____/\ /\_______ __________/\ /\_______ /\________ \___ _\__/ \__ \/ _____/__\__/ \__ _\/ \_ ____/\ .---/ / / /\___ _\/ / \/ // ___/__\/-------------. | // // / /¯¯ / /// // / // / /\ Taurus | | // // / // / // // / // / / / Amiga HQ | `/ /_ / // / / /_ / / / / /----------------' /______ /___/___ /\________/______ /_______ /\_______ / /-----------------. \_____\/\___\__\/ /\_______\_____\/\______\/ /______\/ / A 12oo / o3o | | __\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | /\_\ CoMe AnD See The HoRNeD GoDs _____ 16.8 dS | | \/_/ /\______ / /_____/\_________ | | +46 - 346 - 56897 /\ / \__ \/ / / \_ _____/\ | | // \// \/ // / // /\____\/ | `-------------------------------// \ / // / // / /--------' .------------------------------/______\ / / / / /---------. | MaSTeR oF HuMaNiTY ^ CaTeYe \_______ /\________ /____ / / | `-----------------------------------\_____\/ /\______\/\___\/ / ----[EaZ]-' \/ \/ \/ È -|---------------------------------------------------------------------|- |. _\/_______ ._______/\ +_________. __________ . + | | /\ _ \/ _ \ \ \/ /.oO Dope HoUsE! Oo.| | + / |\ \ | \/ | \ __/\/ | | / |.\ \ | \ / __/ \ FAIRLIGHT SWEDEN HQ | / ___|_/ / | / |____/ \ . | | /__/__________/__________/ | . \__________ \ +46-8-6031041 | |. _________ +________/ |______ +_______\/ . __________ + | | / | \. / _ \ | \/ /___ / SP^eNf/ |/ | \/ | \ | \____ \/ __/\/ + | / _ / | \ | / | \ __/ \ . | / | \ | / / / \ \_______|______\ ________/\_________ /\___________/___________ \ . | . + \/ . . . \/ + . + \/ -|---------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- - ° ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM: ________ _______ ____ _____ _______ / __/ \_ \ | \| _/ / __/ Node 1: +46 (0)554-12133 / ___/__ / \| |Mb/ __/___ Node 2: +46 (0)*PRIVATE* / \_ | / _/| \ | / \_ | USR 16.8 DS 57.6 KBps LOCK / _/ |/ \__ \_ \ |/ _/ | A3000 with PP&S 25MHz 68040 \____\ ___\_____||_____/ |\___|\____\ ___| 1 GIG MAXTOR PHANTOM HD \/ _|____|__ ________\/ ____ _____ _______ \______ \\_ \ | \| _/ / __/ SYSOP: CHUCKY | _|/ / / \| | / __/___ COSYSOPS: CORE | \__ \/ _/| \ | / \_ | SKALMAN | |/ \ \__ \_ \ |/ _/ | JETFIRE |________/____||_____/__|\___|\____\ ___| _ \/ >< - |RADE WORLD HEADQUARTERS 11 Kicking conferences like ELITE, *GRAFFITI*, Hardware, Modules, X-rated One of the BIGGEST Collections of MODULES N' X-rated online. etc etc. REGISTERED /X 3.x USER This file was uploaded to GangBang at 01-Sep-93 23:08:02 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Capture from USRobotics support BBS in France about their new just released V32terbo modems, technical info etc. WELCOME TO EUROPEAN SUPPORT BBS European H.Q. : Courier WorldPort Sportster and BLAST! software -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Date..................: 01/09/93 - Time (Western Europe).: 23:03 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- This BBS runs on a DELL 333P (386DX33 4/80) with 16550 UART 's (USR power port) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- USRobotics Europe Tech Support - 3 most downloaded files. BFAX3_1.LZH Size: 28045 Downloads: 119 Bfax version 3.1 - beta release - PROCR202.LZH Size: 70921 Downloads: 94 OCR software (shareware) - Convert .PCX files into ASCII FAX300.LZH Size: 290932 Downloads: 78 Fax software V3.00 - new install Listing courtesy TOPDOWN1, (c) 1992 Karl Schneider 𸠧 USRobotics Europe Tech Support presents Who Called Today! § § § § ðTodays Totals¸ § § Caller Calling From Baud Calls Time Dls Uls Msgs § ¹Â  SORREL THIERRY 9600 1 1 0 0 0 LAURENT KERCKHOOVE lill 14400 2 3 0 0 0 C MARK JONCKHEERE Paris 2400 1 26 5 0 0 YVES JAMOTTE BRUSSELS BELGIUM 14400 1 15 3 0 0 STEPHEN ADAMS london n16 7nl uk 2400 1 6 0 0 0 N ALBAN BRICARD usr 14400 1 1 0 0 0 DOMINIQUE BRUYERE PARIS 2400 1 12 0 0 0 N FRANZ MOULARD Villeneuve d'Ascq, 14400 4 27 0 1 2 HELMUT LINDEMANN Ahrensburg, Germany 14400 1 4 0 0 0 N KARIM ELSAYED Riyadh, Saudi Arabi 2400 3 21 1 0 1 C BENGT WAHROLEN Stockholm, Sweden 14400 1 5 0 0 0 Activity for 09/01/93 includes 17 call(s) for 2 hour(s) and 1 minute(s). 