Audio/Video Transport Working Group Agenda Wednesday 10th November 1999, 15:30-17:30 ========================================= - Introduction and status update 10 draft-ietf-avt-fec-08.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtp-format-guidelines-04.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtpsample-05.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mib-07.txt draft-ietf-avt-tones-02.txt - RTP and the audio/video profile 30 draft-ietf-avt-rtp-new-05.txt draft-ietf-avt-profile-new-07.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mime-01.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtcp-bw-00.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtp-interop-02.txt draft-ietf-avt-rtptest-02.txt - A RTCP-based Retransmission Protocol for Unicast RTP Streaming Multimedia draft-podolsky-avt-rtprx-00.txt (Yano) 10 - RTP Payload Format for Real-Time Pointers draft-ietf-avt-pointer-00.txt (Civanlar) 5 - RTP Payload Format for DV Format Video draft-ietf-avt-dv-video-01.txt (Kobayashi) 10 - RTP Payload Format for 12 bits, 20bits and 24 bits DV Audio draft-ietf-avt-dv-audio-00.txt (Kobayashi) 10 - RTP Payload Format for MPEG-2 AAC Streams draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mpeg2aac-01.txt (Kretschmer) 10 - A More Loss-Tolerant RTP Payload Format for MP3 Audio draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mp3-01.txt (Finlayson) 10 - Extension of RTP payload Type for Multiple Program MPEG Transport Stream draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mp2t-00.txt (sent to list) (Liu) 10 - HDTV payload format (Mankin) 5 Thursday 11th November 1999, 09:00-11:30 ======================================== - RTP Payload for text conversation draft-ietf-avt-rtp-text-02.txt (Rytina) 5 - Transport of MPEG-4 draft-ietf-avt-rtp-mpeg4-02.txt (Basso) 5 draft-guillemot-genrtp-01.txt (Christ) 5 draft-jnb-mpeg4av-rtp-00.txt (Kikuchi) 5 Liason statement from MPEG ( draft-singer-rtp-qtfile-01.txt RTCP Discussion 45 - Multiplexing draft-koren-avt-crtp-enhance-00.txt (Thompson) 10 draft-tulai-avt-dynamic-nx64-00.txt (Tulai) 10 Discussion 30 - Charter Bashing 10 The documents mentioned are available from: NOTE to presenters: The purpose of these slots on the AVT schedule is not to present what's in the draft, but to identify what problems were resolved, or what issues still remain open, and to make it clear what action from the working group is requested so we can discuss it. NOTE to attendees: Since the presenters aren't supposed to present their drafts, it follows that the attendees are responsible for having read the drafts already or they may be disappointed! At the Oslo meeting, we had too many brand new drafts to cover so we did not have adequate time for discussion. We'll try to manage that more carefully this time. We also plan to hold a separate design team meeting to discuss transport of MPEG-4. Those who would be interested in attending such a meeting should contact us so we can arrange for a room. This is for those who have been active in the discussion of MPEG-4 and the MPEG-4 payload format - we will report back to the rest of the group during the Thursday session. Colin & Steve