Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.
These are the minutes of the tn3270e BOF from 9 Dec. at the 37th IEFT

Reported By:
Scribe and Co-Chair Deric Villanueva 

The BOF was called to determine interest in re-instating the tn3270e working group and establishing the next actions . 

Bob Moskowitz kicks us off and provides historic perspective of the previous working group!

Chair Ed Bailey began the meeting with introductions and an agenda.  Ed presented the following:
1. A proposal for re-starting the tn3270e working group.
2. Possible work threads that include completing rfc1647 with the goal of obtaining draft status,  propose a new rfc for tn3270e enhancements not included in rfc1647,  propose a new rfc for tn62.
3.  FYI on results and conclusions of the interoperability test at cisco last October.

Post presentation discussion covered several topics:
1. The initial topic of discussion was about the rules about changing the protocol document while it is being considered for advancement to draft status.  The group was informed by Bob that document revision at this stage is often encouraged for the purposes of clarity and specificity.  There was a unanimous feeling that action is warranted in this case.  Harald contributed the IESG rules on the subject.  The scribe unfortunately was unable to keep up but this is documented elsewhere in IETF.
2. & 3.  The second subject discussed was LU 6.2 and the proposed work for TN62.  Concern was expressed by some attendees, however the group seemed willing to consider a TN62 protocol document proposal.  As a related subject IPDS issues were raised with about the same reaction and outcome as before.
4.  Since the focus on "other LU types was not quite over?It was mentioned that LU0 ought to be addressed by the working group as well.
5. & 6.  Related technologies like Response Time Monitor (RTM) and Security were brought up and lively conversation occurred.

Ed brought the meeting to a close.

There is sufficient interest in restarting the TN3270E work group. A request was made to determine appropriate name and more detailed charter by Wednesday and submit to the AD.

Action Item
A group of us will meet tomorrow 10dec96 @ 9am to hammer out a working group charter.