𸠧 Downloads: 9 Uploads: 1 Messages: 3 New Users: 3 Drop Carriers: 2 § ¹Â  WCToday 3.52 Copyright (c) 1989,92 by Dave Cody and Boardwalk Software -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] The Newsletter has been updated. Would you like to view it? [Y] U.S. ROBOTICS ADDS SEVEN NEW PRODUCTS TO COURIER MODEM LINE; PRODUCTS OFFER 10 NEW FEATURES INCLUDING 21.6 KBPS CONNECT SPEED New Courier Modems Offer Host of New Features Including V.32 terbo, HST Cellular, V.17, Security; Products to Ship September 1, 1993 SKOKIE, Ill. -- August 31, 1993 -- U.S. Robotics, Inc. today announced a major evolution to its Courier modem line; the company will ship new Courier models beginning September 1 that include a battery of new features, most notably the 19.2 Kbps V.32 terbo protocol and U.S. Robotics' proprietary Adaptive Speed Leveling (ASL*) technology, which further boosts speed to 21.6 Kbps. The new features fall into three broad categories: increased data rates, fax enhancements and high-end features. The company is offering an upgrade program for current Courier high-speed modem users, also beginning September 1. U.S. Robotics Among First To Ship V.32 terbo Among the features included in the new modems is V.32 terbo, a new protocol for 19.2 Kbps data transmission developed by AT&T; Courier modems will be among the first shipping products to include V.32 terbo, which delivers a 33 percent increase in speed over the 14.4 Kbps V.32 bis standard. The move to V.32 terbo is in keeping with U.S. Robotics' philosophy of developing modems that support a variety of protocols and provide compatibility with a wide range of modems from other vendors. These products allow Courier customers to take advantage of increased data rates, while still assuring them of a clear upgrade path to the forthcoming V.fast standard. Additionally, the new modems provide Courier customers the added benefit of proprietary technology that boosts connect speed to 21.6 Kbps. Proprietary ASL Increases Speed to 21.6 Kbps; DTE Interface Rate Jumps to 115.2 Kbps The Courier V.32 terbo modems include the company's proprietary Adaptive Speed Leveling (ASL*) protocol, boosting throughput to 21.6 Kbps, a 50 percent increase in speed over the current 14,400 bps V.32 bis standard. This protocol allows users who are connecting two Courier modems to take advantage of the 21.6 Kbps rate; V.42 bis data compression provides an additional increase in throughput. An increased DCE to DTE (modem-to-computer) interface rate of 115,200 bps and faster processorsaccommodate these higher speeds. Courier Modems Still Upgradable to V.fast (ITU-T V.34) The new Courier modems, like the current Courier high-speed models, will be field upgradable to the forthcoming V.fast standard, which will likely be named V.34. Availability will depend on ITU-T progress in finalizing the standard; however, study group approval of V.34 is expected in June, 1994. The standard -Pause- [C]ontinue, [N]onStop, [S]top? [C] will provide data rates of up to 28,800 bps. Dale Walsh, U.S. Robotics vice president, advanced development, and a member of the ITU-T committee developing the V.34 standard, points out that V.32 terbo should not be confused with the V.fast standard. "The V.32 terbo protocol is really an extension of V.32 bis," said Walsh. "In fact, when you compare the processing power necessary to run V.32 terbo and V.34, the processors in V.32 terbo modems are more like the processors used for V.32 bis -- they are certainly not capable of achieving the 28.8 Kbps