·this file passed· _ _____ ___ ______ )_ __ _| (___) _ )_ __/__) (_ | |___/ _ ___ | |___| |__ c!|______|MSS|____| |______ _ ____ ____ _____ ____ ___\ (_ ___\ (_ __\_ (_ __\ (_ _) _/ /___) _ /___) _/ /___) _ /__ / \ / \_ / \ / / / \___ \_____/ \____\ \___ \ \ \ ________\ /______\ \ ____\ \_______\ \/ <(·tHE YARd·)> \/ lOCATED iN gERMANY! [·aMiGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·aSCii·liNUX·hiPhOP··mP3·cLASSiC gAMES·] [· rUNNiNG oN 8 niCE nODES · 2*iSDN/2*aNALOGUE/4*tELNET ·] [· nON-24h tELNET wiTH sTATiC iP: theyard.ddns.org - pORT: 23 ·] [· sTAFF < zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH · cRAZY > sTAFF ·] [· aHS wHQ · bGiRL wHQ · aRCADE wHQ · dKB wHQ · wX wHQ · sRZ wHQ ·] [· lP! gHQ · pNK gHQ · sOiA gHQ · oMEN gHQ · mCE gHQ · 1oo% diST ·] [· hOME oF tHE aSCii cHARTS! ·] ^_.-------------------------------------------------------------------------._^ few shitty boards may be listed up here.. pH sunny day. / · . / °:__/ \/± \° \__ __ \/ \/ // /\/: _ °/ . \ / · __/\/ \/. /\: · · \__/ \/ . ±\ : \° \__ · \// · /° \__/ __. ±\/ /\/: \__/ \° \/ \ _Ö \_/ /° __/ \/ : /\± · °/ \ \__/ · \/ \ ±\__ \/ __/ \/° · :/ \__/ \/ \__ °\/ ./\ . __/ \: \/ · \ __ :\ \/ . \/ °/\ __/ \/\ . · \: · °\__/ \/ · _/_/ °\/ : \ ° :\± · ._\__ . / . \/ :/° :/\ \__/_ __/_ \ \/ \/ \__/_ : /: \/ · °/ . / \__/_ ° :\/ . \ : \° · \__/ \/ · __/- \ \/ \__/\ \//±\ . _ \: / \/° · / \__/_ \/ °\ · :_\__/ \/ __/ · \/ /° °\/ :²/\__ __/ \// \// /\ . ./\__/ \: : \/ °\__ \\/ · / \__/: \/ . ° /\ ±/ __/ \/ · \__/ \/ °__/: \/ . \ ± \__/ \/ / /\_ · __/ __ \/_.---------------------------._\/ _\ i diD tHiS kOllY sO qUiCklY / · : aFtER tHAt pREViOUS, 'cAUSE /_/ . i hAd aN iNNER nECESSitY / tO dO sOMEtHiNG aRtiStiC. · tHiS iS alSO A oPENiNG tO mY nEW StYLE. i dUnNO wHAt'S yOUR oPiNiON AbOUt · it, bUt i tHiNk it'S NiCE.. . aNd sOMEtHiNG nEW fOR A . cHANGE Of cOURSE.. :) · : . . aNd, i'm tRYiNG tO fiNd : /\ : A qUAlitY gROUP, wHOSE __/ _\ /| lAbEl'S UNdER i cOUlD mAkE.\/ __/ l tHESE pAkkS fURtHERmORE.. | \ \/\ `-pH-------------------------' _\ \/ -·eOf·- -·hUijASiN·- · ___________________________________________________________ · \ / _______\_____._______ ______________ ____________ ___________ ___/______ pH_\____ / /_______ _/_____ /___________/__ __ _/____ _/ /______/ _ / / _\ / __ / / /___\ / \__________\ /____/__________//___________/___|/_________/______//___________/ / ° -·iNtROdUCES aN aSKii kOllAgE kAllEd·- " ________ ___________ _________ __________ ___________ · _\\ /___\\ _ /_\\_ ____/___\\_ _ _/__\\ _ /____/ \ __/ _/__ /____/ /_______ /___\ / /____/ / \____\ /_______._ /_________._ //________._ /_________._ /pH° \____._ / \/ \/ \/ \/ _________ \/_________ _______. _______. __________ ____________ " _\\ ____/__\\__ _/__\\ |__\\____ |_____\\_ _ _/________ /____ \ \_______ / _\ / | / | /___\ /|/ / / \__________._ /_______._ //_____\_/__._ /__\_/__._ //________._ //_______._ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ __/ _ \/.--------------------------------------------\--. /| sUMMER iS uSUAllY oNE oF tHE bESt sEASONS| ° · : iN yEAr, yOU pHUk yAR (oR sOMEoNE elSE's) gIRl,:_/ ¦ dRiNk sOME bOOZe, aND hAVE sOME fUN...\/ tHERE's nO sCHOOl, aND eVERYtHiNg gOES wEll... iN fACt, iT's jUSt sPRiNg At tHE mOMENt, /\ · bUt i hAd tO dO tHiS bEfORE OtHERs, tHA/ _\· : rEAl sUMMEr kOllY iS kOMiNG uP, bUt tHiS iS sUm . /\_| fOREtAStE Of tHAt... / | /_· `-pH------------------------------------------/---' \/ -·nOW tHE iNdEkS·- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________________. _,________________________/ | /\ | ___ : · \ | (__/\ ________ .