·this file passed·
                        _ _____        ___   ______
                               )_  __ _| (___) _  )_
                              __/__) (_    |   |___/
                       _ ___  |   |___|    |__
                         c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _
                     ____       ____      _____      ____
                  ___\  (_   ___\  (_   __\_  (_   __\  (_
                 _) _/   /___)  _   /___) _/   /___)   _ /__
                /   \      /    \_    /   \      /     /   /
                \___       \_____/    \____\     \___  \   \
                  \ ________\   /______\    \ ____\ \_______\
                   \/      <(·tHE YARd·)>    \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY!
     [·aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·cLASSiC gAMES·]
         [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·]
      [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23 ·]
           [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·]
     [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·]
     [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·]
                       [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·]

 few shitty boards may be listed up here..                                  pH

                                     sunny day.
                                 .   /
                                  __ \/
                                  \/ //
                             _  °/   .
                             \  /    ·
                           /\:   ·
                          ·  \__/
                              \/ .
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                                    ._\__  . /
                                  .    \/  :/°
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                          ·   °/ .     /
                           \__/_      °
                           . \ :
                              \°   ·
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                            \//±\ .  _
                                 \: /
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                              __/  \//
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                             ./\__/  \:
                             :  \/   °\__
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                                    \/ .
                                  ° /\
                                \/   ·
                                \/ .
                                 \    ±
                        /\_       ·
                     __/                              __
                     _\  i diD tHiS kOllY sO qUiCklY  / ·
                     :   aFtER tHAt pREViOUS, 'cAUSE /_/
                     .   i hAd  aN  iNNER  nECESSitY  /
                         tO  dO  sOMEtHiNG aRtiStiC. ·

                         tHiS iS alSO A  oPENiNG  tO
                         mY  nEW  StYLE.   i   dUnNO
                         wHAt'S yOUR  oPiNiON  AbOUt
                       · it, bUt i tHiNk it'S NiCE..
                       . aNd  sOMEtHiNG  nEW  fOR  A
                       . cHANGE Of cOURSE.. :)       ·
                       :                             .
                       . aNd,  i'm  tRYiNG  tO  fiNd :  /\
                       : A  qUAlitY   gROUP,   wHOSE __/ _\
                      /| lAbEl'S UNdER i cOUlD  mAkE.\/
                   __/ l tHESE pAkkS fURtHERmORE..  | \
                   \/\ `-pH-------------------------' _\



        · ___________________________________________________________ ·
         \                                                           /
   _______\_____._______ ______________ ____________ ___________ ___/______
pH_\____       /       /_______      _/_____       /___________/__   __  _/____
_/     /______/   _   /       /  _\        /  __  /       /      /___\        /
\__________\ /____/__________//___________/___|/_________/______//___________/

                    -·iNtROdUCES aN aSKii kOllAgE kAllEd·-

" ________    ___________  _________    __________   ___________     ·
_\\      /___\\   _     /_\\_  ____/___\\_   _  _/__\\   _     /____/
\     __/    _/__ /____/    /_______     /___\        /  /____/    /
 \____\         /_______._ /_________._ //________._ /_________._ /pH°
       \____._ /         \/           \/           \/           \/
  _________  \/_________   _______.   _______.      __________ ____________   "
_\\   ____/__\\__     _/__\\      |__\\____  |_____\\_   _  _/________    /____
\  \_______     /  _\      /      |       /  |       /___\        /|/    /    /
 \__________._ /_______._ //_____\_/__._ /__\_/__._ //________._ //_______._ /
             \/         \/             \/         \/           \/          \/

