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STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Tue May 17 16:31:08 1994 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Hi and bye! This is cUJO writting my last words to the scene. But actualy this scene is not worth writting any last words for. So this text is for the dudes mentioned at the bottom of this file - also for all dudes i met in my scene time not mentioned because i wanted to quit fast. I was in various groups in my scene time and a special greet goes to my last team, SCANDAL!. i look down to the ruins of the thing i loved most concerning computers (the scene) - and its a fucking bullshit to think things can get better, because the (amiga scene mainly) is ruled by 15 years old childs knowing nothing about the things that realy count AND police is fucking us now day by day. The times of the modem scene are nearly over i think, and i realy wish my best to all the sysops who are so brave to stay online, but i think they close the bbs sooner or not-l8er - or get busted, too ! The german police has (I think) won the battle now and Gravenreuth is fucking more people ever in the moment and his branche is in germany nearly the only one which is booming right now. So it aint worth get punished by the law for THIS scene. Please delete my access where ever Cujo has an account. Any other Cujo cruising around are FAKE! Even this TRSI dude.. hehe Bye to this dudes: Silver - Thanks 4 cleaning up my mind and putting me back into reality. It ain't worth, realy. Sorry, I was your wrong choice. You will read this, I know, so see u ! Defjam - I hope we will meet again some day ! Lets have a beer then - and laugh about the past ! Shit, that u got busted - this was for me also big step to the end. Hope you call me sometimes ! rh+ - Hmm friends will be friends also after CUJO died ! The Enemy - A mate i realy like, the best trainermaker ever - and also a dude i count with in the future Strider - Make this security check, my last thing i want you to do. Kyle - Denmark twice was funny ! See u in the Baca someday (I realy hope!) Zoldan - I am realy sorry, but things changed a lot the last weeks, so i will quit and i cant imagine that i will return ever ! Create something new ! Most dudes will join the new group, i think. Gandalf - You are realy a dude worth knowing ! My best wishes 4 the future. Perry - I will visit you sometime (I want to know whos the dude who kicked ass with me like hell) Thanks for the VERY good time we had in PGS and SCL! Vanguard - Huh ? Will u read this ?! I REALY hope so, whats life in Paderborn ? All forgotten ones: Thanks for the good time we had! But bye now! Okay dudes, especialy the cool doodes who formed SCL!: - Dont count with me anymore, because this time its for real ! It was a good time but it WAS ! so its over! I will call some of u the next month ueheh Recognize me as i was... party goes on iF U WANT ! CUJO (right now dead when u are reading this - sure i am a little bit disapointed now) Yep at last a cool astonishing ascii from me ! HI DEFJAM! ueheheh-- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ __ __ ____________________________ / \/ \ / \/ - /\ - \ / s·C·E·N·E-s·U·C·K·S·! \__/ \__/ \cUJO/SCL ORGANIZER QUITS 4EVER!\ \__/ /\ \ rEAD lAST WORDS aND GREETS ! \\__//cu\ \ rELEASED & QUITED 05-18-94 \__/ \ \______________________________________/ @END_FILE_ID.DIZ +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+ ._____.._____.._____.._____.._____..__. .___.______.._____.._____. |÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬||÷¬| |÷ ¬|\__. ¬||÷ . ¬||÷ . ¬| : :__ | | || | || | || | || | || | |___||÷ | || | || | | __:/ /\_\ | | || | || | || | || | || | .___.| | || | || | | /\_\ _\/_/ | | || | || | || | || | || | | ¬|| | || | || | | \/_/ :\ | | || | || | || | || _|__|| | | || | || | || | | : : | |__|| |__|| . || . <| \_ || |__ | || | || |__|| | | : |__. ¬|| | | | || | || | || | ¬|| || | || .>_|| . < | ¬| || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | ¬|| | | | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |^ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |W | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |¿ | | || | | | || | || | || | || || | || | || | |Ð ! ! !! ! ! ! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! !! ! !! ! !! ! !! : | :: : : : :: : :: | :: :: :: : :: : :: : : : :: : : : :: : :: :: :: :: :: :: : : . . . . : : . . . . . . . STARGLIDER ELITE BBS · 5 NODES · AMIGA/SEGA/SNES/PC UPLOAD TIME & DATE : Tue May 17 16:31:08 1994 +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------+