________ \ | _\__\/._____ \ ) _ ____| / \ : / | /_______ _\ |_________ | / \ /) / | _ / (\ | __ / | /_ / / / |____|) /____ _| \____/__ _ \ (/ / / | l____/ )_____\ ___ /__| \ / (__________| )______| l________\ \ . . \ Ó | ______________| rS! \/ |______________________________/ nO°· nAmE°· tO°· +-------+------------------+--------------------+ -·oo1·- -· bIRdlANd nEEmO ·- -·oo2·- -· bUllS ? ·- -·oo3·- -· c64 mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·oo4·- -· gbP - diz gREEn bUddHA ·- -·oo5·- -· kESAe yOU? ·- -·oo6·- -· lOgOff tROOpER ·- -·oo7·- -· mAGik nOdE cONrAd ·- -·oo8·- -· pUBliC dOmAin mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·oo9·- -· tERRitORiAl .. Ob flEUr ·- -·o1o·- -· tEXtS mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o11·- -· tHE cHAOs tROOpER ·- -·o12·- -· tROOpER tROOpER ·- -·o13·- -· (tHE)rEAl(trds.) tRt mEmbAz ·- -·o14·- -· tRt - diz tRt mEmbAz ·- -·o15·- -· 3*tUl - diz cONrAd ·- -·o16·- -· vOyAGE ? ·- -·o17·- -· cOmPO mICe ·- w/ new style -·o18·- -· cONfS bYrOn ·- w/ new style -·o19·- -· dOOrS bYrOn ·- w/ new style -·o2o·- -· fAlCOn fAlC0n ·- w/ new style -·o21·- -· hAzARd - diz mICe ·- -·o22·- -· pCbOARd pREdAtOR ·- w/ new style -·o23·- -· sElECt pREdAtOR ·- w/ new style -·o24·- -· Ul oNl.o-5d wrZ pREdAtOR ·- w/ new style -·o25·- -· zOUnAlfA jORdEll? ·- w/ new style -·o26·- -· dARkSidE hASh ·- w/ new style -·o27·- -· hORnAntUUttI pHAnE ·- w/ new style -·o28·- -· kANiStERi nEEmO ·- w/ new style -·o29·- -· kANiStERi nEEmO ·- -·o3o·- -· lINtUmAA nEEmO ·- w/ new style -·o31·- -· tEHdAS tEHdAS cREW. ·- w/ new style -·o32·- -· tHA hOUSE hASh ·- w/ new style -·o33·- -· iCEzOnE mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o34·- -· jANiNA fROStEll yOU? ·- w/ new style -·o35·- -· kAnGArOO cOURt cOREY ·- w/ new style -·o36·- -· lAmER mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o37·- -· lOCAtE mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o38·- -· nUkER mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o39·- -· qWk-mAil mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o4o·- -· sCAN mSGbASE mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o41·- -· ZiPPYsEArCH mYSElf ·- w/ new style -·o42·- -· fd! siN fAmE ·- w/ new style ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ birdland ¯ for neemo - eri raamit ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ________ _ __________ _ ________ _ ____________ _ _________ _ ______ _ \: __\\____ /__\\______//__\ ______ /__._\\____ _//__. :/ | _ _/ / _/ /_ /_ | _/ /_ __/ /_ _ | | \\________) /___________/_| /_ // | : l_________/pH! l__________/ l____________/ : · _ _________ _ _____________._____. _ _________ _ · . \\_ /__\\_ _ _/__ |________._\\____ _//__. . : _/ / /_ | / \\ /_ __/ /_ _ : | \\___ /____| /_____| /_ // | _/:_________ l_________/ l_________/ ____ l_______/ l____________/ ____:\_ . .. _ __________ _ ________ _ ____________ _ _________ _ : __\\____ /__\\______//__\ ______ /__._\\____ _//__. : _ _/ / _/ /_ /_ | _/ /_ __/ /_ _ : \\________) /___________/_| /_ // . l_________/pH! l__________/ l____________/ : _ _________ _ _____________._____. _ _________ _ .... .\\_ /__\\_ _ _/__ |________._\\____ _//__.. .... _/ / /_ | / \\ /_ __/ /_ _ : \\___ /____| /_____| /_ // : l_________/ l_________/ l_______/ l____________/ :.. . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ bulls ¯ for someone - emmuista . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ _____. _________ ________ ________ _\\___ /__. |___\\__ /_\\_ /_\_ ___/____. _/ / _/ /_ | _/_ / /_ / /_______ /_ \______) /___ / /__ /__ l/ /pH! .------l_______/---l_______/l______/--l______/--l_______/--. | | | 1%jotainkakka 2%kimppakivaakahdelle 3%kikkeliskakkelis | | | `-----------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ c64 ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · : __________ _ _______|____ _ ________.______. .----\_ _____/______. _.___/_____ / /_---. | _/ / \| /____ / | `---\___________._ /__________._ /pH?/______._ /----' \/ "nOStAlGY" \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ gbp ¯ for gb - diz u see. