THE SPECTRUM GAMES DATABASE SLIPPERY SID PUBLISHER SilverSoft AUTHOR Steven Godwin YEAR 1982 CATEGORY Arcade DESCRIPTION It's a snake game - eat things, grow longer, don't crash into anything! CONTROLS A - Up, Z - Down, N - Left, M - Right No Joystick Support INSTRUCTIONS Guide Sid the snake around the garden scoffing frogs. Frogs make Sid grow longer, which makes things more dangerous as you mustn't crash into anything - this includes your own body and the walls of the garden! Every time you eat a frog, a new toad enters the garden. Toads are poisonous to Sid, so you must avoid these too. However, every now and then a magic mushroom will grow which, when eaten, will allow you to eat one toad without coming to any harm! Once the garden is cleared of frogs, it's on to the next area. Sid is provided with three lives with which to score as much as he can. INLAY CARD TEXT CHEATS SEQUELS/PREQUELS None. SCORES RECEIVED This was released WAY before any of the mags started reviewing games on a regular basis. URL FTP it from many places (search for SLIPPERY.ZIP), or grab it from GENERAL FACTS One of the best 'snake' style games for the Speccy. Possibly written in compiled BASIC, although I have no proof of this. Slippery Sid is another of those rare beasts - a 16k game! :) There are Four levels, as shown below : ======================== ======================== | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================== ======================== Level 1 Level 2 ======================== ======================== | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | TTTT TTTT | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | ======================== ======================== Level 3 Level 4 The 'T's on the last level are toads. Usually there are no toads when you start the game - once you get this far there are no such luxuries! After level four the game continues with the same screen arrangement as level four, but Sid starts each level slightly longer than he was at the beginning of the previous one. It's not very hard to complete up to about level 8, but after that it starts to get tough! NOTES Playable, fun, small. What else can I say?