---[TY!]----------------------------------------------------------------------- . . _____/|_ _______/\ :. \ _ | \---.____/\____ \_ / \________:_____/\ -poyZ! - - -\/ \| _ \ __ __/-. (____ \ _ \_ _ \________/\ (____| \ \// __/ \_ \____/_) _ | \ _\__ _ \ /______) /__________ / _/ / |____) / / \ : \________/ \/ \_\ /-----' \____ /__________) . \/ \/ * Two Nodes Dial-UP at 33k6/64k-ISDN -+- Four Nodes 24/7 Telnet at 64k-ISDN * [-ahs/dtr/a!/asl/bs! WHQs ˇˇˇ lfc/bk/ryl/lp!/hts/up!/soia/mvp/tql/1oo/ GHQs-] [-0d Amiga/Ascii/Handhelds/N64 ˇ Snes/Psx/Ps2/Mp-3/PC-Classics/Graffiti/Linux-] -+- Zaner/Lightforce -+- Dipswitch/DualCrew-Shining -+- Ninja/Paradox -+- -+- Darkus/Haujobb -+- Hash/Panzerknacker -+- Mool/Aeroholics -+- ------------------------------------------------------------------------[TY!]-- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ Takeover 2000 Results @END_FILE_ID.DIZ Takeover 2000 Preliminary Competition Results Tracked music competition 1. (54 points) "Emotions Within" by Raptor / NosferatU 2. (54 points) Odesay by Med / Condense 3. (40 points) Into the dark by jay and neophite / rbi 4. (34 points) Chronologia by Morphine / RBi Music 5. (29 points) Uchuu Na Tenshi by Ryo-Ohki / Perspective/Tuhb 6. (28 points) Een lief liedje by method / rbi studios 7. (20 points) Piano Overkill by BSE 8. (20 points) beneath by eggbird / green 9. (20 points) World of Lobbies by Bassie / De Brasserie 10. (18 points) Clear Thoughts by Cyrex / Fusion Music Crew 11. (18 points) Irish Eagle by Cosmic Trance / Fusion Music Crew 12. (15 points) Obductions by TranceMaster & Remo / EMP 13. (14 points) Farewell reality by Stanley / Trinity 14. (10 points) spring fields by leopold / unik 15. (10 points) Bite the MiracleMan by Bacter & DNA-Groove / Quasars Tracked house competition 1. (45 points) We're gonna take your town tonight, while tripping on your love and feeling groovy by Spears / De Brasserie 2. (40 points) driven by screes / rbi music 3. (28 points) mixed motions (boring mix) by dynamix / destiny 4. (22 points) club royal by case / ignřrance 5. (18 points) Nation 09 - Continuepolitics by Avalanche / Trinity / Solid 6. (18 points) Eenrichtingrobot (808new ed by Jay / RBi Music 7. (16 points) The Touch by Xam / Revolution 8. (16 points) "Kick Those Clouds (bzk-mix)" by Bezurk / Rewind! Music 9. (16 points) pill-roller by pambe / revolution / kibosh 10. (15 points) keep your hands up by le´ brisc / EMP, terraX, beatmaka.com 11. (13 points) Force by ePiDEMiC / ViRuS->X<- 12. (13 points) the interuptor by icarus / rewind music 13. (10 points) classic takeover by sirius / boombassrecords 14. (10 points) Trance Atlantic part 3 by D. Driessen / Bitloader / TriLogic 15. (8 points) final rebirth by cenix / boombassrecords 16. (8 points) two sides of danube by lenin / rewind music 17. (8 points) Sunshine by bOx / RBi 18. (4 points) Move Your Mind by VirtualDJ, NewBit & Scuoppo / Projects & Feelings 19. (4 points) nightlife (i like to boogie) by counterstrike / rewind music 20. (4 points) Outline by Delerious / Premonition 21. (4 points) Your Love by Scorp[AM] / The Alliance 22. (2 points) Life's a trip by BlackStar / Edge of Panic MP3 competition 1. (46 points) Dance For The Sun by Boor / The Black Lotus (TBL) 2. (32 points) Love Cow by Med / Condense 3. (30 points) Chemical Transmission by Bassie / De Brasserie 4. (20 