_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·

              ______ _____ _____ ___.-___ __ _____ _____ ______
             _)    _Y    _Y    _Y  (__)  | _Y   __Y    _Y     (_
             \_  | \_  | \_  l_\_  _/\_    \_  _/\_  l_\_  |  _/
              |  |  |     |  |  |  l  |  |  |  l  |  |  |  |  |
              l__|  l_____l__|  l__   l__|  l__   l__|  l__|  |
                 `--'              `--'  `--'  `--'        `--'
                    ______ _____ ___.-______ _____ _____
                   _)  ._ Y_   _Y  (__)    _Y    _Y   __|
                   \_  |/  / | \_  | \_  | \_  |_\_  _/_
                    |   __/  .  |  l  |  .  |  l  |  l  |
                    l__|  l__|  l__   l__|  l__   l__   |
                        2F   `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'  `--'

            3nds Ringdown loaded with AMIGA/ASCII/CONSOLE/PSX/MAC

              4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/TELNET
                    * LOOKER HOUSE EHQ * ROYAL MAC SCHQ *  
                          THE PROTECTORS ARE:
                         <0>  +45 58ASK4IT  <0>
                         <0>  +FIND ON IRC  <0>

-[ line 1 (sof) ]-----------------------------------------------[ adds above ]-
              · - -- -- ---------------------------------- -- -- - ·
                  a    c    i    d    f    l    a    s    h    ?
              · - -- -- ---------------------------------- -- -- - ·
. . .... . ......... ........ ..  .....  ...
· _  _  . _\ ___ .   _  __ .    .:::::::.  .
 /-)(__ |(__\\-- |_ /-)`--.|--| `::' .:::
.             `        ¯¯¯    '    .:::'   .
: presents an ascii collection     `:::.   :
  called:  ·  W  H  A  T  ?  ·      ...    :
.              ........            :::::
: release date :      : (c) a'1997  `::'
· » 03-17-97 « :      :.......... .   .   .:
 ·                              ..........
 :......... ............................ :              ......................
            ·                   . .....: :              :                    :
 Of myself, i am very aware.    :.................................           :
            .                                           ·        :           :
    ........:     ........ And beyond that, i just don't care. . : ..........:
    ·             ·                     .                        :         .
 A zillion dead in a far away nation.   :                        :         :
    .             .            . .      ·                        ·         :
    :.............:.........   : :  Matters less than a crashed relation.  :
                           ·   · :      .                                  :
 What we don't like, we destroy. :      :....................    :         :
                  .        .     ·                          ·    :         :
                  :....... : . Reptile brains, with lethal toys. : ........:
                           ·     .                          .    :
 Don't be concerned, don't bother at all.       ............:    :
        ....................     .              ·                ·
  ..... : ....                   :      Amuse yourselves with phenobarbitals.
  ·     ·    ·                                  .                .
 At the age of 80, in my rocking-chair.         :............... : ........
  .     ............................                             ·        ·
  :          .         .           :  I don't wanna think that i didn't dare.
  ·          ·         ·           :                             .        .
 Call me a cynical egoistic brute. :    .........................:        :
  .          .         .           ·    ·
  :...........         :         But hand on heart, you know it's the truth.
                       :.......... .    .               .
                                   :    :               :.................:
                                   :    .
                                   ·    .
                           :::       ..              .                   .:.
                    .:.    :::     .::::    ..     .::::                 :::
                    :::    :::    .::'`::  .::    .:' ::.    .:::.  .    `::.
   ...     ..::·    :::     ::.   ::   ::  :::    ::  `::   ::'    :::    `::
 .::::.   .::·'      '      ::: ..::   ::  ::'    ::   ::  ::'      ::     ::
 ::' ::.  :::      .::.    .::: `:::       ::     ::.  ::  ::       `::... ::
 `   `::  ::'      ::::  .:::::  ::::::.  .::     :::: ::  ::::...   ::::::::.
