... where graff began +++ _______ ______ ___ ___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD \\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____ // |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ / ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> > /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\ /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\ [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ] ____|---/- ___ ___ ___ ------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____ .--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \ -----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls \ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+ +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998 /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\ * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN * /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\ ___ ____(( //______|__ >> the noname brand ascii vandals.. | ___ l ___ _____ _________| /_________ ____ ____ _\ \ ______ .__ \ \ / |/ \ \__( _ /___\ \/ /__|_/______________ /___\______\______________\ /____| /___\ /____\ _\ )) | .\____\ |_____\zz \/ /__________ ______| ¦ | //__| . ... . |__/ l // |____ _/_______ / /__/ |/ - presents a logo collection called __ .___. ____\\| .___. .___. _| | ## bLIND... | | | | | | __ | __ | | | | _| _|___| |____\|_________ __________|_ |_ _ \ \_ / | / \ / _/ _/ / / /________\ __________\___\ \_______ | |___| \_____/ . |__|zz . |_ _| _// / / \ \ \ \\___ _/_| \/ " are you BLIND or something, because nonames on top now baby " logo by the artist otherwise known as.. __\______ _/______/__ .__) \/ (__. _\_____. | | \ |___ .___.| .____ l \ | _/__ __| _ |_ __l / ___ ____ ___\_ /___ \ | \_____(_ | /____| /__________\_ \____\_ \ | \ __| \_ | | |/ /\ ___\ __\ |________\ |______| | |__________/ \ \ \ \ | | i | | \____\ \____\td&zz | |__ : |__ | | __// __// | / __| |_____ _/__| | ( ( ((____ \/ |__ |/ ____)) ) ) /| \| / | |\ /__|_ _____/\______ _|_\ |__\\ \ //__| " if i had to walk the earth without sight, ide be the illest blind bastard to ever touch the mic.. " >> Kayozz of the noname vandals here, with my second noname colly for pack twelve. Noname is back in business and ready to take the scene on head first mad-thanks to my leader cain(karachi) for giving me the chance to show my skills under the noname label, also big-ups to my buddy kresile for always being there.. mad-greets to mankind, biogen, arl, merlin, dataflow, and props the the remorse 1981 crew for keeping the scene together, also I am not really taking requests, unless i like you, so please stop asking so much, but i am up for taking trades with people so email me kayozz@hempseed.com _ _\_____________/\ _______:_ \ \/ | :: Õ b l i n d ¸ .____. _ _____. \ ______. __ | :: _______ | | _ \\ (( |___\__\\ |_____\|____|_____( / ______|_ |_ // \ |/ / | _/ \ \/ / _/ /__________\__________________\_____\________\_________ | \ | ::kresidentialNON+EP65__| \ /\ | :: \___/ \ _______| :: \/ :: :: " once again, noname is back on top, and were here to stay " ______ .____. __ Õ i n d e x ¸ . \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ . / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to . /___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ . _\___ \/ __ |__ \ \/ _____ /___/___\ ____\_/_ ._) )_| noname endorsed.. \/ (_. ... | | : : | 01..event horizon 06..automsg ¦ :.: | 02..gradius 07..iniq . | 03..two 08..cyberia l ... ¦ 04..minder 09..martz | :.: . 