In Linspire and Ubuntu sometimes you need to revert to a previous kernel release because of

Missing hardware drivers
Hardware support
Buggy code

If you have removed the previous kernel you may think you are out of luck but there are a few things you can do.


If you have an install image that has the previous kernel you can install it again and dont update your kernel

You havent removed the previous kernel

Hold the shift key when you see the Grub screen, to get to the grub options.
you may have better luck holding the shift key all the time through the boot if you have a fast system.
Choose Advanced options for Ubuntu
Choose the kernel
Use the arrow key to pick a previous kernel and boot into it, hit enter.

You dont have install media

Open a terminal and type uname -a this will list your current running kernel write it down so you remember it for the next stage 
After that type "sudo synaptic" in Linspire enter your password when prompted {NOTE} If using Ubuntu you must install synaptic
Click on search and type the kernel number that you need ie 4.4 4.10 4.13
Choose your kernel and make sure you include linux-headers, linux-image, linux-image-extras, linux-tools for your kernel

Remove the unwanted kernel

This will remove the broken kernel and drivers, and lets the package manager know that you don’t want it again if you do an update. You should remove the specific broken kernel and it’s headers, don’t remove the super package linux-generic this is the package that Linspire uses to upgrade the kernel and headers when they become available. If you remove it you wont get kernel updates automatically and will have to specifically run apt-get to get them.

Open a terminal

use the kernel numbers from previous step to confirm that the broken kernel has been installed eg if the currently broken kernel was for example; linux-image-4.4.0-generic it should show up in the following command.

dpkg -l | grep linux-image

remove the broken kernel

sudo apt-get purge linux-image-4.4.0-generic

remove its headers too

sudo apt-get purge linux-headers-4.4.0-generic


On reboot you should boot into the previous safe version, hold shift down on boot and confirm that the broken kernel is not a choice in the grub advanced settings. Because we haven’t removed the linux-generic package itself Linspire will still attempt to get a new kernel when one is available.

Karl Roberts