throughput that will be available with V.34." U.S. Robotics' upgrade to V.34 is performed via a daughterboard swap, which takes a typical user about five minutes. Because the pending V.34 standard requires two to three times the processing power of V.32 bis, both the hardware and software must be upgraded to provide enough power and ensure that there are no hardware bottlenecks that might impede the speed of V.34. Upgrades to New Product Available for Current Courier Users Current Courier users may upgrade to the new models. Pricing will vary depending on the modem model being upgraded. The upgrade program will include both current-model Courier modems, which may be upgraded via a daughterboard swap, as well as older-model Courier modems, which may be exchanged for the new models. Courier 2400 bps modems are not included in the upgrade program. New Courier Enhancements: Fax, Data and High-End Features The full list of features that will be added to the Courier line includes: Data Rate Enhancements: * V.32 terbo Supports data rates of up to 19.2 Kbps. * Adaptive Speed Leveling (ASL*) for 21.6 Kbps throughput Exclusive to U.S. Robotics; proprietary protocol boosting connect speed to 21.6 Kbps * Increased DTE interface rate of 115.2 Kbps * HST Cellular Proprietary protocol for high-speed cellular data transmission Available only in HST Dual Standard Courier models Fax Enhancements: * V.17 14,400 bps fax capabilities * EIA Class 2.0 fax capabilities Standard for fax communications; U.S. Robotics is the first to provide support for EIA 2.0 * Call selection Automatic detection of a fax or data call Feature Enhancements: * Security Dial-back security Link security * V.25 bis Protocol for synchronous dialing U.S. Robotics, Inc., (NASDAQ:USRX), is a leading designer, manufacturer and marketer of data communications systems and products. Both corporate headquarters and manufacturing operations are based in Skokie, Illinois. U.S. Robotics owns and operates U.S. Robotics Ltd. in Slough, England, U.S. Robotics, s.a. in Lille, France and P.N.B., s.a. based in Suresnes, France. The company markets its products to business, industry, government agencies and original equipment manufacturers. Please refer reader inquiries to U.S. Robotics s.a. + All products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective manufacturers. Press [ENTER] to continue? No bulletins have been updated since your last call. Would you like to view the bulletin menu? [N] xxxx, your quote for today is: There's no honorable way to kill, no gentle way to destroy. There is nothing good in war. Except its ending. -- Abraham Lincoln, "The Savage Curtain", stardate 5906.5 You have new personal mail, [R]ead now, [L]ist mail, or [C]ontinue? [L]R Scanning conference 000 - General Mail From : FRANZ MOULARD Number : 186 of 188 To : xxxx xxxxxxx Date : 01/09/93 09:06 Subject : Comment 31/08/93 20:39 Reference : 184 Read : 01/09/93 23:04 Private : NO Conf : 000 - General Mail -> I read in fidonet here in Sweden (in the Swedish HST meeting) about a -> new modem V32Terbo with 19200Bps Full Duplex! I wonder what's ythe -> price to upgrade my 16.8DS/FAX to a modem of this kind.. and if there -> are some kind of sysopdeal for this (i didnt get my modem on a -> sysopdeal) -> -> and then HOW a upgrade should be done.. For the moment, the upgrade policy is still not defined... Stay tuned... sysop Read mode : (UNREAD) (ALL) (186 +) Msg Read, [F]orward, [H]elp, [K]ill, [N]onstop, [Q]uit, [R]eply, [T]hread, [ENTER = next]? Are you sure you wish to logoff? [Y] Thanks for calling xxxx, we hope you have enjoyed your visit to The Intelligent Choice in Data Communications USRobotics Europe Tech Support European H.Q. of the Courier and WorldPort modems and BLAST! software Total time logged was 4 minute(s), with 26 minutes remaining for 01/09/93. Thank you for calling, xxxx. NO CARRIER If you doesn't know the number to the European USR Support BBS it is: +33 20053241 -|---------------------------------------------------------------------|- |. _\/_______ ._______/\ +_________. __________ . + | | /\ _ \/ _ \ \ \/ /.oO Dope HoUsE! Oo.