Attention Delphi and CBuilder developers, and friends of EDSSpell! EDSSpell v4.0 now supports all versions of Delphi (1, 2, 3 and 4) as well as all versions of CBuilder (1 and 3). EDSSpell v4.0 also features an increase in spell checking speed, real to the end-user, of as much as 600%! The EDSSpell VCL gives you the developer full control over language, dialog style (WordPerfect, MSWord or WordPro96), font, and number of suggestions to name a few. EDSSpell ships with several compressed language dictionaries, including 140,000+ word English and 430,000+ word Spanish dictionaries. EDSSpell continues its support of other word processing components (like WPTools, Turbo Power's Orpheus, and Woll2Woll's InfoPower), RTF and HTML. Version 4.0 is still a native Delphi VCL component and therefore requires no additional DLLs. There are no run-time royalties for distributing applications with EDSSpell. Users of previous versions of EDSSpell purchased since May 1, get a FREE upgrade; other registered users can upgrade for just $29. Please send email with the address you would like to have the EDSSpell.EXE (the new install) emailed to (without the nospam, etc.), and when it was purchased/registered, and you get all the new files for FREE. The new install is close to 2 MB by email, so please make sure that your email account can handle it. Please check out the demos of EDSSpell for all versions of Delphi and CBuilder at our web site ( If you are not a registered user, you can get EDSSpell v4 at ZAC Catalogs, Programmer's Paradise, or through Compuserve. If you prefer, you can also obtain it directly from Eminent Domain Software by Email; by FAX (956) 729-0011; or by calling 1-800-246-5757. The investment is just $99USD. Thank you for your continued support!!! Eminent Domain Software "Custom Software Development For Your Domain" [Also makers of XSpell, the IDE Expert, EDSPrint and EDSThesaurus, the English Thesaurus and Dictionary with the latest and fastest 32 bit compressed database of words and look ups.] PS: Please pass this on in your organization or user group so more can benefit from site licensing or group discounts.