Title: Toshiba's statement about IPR claimed in MPLS
Received: April 2, 2003
From: Taisuke Kato 

Toshiba Patent Policy for MPLS

Toshiba believes it may have patents which relate to compliant 
implementations of IETF RFC's in the area of MPLS (Multiprotocol 
Label Switching).

In support of IETF intellectual propert rights procedures, Toshiba 
is willing to offer non-exclusive licenses, upon written request 
from implemenaters of MPLS, under reasonable and non-discriminatory 
terms and conditions, when there is necessary dependence upon 
Toshiba patents to implement MPLS.

Patents which may be necessary, in compliant implementations of 
MPLS, include the following:

Toshiba U.S. Patent 6,343,322 (IP over ATM Systems Using Control 
Messages to Set Up Cut-Through Paths or Bypass Pipes in Routers, 
issued January 29, 2002, Nagami et al);

Toshiba U.S. Patent 6,147,989 (ATM Communication System with High 
Speed Connection-less Service Function, issued November 14, 2000, 
Esaki et al);

Toshiba U.S. Patent 6,304,577 (Node Apparatus and Method of Using 
a Virtual Connection to Transit a Packet, issued October 16, 2001, 
Nagami et al);

Toahiba U.S. Patent 6,341,127 (Node Device and Method for Controlling 
Label Switching Path Set Up in Inter-Connected Networks, issued 
January 22, 2002, Katsube et al);

Toahiba U.S. Patent 5,822,319 (Router Device and Datagram Transfer 
Method for Data Communication Network System, issued October 13, 
1998, Nagami et al); and 

Toshiba has additional patents and pending applications which may 
be related to MPLS, and is willing to provide the terms of licensing 
of its intellectual property related to MPLS upon appropriate written 

Any party wishing to request a license should write to:

General Manager
Intellectual Property Division
Toshiba Corporation
1-1 Shibaura 1-chome
Tokyo 105-8001, JAPAN