| | + / |\ \ | \/ | \ __/\/ | | / |.\ \ | \ / __/ \ FAIRLIGHT SWEDEN HQ | / ___|_/ / | / |____/ \ . | | /__/__________/__________/ | . \__________ \ +46-8-6031041 | |. _________ +________/ |______ +_______\/ . __________ + | | / | \. / _ \ | \/ /___ / SP^eNf/ |/ | \/ | \ | \____ \/ __/\/ + | / _ / | \ | / | \ __/ \ . | / | \ | / / / \ \_______|______\ ________/\_________ /\___________/___________ \ . | . + \/ . . . \/ + . + \/ -|---------------------------------------------- ---- --- -- - [A¡RaDDer v3.0 By A¡Rcø] · · · . .:...... . . : · . . .......:. . : ________ __ _ _ ¦ : _ _ __ ___ : : _ __ _/ ___ _______________| ¦ _______ ____ _\_ __ _ : ¡: ((_ ¡(_ _\_ __ ___ /| |(____ \ (_ ____// : |: / |/ \_ |/\___ \/\| |/ l \/ _)____ :¡ |: / | ¡ | \ | \ \ :| |: \____|____| |_____ \ |____ \___ \ :| |:: | ¦ \______/ l_ _\¡_____/ \______/ ::| |::. ¦ __:____ ___| _/ _/ |__ .::| |::::.. : (_ ·_ \ (_ | \ (_ __/__ ..::::| !::::::::::... .· / l \/ ! \/ l \ . ...::::::::::! <----------- - - / \ \ \ - - -----------> ¡ +46-346-58697 \_____ \___ \___ \ +46-346-58697¡ `----------------->vnz\______/--\______/--\______/--------------' USR 16.8 DS * A1200/030/25MHz * Amiga Elite 0-1 Days warez! * Asc² Conf [A¡RaDDer v3.1 By A¡Rcø] \  · ···­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­··· ·  \ F A N T A S T I C /  ____/\___ \__ /\ ____/\_____/\_______________ /\/_____/\______/\ / \___ \ \/ \ / \____ \ \ \ \ _ \ / /___/ / / \\ /___/ / / / / / / / / / /___/ / /__/ __/ \\___ \ / ____/ / / / / / / / / / / \__ \\_/ \/ / / / / / / / / / \______\ /\____/______/____/___/\ / \______/__/\ /___/\ / PeYoTe · ···­­\/­­­­­­­­­ \­­­­­­­­­­­­­\/­­­­­­­­­­ /­­­­\/­­­­­­\/­­··· ·  <*> ADDONIC WHQ \ <*> Supports AMIGA,SNES,PC <*> 6-LINE-SYSTEM <*> Sysop: DEVIL/ADDONIC <*> Nearly 800 Users / <*> ISDN-Node! \ /  <­­/\­\/­/\­\/­/\­\/­/\­\/ \\­\/­/\­\/­/\­\/­ /­\/­/\­\/­/\­\/­/\­\/­/\­­>  \ / Line #1 (HST) ........ \..../\....... /........ +49-761-132490 Line #2 (HST) ........ \../ \............... +49-761-133807 Line #3 (DUAL) ........ \/ .. \............. +49-761-133808 Line #4 (ISDN) ......... .... \............ +49-761-1550130 Line #5 (ISDN) ................. \............ +49-761-1550131 Line #6 (HST) .................... \............ +49-761-PRIVATE \ · ···­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­ \­­­­­­­­­­­··· ·  . _________ _________________ ________________________ \ __/ \_/\ __ ¬\____\ __ ¬\· · ·\____¬\____\ __ ¬\ ___/ \__ ¬I¯ / \\/ \__/ \\/ \\:/ / /___/ \\/ \ _)_ O---->/ I __/ \ / / / \ /-ø--/ -- \ / / \ / <------O : /____ I_ I__\__ \_/ |\____ \_/ /:\ \ ___/ |\____ \_/___ : : : ¬\I¬\I ¬\/ ¬\| ¬\/ . . . \/ ¬\| ¬\/[ST]¬\/ : : : : : . __________________ : ( aMICOm/tRSi! ) \ ____ \ __/ \_ [o1] : +49-2o6-fUCK! : · ( gINGEr & tCi ) \_/ | / /_ \ __/ [o2] : +49-2o6-fUCK! · . ([-hhr] & sAITo) / |_|\ \____\ \ [o3] : +49-2o6-fUCK! . . ( jFk & mALZAm ) o-/___|---\__\---|___\-o [o4] : +49-2o6-iSDN! : ( eVIl mINd ) ( gERMAn hEADQUARTERs ) · : . : . : ____ ___________ _________________________ ____________ : : / ¬\_____ _ ¬\ _____¬\ ___/ ¬\___ ¬\/ ________¬\ : o---> |___/ / \\ \ / \ _)_ \ \\ \ _)_ / <----o : \ | ¬\_ / / \ \ / / ¬: / / / \ \ ¬: / / : : \_ __/_ __/\_ \ /_ __/___ : /_/ /\_ \ /___ :_ __/ : : ¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/\/ ¬\/ ¬\/¬\/ ¬\/ ¬\/\/ ¬\/ ¬\/ : : ____ _________ ___ : : / ¬\_ ___/ ¬| ¬| : O-- -- - - - ---/ |___/ _)_ |\ |\----- -- - - -- - --O \ | ¬\_ ¬: | \_| \_ \_ __/___ :___ /_ / ¬\/ ¬\/[ST]\/ ¬\/