Data for Reachability of Inter/tra-NetworK SIP (drinks) ------------------------------------------------------- Charter Last Modified: 2011-08-18 Current Status: Active Working Group Chair(s): Alexander Mayrhofer <> Sumanth Channabasappa <> Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Director(s): Gonzalo Camarillo <> Robert Sparks <> Real-time Applications and Infrastructure Area Advisor: Gonzalo Camarillo <> Mailing Lists: General To Subscribe: Archive: Description of Working Group: The IETF has been working on various aspects of SIP-enabled Multimedia administrative domains among SIP Service Providers (SSP's). SSP's are entities that provide session services utilizing SIP signaling to their customers. In addition, the IETF has done significant work on data exchanges among various network elements. The DRINKS working group is chartered with a scope that is orthogonal to SPEERMINT and ENUM. The protocol work of DRINKS will be designed to build from the work of SPEERMINT and ENUM to identify and define the data structures and data exchange protocol(s) among SIP based Multimedia administrative domains. The ENUM working group is specifically chartered to develop protocols that involve the translation of E.164 numbers to URIs. While the SPEERMINT working group has been chartered to develop requirements and best current practices among real-time application SSPs and to describe how such services may best interconnect across administrative boundaries. These administrative domains may be of any practical size and could be any type of SSP, such as recognized telephony carriers, enterprises, end-user groups, or Federations. Data exchanges among these administrative domains may be bi-lateral or multi-lateral in nature, and could include bulk updates and/or more granular real-time updates. Administrative domains may exchange data through the use of an external registry to aggregate data from multiple administrative domains or multiple data providers into a single view. The DRINKS WG will provide details of how Session Establishment Data (SED) is collected, what comprises SED, how SED should be used to properly identify an optimal path to a destination SIP user agent (UA),either internally or externally to the SSP. In addition DRINKS will insure that the SED and the SIP session data is securely exchanged between the peering functions. Typical SED data might include: + Routes - Destination SIP/SIPS/TEL URI Egress and Ingress Routes - Relevant route names, identifiers, and services - Attributes affecting route selection - PSTN database information + Targets - Individual, ranges, or groups of user-agent identifiers - Target aggregation entities (e.g. service areas) and target-to-aggregate associations + Treatment Profiles - Priority - Location Potential SED Data types not in scope will be session rating or other billing or pricing information between SSP's The working group will draw upon expert advice and on-going consultation from the ENUM and SPEERMINT working groups, and also the XML Directorate. The working group will consider the reuse of elements of RFC 4114. The final work product(s) from this working group will utilize and be based on XML documents and XML document exchanges. Goals and Milestones: Aug 2011 Request publication of Use Cases and Protocol Requirements document Sep 2011 Request publication of protocol specification Sep 2011 Request publication of protocol specification and a protocol transport mapping Internet-Drafts: Posted Revised I-D Title <Filename> ------ ------- -------------------------------------------- May 2009 Aug 2011 <draft-ietf-drinks-usecases-requirements-06.txt> Data for Reachability of Inter/tra-NetworK SIP (DRINKS) Use cases and Protocol Requirements Jun 2010 Sep 2011 <draft-ietf-drinks-sppp-over-soap-05.txt> SPPP Over SOAP and HTTP Jul 2010 Sep 2011 <draft-ietf-drinks-spprov-10.txt> Session Peering Provisioning Protocol Request For Comments: None to date.