be competitions for Amiga and PC, and thanks to our many sponsors, the prizes will be amazing! This textfile is just a kind of a preliminary information package for the people on the scene. We will release another invitation intro later in which the final information about all the rules, etc. will be included. Anyway, just keep on reading to see what we have to offer! - - - - - - - COMPETITIONS - - - - - - - As this text file is just the preliminary info, there might be some changes to the final competition rules. The organizers reserve the right to make any changes to the competition rules, and to disqualify any entry if it is not suitable to attend the competitions for some reason. All competitors have to be present at the party place in order to attend the competitions and to receive the possible prizes (or at least one of the authors of a competing piece of art). In the graphics competition on both Amiga and PC, and also in the 4kb intro competition on PC, the competition version of the entry must not display the author's name in any way. This is to prevent the author's name from affecting the vote. After the announcement of the results, the versions which are spread can include the author's signature. In the music competition on both Amiga and PC, we will not show the author's name while we play the song in the competition. "Maximum running length" below is only the amount of time we will show a particular piece of art on the big screen. The demos/intros will have to run without ANY user interaction once started. THE VOTING SYSTEM: We will use a disk voting system. Once you enter the party place, you will be given the voting disk, which will include the voting program. It's not certain yet if the disks will be dual-format (both Amiga&PC compatible) or if we are going to have separate Amiga and PC compatible voting disks. You will be able to give your opinion on The Five Best in all compe- titions, both on the Amiga and PC. But before you can give your opinion, a jury composed of known scene people (maybe even you!) will select a certain (yet unknown) amount of entries in each competition to the finals (to be shown on the big screen). We will give more details about the voting system in the next invi- tation intro. PC COMPETITION RULES: The competition machine we will use: - i486DX2/66 with 4 MB of RAM - MS-DOS 6.20 - Tseng Labs ET-4000/w32 Local Bus VGA card - 1 MB Gravis UltraSound sound card or original Sound Blaster Pro 2.0 If your demo supports some other sound card, bring it with you. If your demo/intro requires a memory manager, it would be suitable if it worked under either MS-DOS 6.20's HIMEM alone, HIMEM+EMM386 or under QEMM v7.03. Otherwise bring all necessary memory managers and a boot disk with you (the demo/intro will still be loaded from hard disk). All intros (64kb & 4kb), pictures and songs will be spread at the party place after the announcement of the results. In the demo competition we will give exactly ONE MONTH of time for the demo groups to finish and release their demos, otherwise we will release the competition version of the demo. DEMO - Maximum size in executable form is 4096 kb - Maximum running length is 15 minutes - Only 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes are accepted (no SVGA) - Pure animation files are not accepted INTRO - Maximum size in executable form is 64 kb - Maximum running length is 7 minutes - Only 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes are accepted (no SVGA) - Pure animation files are not accepted 4KB-INTRO - Maximum size in executable form is 4096 bytes - Maximum running length is 3 minutes - NO MUSIC or other sound is allowed - Only 100% VGA register level compatible graphics modes are accepted (no SVGA) - Only one intro by one coder MUSIC - Maximum amount of channels is 32 - Maximum size of the song is 1024 kb - Maximum running length is 3 minutes - Bring your own player, if the format is not compatible with existing players - If the song is a MIDI song, bring the samples and everything that is needed to play the song with you - Only one song by one musician GRAPHICS - The graphics modes supported are: љ 320x200, 256 colors љ 320x240, 256 colors љ 320x400, 256 colors љ 360x480, 256 colors љ 640x350, 16 colors љ 640x480, 16 colors + all other 100% 256kb VGA compatible modes - The palette is the standard VGA palette with 262144 colors - If the picture can not be shown using VPIC or CSHOW, bring your own viewer (the picture can be an executable file) - Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified - Only one picture by one graphics artist AMIGA COMPETITION RULES: The competition machine is a A1200 with 2 megs