From: Tom Barrett Date: Wed, 18 Aug 93 09:35:58 -0400 To: This is an updated version of /info-mac/sci/fft-in-asm-src.txt * now works for data sets > 64k points * other minor changes for speed improvements * better documentation Thomas Barrett Physics Dept, Ohio State University 18 Aug 93 // ------------------------- cut here ------------------------- This code is a hand-assembled version of the fft routine from Numerical Recipes. See the book for information about how it works. All variable names in comments refer to those in the book. To use this routine: * You must have a math coprocessor. * Use Think C (users of other compilers may be able to adapt it). * Set "Native floating-point format" under "Compiler Settings" in the Options... dialog box. This uses the 12-byte format which the math coprocessor uses internally. void tb_four1(long double *data, long nn, long isign); * Store your data to be processed as an array of 12-byte long doubles. Note that this will take more memory than the 8-byte doubles. Also, the array must be of 'nn' complex numbers, where each complex number is a pair of long doubles. 'data' should therefore be a pointer to an array of 24*nn bytes. * This routine is DESTRUCTIVE. The output data is placed in the space where the input data was. If you still want the input, make a copy and pass the copy to the routine. * In the book Numerical recipes in C, from which this routine is taken, the first element of the array is accessed as data[1]. This is an error! C uses data[0] for the first element of an array. In C, this can be corrected by using data[i-1] and data[i] instead of data[i] and data[i+1] (they always occur in pairs). This routine expects 'data' to be a pointer to the first element of the array. If you are replacing the C version, and compensated for this in the routine that called four1 (like the book suggest), then this is an issue. * 'nn' must be a power of 2 (like 8, 16, 32...). Useable range is between 8 and 128M (2^27 complex numbers). * 'isign' must be 1 or -1, where -1 corresponds to an inverse fft. * See the book for input and output formats. I strongly recommend that, if you have an fft routine already working, you test this to make sure it gives the correct values when placed in your program (always a good idea). It's been used successfully for a couple of months, and it is nearly twice as fast as the C version compiled by Think C 5 with optimizations. Thomas Barrett Physics Dept, Ohio State University Thanks to: Dan Flatin & Pascal Laubin. #define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433 /* ----------------------- tb_four1.c ----------------------------- optimized version of Numerical Recipes' fft routine Thomas Barrett, 1993 written for Think C this routine assumes that data contains 12-byte 6888x-native long doubles also, you must have a math coprocessor to run this routine ------------------------------------------------------------------- register usage: d0 I a0 data[I] fp0 WPR d1 J a1 data[J] fp1 WPI d2 M a2 data[0] fp2 WR d3 loop, MMAX fp3 WI d4 ISTEP fp4 TEMPR \ d5 NN,N fp5 TEMPI \ internal d6 internal fp6 / calculations fp7 / ---------------------------------------------------------------- */ void tb_four1(long double *data, long nn, long isign) { long double twopi = 2.0 * PI * isign; asm 68020, 68881 { movem.l a2/d3-d6,-(sp) fmovem.x fp4-fp7,-(sp) move.l nn,d5 clr.l d3 move.l d5,d3 ; d3 = loop counter move.l #-1,d0 ; i(d0) = -1 movea.l data,a0 suba.l #12,a0 ; pointer to array indexed by 0 movea.l a0,a2 ; a2 = *(data[0]) suba.l #12,a0 ; ------------ re-order values --------------------------------- move.l #1,d1 ; j(d1) = 1 @bits adda.l #24,a0 ; a0 = *(data[i]) addq.l #2,d0 ; i += 2 cmp.l d1,d0 ; cmp j,i bge @nosw ; branch if i(d0) >= j(d1) @swap movea.l a2,a1 move.l d1,d6 ; mulu.l #12,d6 lsl.l #2,d6 ; these four instructions are equivalent to adda.l d6,a1 ; the mulu.l #12 and save a dozen cycles lsl.l #1,d6 adda.l d6,a1 ; a1 = *(data[j]) fmove.x (a0),fp0 ; swap fmove.x (a1),fp1 fmove.x fp1,(a0) fmove.x fp0,(a1) fmove.x 12(a0),fp0 fmove.x 12(a1),fp1 fmove.x fp1,12(a0) fmove.x fp0,12(a1) @nosw move.l d5,d2 ; m(d2) = nn(d5) = #points @jloop cmp.l #2,d2 blt @jrdy ; branch if m(d2) < 2 cmp.l d2,d1 ble @jrdy ; branch if j(d1) <= m(d2) @fixj sub.l d2,d1 ; j -= m lsr.l #1,d2 ; m /= 2 bra @jloop @jrdy add.l d2,d1 ; j += m subq.l #1,d3 bne @bits ; --------------- order is now ready ------------------------- lsl.l #1,d5 ; n(d5) = 2*nn(was d5) = #long doubles move.l #2,d3 ; mmax(d3) = 2 ; -------------------- outer loop ----------------------------- @loop cmp.l d3,d5 ble @done ; branch if n(d5) <= mmax(d3) move.l d3,d4 lsl.l #1,d4 ; istep(d4) = 2*mmax(d3) fmove.x twopi,fp1 fmove.l d3,fp0 fdiv.x fp0,fp1 ; theta(fp1) = 2 pi / mmax(d3) fmove.x fp1,fp0 fmove.w #2,fp2 fdiv.x fp2,fp0 ; fp0 = 1/2 theta fsin.x fp0 fmul.x fp0,fp0 fmul.x fp2,fp0 fneg.x fp0 ; wpr(fp0) = -2 sin^2(1/2 theta) fsin.x fp1 ; wpi(fp1) = sin(theta) fmove.w #1,fp2 ; wr(fp2) = 1 fmove.w #0,fp3 ; wi(fp3) = 0 ; ------------------ inner loops ------------------------- move.l #1,d2 ; m(d2) = 1 @mloop move.l d2,d0 ; i(d0) = m(d2) move.l d0,d6 ; i(d0) movea.l a2,a0 ; mulu.l #12,d6 lsl.l #2,d6 adda.l d6,a0 lsl.l #1,d6 adda.l d6,a0 ; a0 = pointer to 1st i movea.l a0,a1 move.l d3,d6 ; mmax(d3) ; mulu.l #12,d6 lsl.l #2,d6 adda.l d6,a1 lsl.l #1,d6 adda.l d6,a1 ; a1 = pointer to 1st j move.l d4,d6 ; istep(d4) mulu.l #12,d6 ; 12 * istep. pointer increment @iloop move.l d0,d1 add.l d3,d1 ; j(d1) = i(d0) + mmax(d3) ; movea.l a2,a1 ; move.l d1,d6 ; mulu.l #12,d6 ; adda.l d6,a1 ; a1 = *(data[j(d1)]) ; movea.l a2,a0 ; move.l d0,d6 ; mulu.l #12,d6 ; adda.l d6,a0 ; a0 = *(data[i(d0)]) fmove.x (a1),fp4 ; fp4 = data[j] fmove.x fp4,fp7 fmul.x fp2,fp4 fmove.x 12(a1),fp6 ; fp6 = data[j+1] fmove.x fp6,fp5 fmul.x fp3,fp6 fsub.x fp6,fp4 ; tempr(fp4) = wr(fp2)*data[j] - wi(fp3)*data[j+1] fmul.x fp2,fp5 fmul.x fp3,fp7 fadd.x fp7,fp5 ; tempi(fp5) = wr*data[j+1] + wi*data[j] fmove.x (a0),fp6 ; fp6 = data[i] fmove.x fp6,fp7 fadd.x fp4,fp6 fmove.x fp6,(a0) ; data[i] = data[i] + tempr(fp4) fsub.x fp4,fp7 fmove.x fp7,(a1) ; data[j] = data[i] - tempr(fp4) fmove.x 12(a0),fp6 ; fp6 = data[i+1] fmove.x fp6,fp7 fadd.x fp5,fp6 fmove.x fp6,12(a0) ; data[i+1] = data[i+1] + tempi(fp5) fsub.x fp5,fp7 fmove.x fp7,12(a1) ; data[j+1] = data[i+1] - tempi(fp5) adda.l d6,a0 adda.l d6,a1 add.l d4,d0 ; i(d0) += istep(d4) cmp.l d5,d0 ble @iloop ; branch if i(d0) <= n(d5) ; ---------------update wr & wi ------------------------ fmove.x fp2,fp5 ; wtemp(fp5) = wr(fp2) fmove.x fp2,fp6 fmul.x fp0,fp6 fadd.x fp6,fp2 ; wr(fp2) += wr(fp2) * wpr(fp0) fmove.x fp3,fp6 fmul.x fp1,fp6 fsub.x fp6,fp2 ; wr(fp2) -= wi(fp3) * wpi(fp1) fmove.x fp3,fp6 fmul.x fp0,fp6 fadd.x fp6,fp3 ; wi(fp3) += wi(fp3) * wpr(fp0) fmul.x fp1,fp5 fadd.x fp5,fp3 ; wi(fp3) += wtemp(fp5) * wpi(fp1) addq.l #2,d2 ; m(d2) += 2 cmp.l d3,d2 blt @mloop ; branch if m(d2) < mmax(d3) move.l d4,d3 ; mmax(d3) = istep(d4) bra @loop ; -------------------- done ---------------------------- @done fmovem.x (sp)+,fp4-fp7 movem.l (sp)+,a2/d3-d6 } }