              __/                                           _
              /| sUMMER iS  uSUAllY  oNE  oF  tHE  bESt  sEASONS|  °
             · : iN yEAr, yOU pHUk yAR (oR sOMEoNE elSE's) gIRl,:_/
               ¦ dRiNk  sOME  bOOZe,  aND   hAVE   sOME   fUN...\/
                 tHERE's nO sCHOOl,  aND eVERYtHiNg gOES wEll...
                 iN fACt,  iT's   jUSt  sPRiNg  At  tHE  mOMENt, /\
               · bUt i hAd  tO  dO  tHiS   bEfORE   OtHERs,  tHA/ _\·
               : rEAl sUMMEr kOllY iS kOMiNG uP, bUt tHiS iS sUm .
            /\_| fOREtAStE Of tHAt...                         /  |
           /_· `-pH------------------------------------------/---'

                              -·nOW tHE iNdEkS·-


            _,________________________/                    |    /\
             |    ___                                      :   ·  \
             |   (__/\              ________             .________ \
             |  _\__\/._____        \       )      _ ____|       /  \
             : /      |    /_______ _\      |_________   |      /    \
          /)  /       |    _      /  (\     |  __    /   |     /_    /
         /   /        |____|)    /____     _|  \____/__  _      \  (/
        /   /         |    l____/    )_____\ ___      /__|       \
       /   (__________|                        )______|  l________\
       \     .                                             .
        \  Ó |                               ______________| rS!
         \/  |______________________________/
             nO°·    nAmE°·             tO°·
             -·oo1·- -·  bIRdlANd         nEEmO           ·-
             -·oo2·- -·  bUllS            ?               ·-
             -·oo3·- -·  c64              mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·oo4·- -·  gbP    - diz     gREEn bUddHA    ·-
             -·oo5·- -·  kESAe            yOU?            ·-
             -·oo6·- -·  lOgOff           tROOpER         ·-
             -·oo7·- -·  mAGik nOdE       cONrAd          ·-
             -·oo8·- -·  pUBliC dOmAin    mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·oo9·- -·  tERRitORiAl ..   Ob flEUr        ·-
             -·o1o·- -·  tEXtS            mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o11·- -·  tHE cHAOs        tROOpER         ·-
             -·o12·- -·  tROOpER          tROOpER         ·-
             -·o13·- -·  (tHE)rEAl(trds.) tRt mEmbAz      ·-
             -·o14·- -·  tRt    - diz     tRt mEmbAz      ·-
             -·o15·- -·  3*tUl  - diz     cONrAd          ·-
             -·o16·- -·  vOyAGE           ?               ·-
             -·o17·- -·  cOmPO            mICe            ·- w/ new style
             -·o18·- -·  cONfS            bYrOn           ·- w/ new style
             -·o19·- -·  dOOrS            bYrOn           ·- w/ new style
             -·o2o·- -·  fAlCOn           fAlC0n          ·- w/ new style
             -·o21·- -·  hAzARd - diz     mICe            ·-
             -·o22·- -·  pCbOARd          pREdAtOR        ·- w/ new style
             -·o23·- -·  sElECt           pREdAtOR        ·- w/ new style
             -·o24·- -·  Ul oNl.o-5d wrZ  pREdAtOR        ·- w/ new style
             -·o25·- -·  zOUnAlfA         jORdEll?        ·- w/ new style
             -·o26·- -·  dARkSidE         hASh            ·- w/ new style
             -·o27·- -·  hORnAntUUttI     pHAnE           ·- w/ new style
             -·o28·- -·  kANiStERi        nEEmO           ·- w/ new style
             -·o29·- -·  kANiStERi        nEEmO           ·-
             -·o3o·- -·  lINtUmAA         nEEmO           ·- w/ new style
             -·o31·- -·  tEHdAS           tEHdAS cREW.    ·- w/ new style
             -·o32·- -·  tHA hOUSE        hASh            ·- w/ new style
             -·o33·- -·  iCEzOnE          mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o34·- -·  jANiNA fROStEll  yOU?            ·- w/ new style
             -·o35·- -·  kAnGArOO cOURt   cOREY           ·- w/ new style
             -·o36·- -·  lAmER            mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o37·- -·  lOCAtE           mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o38·- -·  nUkER            mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o39·- -·  qWk-mAil         mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o4o·- -·  sCAN mSGbASE     mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o41·- -·  ZiPPYsEArCH      mYSElf          ·- w/ new style
             -·o42·- -·  fd!              siN fAmE        ·- w/ new style