     .::. :::   .:.`:::  ::: :::  ::···'  ::'  .. ::`::::  `··`::::. ::.  `:::
   ::::::. ::.  ::: :::  ::' `::. ::      ::  ::: ::  `::         ::: ::.   ::
  :::' :::  ::. ::: :::: :::  ::: ::.    :::  ::: ::.  ::  ..     ::: :::  :::
 .::'  :::  `:: ::: `::: :::. ::: `::   .::   `:: `::  :: :::     ::: :::  :::
 :::   `::.  :::::;  :::  :::.:::  :::  :::    ::  ::  :: ::     .::' ::'  :::
 ::::   :::   `:::'  `:'   `::::'  `::  `:::.  ::. `·  :: :::...::::       :a'
  ::::..:::                 `··'    ::    `:::..::     ::  `::::::'        `:'
   `::::::'                         ::      `····'     `'
              p      r      e      s      e      n      t      s
   -- -   -÷------------------------------------------------------÷-   - --
              s      t      n      e      s      e      r      p
          a     c  o  l  l  e  c  t  i  o  n     c  a  l  l  e  d  :
                    at?what?w     .............    hat?what?
               at?what    .....:::::::::::::::::::....    hat?wh
          what?what ...::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::...   ?what?
       what?what? .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.  what?wh
     hat?what?wha :::::::::::::::···········::::::::::::::::::::. t?what?wh
    t?what?what?wh `··:::···'     at?what?w        `··:::::::::::: at?what?w
    hat?what?what?wha     t?what?what?what?what       .::::::::::: ?what?wha
    t?what?what?what?what?what?what?w  .........:::::::::::::::::' hat?what?
    what?what?what?what?what?w   ....::::::::::::::::::::::::::' hat?what?wh
    at?what?what?what?what?wh .:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::·' at?what?what?
    what?what?what?what?wha .:::::::::::::::::::········'   at?what?what?wha
    t?what?what?what?what?w ::::::::::::··'      t?what?what?what?what?what?
    what?what?what?what?wha :::::::::::...    t?what?what?what?what?what?wha
    t?what?what?what?what?w :::::::::::::::::. hat?what?what?what?what?what?
    what?what?what?what?what `·::::::::::::::: ?what?what?what?what?what?wha
    t?what?what?what?what?what?  `··:::::::::' what?what?what?what?what?what
    ?what?what?what?what?what?what?w   `·'    hat?what?what?what?what?what?w
    hat?what?what?what?what?what   .........   ?what?what?what?what?what?wha
    t?what?what?what?what?wha  ..:::::::::::::. t?what?what?what?what?what?w
     at?what?what?what?what?w ::::::::::::::::::. hat?what?what?what?what?w
      ?what?what?what?what?wh ::::::::::::::::::: t?what?what?what?what?wh
        what?what?what?what?w `:::::::::::::::::' hat?what?what?what?wh
            at?what?what?what?  `··:::::::a'··' what?what?what?what
                    ?what?what?wha           t?what?what?
                ___. ___   ___ ___      ____ ___/\___    ________
              ./   ||   \./  _|__ \. __/___ \__   __/__./_______ \
              |    /\    |   ___/  |/ ____/  |/  l     |   / ____/
              |      \   |    |    |     l   |         |  /____\
              |____/\    |____|    |___      |___      |   ____
                     \___|    |____| a'\_____|   \_____|  (____)
        '' With no motivation there's no idea with a important name.
           That's why i  decided  to name  the collection  with  the
           meanless expression -- WHAT? Why don't you go down to the
           river with a fishing rod? Imagine yourself sitting there,
           listening to the sound of the roaring water. Do it!  Take
           a minute  there, and use the  wonderful 60 seconds to try
           understanding my inner  feelings. After that, return home
           and take a  greater look in THIS textfile. Maybe you will
           discover something you haven't seen before. Satisfaction?
                  5 hours later, i'm thinking -- WHY AM I DOING THIS?!