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __ __________.__________.____________ __ \_\\ \_ ____/___ ____ /__. % / //_/ _/ | / / / /_ /______/ \___ |_% /_____) / \_ .-pH!l_______/--l________/________/----. | | | dESCRiPtiON. | | | `---------------------------[xx/xx/xx]-' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ kesae ¯ for everyone - kaeyttaekaeae if u want.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · _________/_______.___________._____________._____________.___________. _\ _/ _/__ _ /__ _________/__ _ _/___ _ /__ |_______\_ / /_____/ /__________ /_____| / /_____/ /_ pH!l________/_____________/_____________/ l__________/____________/ / · ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ logoff¯ for trooper - fazt one.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ _ ___________ ___________ _ __________ _________________________ .---\_ /____. ____/___. _____/___. ____/___.__________/__________/-. | _/ / /_ | /_ \ _. /_ | /_ ___/ ___/pH? | `--\___ /____| /__ \/ /____| / \_| \_-------' ·¬·¬·¬l________/·¬l_________/·¬l________/·¬l_________/_______/|_______/¬·¬·¬·¬· [ bye bye.. you was so good to me,.. ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ magik node ¯ for conrad / jokerifani ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /\ /_ \______. _________.________ _____._______. _\___ |_____\_ _ _/___ .___/_|_____; ___/___ .--| \ | _____/__| / :|__ / | | /--. | |_____\_/ / l______/_··_ /_____;____ /pH!| | l____/ · l___/ l___/ | | .____.______.________ /________.________ /_ | | _\ | /_ _/__/_\__ _/__ _ /_ /__\ | `--|____\\ |__ _\ / __\ / /___/ |--------' l_______| l______/___________/________; / · ·· : . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ pd ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · \______________ ___________. .----__\ _.__ /__\_____ /_----. | _/ \/ /______/ _/ / | public domain\_____\ _.__\ \____________._ /free to use. remember registering! : \/pH? \/ : `---------°\---------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ territorial pissings ¯ for ob fleur - interesting one... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _______ .______.______.______ ___._______ ._____.______.____._______._______ \__ __/__ _ /____ /____ /|____\__ __/__ _/____ /|____; _ _/_\_ /__ /_ / /__/ |_|/ / |_|/ / | |/_ /__\ /|/ / | |__| /| / | l____/|______; l____; l____;____; l____/ l____/ l____;____; l_____/ l______; _________.___.______. .______ .____.___._____ .______ .______ __\___ /____; ___/__|_ ___/___|____; | /_. ____/_. ___/____ ._\ /___/| |_____ /____ / |___\\ | \___ |_____ / |______) )____;________(________(|____; l_______|_______|________(pH! [territorial pissings] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ texts ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · ____________ ____________/_______ _______ ___/________ _____________. \\_/__ ___/____ _ /_____ | ___/_\\_/__ ___/____ ______/_____ _/ / /_____/ / / /________ / __\__________._ /________._ /______|______._ /__________._ /___________._ /pH? \/ \/ : \/ \/ \/ turn it upside down, and it looks . you like a puppy,.. it yellow you see! a banana! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ the kaaos ¯ for trooper - mmh. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- %the chaos. s'op trooper. pta member board. 0-7d ibm warez. 1xISDN. 1x288% _ _________ _______ ___________ \\___ __/____ /_\\__ _ /__ _ _/ / /_ /___/ /_ _ · \\___ /__/ /_ // / ·%%l______/__l_______/_l_______/__________ __________ /_____ : \_ _____/_\_ /_\\__ _ _/_\\_ ____/___/ ____/____ . _ _/ | / /_ | / | /______ /_ · \\___ | /_____/ /_| /____| /___ l/ / ·%%%%%l_______/%%pH!l_______/%l______/%%l_______/%%%l________/%%· / ° ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ trooper ¯ for .. guess it ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · _________ /_______ _________ _________ ___________._______.