05..mjay | l | :.: |__ __| /_____ _/____________________/\ _________\ ... \/ \// ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| e v e n t h o r i\/z o n \ l . . . l . . l e·v·e·n·t h·o·r·i·z·o·n | .___. .__ | _______ .__ | | | __. _|_/_____________\_ /_|_/____________ | |_\ |__ .__.\ _/ \ | / _\ \| \ _/ | |/____________/________\________________\ / | .__. | _____ \____\ | | | : ______| )) ___ ____|_ | ____ ___. ___ | | \| \ | |__\ |_________\ / |__|_ /_\ ))__\ |_______ | | |\ \ | \| \ ____\ / _/ \| | \| | _:_\ /____| |__________/____| |______\___________________|__\ | \: |___| . kayozz // noname \___| |\ : |/ |__ _ _ /| __/ // // \| | |\_________ _/______________| |/ \/ : ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| g r a d i u s \/ \ l _______________ (( | _____ _/_____| _\_____ kayozz // noname | \/ _) | ________ ____ | ______ ____ \ | _ / .______ ________\_ /.____\ /_______\_ /_____\_ |____\\__/____| /__ \ _/__l _____\ / )) _/ _/ / | / _/____ / \ |____| /___________|______ \_________\________\___ \ /___ _/___\ >> gR4D1U5... +o konami |___\ /____ / / \/ . |__ _ /_____\ | __// // |________ _ _ /\ | //__ ___ __ _______/ \ _____)) \\// \/ ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| t w o \/ \ l /\ ..__[ two bulletin board system v1.0 ]_____________________.. .____. __/\__ || ||_| |_ \ oO / || ____ ||\_ _/___\ /________| _/_______/_ || | | \/ |/ / || |____|_____ __________________/ || zz\/ .. || || || || || || || ||_________________________________________________________|| `` '' ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| m i n d e r \/ \ l . . \ / __/\__ \ / \ oO / __\ /__ /_ _\ \| .___. |/ \/ |\ | | /| ._______ _ __|_\ | | /_|__ _ ___| / _ | ___/\_. | | .__ | _______ _\ | /___\\________\ \____|_ |____|_/____________\ / \ \_/ / | \ / _/ __/ _\ )) ____/ /___|____\_________|___\ _\______ |_______________|____|zz . \___/ (__) | | | | )) | /\ | |________ _/________/ \ ____| \/ \/ ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| m j a y \/ \ l . . /_._ /_._ _|_\ _|_\ /_|_ /_|_ |/ |/ ____ /| ____ /|___. ______ _\ \ ______/______\_ /_______\_ /____\ / \ \/ / /__\ _/ / / _/ /____\ /____\________\ /__________\ __ | +++-- \/ -[ midnight judge ]----++ | | | · · | | | _ __| | | ' | \\ \\__ | |_______|zz | |__ _ l __// // |____ ______/\____| \\/ '\ ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| a u t o m s g \/ \ l ## two automessager ## ____ _______ ___ .__ ____ _____ __ ___ _|______|_ /.___\_ _/_\ |______ | /______\ \ / |/_/_______./ _/________ | l | \_ _/ |/ | \/_____|\___ ___\_\_ / |______/---|_________|_____|_____________|____\/ |____| . |______/ . the author of this automessage is ~UN |. |. || || || || '' `` ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| i n i q \/ \ l . . l kayozz // noname _ | ._____ _ .____ ___\\________ ( /__\\_______| _/___ \ / \| / / (/ \ /_______\___\_____\_________\________\\/ [ i.n.i.q.u.i.t.y ] -- \\ _|_ _ .. (_|_ _|_) (_|_ _|/ \|_ |/ / . <comatose_> what is that a drill =] <kayozz-> sorta, something elite <comatose_> hah <comatose_> iniquity on a stick ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| c y b e r i a \/ \ l _ _\ ___________ .__) //____________/_ _ | (__. kayozz // noname __. | ___________ .