¯ birdland ¯ for neemo - eri raamit

   _ ________ _ __________ _ ________ _ ____________   _ _________ _ ______ _
    \:       __\\____    /__\\______//__\ ______   /__._\\____  _//__.    :/
     |   _ _/       /  _/  /_          /_ |      _/  /_    __/      /_ _  |
     |    \\________)       /___________/_|           /_             //   |
     :           l_________/pH!           l__________/ l____________/     :
     ·      _ _________ _ _____________._____.         _ _________ _      ·
     .       \\_      /__\\_    _    _/__    |________._\\____  _//__.    .
     :       _/      /    /_    |       /    \\      /_    __/      /_ _  :
     |      \\___          /____|      /_____|        /_             //   |
   _/:_________ l_________/ l_________/ ____ l_______/ l____________/ ____:\_

    . ..      _ __________ _ ________ _ ____________   _ _________ _
       :     __\\____    /__\\______//__\ ______   /__._\\____  _//__.
       : _ _/       /  _/  /_          /_ |      _/  /_    __/      /_ _
       :  \\________)       /___________/_|           /_             //
       .         l_________/pH!           l__________/ l____________/
       :    _ _________ _ _____________._____.         _ _________ _
       .... .\\_      /__\\_    _    _/__    |________._\\____  _//__.. ....
             _/      /    /_    |       /    \\      /_    __/      /_ _   :
            \\___          /____|      /_____|        /_             //    :
                l_________/ l_________/      l_______/ l____________/      :.. .

¯ bulls ¯ for someone - emmuista .

               ________ _____.    _________  ________ ________
             _\\___   /__.   |___\\__     /_\\_     /_\_  ___/____.
           _/     / _/  /_   |     _/_   /  /_     /  /_______   /_
           \______)      /___        /       /__       /__  l/    /pH!
         |                                                           |
         |  1%jotainkakka 2%kimppakivaakahdelle 3%kikkeliskakkelis   |
         |                                                           |

¯ c64 ¯ for myself

                 __________ _ _______|____ _ ________.______.
            .----\_  _____/______.  _.___/_____     /      /_---.
            |   _/              /   \|        /____         /   |
            `---\___________._ /__________._ /pH?/______._ /----'
                             \/ "nOStAlGY" \/            \/

¯ gbp ¯ for gb - diz u see.

__   __________.__________.____________   __
\_\\ \_   ____/___ ____  /__.  %      / //_/
    _/    |      /    / /  /_ /______/
    \___  |_%   /_____)     /      \_
  |                                      |
  |             dESCRiPtiON.             |
  |                                      |

¯ kesae ¯ for everyone - kaeyttaekaeae if u want..

   _\      _/      _/__  _      /__  _________/__     _    _/___ _      /__
   |_______\_         /  /_____/  /__________   /_____|        / /_____/  /_
         pH!l________/_____________/_____________/ l__________/____________/

¯ logoff¯ for trooper - fazt one..

    ________ _ ___________ ___________ _ __________ _________________________
.---\_     /____.    ____/___.  _____/___.    ____/___.__________/__________/-.
|  _/     /    /_    |      /_  \ _.    /_    |      /_    ___/     ___/pH?   |
`--\___         /____|       /__ \/      /____|       /     \_|      \_-------'
[ bye bye.. you was so good to me,.. ]

¯ magik node ¯ for conrad / jokerifani

            /_ \______.     _________.________  _____._______.
               _\___  |_____\_  _  _/___ .___/_|_____;   ___/___
            .--|    \ | _____/__|      / :|__   /    |   |     /--.
            |  |_____\_/    /  l______/_··_    /_____;____    /pH!|
            |         l____/            · l___/          l___/    |
            |  .____.______.________   /________.________   /_    |
            |  _\   |     /_      _/__/_\__   _/__ _    /_ /__\   |
            `--|____\\     |__ _\    /   __\     / /___/ |--------'
                   l_______| l______/___________/________;

¯ pd ¯ for myself

                 \______________  ___________.
           .----__\ _.__       /__\_____    /_----.
           |  _/   \/  /______/       _/     /    |
 public domain\_____\ _.__\ \____________._ /free to use. remember registering!
           :         \/pH?                \/      :

¯ territorial pissings ¯ for ob fleur - interesting one...

