... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\

            ____((  //______|__   >> the noname brand ascii vandals..
            |    ___        l                 ___
  _____ _________| /_________ ____    ____   _\  \  ______  .__
  \    \     /   |/          \    \__( _ /___\    \/     /__|_/______________
  /___\______\______________\     /____|     /___\  /____\   _\             ))
            |               .\____\    |_____\zz  \/     /__________  ______|
            ¦               |                                     //__|
      .    ... .            |__/
            l                 //
            |____  _/_______ /
                /__/       |/

  - presents a logo collection called

                .___.                 ____\\|  .___.
        .___.  _|   | ## bLIND...     |     |  |   |
        |   |  __   |    __           |     |  |   |
       _|  _|___|   |____\|_________ __________|_  |_  _
       \   \_   /   |         /     \    /     _/  _/  /   /
       /________\   __________\___\      \_______  |
                |___|              \_____/  .   |__|zz
                                      .     |_
                                     _|     _// /   /
                     \     \   \   \\___ _/_|

      " are you BLIND or something, because nonames on top now baby "

                   logo by the artist otherwise known as..

                          __\______ _/______/__
                          .__)     \/      (__.
     _\_____.             |                   |
       \    |___     .___.|         .____     l
        \   | _/__ __| _ |_       __l   /   ___          ____     ___\_
        /___      \    |   \_____(_ |  /____| /__________\_  \____\_  \
           |       \ __|     \_     |    |  |/       /\     ___\     __\
           |________\  |______|     |    |__________/  \    \   \    \
                          |   |     i    |    |         \____\   \____\td&zz
                          |   |__   :    |__  |
                          |   __//       __// |     /
                        __|   |_____ _/__|    |
               (    ( ((____        \/        |__
                          |/                 ____)) )   )
                         /|                  \|
                        / |                   |\
                       /__|_  _____/\______  _|_\
                          |__\\      \    //__|

   " if i had to walk the earth without sight, ide be the illest blind
     bastard to ever touch the mic.. "

           >> Kayozz of the noname  vandals here, with my second
              noname colly  for pack twelve.  Noname  is back in
              business and ready to take the scene on head first
              mad-thanks to my leader cain(karachi)   for giving
              me the  chance to  show my skills under the noname
              label, also big-ups to my buddy kresile for always
              being there..  mad-greets to mankind, biogen, arl,
              merlin, dataflow, and  props the the  remorse 1981
              crew for  keeping the  scene   together, also I am
              not  really taking requests, unless i like you, so
              please stop asking so much, but i am up for taking
              trades with people so email me kayozz@hempseed.com

        _   _\_____________/\  _______:_
              \              \/       | ::   Õ b l i n d ¸ .____.
 _     _____.  \    ______.     __    | ::   _______       |    |    _
 \\  ((     |___\__\\     |_____\|____|_____(      / ______|_   |_  //
       \    |/    /       |          _/      \     \/       /   _/
       /__________\__________________\_____\________\_________  |
                   \                  | ::kresidentialNON+EP65__|
                    \     /\          | ::
                     \___/  \  _______| ::
                             \/         ::

       " once again, noname is back on top, and were here to stay "

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  i n d e x  ¸
            .    \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______     .
                 /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              . /___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \   .
              _\___ \/ __ |__  \ \/ _____ /___/___\  ____\_/_
              ._)            )_| noname endorsed.. \/     (_. ...
              |                                             | : :
              |  01..event horizon   06..automsg            ¦ :.:
              |  02..gradius         07..iniq               .
              |  03..two             08..cyberia            l ...
              ¦  04..minder          09..martz              | :.:
              .  05..mjay                                   |
              l                                             | :.:
              |__                                         __|
                /_____ _/____________________/\  _________\   ...
                      \/                       \//

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| e v e n t  h o r i\/z o n \

          .                           .
          .                           l                                     .  .          l  e·v·e·n·t h·o·r·i·z·o·n  |  .___.
 .__      |      _______ .__          |  |   | __.
_|_/_____________\_    /_|_/____________ |   |_\ |__                        .__.\ _/         \    |   /   _\            \|   \    _/                        |  |/____________/________\________________\     /    |                         .__.          |          _____              \____\    |                         |  |          :    ______|   )) ___         ____|_    |  ____ ___.   ___        |  |         \|    \     |   |__\ |_________\    /    |__|_ /_\  ))__\ |_______ |  |          |\    \        |   \|     \    ____\     /  _/          \|   |   \|  |         _:_\   /____|   |__________/____|  |______\___________________|__\    |         \:          |___|            .              kayozz // noname      \___|          |\                          :
          |/                          |__ _    _
         /|                           __/ //  //
         \|                           |
          |\_________ _/______________|
          |/         \/

