Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.
			       96.12.09 15:30
				 Dave Meyer

  o mailing list mboned@ns.uoregon.edu (majordomo)

  o have some active drafts
    - pruning
    - administrative scope
    - will have new issue of seneria
    - Eliz Gentile's Deployment draft
    - RPSL draft on tunnels
  o also need to think about topology data base
  o need to discuss 500k limit and how to raise it
  o need to discuss dynamic address allocation

Pruning Draft
  o was a communication problem between the author and the IESG.  has been
    cleaned up and will go to	BCP post haste.
  o it was a nice goal statement, but there is no enforcement.  what could
    be done?  state that the policy will be enforced.  the reason this draft
    came about because people wanted to enforce but had no document.  this
    provides that.

Scoping Draft
  o was a de facto standard already
  o draft-ietf-mboned-admin-ip-space-00.txt
  o IANA has been asked to enshrine the number assignment
  o what kind of additional admin structure might there be?
    - flat has the advantrage that others may enhance structure
    - reserved scope addresses?  SAP us to use highest multicast ddress within
    the scoped range.
    - but the address is large, so making some structure now would give us
      some hierarchical structure for the future
    - as border is bidirectional, hierarchy is out.  
    - how about site, country, piece of wire, ...?  i.e. geograpic
    - 239-255 was suggested as a local, probably site, scope
  o what about sparse mode or admin join protocols, how are these effected
    by administrative scoping?
    - explicit join model handles this
    - except boundary enforces scope
    - privacy can encrypt
    - except participant list
    - have to make sure that your RP is in same group as scope you are
    - why is admin scope mechanism linked to the particular protocol?
    - should we define a protocol which lets us discover the scope?

Heartbeat Draft
  o SNTP as a Multicast Heartbeat
    - provide operational visibility for large auditoria on a dialup
    - end users can subscribe to a stream
  o will not resolve
    - whether a particular dialup link is capable of multicast
    - deciding if a dialup line has connectivity tot eh mbone
    - solve this problem on the mbone, targetting a scoped environment
  o constraints
    - must work with IGMPv1
    - join latencies have a high variation
    - membership state between application and stack may be out of sync
    - must not reqire configuration by end user
  o how it works
    - establish heartbeat which provides end-to-end control from media
      server to end client
    - quick convergence by having dialup servers, last hop before users,
      subscribe to group
    - put an SNTP packet into the message so you can use existing code,
      sequence numbers, rough time estimate
  o inplementation
    - client listner, continuous or only at startup
    - SNTP server, standard v3 with multicast capability
    - multicast devices
  o what they have done
    - ascend max 4000
      . multicast address = G
      . source address S, mask = M
      . slot time = T
      . shift register length = N
      . required messages ove N slots = K
      . no authentication yet
      . if less than K messages in last N slots, SNMP trap generated
      . trap contains sysUpTome, G, T, N, K
      o trap backs off until it is down to 1/hr
  o benefits
    - a NOC gets a realtime picture
    - clients can decide to go uni or multi-cast
    - customer support has an extremely easy tool to debug problems while
      on phone
  o much discussion of necessity, benefits, join latency, ...
  o much discussion of why this presentation, BCP?  protocol spec?
  o envisaged as a very short term solution.  though it points out the value
    of being able to have an API which detects IGMP membership
  o they want to submit it as BCP
  o for a host which wonders, why not just send a multicast ping?

RPSL Tunnels Draft
  o see RPS minutes (get from Sue Hares, who did it in detail)
  o there were actually good suggestions/corrections by folk who actually
    understood the semantics of multi-cast tunnels

Discussion of
  o much discussion of benefits and problems of default rate limit
  o 3.9 will not have the default rate limit, but it will be required to
    specify something
  o MCI, BBN, ... do not rate limit
  o we can not include mtrace to add more info about routers, info is not
    necessarily known
  o should be a BCP making clear there is no global rate limit

12/10 (Scribe: Bill Fenner)

	Dynamic Address Allocation 

		- Van suggests adding *.255/16 as the local
		  scope range.

		- "No Rate Limiting" BCP will be written by
		   Doug Junkins (NWnet).

		Topology Database
			Data sources?

		Van: mtrace listeners, but clients need to
		specify that response must be multicast
		back. Need a document describing this. 

		Dave Thaler:

			Database would be useful for

			(i).	Tracking loss over tim
			(ii).	Generating network design
			(iii).	Simulations (ave node degree,

		Elizabeth Gentile

			Spoke on her draft.

			Math Crawford will be co-author.