_______ .______.______.______ ___._______ ._____.______.____._______._______
\__ __/__ _   /____  /____  /|____\__ __/__   _/____  /|____;  _  _/_\_    /__
 /_     / /__/ |_|/ / |_|/ / |    |/_     /__\   /|/ / |    |__|     /|   /  |
  l____/|______; l____; l____;____; l____/ l____/ l____;____; l_____/ l______;
       _________.___.______. .______   .____.___._____ .______ .______
     __\___    /____;  ___/__|_ ___/___|____;   |    /_. ____/_.  ___/____
   ._\    /___/|    |_____    /____    /    |___\\     | \___  |_____    /
   |______)    )____;________(________(|____;  l_______|_______|________(pH!
   [territorial pissings]

¯ texts ¯ for myself

  ____________ ____________/_______ _______  ___/________ _____________.
 \\_/__   ___/____ _      /_____   |   ___/_\\_/__   ___/____   ______/_____
  _/             / /_____/   /                /             /________      /
__\__________._ /________._ /______|______._ /__________._ /___________._ /pH?
              \/          \/       :       \/            \/             \/
turn it upside down, and it looks  .
you like a puppy,.. it yellow you see! a banana!

¯ the kaaos ¯ for trooper - mmh.

   %the chaos. s'op trooper. pta member board. 0-7d ibm warez. 1xISDN. 1x288%
_ _________ _______  ___________
 \\___  __/____   /_\\__  _    /__
_ _/          /        /_ /___/  /_ _                         ·
 \\___       /__/       /_        //                         /
  ·%%l______/__l_______/_l_______/__________  __________    /_____
     :      \_  _____/_\_      /_\\__  _  _/_\\_   ____/___/ ____/____
     .   _ _/   |       /           /_ |       /   |      /______    /_
     ·    \\___ |      /_____/       /_|      /____|     /___  l/     /

¯ trooper ¯ for .. guess it

 _________    /_______  _________ _________ ___________._______.___________
 \__   __/___/ ___   /__\   ____/_\_  ____/_\_  _     / _     /__.  ___   /__
 _/         /  |   _/  /_   |      /  |      /  /____/  /____/  /_  |   _/  /_
 \__       /___|        /___|     /___|     /      \___          /__|        /

¯ real ¯ for trt membazzez - fast one..

            ___________ _____________ _____________ ___________
          __\______   /___.  _      /___.    _  __/___.       /_____.
        _/     ___/  /   /_  /_____/   /_    |       /_      /     /_
        \______|          /__           /____|        /__   /       /
            [trt¬trt¬trt¬trt¬ - the real traders - ¬trt¬trt¬trt¬trt]

¯ trt ¯ for trt members - diz u zee..

·___________.__________.___________   ·
±\___   ___/__.___    /_\___   ___/__.±
 _/          /_l/    /  /_          /_
 \___         /|         /__         /pH!
.---l________/ l________/--l________/-.
|                                     |
|                                     |
|                                     |

¯ tul*3 ¯ for conrad - 3 kappaletta tullia.