              ___________)                          (___________
           _.__\           «   i  n  d  e  x  :   »           /__._
            |                                                    |
            |   n#    description:          made to satisfy:     |
            |  ----  --------------------  --------------------  |
            |                                                    |
            |   01    amiga wares           zap                  |
            |   02    a normal irc day      javis                |
            |   03    another step          fatal                |
            |   04    console               zap                  |
            |   05    commodore 64          zap                  |
            |   06    daydream support      zap                  |
            |   07    disaster area         ten                  |
            |   08    dreamphase            bubba                |
            |   09    edge of sanity        bionic               |
            |   10    elmstreet             javis                |
            |   11    fireside              shelter              |
            |   12    funkhole              hostile              |
            |   13    ghb file_id           911-attidude         |
            |   14    hilight               soxius               |
            |   15    history               radicator            |
            |   16    ibm wares             zap                  |
            |   17    invisible empire      mathews              |
            |   18    javis                 javis                |
            |   19    last inn              topflight            |
            |   20    linda                 linda                |
            |   21    malfunction           golem                |
            |   22    mod file_id           cyberlife            |
            |   23    new user              thaboom              |
            |   24    old and gold          zap                  |
            |   25    oracle8 file_id       soldier303           |
            |   26    outbreak              trance               |
            |   27    outstream             outstream            |
            |   28    phalloid              phalloid             |
            |   29    porno                 zap                  |
            |   30    premium               dixy                 |
            |   31    psychadelic shit      zap                  |
            |   32    real solution         radicator            |
            |   33    requests              zap                  |
            |   34    sexy bitch            linda                |
            |   35    s0nic                 s0nic member         |
            |   36    shocke                shocke               |
            |   37    soxius                soxius               |
            |   38    total recall          shocke               |
            |   39    unix and linux        zap                  |
            |   40    upload                outstream            |
            |                                                    :
            |  ---   --------------------  --------------------  .
                                  _________     /
                       ___________) ..... (____/______
             _ __ ____(- ---------------------/----- -)____ __  _
              \  \\____ _ ___ _ w  o  r  d  s/_ ___ _ ____//   /
                 ¯  |¯         `------------/----      ¯|  ¯
                    |                      /            |
                    |  Always read  the  words  before  |
                    |  you start watching/the  painful  |
                    |  work that i have done. With the  |
                    |  ugliest  style anyone ever seen  |
                    |  and with 0% motivation,  i have  |
                    |  stumbled  myself over the  key-  |
                    |  board and -- tadaaa! a finished  |
                    |  collection. / Do  not  remember  |
                    |  this peice of shit, pleeeease!?  |
                    |  I won't start complaining on my  |
                    |  english, /because i think it is  |
                    |  good enough to write  some easy  |
                    |  so  called: "everything sucks!"  |
                    |  lines./Now, use  your illusion!  |
              __  __|__     /                         __|__  __
               _) )_ ____ ./  MY ANGUISH IS       · ____ _( (_
                    \\____/         KILLING ME!   .____//
                  ¯¯ ¯   /| - --- - ----- - --- - |    ¯ ¯¯
                        / `-----.-----------------'
                       /        `--------------------------------- (a') 1997
              ......... :  ................         ...............
              :         :                 :         :             :
              :         :................ : .................     :
              :                           :                 :     .
              :                           .                 :
              :       ............................          :     .
              :                :                 :          :
              :                :                 :          .
              : .........      :                 ...............
              : :              :                     :         :
              : :              :                     :         :
              : :............. : ..............      :         :
              :                :              :      :         :
              :                :              :      :         :
              :                :              :      :         :
              :                :              :      :         :
              : ................ ............ : .....:         :
              :                               :                :
              .                               :                :
                   l e t ' s    s t a r t     :                .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ amiga wares      ] | 01 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                 _____   ___  __ (____) _______      ____
               _/____ \./   \/  \.----./   _   \. __/___ \.
             ./ ____/  |  \      |    |_______  |/ ____/  |
             |     l   |   \  /  |    /       | |     l   |
             |___      |____\/   |    \__       |___      |
                 \_____|    |____|    :  \______|   \_____|
                                 .    ·
            ___  ___       ___ _______      ________  ____
          ./   ||   \. ___(__ \______ )__ ./  _____/./ __/____
          |    /\    |/ ____/  |    |    \|    __/__|________ |
          |      \   |     l   |    |     |   l     |       l |
          |____/\    |___      |____|     |___      |___      |
                 \___|   \_____|    |_____|   \_____| a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ a normal irc day ] | 02 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ javis            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
     gah.. really boring.. the girl is fucking someone else.. this will be
 _________         ___ ____  _______ _______      ___  __      ____  ____
 \____.__ \.     ./   \    |/   __  \______ )__ ./   \/  \. __/___ \:    |
 |    '    |     |    \\   |     /   |    |    \|         |/ ____/  |    |----.
 |    |    |     |    |\   |         |    |     |   \  /  |     l   |    |    |
 |____|    |     |____|    |___      |____|     .____\/   |___      |___      |
      |____|          |____|   \_____|    |_____|    |    :   \_____|   \_____|
                                                     |    ·
                                        ______                  ___
        _____ ______      ______        \     \      ____   ___|   \.
       (_____)_____ )_   /      \.      _\____ \. __/___ \./   |    |
       |     |    |   \./   \____|    ./ ____/  |/ ____/  |\_______ |
       |     |    |    |    /    |    |     l   |     l   |/      l |
       |     |____|    |___      |    |___      |___      |__       |
       :     ·    |____| a'\_____|        \_____|   \_____|  \______|
       ·     .                                                        for me..