___________ \__ __/___/ ___ /__\ ____/_\_ ____/_\_ _ / _ /__. ___ /__ _/ / | _/ /_ | / | / /____/ /____/ /_ | _/ /_ \__ /___| /___| /___| / \___ /__| / %%%l______/%pH!l_______/%%l______/%%l______/l_______/%l_________/%%%l_______/%% / ° ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ real ¯ for trt membazzez - fast one.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ _____________ _____________ ___________ __\______ /___. _ /___. _ __/___. /_____. _/ ___/ / /_ /_____/ /_ | /_ / /_ \______| /__ /____| /__ / / ·¬·l_________/·¬l__________/·¬l__________/·¬l__________/pH! [trt¬trt¬trt¬trt¬ - the real traders - ¬trt¬trt¬trt¬trt] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ trt ¯ for trt members - diz u zee.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·___________.__________.___________ · ±\___ ___/__.___ /_\___ ___/__.± _/ /_l/ / /_ /_ \___ /| /__ /pH! .---l________/ l________/--l________/-. | | | | | | `------------------------·[xx/xx/xx]·-' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ tul*3 ¯ for conrad - 3 kappaletta tullia. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ __________ _______. __________ _ \\___ ___/_\\_ |____\\__ _ //__ _ _/ / | // / \_ _ \\_ /_____ /_ // .--l_________/--pH!l_______//l__________/---. | the unwritten law ami/x division presents | | | | hyppiv„ pomppukeppi [ppe] | | it is a wonderfull tool w/ sorting files | | in some dir. you can change the subject | | of hullu lehm„ (crazyeh cowah), without | | moving it offline! | | | `-------------------[released on xx/xx/xx]--' .%$$$$$$$$$$$$$%..%$% %$$$$$$%..%$$$$$$ý` $$$$ý$$$$$$$ý$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$ _,% ö$$$,$$$$$$$,$$$ö$$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$$$$$$ ö$$$$$ö $$$$ $$$$$$$$$;$$$$$$$$$$$$$ %¬ý`$ýýýý';¬¬¬;`$ýýýýýýýýýýý'``$ýýýýýýýýýý' ¬¬ ¬¬ ¬¬ ¬¬ ¬¬ ¬¬ ¬¬._ _.¬¬ ý¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬[pH!]ý . ··: ··_________.______._____,________ : \__ ___\__ | _/_ /_pH! . _/ | | | | / |. .--)________|-|__________(________|:-. | ·· | | ··| | : | | . | | | `------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ voyage ¯ for someone - don't rememba.. sorry.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ° ______. _ __________ _______. _ ____________ ___________/_____________ __\__ |__\\__. ___/_\\_ |___\\__ _ _/____ ____/___. _ /__. \ \/ | /_ | / | / | / \ / /_ /_____/ /_ \ : /__| / \_ _/____| /__ \/ /__ / pH!\ _________/l_______/ /__________\ l_________/ l___/_____/ l_________/ \/ / · ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ compo ¯ for mice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · __________ _ __/________ _ _____. _ _________________._________ _ ___\_ _____/_____/ _/____ |_________ _ / _/____ ___ _ _/ | / _\ / | / /______/| _\ / \__________._ /|_________._ /____\_/___._ /________\ |_________._ /pH? \/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ confs ¯ for byron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ _ __________ _ ______. _ ______________.________ \\_ _____/_____ _/____ |________ _____/ ______/_____ _/ | / _\ / \\ / _/___________ / .--\__________._ /________._ /______|___._ /______| pH°/______._ /--. | \/ \/ \/ \/ | | | | | | | `--------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ doors ¯ for byron ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________ _ _________ _ _________ _ _________ _ __________ _____\___ _/___ _/___ _/_______ /____ ______/____ \ _/ / _\ / _\ /_|/ / /_________ / .