_ __________  _______.     __________ _
 \\___  ___/_\\_     |____\\__ _    //__
_ _/           /     |       //    /    \_ _
 \\_          /_____        /_           //
| the unwritten law ami/x division presents |
|                                           |
|         hyppiv„ pomppukeppi [ppe]         |
| it is a wonderfull tool w/ sorting  files |
| in some dir. you can change  the  subject |
| of hullu lehm„ (crazyeh  cowah),  without |
| moving it offline!                        |
|                                           |
`-------------------[released on xx/xx/xx]--'

.%$$$$$$$$$$$$$%..%$% %$$$$$$%..%$$$$$$ý`
$$$$ý$$$$$$$ý$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$   _,%
ö$$$,$$$$$$$,$$$ö$$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$$$$$$
     ö$$$$$ö     $$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  ¬¬                                     ¬¬
  ¬¬                                     ¬¬
  ¬¬                                     ¬¬
  ¬¬._                                 _.¬¬

 : \__    ___\__   |   _/_       /_pH!
 . _/       | |    |     |      / |.
|                                 ·· |
|                                  ··|
|                                  : |
|                                  . |
|                                    |

¯ voyage ¯ for someone - don't rememba.. sorry..

   ______. _ __________  _______.  _ ____________ ___________/_____________
 __\__   |__\\__.  ___/_\\_     |___\\__   _   _/____   ____/___.  _      /__.
 \  \/   |     /_  |      /     |      /   |        /   \  /   /_  /_____/  /_
  \      :      /__|     / \_        _/____|       /__   \/     /__          /
pH!\  _________/l_______/  /__________\ l_________/  l___/_____/  l_________/
    \/                                                  /

¯ compo ¯ for mice

     __________  _ __/________ _ _____. _ _________________._________
_ ___\_  _____/_____/       _/____    |_________  _       /        _/____ ___ _
    _/   |         /    _\       /    |        /  /______/|    _\       /
    \__________._ /|_________._ /____\_/___._ /________\  |_________._ /pH?
                \/            \/            \/                       \/

¯ confs ¯ for byron

         __________ _ __________ _ ______. _ ______________.________
        \\_  _____/_____      _/____     |________   _____/  ______/_____
        _/   |         /  _\       /     \\      /     _/___________    /
     .--\__________._ /________._ /______|___._ /______|  pH°/______._ /--.
     |              \/          \/            \/                     \/   |
     |                                                                    |
     |                                                                    |
     |                                                                    |

¯ doors ¯ for byron

           _________ _ _________ _ _________ _ _________ _ __________
      _____\___   _/___       _/___       _/_______    /____  ______/____
      \      _/       /   _\      /   _\      /_|/    /    /_________   /
    .--\__________._ /________._ /________._ /  l______._ /pH°/_____._ /--.
    |              \/          \/          \/           \/           \/   |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |
    |                                                                     |

¯ falcon ¯ for falc0n - without zero.. sorry ;)

      ___________._______  _________  ___________  _________  _______.
    _\\_  ______/  _   _/_\\_      /_\\__  _____/_\\_     _/_\\_     |________
  _/        _//____|        /     /     /  |        /  _\      /     \\      /
  \_________|   pH°l____._ /|_______._ /|_______._ /_______._ /|_____|___._ /
| iS SpEAkkIn.! sO pHUkk uP aN' lIStEn.!                                      |

¯ hazard ¯ for mice

____ __________._____.______.______   ______
\_  |  _\  _  /____ /_  _  /____  /_._\__ _/_
_|     |___|   \_ ___/__|   \_|/ /  \___/   /
\___|___/l______/___\ l______/l______/_____/
 pH°: hazard bbs music compo number oo2 :
    |                                   |
    |                                   |
    |                                   |
    |                                   |

¯ pcboard ¯ for predator

  ___________.______ __________ __________ __________ __________      _______pH
__\  _      /  ____/__.____   /___      _/___   _  _/_______   /__.___\__   /__
|    /_____/   |      |   /  /   |   _\     |   |      | |/   /   |     /     |
|__     | |___ |      |___)      |__        |___|      |_|        |____/      |
  ¦-----'    ¦--------' ¦--------' ¦--------' ¦--------' `--------' ¦---------'

¯ select ¯ for predator

  __________ ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ _____________
\\\_  _____/_______    /____     /_______    /____  _____/_______   ___/____
  /_________     //___/    /    /     / /___/    /  |        /             /
      /______._ /______._ /_______._ /_______._ /________._ /|_________._ /pH°
              \/        \/         \/         \/          \/            \///