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ another step     ] | 03 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ fatal            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   everyone out there, stoned of daylight, high of nature scenarios...
     y    o    u           M    U    S    T         t    a    k    e
       ____   ___ ___   _______ ____/\___   ___.___   _________ _______
    __/___ \_/   \   \_/   __  \__    __/_./  _|__ \_/   _____/_______ \
   / ____/  |    \\   |     /   |/   l    |   ___/  |   ____/_.  /_____/
  /     l   |    |\   |         |         |    |    |   |     |    |   ¬\
  \____     |____|    |____     |___      |____|    |____     |____|     \_
       \____|    |____|    \____|   \_____|    |____|   |_____|    |______/
         ______         ___            ________       ____________
       _/ ____/______ _/   |___      _/   ____/      /  ________  \_
       |____________ \.    ___/_____ |   ___/_______|  /___________/
       |            l |    l        \.    |         |        \
       |____          |____          |____          |         \_
            l_________|  a'\_________|    l_________|__________/ ..våga droga
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ console          ] | 04 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
      ______   _______   ___ ____. _____     _______ .____       ________
     /      \./   __  \./   \    |/ ___/___./   __  \|    |    ./  _____/
   ./   \____|     /   |    \\   |_______  |     /   |    |____|    __/__.
   |    /    |         |    |\   |       l |         |    |    |   l     |
   |___      |___      |____|    |___      |___      |___      |___      |
       \_____|   \_____|    |____|   \_____|   \_____|   \_____| a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ commodore 64     ] | 05 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   ______   _______   ___  __   __  ___   _______
  /      \./   __  \./   \/  \./  \/   \./   __  \.
./   \____|     /   |  \      |      /  |     /   |
|    /    |         |   \  /  |  \  /   |         |
|___      |___      |____\/   |___\/    |___      |
    \_____|   \_____|    |____|    |____|   \_____|
                                     \     \   _______ _______      _______
  c  o  m  m  o  d  o  r  e  6  4    _\____ \./   __  \._____ )__ ./  ____/
 ================================= ./ ____/  |     /   |    |    \|   __/__.
                                   |     l   |         |    |     |  l     |
                                   |__       |___      |____|     |___     |
                                      \______|   \_____|    |_____|   \____|
             _\__      ____                ____
    ____    (__\_) ___|    |___/\__    ___|    |
  ./ __/____.   \./   |    |_   __/__./   |    |    commo-dore
  |________ |    |__     __|/  l     |_______  |    commo-dorEsixty-four
  |       l |    |         \         |       l |              Sixty-four
  |___      |    |    |     \__      |___      |
    a'\_____|    :----|_____/  \_____|   \_____|
            :    ·                   ________________   ___ ___ _______
                                   ./  ______/   __  \./   |   \._____ )__
                                   |  ____/ |     /   |    |    |    |    \.
                                   |     \  |         |    |    |    |     |
                                   |_     \ |___      |___      |____|     |
                                     \_____\    \_____|   \_____|    |_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ daydream support ] | 06 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   _____                 ___  _____
   \    \      ___   ___|   | \    \ _______     ______      ___   __  __
   _\___ \. __/__ \./   |   | _\___ \._____ )_ ./ ____ \_ __/__ \./  \/  \.
