VG VCL Library 5.1 ================== The set of components for Borland Delphi 2, 3, 4 & 5 and C++ Builder 3 & 4. 100% source code. Latest Changes -------------- New compiler versions: Delphi 5 C++ Builder 3.0, 4.0 New languages: Dutch, French New components, classes: TvgTranslator TDBExpression TExplorerShellFolderNode TZLIBCompressor TReadMemoryStream TComponentPoolManager, TIntfPoolManager, TComPoolManager New properties, methods, events: TExplorerNodes: ClipboardMode, DblClick, CanCopyList, CanCutList, CanDeleteList, DoCopyList, DoCut, DoCutList, DoDeleteList TExplorerSource: DoCopy, DoCut, OnCopy, OnCut TvgThread.Terminated TMSSCScript.ScriptControl moved to public Other changes TvgWordPrint "suppress duplicate values" option added TMSSCScript multiple user-defined COM objects support added TTranslator removed from library New units: vgBCDUtl.pas, vgI4_TLB.pas, vgI5_TLB.pas, vgI.Inc New typelibs: vgI4.dll, vgI5.dll Rewritten a number of component editors Decreased a number of packages A number of demos added HandleSafeCallExceptionEx function allows to suppress a number of raised EOleException exceptions while debugging New functions vgUtils.pas FindInteger, CompareChars, ZeroMem, Like, WriteBufferAt, CompareInteger, CompareDWord, CompareInt64, CompareUInt64 vgVCLUtl.pas BrushDrawCentered, BrushDrawImageListCentered, AppSetCursor, AppRestoreCursor vgDBUtl.pas SetDataSetsFieldFormat vgOleUtl.pas GetActiveOleObject vgComObj.pas HandleSafeCallExceptionEx Overview -------- VG VCL Library contains a large collection of components, objects and utility routines for Delphi. It is distrubuted with full source code and is compatible with Borland Delphi 2, 3, 4, 5 and C++ Builder 3.0. Library includes Russian, English, Spanish, Dutch and French string resources. VG VCL Library contains a few components that reqire RX Library. These components are optional. To use them you should have RX Library 2.30 or higher to be installed. VG VCL Library is a freeware product. Feel free to distribute the library as long as all files are unmodified and kept together. There is no help available. Components ---------- TvgThread component is the TThread wrapper that allows simple thread programming without writing TThread descendents. TMoneyString translates numbers into verbal representation. TDateTimeStorage and TCurrencyStorage components allow to edit regional settings variables to make application behavior to be independent from operating system configuration. TFormLoader component simplifies merging forms into TWinControl descendents and is usable for creating multi-sheet forms and outlook user interfaces. TMSSCScript component wrapps Microsoft Script Control and enables you to write and execute VBScript and JavaScript scripts within your application. TvgTranslator component allows to create multilanguage applications. It stores language-specific string values in INI files or through user-defined event handlers and allows users to create their own translations of program interface. TvgSplitter control has the same functionality as the standart TSplitter. TClickEdit controls looks like standart TEdit. It allows to align an edited text horizontally and has an optional button at the right side. TTitler is a custom panel that shows auto-scrolling text. TvgPageControl is the TPageControl descendent that makes available a number of advanced properties of the TPageControl control of Delphi 4. TvgNoteBook controls is the TNotebook descendent with 3D view. TvgTabSet is a custom-draw TTabSet. It allows to edit tabs orientation. TExplorerNodes component and it's descendents provides you with powerful instrument of handling tree-like data structures. When using explorer components developer can program a complex TTreeView or TListView wrapping with just a few lines of code. Library includes over 10 full- functional descendents of the TExplorerNodes component. TExplorerSource component allows to set virtual root in the TExplorerNodes hierarchy to browse subtree of root inside explorer controls. Explorer controls represent tree-like structures in a number of different ways. Library includes TExplorerTreeView, TExplorerListView, TExplorerListBox and TExplorerTreeCombo controls that support