¯ ul only 0-5d warez ¯ for predator

 _____._____.__________.______ _________ __________       _________
\\_   |    /_ _       /      /____    _/____  _  _/____.__\___   _/___
_/    |     | /______/__    /    / _\      /__|       /     _/       /
\___________|__._ /    l_____._ /______._ / l_____._ /___________._ /
   ___oNlY o-5d_\/_____ ______\/__ _____\/____.____\/__           \/
  \\_  /.\   /_   _  _/______    /_____      /_____   /___
  _/    |     |___|      /|/    /   / /_____/  ______/   /
  \_____|_____| l____._ / l_____._ /______\/_________._ /pH°
                      \/         \/       /           \/

¯ zounalfa ¯ for jordell(?)

                          _____________ __________ _______._____ ____________
    .-------------------__\_______    /__        /__     /     /__ __       /__
    |                   \    ___________/   _\     /    /        /  /         /
 ___|______ _______ _____\__________\ /___________/_____________/__/_________/
_\_   _   /__     /____   _____/_   _   /__    - zounalfa - s'op jordell - |
\     |     /    /    /_    _/\     |     /- open 24h/d - o-1h old ibm warez -
 \____|    /__         /____|  \____|    /         - ja jotain infoo -     |
   pH°l___/  l________/             l___/----------------------------------'

¯ darkside ¯ for hash

         ________ _ _________ _ _________ _ _______.
     ___\\___  _/___   _   _/______     /___      /______
     \     _/      /___|       /_|/    /   /    _/     _/----------------.
      \________._ /  l_____._ /  l_____._ /_____\_______\             pH°|
           |    \/     _____\/__    _ __\/__  .________ _ _________      |
           |           \_  ____/______._____;__\___  _/___  _     /___   |
           `-----------/_________    /      |    _/      /  /____/   /---'
                         /_______._ /|______;________._ /________._ /
                                  \/                  \/          \/

¯ hornantuutti ¯ for phane - nice name.

 _________. _ ________ _ __________ _ _____. _ ____________ _ _____.
\\_      /_____     _/_________   /_____   |________  _  _/_____   |________
_/    /       /  _\       /_|/   /     /   \\      /__|        /   \\      /
\____/____._ //_______._ /  |______._ /____l___._ /  l_____._ /____l___._ /96
       ____\/_____ _ __\/_. _ ______\/_. _ _____\/_________\\/____  ____\/_
       \___   ___/____    |________    |________   ___/____   ___/_|_______;
        /            /    |       /    |       /          /          /     |
    pH°/_________._ /_________._ /_________.__/_______.__/_______._ /______;
                  \/           \/           \/         \/         \/

¯ kanisteri ¯ for neemo - the elitest gangsta on the skene.

 ______.___  _________  ____. _ _____ _____ _ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _ _____
\\_  _/  _/_\\   _  _/_\\   |________; ___/_____ __/____    /______  /________;
_/   \       /___|      /   \\    /  |_____    /      //___/  /_|/  /   /     |
\_____\__._ /  l____._ /____|_._ /___;_____._ /___._ /____._ /  l___._ /______;
          \/         \/        \/           \/     \/      \/        \/pH°

¯ kanisteri ¯ for neemo - ja lis„„ samaa .. laatua

                   _______.          \___   ___/_____
                  \\_     |_________ _/             /
 ________.______  _/      \\       / \___          /________
\\_    _/     _/__\_______|       /_____l_________/ _      /_
_/     \       \_   _   _/l______/_______;pH°· \   /______/  \     ________
\_______\_______/   |        /  |        |      \__           \_  |________;
produktions!! \_____|       /   |________;        l____________/__|        |
                  l________/       _/ ___/______     /  _____     /________;
                                 __\______     /   _/     |/     /  \
                                 \___   l/    /    \______|          \_
                                    l________/            l___________/

