Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics, Inc.

Minutes of the RIP Working Group (RIP)

Status Update

Chairpersons		Gary Scott Malkin /

Mailing List		ietf-rip(-request)

Date of meeting		Dallas IETF / December 5, 1995

Progress		Got several volunteers to create text for the
			RIPng Designated Addresses issue.  Reviewed
			Triggered RIP proposals and decided to deprecate
			Demand RIP in favor of Triggered RIP.


	1 - Discussion of RIPng Draft - specifically, the "designated
	    address" issues

	2 - Discussion of "Demand Circuit RIP"

	3 - Any other issues

RIP-2 (RFC 1723) is still waiting for the inclusion of introductory
material from RFC 1058.  Once this is done, RIP-2 (all RFCs) can be
submitted for consideration as full Standards.

The RIPng Internet Draft is still waiting for text to resolve the
"Dedicated Addresses" issue.  Several people volunteered to contribute
that text.  Once this is done, the I-D will be resubmitted for
consideration as a Proposed Standard.

Gerry Meyer presented Triggered RIP, as defined in Internet Draft
draft-ietf-rip-trigger-rip-00.txt.  This potential replacement to the
previous Demand Circuit RIP, as defined in RFC 1582 (Proposed
Standard), has several advantages, including the elimination of the
size restriction on updates (and, therefore, the fragmentation
issues).  Xyplex is shipping both Demand and Triggered RIP and has
tested both over ISDN and X.25 in topologies with up to 80 networks.
It was decided that no further development effort will be expended on
RFC 1582 and that it will not be advanced in the standards track.
That this will leave several unused opcodes is not considered
important since several opcodes defined in RFC 1058 are similarly
unused.  The applicability statements will be modified to indicate
that Triggered RIP is the preferred method of handling Demand
Circuits.  The Triggered RIP I-D will be submitted for consideration
as a Proposed Standard after a few editorial changes are made.  Once
Triggered RIP advances, RFC 1582 will be moved to Historical Status.

The current status of Internet Draft draft-ietf-ripv2-md5-02.txt needs
to be determined.  It is important that the RIP-2 documents be advanced
quickly to complete the standards process for the protocols.