points) New Day by Jay / RBi Music 5. (20 points) Surprises of life by VIC / NONE 6. (18 points) Chin Chin by G. Hultink / GM Vision 7. (18 points) Intermezzo by bmod / oryx 8. (17 points) H.T. (Trigun Opening Theme) by Ryo-Ohki / Perspective/Tuhb 9. (16 points) Q3-Drum&Bass by Shao-Lee / OtakInc 10. (16 points) nation 10 - Fugitive Needle by Avalanche / Trinity / Solid 11. (14 points) hidden star by sirius / boombassrecords 12. (14 points) The Time Is Right by Daxx909 / Logic 13. (13 points) Via by VirtualDJ, NewBit & Scuoppo / Projects & Feelings 14. (13 points) k.b. 4.10.1994 Stb. 720 by silence / bmp 15. (10 points) hypnotic by prayer / rota 16. (10 points) jolt by dwiiezle / bmp 17. (8 points) Dutch Hospitality by Looman / Definitely Not RBi :) 18. (8 points) Fussball Nation by Heintje Hollandia / De Kameraden 19. (8 points) Point Zero by .. -> hOlo <- .. / Rota 20. (7 points) Attacking Liquid by BetA / SPiET 21. (6 points) Oh-Ninana (Tribute2Nina) by Termite & Xam / San-Tx 22. (3 points) Remixed in Minutes (Prodigy's Made In Minutes remix) by Numtek / Guideline 23. (0 points) dreamers paradise by d-jane 24. (0 points) worldwide_Take0ver by mindcoder / fxteam Animation competition 1. (154 points) Passage by Electo 2. (100 points) Hopjesvla by Lawine / rECTUM cAUDA NL 3. (80 points) Need For Speed "Real Life" by The Mighty One, The Preformer, DJ Da Bro / Lekkertjooo's United 4. (74 points) Exodus by Myst / T3F 5. (62 points) Reality by Rota 6. (48 points) oe ie oe ie by juice / rbi 7. (20 points) ONDER DE WOLKEN by Bemmel / IJSKAST 8. (16 points) Whatsup!? by Lio / Mondo Bizzarro Handdrawn graphics competitions 1. (62 points) cosmo by made / bomb 2. (60 points) vu by nytrik / cocoon 3. (51 points) domme vis by KiNoKo / 2419-studios/Hell NO! 4. (48 points) Your Manual Ray by Noize / Kolor 5. (24 points) Not now, I'm thinking by CpR / 2419-studios/Hell NO! 6. (24 points) Constant by Saffron / The Black Lotus (TBL) 7. (20 points) lafhuisje by Cunnilingus / rECTUM cAUDA nl 8. (20 points) bladjveiser by dlyr / MDR 9. (16 points) shadow play by zthee / vantage / trinity 10. (16 points) Kusanagi by Sheinar and Virago 11. (14 points) Me My Wife And Netmeeting by Mucky / Confine 12. (14 points) CybChika by Daijto / Tanuki Studio/TUHB 13. (12 points) Thumbs up, brotha by Partikle 14. (12 points) Sadness by metHod / RBi 15. (12 points) Fanel_II by Bookie-Chan / Tanuki Studio / TUHB 16. (12 points) glijmiddel doseer automaat by ska / de brasserie 17. (11 points) Sulphur by Magicboy / rbi video 18. (10 points) Transcending inner hatred by Morph / Trinity 19. (10 points) Menacing Destiny by Songkie / Yuusha! 20. (10 points) Ministek Flavour by mSW / Jolly ^ Lekkertjooo's United 21. (10 points) Angel by Jeffrey D. Ching 22. (10 points) de hark van noach by Jeuk / IJSKAST 23. (10 points) we l[o]ve magicboy by screes / rbi video 24. (10 points) torch3 by mirage / domage 25. (9 points) tree of flow by robotriot / skp 26. (8 points) Setting Sun by criMson / RBi 27. (8 points) Surreality & EvE by BuBBha / Virtual Neurality 28. (8 points) DP2 Power by Smoke / ECFH 29. (6 points) pluxity feelings by tomic / unik Raytraced graphics competitions 1. (56 points) Evil Eye by Defiance / ROTA 2. (54 points) Biomechanical Prayer by Necronomicon / NO-x 3. (46 points) Golden Girl 2000 by M4-io / New Order /=\ Tentacle 4. (43 points) EyE