¯ lintumaa ¯ for neemo

 ________ _ _______ ____.________.________ _ _____:
\\_     /__________;    |       /___  ___/____    |______.
_/     /     /     |    \\     /_/           /    |     /_
\________._ /______;____|__._ / \________._ /|___________/
          \/                \/ _______. _ \/_____________ _ __________
                              \\_     |_________    _  _/____    _  _/____
                              _/     \_/       /____|       /____|       /
                           pH°\_______|____._ /  l______._ /  l______._ /
                                            \/           \/           \/

¯ tehdas ¯ for tehdas inc. - this is nice.. use it! :)

                   _ _____________________________________ _
                   _\                                     /_
                   \                                       /
__________ _ _________ _ _________        ________ _ __________ _ ________
\___  ___/____ _     /____       /_____.__\___  _/___    _   _/___  _____/_____
 /           / /____/    /___/        /     _/      /____|       /________    /
/________._ /________._ /pH°/_____._ /__________._ / l_______._ /_________._ /
          \/     _\   \/           \/            \/        /_ \/           \/

¯ tha house ¯ for hash - lis„„ 1o.ooomk:n sakkoja? ;) t„stei ainakaa tuu..

   ___________ _ _____. _ _______________
  \\___   ___//___   _|_________   _   _//___
   _/            /             /___|        /
.--\_________._ /_____|____._ /  l______._ /----------------------------------.
|         ____\/_. _ _______\/_____ _ ___\/_. _ ____________ _ __________     |
`--------\\_    _|_________      _//___     |_______   ____//___  _     /___--'
         _/               /  _\       /     |      /________   /  /____/   /
      pH°\_______|____._ /________._ /_________._ /________._ /________._ /
                       \/          \/           \/          \/          \/

¯ icezone ¯ for myself - nice, sweet.. isn't it?-)

      ·_ ______ ________________________________________________ ______ _·
      \                                                                 /
 ______\ _________ ___________ __________ _________ _________ _________/__
_\_____/____  ___/_____ _    /_\______  /____    _/____     /______ _    /____
\          /  \       / /___/    / ____/    / _\      /   \\      / /___/    /
 \_____._ /_______._ /_______._ /_______._ /______._ /___/____._ /_______._ /
        \/ \       \/         \/         \/        \/          \/  /pH°   \/
            \ _._______________________________________________._ /
             \/                                                 \/

¯ janina frostell ¯ for you - great .. ;)

       __________ __________ _________ ____________ ______ _______________
 ______\        /__   __  _/_____    /____________/__    /______    __  _/_____
 \      \         /   \         /  \\      /_       /  \\      /_   \         /
  \____  \/      /_____\       /__/         /      /__/         /____\       /
    | /______._ /  /_______._ /  /______._ /___._ /  /______._ / /_______._ /
____:_______ _\/__ ________ \/_______ ___\/_____\/_________ _\/___ ____:__\/pH°
\   _______/___  /____ _ _/____  ___/______  __/______    /___   /_____  /_____
 \     _/____|/ /    / \      /____     /          / /___/   /  /     / /     /
  \____|     |___._ /_____._ /______._ //______._ /______._ /_____._ /____._ /
    |             \/       \/        \/         \/        \/       \/  |   \/

¯ kangaroo court ¯ for corey

  ________ _ _______________ _ ___________. _ ____________
__\      /_________   _   _/_______      /_______    ____/________ _ ________ _
\      _/        _/___|           /    \\       /_   \______     / //_______//
 \_____\_________._ /_________._ /____/_____._ //____________._ /pH°
_ _______________ \/_ _________\/____ _ _____\/______ _ ______\/_____
           _   _/_____________      /_____         _/____          _/____
 _ ________|           /__|/       /     /    _\        /     _\        /
    /______________._ / /____________._ /___________._ /____________._ /court?
                    \/                \/             \/              \/

¯ lamer [mode on] ¯ for myself

    |   ________ _ __________ _ ______. _ _____________ _ ___________     |
    `--_\      /______ __  _/_______  |_________      /_______      /___--'
    .--\      /      /_\         /  \        / /_____/   /__|/     /   /--.
    |   \___________/___________/____\_/____/___________/  /__________/pH°|
     [ l a m e r m o d e o n y o u d i d n t h a n d l e i t ? ? ? ? ? ? ]

¯ lokate ¯ for myself - again..

