þ Jumper 1997 Official Results þ Missed compos C-PLUS4 DEMO þ C64 DEMO þ C64 MUSIC þ AMIGA DEMO þ AMIGA 64K PC DEMO COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Angeldust Phase II by Chrome & Astroidea 128 points 2. Phenomena by Contract 108 points 3. Transformation by Black Rainbow 64 points 4. XDemo6 by Nihil /LameOver 59 points PC 64K COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Sleepwalkers by Silicon BRAIN 98 points 2. Sword by Cls 48 points 3. Beginning by Priority 33 points 4. Mix by Gabry /TMTeam 26 points PC 5K COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Dashed by Dinasty 96 points 2. Dr. ™tk by The Smirnoff Squad 53 points 3. Katasztr¢fa 2 by Bivanbi /ABC 46 points 4. The Net by Atomik 35 points PIXEL GFX COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Chrome, Smoke and Fire by Dinasty 76 points 2. Man with a Gun by Immortal Rat 61 points 3. Mimes by dineS 54 points 4. Dob¢ Kata by HP /Micropyle 47 points 5. Thinking about Nothing by Immortal Rat 39 points 6. Survivor by monsiour RAD 23 points 7. Game Over by Cofi /Savage 14 points C64 GFX COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Happy dog by Tr‚fi /Biotech 27 points "SHOP" GFX COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Assign by Edo /Contract 99 points 2. Jungle by Kevin&Trust 68 points 3. Nightfall by Inferno 47 points 4. TestMester 2000 by Kamu 27 points 5. Xmas by Kevin&Trust 18 points 6. Incubation by The Smirnoff Squad 15 points 7. Pillang¢ by L‚gkalap cs 10 points TRACE COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. GFD by Myrel /Contract 68 points 2. Eu_Pots by Kvazar /Euthanasia 41 points 3. Denver by Blaise /Savage 27 points 4. Mariners by Exhumers 25 points 5. The last Damn by Neutron 20 points 6. Sorce of Life by WAD 19 points 7. Forest by Ralph 18 points 8. Metamorph by Bob /Relentless 15 points 9. Cosmic Vision by Rascy /Dilemma 14 points 10. Szarvarz by Bivanbi /ABC 12 points 11. Flying Home by Florez /NOP 11 points 12. Megallo by Chromax /Paranoia Crew 10 points 13. Temple of Children by Flyer /CyberPeas 8 points 14. Survivor by monsiour RAD 5 points 15. Viking Helmet by Qvas /Atomik 2 points MULTICHANNEL MUSIC COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Cristal Precision by Zooley /Contract 57 points 2. A fogatlan kurva lelke by Illegal /Contract 54 points 3. Metal Rapsody by Page 28 points 4. Sadness The Smirnoff Squad 26 points 5. Autumn Memories by SN /Atomik 18 points 6. Fields of Sadness by Towerx /Snowman De 15 points 7. Dream of the Green Boars by Ainu /Crash 14 points 8. Wintersound by D.J Lalu /Cool Trio 13 points Don`t wake up! by Just /FRESH 13 points 10. Eternal Images by Excessive 11 points ??? by HZ /SCN 11 points 12. The Rave Symphony by Judge Brad /Black 7 points 13. Just a symphony of S3M by Judge Brad /Black 6 points 14. Galaxy by ANTi /CyberPeas 3 points 15. Theme From Lotus II by Jump /Autopsy 2 points EXTREME MUSIC COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Mindfuse by Zooley /Contract 48 points 2. Ec-pecc by Kvazar /Euthanasia 41 points 3. GoArmada by Tsc /AstroideabyChrome 30 points 4. Flash by TomasM /303 WaShMaChiNe 16 points Motherfucker by Mr.Hardcore /303washmac 16 points 6. Heat by Anorganik 14 points 7. RollerCoaster by HP /Phutur3 13 points 8. Ipafai Fapipa by ??? 12 points 9. House of Heaven by Angelo /Acid Tracker 10 points 10. Sound of Music by DJ.paul /Cool Trio 9 points Motorcity by Stefi /Acid Trackers 9 points 12. Plug myself in [re-remix] by Anorganik 6 points 13. Euro-House by Atex 5 points 14. Alert! by Moya 3 points 15. Sonic Beam by VJ-HEAD 0 point LAMER DEMO COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. A(z) Piros by Immortal Rat 51 points WILD DEMO COMPO ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1. Quakez‚s...? 12 points ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Party archive @ ftp.scene.org