
maven30-maven-reporting-impl - Abstract classes to manage report generation

Website: http://maven.apache.org/shared/maven-reporting-impl
License: ASL 2.0
Vendor: Scientific Linux CERN, http://cern.ch/linux
Abstract classes to manage report generation, which can be run both:

* as part of a site generation (as a maven-reporting-api's MavenReport),
* or as a direct standalone invocation (as a maven-plugin-api's Mojo).

This is a replacement package for maven-shared-reporting-impl


maven30-maven-reporting-impl-2.2-8.6.el6.noarch [25 KiB] Changelog by Mikolaj Izdebski (2014-05-26):
- Mass rebuild 2014-05-26

Listing created by Repoview-0.6.6-1.el6