  ________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________
__\      /______     _/___  ______/____   __  _/______   ___/______      /___
\       /      /  _\     /  \         /___\        /            / /_____/   /
 \%________._ /%_____._ /%________._ / /%______._ /%________._ /%_______._ /pH°
            \/        \/           \/           \/           \/          \/

locate file:

¯ nuker ¯ for myself - ..and again..

 _ ________   _ ________._____ _ _______ _ _______________ _ _____________
__\\      /____\\__    /     /__\\     /__\\________     /__\\_______    /____
\_______\\        /   /       /      _/      _/___ /____/   /_____|/    /    /
 ·¬¬pH°/______._ /________._ /_______\________._ /______._ /¬¬¬/_________._ /¬·
               \/          \/                  \/        \/               \/

¯ qwk ¯ for myself - wanna transfer sum qwk-mail..

  .__________ _______. _ __________.
  _\       _/____    |_______    _/________
  \    _\       /   /.\     /    \        /
pH°\________\  /_____|__._ /______\___._ /wanna transfer sum' qwk-mail?
            q\/         w\/           k\/

¯ scan msgbase ¯ for myself

          __________ ______________ ___________ _____________
     .---_\   _____/_______  _____/_____  _  _/_______      /________----.
     |   \____________    /  \         /__\          /____\\        /    |
     `-------/________._ /_________._ / /________._ /----/______._ /-----'pH°
              ·msgbase·\/           \/            \/             \/

¯ zippy search ¯ for myself

    ____________ ________ ___________________________._______._______
 ___\______    /________/_____         ____         /       /       /
 \   _________/   /        / /________/   /________/___         ___/

zippy search:

¯ fd! ¯ for sinfame

                    .----_\_    _________/_________------.
                    |pH_/           __/__\___    _/____  |
                    |  \_____________|     _/         / !|
                    `---\----------|______________._ /---'
                         ·                         \/

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              hOOh.. aNd sOmE gREEtS dOWN hERE, wItHoUt  yOU  gUYs, ·
            . i tHiNk tHErE wOUlD bE nOtHiNG.. tNx AbOUt eVERYtHiNG /\_
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                             dark night.


                               -·eN hUijAnnU·-

@BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______________________________
 \______   «/   l    _«/     «/
  /    /___/         \_      /
_/       \_     |_____/_____/
\_________/_____|····_/    \_··
| 3rd Ascii kollektion by     |
| Phobia, named;              |
|                             |
| Kesae / Sommar              |
|                             |

-- if you want yar own askii, send some email to phobia@tombstone.fipnet.fi,
   or find me in some finnish board..

   Phobia, 21. April 1996

 few shitty boards may be listed down here..                                pH

        .                    _____: . O  o                               O
   _____|_____.      _____  .)    |____o [ t . H . E  - y . A . R . d ]_o .
 _|      /   .|_____/_   /_ : _   |                                       :
 \      /    |/      /   _//  \   ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . dkb  |
  |____/|____/      /__________\  wx . lp! . soia . pnk . omn . mce . 1oo |
            /______/     _ _:   _____          ______  __________ ________:
                         \\\.  /    /__________\_   /_/  _      //  ._   /.
  consoles.amiga.graffiti   ! /    /|    /   _      \    /     /    |/    |
  ascii.hiphop.mp3.drugs    |/_____     /____\_______\___\________________|
  classic games.linux/dd    :_  t^/____/   _.  zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY |
                             (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______:
  one of the finest in +49             _ _ ___)         (_)               :
  non-24h static telnet ip    #1 33k6.  #2 28k8.  #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn
    - theyard.ddns.org -      #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet   #8 telnet