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| g r a d i u s     \/      \

                              ((             |
                  _____ _/_____|         _\_____      kayozz // noname
                  |    \/                 _)   |  ________
            ____  |  ______       ____    \    |    _    /   .______
    ________\_ /.____\    /_______\_ /_____\_  |____\\__/____|     /__
    \       _/__l    _____\         / ))   _/  _/        /   |    / _/____
    /       \   |____|    /___________|______  \_________\________\___    \
   /___ _/___\ >> gR4D1U5...  +o konami     |___\    /____           /    /
       \/         .                                      |__   _    /_____\
                  |                                      __// //
                  |________ _  _               /\        |
                        //__ ___ __    _______/  \  _____))
                                   \\//           \/

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| t w o             \/      \

            /\     ..__[ two bulletin board system v1.0 ]_____________________.. .____.   __/\__   ||                                                         ||_|    |_  \ oO /   ||  ____                                                   ||\_    _/___\  /________| _/_______/_                                          || |    |     \/          |/       /                                            || |____|_____  __________________/                                             ||          zz\/     ..                                                         ||                   ||                                                         ||                   ||                                                         ||                   ||                                                         ||                   ||_________________________________________________________||                   ``                                                         ''

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| m i n d e r       \/      \

                           .                                 .
                            \                               /
      __/\__                 \                             /
      \ oO /                __\                           /__
      /_  _\                \|              .___.          |/
        \/                   |\             |   |         /|
             ._______    _ __|_\            |   |        /_|__ _
          ___|      /  _     |   ___/\_.    |   |    .__   |        _______
         _\  |     /___\\________\     \____|_  |____|_/____________\     /
         \  \_/   /         |     \    /    _/  __/   _\        ))   ____/
         /___|____\_________|___\     _\______  |_______________|____|zz
                             .   \___/       (__)          |
                             |                             |
                             |                             ))
                             |                    /\       |
                             |________ _/________/  \  ____|
                                      \/             \/

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| m j a y           \/      \

                            .                   .
                          /_._                /_._
                           _|_\                _|_\
                          /_|_                /_|_
                            |/                  |/
                  ____     /|         ____     /|___.    ______
                 _\   \  ______/______\_ /_______\_ /____\    /
                 \     \/     /        /__\       _/ /   /  _/
                 /____\  /____\________\  /__________\ __   |
                 +++-- \/ -[ midnight judge ]----++ |   |   |
                            ·                   ·   |   |   |
                      _   __|                   |   |   '   |
                      \\ \\__                   |   |_______|zz
                            |                   |__   _
                            l                   __// //
                            |____   ______/\____|
                                 \\/       '\

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| a u t o m s g     \/      \

 ## two automessager ##
        ____    _______ ___       .__      ____    _____ __         ___
_|______|_ /.___\_   _/_\ |______ | /______\   \  /    |/_/_______./ _/________
 |          l    |   \_     _/    |/      |     \/_____|\___    ___\_\_       /
 |______/---|_________|_____|_____________|____\/          |____|   . |______/
   .  the author of this automessage is ~UN                         |.
   |.                                                               ||
   ||                                                               ||
   ||                                                               ''

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| i n i q           \/      \
                     l                  kayozz // noname
                 _   |      ._____  _        .____
              ___\\________ (    /__\\_______|  _/___
              \       /    \|   /         /    (/    \
              [ i.n.i.q.u.i.t.y ] --                \\
                    _|_ _                            ..