chip + 2 megs fast. Note! All competition entries must be autobootable! DEMO - Maximum size is 4 disks - May work only from hard disk, so you must leave it in on disks that contain a hard disk installer for the demo - Maximum running length is 10 minutes INTRO - Maximum size in executable form is 40 kb - Maximum running length is 5 minutes MUSIC - Maximum size is one disk - Maximum running length is 3 minutes - Only one song by one musician GRAPHICS - The picture may be in any AGA resolution - Scanned, ripped and raytraced pictures will be disqualified - Only one picture by one graphics artist SPECIAL COMPETITIONS: We will have all traditional Assembly special competitions and some new ones. The competitions include for example soccer, disk-throwing (Asm-record: 96m), modem-throwing, etc. - - - - - - - THE PRIZES - - - - - - - As said before, the prizes will be the best yet, both in the Amiga and PC competitions. Here we have included the preliminary list of the prizes we will have. If there are any changes after the release of this information file, they should only be to the better. The actual prizes may be software, hardware or pure cash. This depends on our sponsors and how many people pay the entrance fee. The following list includes only the US dollar values of each prize. Also keep in mind that the money exchange rates also affect this list (at the time of the writing of this text file one US dollar was 5,5 finnish marks). We will include the more detailed prize lists in the second invitation intro, due to be released sometime before the summer. All the cash prizes will be paid in finnish currency. PC COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES: DEMO: INTRO: 4KB-INTRO: MUSIC: GRAPHICS: #: ---------- ---------- #: ---------- ---------- ---------- 1. $2700 $1400 1. $600 $600 $600 2. $1600 $900 2. $400 $400 $400 3. $950 $600 3. $200 $200 $200 4. $700 $450 5. $500 $300 TOTAL VALUE: around $13700 US AMIGA COMPETITION PRIZE VALUES: DEMO: INTRO: MUSIC: GRAPHICS: #: ----------- ---------- ---------- ---------- 1. $2700 $750 $370 $370 2. $1200 $450 $180 $180 3. $600 $200 $90 $90 TOTAL VALUE: around $7200 US - - - - - - PARTY FEATURES - - - - - - - Next is a list of all the basic features at our party: - Around 10000-15000 watts of music power - 2 or 3 big screens (4-7 meters wide) - Multi-player game networks, such as Net-DOOM - Dolby Surround Laser Disc movies - Space for sleeping + showers - 24H food service - 24H security personnel keeping things&people in order - Central TV-system for showing the party schedule, etc. - Party T-Shirts - Cool raytrace movies will be shown on the big screen - Sponsoring companies selling all kinds of hardware and software - Electricity for all, so bring your machine with you - Lots of all kinds of shops near the partyplace - Only less than 1 kilometre to the main center of Helsinki - - - - - GENERAL INFORMATION - - - - - The entrance fee will be around $26 US (140 FIM). Girls get a free entrance! The reason for the increase on the entrance fee is due to a new tax invented by our lovely government (so, this is NOT some rip-off thing!) We are expecting around 2000-2500 demo freaks from all over the world to attend. If you are arranging a BUSTRIP to our party, please, contact us for details on entrance fee discounts, exact location directions and possible other stuff. If you have ANY suggestions or ideas about anything written in this textfile, don't hesitate to contact us! >>> NO ALCOHOL DRINKING OR SOFTWARE PIRATISM ALLOWED AT THE PARTY PLACE! <<< - - - HOW TO GET IN TOUCH WITH US - - - You can reach us by many means according to the following list: Voice: MeeGosh/TMM +358-0-505 2441, wknds only (Amiga) Pehu/ACC +358-0-294 7906 (Amiga&PC) Pehu/ACC +358-49-554 701, cellular Edge/Unexpected +358-0-378 247 (PC) Fax: GORE/FC +358-0-420 8620 (Amiga&PC) BBS: StarPort (FC) +358-0-455 4801 (PC) 455 4805 455 4807 455 4810 455 4812 455 4827 455 4829 Sonic PC WHQ +358-0-804 3141 (PC) Email, the fastest & best way: assembly94@cute.fi all general questions! jkavalef@alpha.hut.fi MeeGosh/TMM (Amiga) mpontine@cc.helsinki.fi Moku/ACC (Amiga&PC) aakko@cc.helsinki.fi Pehu/ACC (Amiga&PC) jtheinon@cc.helsinki.fi GORE&Jake/FC (PC) mmaki@cc.helsinki.fi Henchman/FC (PC) jaz@cute.fi Jaz/Sonic PC (PC) Internet www-server, reachable by mosaic/lynx: http://prime.mdata.fi (there choose assembly 94) Normal snail-mail, the slowest way: Assembly'94 P.O. Box 54 02701 Kauniainen FINLAND _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - K L O N D Y K E _______ ____ _______ _______ _____ _ __________ /А А//А //А\А А\ /А А\\А А\ /А\\А :. 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