__ | ______ _ ___. / _/___________| // /_____|_/_________.__\ /___\\_________\_ |__ \_\ / | _\ _ \_/ // _____\ / / / /__ ___\___ |____ /___/___________|____| |________/___________\ \\/ . / | \/ | | /_____| ¦ | l | | |__ __| /_________________________\ _ \ ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| m a r t z \/ \ l ___ ___\ //_____ ___ (( / // ____\\ ///___| |______________ ____ | /. \ \ | ___ _______ ___. / | _\ \ _________( |________\ /________\_ |________ \ \/ / _ /. ______\ / _/ ___// /____\ /____\ |_____l____| \_ /____________\ \/ . /____| | / kayozz // noname _|_ | / . \|/ _|/ | l //| ___. | |____ __________ __ : ___ ___\ |___|__ __ //__\\\ . | l . ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| m e r l i n \/ \ . . . . | m. e r l i n | __ __ .__ | _.________ | _ _____ \ _\ \/ /__|_/_______| / _/____\\________\ / \ \/ / _\ / ___\ | / \\ \\ /_ /___||___\_______\___| |________\_____/___\_____/_ . . zztickNONAME / | _l_ _ _ _l_ ___ _ _ ___ | _|_ _|_ \|/_____ _/____\|/ __\\ \/ //__ ______ .____. __ Õ b l i n d ¸ \ /___| |(__)__ ____ ______ ._ / _ / _\ /____/ /____\ / to |//___ /___\ \|\ __(____\ \ _ \ \ _. / \/ |__ \ \/ /___/___\ ____\\| /| logo says )_| m e r l i n \/ \ . . . . : : ______| shroom city |______ ___ _____ | ______ |__ / _/____\ |______\ /___/\____________\\ \ /\\__ \____ /___ ____\ _ _ ) \/ // \____/ |________|_____/___________/___|___\ /___| ___ | _ / ___ / _____ \/ _/ _/_________\\______\ |_____| )) \___ \_ | _/ l_______________/\_____/ i \. _\_| \ \\ : //_/_ \| /______\|/ | /\ | _| _____/\_____ |_ \________\_ _/_________/ \ /zztickNONAME \ / \/\/ @BEGIN FILE_ID.DIZ ## the noname ascii vandals present ... .__ _____ ___ ___ _ ___ ______| /_______ | /____\_|__\ \ _____|/______ | \ / |/ | \| \ / / \/ / _\ )) |_\ \_______|__\______/________\___\ /__\________|zz \____\ - n o n a m e a s c i i - \/ _\_______________/_ ._\ B¸L¸I¸N¸D /_. | | __| __. ___ | __ ./ /____/ | ___\_ \____\ \. l _ |/ / _ | vol|__\________/___/_______/__|pnk . logo collection . | by kayozz(non.) | |_ _| /_______________\ kayozz second logo collection for the noname crew entitled blind. by the people, for the goddamn people dont fuck with us, were back on top, and here to say @END FILE_ID.DIZ Õ credits and thanks.. i would like to thank a couple people for the production of this colly, first off, i would like to thank Kresile for the nice logo he draw up top, also thanks to Merlin for the header i used above the logos. Word up to volatile for the "blnd" part of the file_id props to the remorse 1981 crew.. peace out. zzNONAMEASCII98 ... where graff began +++ _______ ______ ___ ___\ /____ \\ /______\ /_____ tHE yARD \\___ ______/___/\ ___ \\ _____/____ // |/ / /\ / /\ ___|/ / ?--\-----._________/----/____\\----._____/------------>> > /\ 1x 36k6 /\ 2x iSDN /\ 3x tELNET /\ /\ aNSI'n'aSCII /\ gRAFFITI /\ bbS mODDING /\ [ DKB uNIVERSE HQ ][ SOIA gERMAN HQ ][ WX wORLD HQ ] ____|---/- ___ ___ ___ ------------. ___\ | /____\ /________\ /________\ /_____ .--------' \\ \ | ___\\_____ \\_____ \\_____ \ -----------\------\__ \ | \ / /__ /\ /____/\/_____\'cls \ \| \|\/-------|_____\---|____\------------\---+ +op sANE2^dKB^sOiA\______________\ gRAFFITI fOR tHE pLANET 1998 /\ tELNET tO * theyard.dyn.ml.org /\ * rINGDOWN * sLOT.1/2/3.+49.221.9348812 (36k6/2xiSDN) * rINGDOWN * /\ jOiN iRC oN * #dkb /\