--\__________._ /________._ /________._ / l______._ /pH°/_____._ /--. | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | | | | | | | `---------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ falcon ¯ for falc0n - without zero.. sorry ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________._______ _________ ___________ _________ _______. _\\_ ______/ _ _/_\\_ /_\\__ _____/_\\_ _/_\\_ |________ _/ _//____| / / / | / _\ / \\ / \_________| pH°l____._ /|_______._ /|_______._ /_______._ /|_____|___._ / .------------------------\/----------\/----------\/---------\/------------\/--. | iS SpEAkkIn.! sO pHUkk uP aN' lIStEn.! | `-----------------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ hazard ¯ for mice ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____ __________._____.______.______ ______ \_ | _\ _ /____ /_ _ /____ /_._\__ _/_ _| |___| \_ ___/__| \_|/ / \___/ / \___|___/l______/___\ l______/l______/_____/ pH°: hazard bbs music compo number oo2 : | | | | | | | | `-----------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ pcboard ¯ for predator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________.______ __________ __________ __________ __________ _______pH __\ _ / ____/__.____ /___ _/___ _ _/_______ /__.___\__ /__ | /_____/ | | / / | _\ | | | |/ / | / | |__ | |___ | |___) |__ |___| |_| |____/ | ¦-----' ¦--------' ¦--------' ¦--------' ¦--------' `--------' ¦---------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ select ¯ for predator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ ___________ _________ ___________ ___________ _____________ \\\_ _____/_______ /____ /_______ /____ _____/_______ ___/____ /_________ //___/ / / / /___/ / | / / /______._ /______._ /_______._ /_______._ /________._ /|_________._ /pH° \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ ul only 0-5d warez ¯ for predator ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____._____.__________.______ _________ __________ _________ \\_ | /_ _ / /____ _/____ _ _/____.__\___ _/___ _/ | | /______/__ / / _\ /__| / _/ / \___________|__._ / l_____._ /______._ / l_____._ /___________._ / ___oNlY o-5d_\/_____ ______\/__ _____\/____.____\/__ \/ \\_ /.\ /_ _ _/______ /_____ /_____ /___ _/ | |___| /|/ / / /_____/ ______/ / \_____|_____| l____._ / l_____._ /______\/_________._ /pH° \/ \/ / \/ · ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ zounalfa ¯ for jordell(?) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _____________ __________ _______._____ ____________ .-------------------__\_______ /__ /__ / /__ __ /__ | \ ___________/ _\ / / / / / ___|______ _______ _____\__________\ /___________/_____________/__/_________/ _\_ _ /__ /____ _____/_ _ /__ - zounalfa - s'op jordell - | \ | / / /_ _/\ | /- open 24h/d - o-1h old ibm warez - \____| /__ /____| \____| / - ja jotain infoo - | pH°l___/ l________/ l___/----------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ darkside ¯ for hash ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ _ _________ _ _________ _ _______. ___\\___ _/___ _ _/______ /___ /______ \ _/ /___| /_|/ / / _/ _/----------------. \________._ / l_____._ / l_____._ /_____\_______\ pH°| | \/ _____\/__ _ __\/__ .________ _ _________ | | \_ ____/______._____;__\___ _/___ _ /___ | `-----------/_________ / | _/ / /____/ /---' /_______._ /|______;________._ /________._ / \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ hornantuutti ¯ for phane - nice name. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _________. _ ________ _ __________ _ _____. _ ____________ _ _____. \\_ /_____ _/_________ /_____ |________ _ _/_____ |________ _/ / / _\ /_|/ / / \\ /__| / \\ / \____/____._ //_______._ / |______._ /____l___._ / l_____._ /____l___._ /96 ____\/_____ _ __\/_. _ ______\/_. _ _____\/_________\\/____ ____\/_ \___ ___/____ |________ |________ ___/____ ___/_|_______; / / | / | / / / | pH°/_________._ /_________._ /_________.__/_______.__/_______._ /______; \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ kanisteri ¯ for neemo - the elitest gangsta on the skene. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ______.___ _________ ____. _ _____ _____ _ ______ _ ______ _ ______ _ _____ \\_ _/ _/_\\ _ _/_\\ |________; ___/_____ __/____ /______ /________; _/ \ /___| / \\ / |_____ / //___/ /_|/ / / | \_____\__._ / l____._ /____|_._ /___;_____._ /___._ /____._ / l___._ /______; \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/pH° ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ kanisteri ¯ for neemo - ja lis„„ samaa .. laatua ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ _______. \___ ___/_____ \\_ |_________ _/ / ________.______ _/ \\ / \___ /________ \\_ _/ _/__\_______| /_____l_________/ _ /_ _/ \ \_ _ _/l______/_______;pH°· \ /______/ \ ________ \_______\_______/ | / | | \__ \_ |________; produktions!! \_____| / |________; l____________/__| | l________/ _/ ___/______ / _____ /________; __\______ / _/ |/ / \ \___ l/ / \______| \_ l________/ l___________/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ lintumaa ¯ for neemo ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- · ________ _ _______ ____.________.________ _ _____: \\_ /__________; | /___ ___/____ |______. _/ / / | \\ /_/ / | /_ \________._ /______;____|__._ / \________._ /|___________/ \/ \/ _______. _ \/_____________ _ __________ \\_ |_________ _ _/____ _ _/____ _/ \_/ /____| /____| / pH°\_______|____._ / l______._ / l______._ / \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ tehdas ¯ for tehdas inc. - this is nice.. use it! :) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ _____________________________________ _ _\ /_ \ / __________ _ _________ _ _________ ________ _ __________ _ ________ \___ ___/____ _ /____ /_____.__\___ _/___ _ _/___ _____/_____ / / /____/ /___/ / _/ /____| /________ / /________._ /________._ /pH°/_____._ /__________._ / l_______._ /_________._ / \/ _\ \/ \/ \/ /_ \/ \/ _/____________________________________________\_ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ tha house ¯ for hash - lis„„ 1o.ooomk:n sakkoja? ;) t„stei ainakaa tuu.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ___________ _ _____. _ _______________ \\___ ___//___ _|_________ _ _//___ _/ / /___| / .--\_________._ /_____|____._ / l______._ /----------------------------------. | ____\/_. _ _______\/_____ _ ___\/_. _ ____________ _ __________ | `--------\\_ _|_________ _//___ |_______ ____//___ _ /___--' _/ / _\ / | /________ / /____/ / pH°\_______|____._ /________._ /_________._ /________._ /________._ / \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ icezone ¯ for myself - nice, sweet.. isn't it?-) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ·_ ______ ________________________________________________ ______ _· \ / ______\ _________ ___________ __________ _________ _________ _________/__ _\_____/____ ___/_____ _ /_\______ /____ _/____ /______ _ /____ \ / \ / /___/ / ____/ / _\ / \\ / /___/ / \_____._ /_______._ /_______._ /_______._ /______._ /___/____._ /_______._ / \/ \ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ /pH° \/ \ _._______________________________________________._ / \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ janina frostell ¯ for you - great .. ;) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ __________ _________ ____________ ______ _______________ ______\ /__ __ _/_____ /____________/__ /______ __ _/_____ \ \ / \ / \\ /_ / \\ /_ \ / \____ \/ /_____\ /__/ / /__/ /____\ / | /______._ / /_______._ / /______._ /___._ / /______._ / /_______._ / ____:_______ _\/__ ________ \/_______ ___\/_____\/_________ _\/___ ____:__\/pH° \ _______/___ /____ _ _/____ ___/______ __/______ /___ /_____ /_____ \ _/____|/ / / \ /____ / / /___/ / / / / / \____| |___._ /_____._ /______._ //______._ /______._ /_____._ /____._ / | \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ | \/ `------------------------------------------------------------------' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ kangaroo court ¯ for corey ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ _ _______________ _ ___________. _ ____________ __\ /_________ _ _/_______ /_______ ____/________ _ ________ _ \ _/ _/___| / \\ /_ \______ / //_______// \_____\_________._ /_________._ /____/_____._ //____________._ /pH° _ _______________ \/_ _________\/____ _ _____\/______ _ ______\/_____ _ _/_____________ /_____ _/____ _/____ _ ________| /__|/ / / _\ / _\ / /______________._ / /____________._ /___________._ /____________._ /court? \/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ lamer [mode on] ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .---------------------------------------------------------------------. | ________ _ __________ _ ______. _ _____________ _ ___________ | `--_\ /______ __ _/_______ |_________ /_______ /___--' .--\ / /_\ / \ / /_____/ /__|/ / /--. | \___________/___________/____\_/____/___________/ /__________/pH°| `---------------------------------------------------------------------' [ l a m e r m o d e o n y o u d i d n t h a n d l e i t ? ? ? ? ? ? ] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ lokate ¯ for myself - again.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________ ____________ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ __\ /______ _/___ ______/____ __ _/______ ___/______ /___ \ / / _\ / \ /___\ / / /_____/ / \%________._ /%_____._ /%________._ / /%______._ /%________._ /%_______._ /pH° \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ locate file: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ nuker ¯ for myself - ..and again.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- _ ________ _ ________._____ _ _______ _ _______________ _ _____________ __\\ /____\\__ / /__\\ /__\\________ /__\\_______ /____ \_______\\ / / / _/ _/___ /____/ /_____|/ / / ·¬¬pH°/______._ /________._ /_______\________._ /______._ /¬¬¬/_________._ /¬· \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ qwk ¯ for myself - wanna transfer sum qwk-mail.. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .__________ _______. _ __________. _\ _/____ |_______ _/________ \ _\ / /.\ / \ / pH°\________\ /_____|__._ /______\___._ /wanna transfer sum' qwk-mail? q\/ w\/ k\/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ scan msgbase ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- __________ ______________ ___________ _____________ .---_\ _____/_______ _____/_____ _ _/_______ /________----. | \____________ / \ /__\ /____\\ / | `-------/________._ /_________._ / /________._ /----/______._ /-----'pH° ·msgbase·\/ \/ \/ \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ zippy search ¯ for myself ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ____________ ________ ___________________________._______._______ ___\______ /________/_____ ____ / / / \ _________/ / / /________/ /________/___ ___/ ·¬\______________/________/________\¬/__________\¬¬¬¬/___________\¬¬¬·pH° zippy search: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¯ fd! ¯ for sinfame ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ________________ .----_\_ _________/_________------. |pH_/ __/__\___ _/____ | | \_____________| _/ / !| `---\----------|______________._ /---' · \/ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- / · . / °:__/ \/± \° \__ __ \/ \/ // /\/: _ °/ . \ / · __/\/ \/. /\: · · \__/ \/ . ±\ : \° \__ · \// · /° \__/ __. ±\/ /\/: \__/ \° \/ \ _Ö \_/ /° __/ \/ : /\± · °/ \ \__/ · \/ \ ±\__ \/ __/ \/° · :/ \__/ \/ \__ °\/ ./\ . __/ \: \/ · \ __ :\ \/ . \/ °/\ __/ \/\ . · \: · °\__/ \/ · _/_/ °\/ : \ ° :\± · ._\__ . / . \/ :/° :/\ \__/_ __/_ \ \/ \/ \__/_ : /: \/ · °/ . / \__/_ ° :\/ . \ : \° · \__/ \/ · __/- \ \/ \__/\ \//±\ . _ \: / \/° · / \__/_ \/ °\ · :_\__/ \/ __/ · \/ /° °\/ :²/\__ __/ \// \// /\ . ./\__/ \: : \/ °\__ \\/ · / \__/: \/ . ° /\ ±/ __/ \/ · \__/ \/ °__/: \/ . \ ± \__/ \/ _ / · / · _/\ °\__./-------------------------------------------------\--. \/;uFF, iT's tHE eND nOW <grin> .. likE alWAYs, sORRY.