all advanced features of the TExplorerNodes component interface. TvgDatabase provides developer with advanced transaction control for multithreaded applications. This component is usable when writing application servers in the apartment threading model. TvgQuery extends functionality of the TRxQuery (RX Library) component. It automatically refreshes when it's params or macros are changed. TvgSQLScript executes multiple SQL statements. TvgSQLScript provides you with macro extensions of SQL like TRxQuery does. TvgUpdateScript is the TUpdateObject descendent that allows to execute multiple SQL statements when applying cached updates. TFieldSource is the TFieldDataLink wrapper. It filters data events that send TDataSource to listed fields. TOpenTables component manages list of open datasets. It counts references on the dataset and closes it when the dataset is no more needed. TBDEDataSetHook component assigns events of the given dataset to simplify buisness-logic coding of the large datamodule. TDBConverter, TBDEConverter provides you with codeless intelligent techinque of converting old databases into databases with new structure. TvgDBGrid is the TRxDBGrid (RX Library) descendent that has miscelaneous visual enhancements. The two different row colors make grid to look better. TvgQuickSearch and TRxQuickSearch provide incremental search in the TDBGrid. When using these components user can copy contents of the dataset into Clipboard pressing Ctrl+C. TvgDBLookupCombo component is the TRxDBLookupCombo descendent. It has an optional small button. This button allows to browse and edit data dictionaries on-the-fly. TvgDBTreeView control is the fast and smart component that navigates through tree-like datasets. TvgDBTreeCombo component is the TvgDBTreeView control in the form of drop-down list. TvgDBMenu component implements TDBNavigator functionality in the form of popup menu. TDBRadioButton is the standalone radio button that doesn't require TDBRadioGroup to work. TDBExpression implements a powerful expression evaluator. It allows to evaluate string expressions in the way the TDataSet.Filter property works. Component supports about 20 functions including aggregate functions SUM, MIN, MAX and AVG. TvgWordPrint is a component family that provides developers with powerfull open architecture report system for Microsoft Word. Family includes full-functional components that works with data of the BDE and client datasets. Libraries --------- vgUtils.pas General-purpose routines. Component copying, cloning, iterating. Nil-able TList routines. Variant comparing, streaming. Log files. String and floating-point routines. Registry and ini-file utilities. Resourcestring on-the-fly localization vgTlHelp.pas List of running process (Windows 95). vgVCLUtl.pas Cursor management, controls iterating, drawing routines. vgDBUtl.pas Datasets and fields routines. Generation of SELECT and UPDATE SQL statements. Field validation (CheckXXX functions). NVL-functions. Clipboard support routines. Bokmarks for primary keys, refresh. Full search locate. String fields autosizing. vgDBPrms.pas TParams utilities. Update statement parameters support. vgBDEUtl.pas Transaction support. On-the-fly queries. Building TUpdateSQL. Editing CachedUpdates. Exception translation. vgCachUp.pas Advanced editing of CachedUpdates. vgOleUtl.pas TDispInvokeCache class speeds up OLE automation up to 2 times. vgComObj.pas Helper classes for COM servers (apartment threaded factories). vgSystem.pas Special TThread descendents. Compression classes and routines. Variant compression. vgMemory.pas Native WinAPI memory manager ConstsRC.pas On-the-fly resourcestring localization of Consts.pas. DBConstRC.pas On-the-fly resourcestring localization of DBConsts.pas. vgBCDUtl.pas BCD utility routines Notes ----- VG VCL Library requires next files in the system path: MSVCRT.DLL VGLZSS32.DLL VGI0.DLL (only for Delphi 3 or C++ Builder 3) VGI4.DLL (only for Delphi 4 or C++ Builder 4) VGI5.DLL (only for Delphi 5) If RX Library is 2.40 or higher make sure that RX240 conditional define is defined in the VG.INC include file. MS Script Control OCX is available at ------------------------------------------- Vladimir Gaitanoff WWW: E-mail: