A D A Y I N T H E L I F E O F A R N O L D -------------------------------------------------- Game: You are Arnold, an intergalactic service robot. An evil Datamuncher robot has taken over the city, and you are the only one left who gives a damn. You must battle through the city being careful not to enter the dark labyrinth of terror, for if you do, you may never escape. Since you are just a service 'bot you have no armour, and therefore you can only take one hit. Be carefull. -------- Controls: Control is via Kempston, Sinclair or Cursor joysticks. -------- Credits: Written entirely in CRL's 3D Games maker by Steve Lake (stevel@henleymc.ac.uk) way back in 1990, when he was bored. You may copy this freely, as long as this text file remains intact. (c) Hippo Enterprises 1990/1994 All rights reserved. --------- Notes: If you want details of other Hippo Enterprises software, Email me (stevel@henleymc.ac.uk) There is also an ARNOLD poster available in postscript format, which I can also send over Email.