say: What's wrong with a clean desk? by ThePriest / VirtualNeurality 5. (40 points) WaterFaery by Lars van Dijk / Xavier / TriLogic 6. (36 points) meta eye by juice / rbi 7. (29 points) guh-ree-treest-bloemmuhtjuh by Avalanche / Trinity / Solid 8. (27 points) Running from fire by Cyclops 9. (26 points) NeoTokyo by Daijto / Tanuki Studio/TUHB 10. (26 points) jaja by peter / pansen 11. (23 points) Molten Cheese by Ryan Geiss 4Kb intro competition 1. (70 points) fytsedyf by snq / aardbei 2. (65 points) zinloos1 by Inopia / Aardbei 3. (50 points) does your 4K need 3D acceleration? by warp / unik Browser demo competition 1. (68 points) Cat version 1.0 by Berzerker / Tentacle / New Order 2. (44 points) unknown direction by screes / rbi video 3. (44 points) No Nonsense by E-Sense / E-Sense 4. (35 points) Megumi's Lesson by Chojin / OtakInc 5. (28 points) Karnov by Mr.Bios / AntiBlur 6. (25 points) No bugs alowed by snowpanther / 1-rum 7. (22 points) cellular shop demo by e-merge-nc design 8. (16 points) cot-shots.js by bastiw of no group and ePiDEMiC of ViRuS->X<- 9. (4 points) Master_PE homepage by Master_PE Surprise coding competition 1. (0 points) soepkip 9 by kontvlokken posse Surprise music competition 1. (0 points) Das hast du mal fruher kunnen sagen machen sollen werden haben kunnen by Daxx909 & Gasbag / D-Coy Surprise graphics competition 1. (5 points) Bob Und Markus Haben Viel Spaß Zusammen! by juice / rbi 2. (4 points) EyE say: Wouldn't you just love to spend the weekends here with your wife, kids and dog. by ThePriest / Virtual Neurality 3. (3 points) is there stillleven? by kombi / IJSKAST 4. (2 points) De Kersentuin by Ali El Kadeem / Jolly 64Kb intro competition 1. (104 points) pluxity by distance tomic warp / tpolm unik 2. (78 points) shortest route by analog44, dipe, flow & rieha / array 3. (78 points) soepkip10 by hatschenflatschkotte+mcRookworschtKotte+kudelstaartKotte+okkieKotte / kontvlokken posse| 4. (75 points) hello by mnemonix and friends / kaleido Demo competition 1. (204 points) VIP2 by Popsy Team 2. (149 points) nowhere by threestate 3. (124 points) This Is by Niakool, Jaylee, Danube, Kacy, Splif, Willbe / ORION 4. (64 points) Phosphor by Jar, Fyzix, Poti, Netpoet / Guilty of Design 5. (53 points) Sinkronized by cypher / Mondo Bizzarro & Image! / Mondo Bizzarro Featuring Image! 6. (50 points) Krypton by The Awakener / Nicowyow / The Third Foundation 7. (48 points) Rewind by Time Traveller / Paranoid Productions : /___________ř_ [%* tHE YARd BBS 2k! *%] ._________________/// ________: ____ ___|_______ ____. / ___\_ |___ ___\ _____ __/_ \ \ _ // _|__ __/_ \ | \ / \ __/_ \/ / \ \___/ ř / \/ / / |_ / \/ / _/ / \ _/ : /_ \_ /____/Ż\_____/ / / /_ \__________/ \______| \_____/_________/ /____/ \_____\_____// \_______| /____________\ŠnUP zANEr^LFC ÷ diPSWiTCH^DCS ÷ hAsH^SOiA ÷ NINjA^PDX ÷ mOOL^AHS ÷ dARkUS^HjB ÷ AEROHOLiCS WHQ ÷ ARCADE WHQ ÷ AEROSOL WHQ ÷ DiSCiPLES OF AGEEMA WHQ ÷ ÷ DREAM THEATRE WHQ ÷ LiGHTFORCE GHQ ÷ BAD KARMA GHQ ÷ ROYAL GHQ ÷ ÷ SOiA GHQ ÷ UP ROUGH GHQ ÷ LOW PROFiLE GHQ ÷ PHUNK GHQ ÷ TEQUiLA GHQ ÷ ÷ SODiUM GHQ ÷ PUNGAS GHQ ÷ OMEN GHQ ÷ 1OO% GHQ ÷ VORTEX GHQ ÷ MVP GHQ ÷ ÷ DAYDREAM/LiNUX DEVELOPMENT TEAM HEADQUATERS/BETA-SiTE ÷ ÷ 2 nODES dIAL-UP 33k6 aND 64k iSDN ÷ 4 nODES tELNET 24h/7 64k iSDN ÷ ÷ 0d aMiGA/aSCii/hANDhELDS/n64 - pSX/sNES/mP3/cLASSiX/liNUX/dRUGS/cHiPtUNES ÷