originally existed for, and is named after, the many contributions and Howto's that have been created and donated back to the community over the last five years. As we transition from SME 6.x to 7.x, many of the contribs have proved to be incompatible with the new version. To help make it clear which contribs work and are still actively being developed, and which don't and aren't, we have created some new pages for Contrib's and Howto's.
Contribs are defined as rpm packaged addons for SME Server that add new functionality.
How To's / Install Scripts
Howto's are step-by-step instructions to add new functionality. Scripts just automate the process.
Archives of Howto's and Contribs (mostly for SME 5.x and 6.x)
Please use the search function to find older contribs and please support the developers that made them and encourage them to update their contribs to work with SME7.
Howto Classification
User's Contrib Directories