A brief comparison of several object oriented languages ======================================================= Languages -> S o C M S E A L i b + o m i d o m j + d a f a g Comparison u . u l f l of main features l P l l e a | a a a t l n | - s 3 a ' V 6 c l 8 7 a k 2 l s Modularisation nesting of modules + + - - - - + + inheritance + + + + + + - + - multilevel - - - - - - - + inheritance - multiple inh. - - + - + + - + 1) inherit in other - - - - - - - + 2) modules static binding + + - + - - + + of identifiers Classes & Objects + + + + + + - + Coroutines + - - + - - - + Processes - - - + - - + + alien call - - - - - - - + 3) of methods Signals & Exceptions - - - - - - + + 4) Safety safe deallocation i.e. no dangling - - - - - - - + references type checking + + - - - - + + protection of private + - - + - - + + Genericity&Polymorphism types as formal - - - ? - -+ -+ + parameters overloading - - + + ? + + - of operators virtual methods + - + ? + + - + _______________________________________________________________________ In Loglan'82: 1) - multiple inheritance may be obtained from multi-level inheritance and coroutines, 2) - it is possible to inherit a class in a procedure, a function, a process, a coroutine, a block, 3) - alien call is a truly object oriented protocol of executing a method of a callee process in cooperation between a calling and the callee processes, 4) - exceptions are handled with continuations and last will actions.