             <comatose_> what is that a drill =]
             <kayozz-> sorta, something elite
             <comatose_> hah
             <comatose_> iniquity on a stick

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| c y b e r i a     \/      \

             _ _\ ___________
              .__)          //____________/_ _
              |                          (__.      kayozz // noname
    __.       |   ___________     .__       |    ______   _          ___.
   / _/___________|    //   /_____|_/_________.__\    /___\\_________\_ |__
   \_\        /   |   _\     _   \_/         //  _____\        /       /  /
     /__   ___\___    |____  /___/___________|____|  |________/___________\
        \\/   .  /    |    \/               |
              | /_____|                     ¦
              |                             l
              |                             |
              |__                         __|
                /_________________________\ _

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| m a r t z         \/      \
                                 ___\ //_____
                        ___    ((    /      //
                   ____\\ ///___|           |______________
        ____       |                                      /.
        \   \      |      ___        _______        ___. / |
        _\   \  _________(  |________\     /________\_ |________
        \     \/     /    _    /.    ______\    /     _/    ___//
        /____\  /____\    |_____l____|    \_   /____________\
              \/   . /____|                |  / kayozz // noname
                  _|_                      | /             .
                  \|/                     _|/              |
                   l                     //|        ___.   |
                   |____    __________ __  : ___ ___\  |___|__ __
                      //__\\\              .               |

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| m e r l i n       \/      \

                            .              .
                            .              .
                            | m. e r l i n |
              __  __  .__   |  _.________  | _         _____
           \ _\ \/ /__|_/_______|   /  _/____\\________\    /
            \   \/   / _\    /   ___\  |   /      \\   \\  /_
            /___||___\_______\___| |________\_____/___\_____/_
                            .              . zztickNONAME  /
                            |             _l_ _
                         _ _l_            ___ _
                         _ ___             |
                           _|_            _|_
                           \|/_____ _/____\|/
                         __\\      \/      //__

                 ______   .____. __    Õ  b l i n d ¸
                 \    /___|    |(__)__     ____    ______
              ._ /    _   /   _\     /____/   /____\    / to
              |//___  /___\   \|\  __(____\   \   _ \   \ _.
              /     \/    |__  \ \/       /___/___\  ____\\|
             /| logo says    )_| m e r l i n       \/      \

                             .               .
                             .               .
                             :               :
                       ______|  shroom city  |______
         ___    _____  |   ______                  |__
        / _/____\   |______\    /___/\____________\\  \  /\\__
        \____   /___        ____\ _           _   )    \/    //
          \____/   |________|_____/___________/___|___\  /___|
                   ___ |       _ /     ___   / _____   \/
                 _/ _/_________\\______\ |_____|    ))
                 \___                       \_ |  _/
                    l_______________/\_____/   i  \.
                    _\_|                \ \\   :  //_/_
                      \|                   /______\|/
                       |            /\             |
                      _|       _____/\_____        |_
                      \________\_        _/_________/
                                 \      /zztickNONAME
                                  \    /

## the noname ascii vandals present ...
          .__        _____    ___  ___         _
___ ______| /_______ |   /____\_|__\  \  _____|/______
|  \   /  |/   |    \|   \     /  /    \/   / _\     ))
|_\    \_______|__\______/________\___\  /__\________|zz
   \____\ -  n o n a m e  a s c i i  - \/
                 ._\  B¸L¸I¸N¸D  /_.
                 |                 |
               __|    __.    ___   | __
             ./ /____/  | ___\_ \____\ \.
             l  _       |/    /      _  |
                 . logo collection .
                 | by kayozz(non.) |
                 |_               _|

 kayozz  second logo   collection for  the noname crew
 entitled blind. by the people, for the goddamn people
 dont fuck with us,  were back on top, and here to say

  Õ credits and thanks..

    i would like to thank a couple people for the production of this
    colly, first off, i would like to thank Kresile for the nice logo
    he draw up top, also thanks to Merlin for the header i used above
    the logos. Word up to volatile for the "blnd" part of the file_id
    props to the remorse 1981 crew.. peace out.


      ... where graff began +++
        _______       ______      ___
     ___\     /____   \\   /______\ /_____     tHE yARD
     \\___  ______/___/\  ___  \\   _____/____
      //    |/       / /\   /  /\  ___|/     /
   ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> >

                   /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\
               /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\
           [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ]

                           ____|---/-  ___        ___        ___
   ------------.        ___\   |  /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____
       .--------'       \\  \  | ___\\_____    \\_____    \\_____    \
       -----------\------\__ \ | \  /     /__  /\    /____/\/_____\'cls
                    \      \|  \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+
   +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\       gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998

                     /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\
     * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN *
                           /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb  /\