| _ / .bUt, liFE gOES oN, aNd rEMEMbA, i'M alWAYS hERE.. / · oR tHEn nOT... bUt, tHAt's nOt yAr pROblEm..\/° hOOh.. aNd sOmE gREEtS dOWN hERE, wItHoUt yOU gUYs, · . i tHiNk tHErE wOUlD bE nOtHiNG.. tNx AbOUt eVERYtHiNG /\_ _/\; nOW iS yOUr tURn tO gEt hiGH, uP tO tHE cLOUdS.. /| /_ `-pH--------------------------------------------------/-' \/° / · / · · . / °:__/ \/± \° \__ __ \/ \/ // /\/: _ °/ . \ / · __/\/ \/. /\: · · \__/ \/ . ±\ : \° \__ · \// · /° \__/ __. ±\/ /\/: \__/ \° \/ \ _Ö \_/ /° __/ \/ : /\± · °/ \ \__/ · \/ \ ±\__ \/ __/ \/° · :/ \__/ \/ \__ °\/ ./\ . __/ \: \/ · \ __ :\ \/ . \/ °/\ __/ \/\ . · \: · °\__/ \/ · _/_/ °\/ : \ ° :\± · ._\__ . / . \/ :/° :/\ \__/_ __/_ \ \/ \/ \__/_ : /: \/ · °/ . / \__/_ ° :\/ . \ : \° · \__/ \/ · __/- \ \/ \__/\ \//±\ . _ \: / \/° · / \__/_ \/ °\ · :_\__/ \/ __/ · \/ /° °\/ :²/\__ __/ \// \// /\ . ./\__/ \: : \/ °\__ \\/ · / \__/: \/ . ° /\ ±/ __/ \/ · \__/ \/ °__/: \/ . \ ± \__/ \/ / · _____________________________________________________________ .__\\ sin //___. | __________ __________ _________ __________________________ _ | / _.____/./ _. /./ _. /./ _. /. / _//// _ _/ \| | \| / | \| _/ | \| _/ | /\ / | \\\____________|____\______|__________|__________|_____//________/ | gREEtS tO. | | | | cOnRAd.cOREy.rAiSEr.Ob flEUr. diStANcE. tAROt. SiN fAMe. riddlER | | rANx. stEZOtEHic. wEApON-X. gEEli. pRiESt. tROOPEr. nEEMo. pZYkO | | | | tO wHOlE aSKii-SkEnE, aNd tO eVeRYOnE iN tUl, tRt, iD, icezOne.. | |___ ___| )______________________________________________________________( · / . / °:__/ \/± \° \__ __ \/ \/ // /\/: _ °/ . \ / · __/\/ \/. /\: · · \__/ \/ . ±\ : \° \__ · \// · /° \__/ __. ±\/ /\/: \__/ \° \/ \ _Ö \_/ /° __/ \/ : /\± · °/ \ \__/ · \/ \ ±\__ \/ __/ \/° · :/ \__/ \/ \__ °\/ ./\ . __/ \: \/ · \ __ :\ \/ . \/ °/\ __/ \/\ . · \: · °\__/ \/ · _/_/ °\/ : \ ° :\± · ._\__ . / . \/ :/° :/\ \__/_ __/_ \ \/ \/ \__/_ : /: \/ · °/ . / \__/_ ° :\/ . \ : \° · \__/ \/ · __/- \ \/ \__/\ \//±\ . _ \: / \/° · / \__/_ \/ °\ · :_\__/ \/ __/ · \/ /° °\/ :²/\__ __/ \// \// /\ . ./\__/ \: : \/ °\__ \\/ · / \__/: \/ . ° /\ ±/ __/ \/ · \__/ \/ °__/: \/ . \ ± \__/ \/ / ¦ dark night. -·eOf·- -·eN hUijAnnU·- @BEGIN_FILE_ID.DIZ ______________________________ \______ «/ l _«/ «/ / /___/ \_ / _/ \_ |_____/_____/ \_________/_____|····_/ \_·· .--------------------\______/-. | 3rd Ascii kollektion by | | Phobia, named; | | | | Kesae / Sommar | | | `-(21.o4.96)----------(tROO!)-' @END_FILE_ID.DIZ -- if you want yar own askii, send some email to phobia@tombstone.fipnet.fi, or find me in some finnish board.. Phobia, 21. April 1996 4 ^_.-------------------------------------------------------------------------._^ few shitty boards may be listed down here.. pH . . _____: . O o O _____|_____. _____ .) |____o [ t . H . E - y . A . R . d ]_o . _| / .|_____/_ /_ : _ | : \ / |/ / _// \ ahs . bgirl . arcade . srz . tac . dkb | |____/|____/ /__________\ wx . lp! . soia . pnk . omn . mce . 1oo | /______/ _ _: _____ ______ __________ ________: \\\. / /__________\_ /_/ _ // ._ /. consoles.amiga.graffiti ! / /| / _ \ / / |/ | ascii.hiphop.mp3.drugs |/_____ /____\_______\___\________________| classic games.linux/dd :_ t^/____/ _. zANEr/diPSWiTCH/hAsH/cRAZY | (_____________)| ___________ _______ _ ______: one of the finest in +49 _ _ ___) (_) : non-24h static telnet ip #1 33k6. #2 28k8. #3 64k isdn #4 64k isdn - theyard.ddns.org - #5 telnet #6 telnet #7 telnet #8 telnet