 ./ ___/  |/ ___/  |_______ |/ ___/  |    |   \|  \_____// ___/  |        |
 |    l   |    l   |      l |    l   |    |    |   l    |    l   |  \  /  |
 |___     |__      |__      |__      |____|    |__      |__      |___\/   |
     \____|  \_____|  \_____|  \_____|    |____|  \_____|  \_____|   |____|
        ____     ___ __   ______   ______   ______ _______   __/\___
      ./ __/___./   |  \./ ____ \_/ ____ \_/  __  \._____ )_ \_   _/__.
      |_______ |    |   | /______/ /______/    /   |    |   \./  l    |
     _/      l |    |   |    \   |    \   |        |    |    |        |
     \___      |__      |     \_ |     \_ |__      |____|    |__      |
         \_____|  \_____|______/ |______/    \_____|    |____|a'\_____|
                                                    .. DD / UNIX of course! ;)
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ disaster area    ] | 07 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ ten              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
      ___ __ ___  ____        _____   __________|  |____  _______ ________
  ___/   \_ ____)/ __/___   _/____ \_/  ________    ___/_/ _____ \_______ \_
_/    _   |     |_______ \./  ___/  |_______ \./   l    |  \______| .______/_
|     |   :     |       l |     l   |       l |    :    |   l     |    |     \.
|___            .__       .___      |___      |___      :__       |____|      |
    \_____._____|  \______|   \_____|   \_____| a'\_____|  \______|    |      |
 ..........................................................     .    . |______|
 : .:.:
 ::.:                           ___________________   _________     _______
 :.:.                       ___/______  .________  \_/  ______ \___/______ \_
 :.:                       / ________/  |/  _______/_  /________/ _______/  |
 ::.:                      \      l     |     .      \   l      :     l     |
 :.:.::.                    \____       |_____|       \__       ._____      |
 :.::.:.::...................... \______|     |       /  \______|     \_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ dream phase      ] | 08 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ bubba            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
 .blablabla.B.blablabla.    \    \ _______      _______      ____   __  ___
 .blablablab.U.lablabla.   __\___ \._____ )__ ./  ____/   __/___ \./  \/   \.
 .blablablabl.B.ablabla. ./ ____/  |    |    \|   __/___./ ____/  |      /  |
 .blablablabla.B.blabla. |     l   |    |     |   l     |     l   |  \  /   |
 .blablablablab.A.labla. |___      |____|     |___      |___      |___\/    |
                             \_____|    |_____|   \_____|   \_____|    |____|
     _______   ___ ___      ____   ____      _______
   ./ _____ \_/  _|__ \. __/___ \./ __/____./  ____/   { d R E A M P H A S e }
   |  \______/   ___/  |/ ____/  |________ |   __/___.
   |      \  |    |    |     l   |       l |   l     |
   |_      \ |____|    |___      |___      |___      |
     \______\     |____|   \_____|   \_____| a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ edge of sanity   ] | 09 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ bionic           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
      ________   \    \   _______   ________
    ./   ____/  __\___ \./   _   \./ ______/       . eDGE oF sANITY! .
    |   ___/__./ ____/  |________ |    __/__.     %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
    |   l     |     l   |       l |   l     |
    |___      |___      |___      |___      |      info/info/info/info
        \_____|   \_____|   \_____| a'\_____|      info/info/info/info
                 __  ____                          info/info/info/info
                (__) \--                   ___/
                      \                  .(__/)
             ____         ____   ___ ____.  /  ·__/\___    ___ ___
           ./ __/____. __(___ \./   \    |     :__  __/__./   |   \.
           |________ |/ ____/  |    \\   |     |/  l     |________ |
           |       l |     l   |    |\   |     |         |       l |
           |___      |___      |____|    |     |___      |__       |
               \_____|   \_____|    |____|     :   \_____|  \______|
                                         |     ·
                                         ·     .
                                         :     '
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ elmstreet        ] | 10 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ javis            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   ________·    .      ___  __         . e l m s t r E e t .
 ./  _____/.    :    ./   \/  \.           . e l m s T r e e t .
 |   ___/__|    |____|         |               . e l M s t r e e t .
 |   l     |    |    |   \  /  |
 |___      |___      |____\/   | '' threehunderedthree - dreihundertdrei - ? ''
     \_____|   \_____|    |____|
            ____    ___/\___   _______     ________  _______ ___/\____
          ./ __/____\_    _/__.\____  )_ ./  _____/./  ____/ \_  ____/_.
          |________ |/   l    |    |    \|   ___/__|   __/___./  l     |
          |       l |         |    |     |   l     |   l     |         |
          |___      |___      |____|     |___      |___      |___      |
              \_____|   \_____|  a'|_____|   \_____|   \_____|   \_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ fireside         ] | 11 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ shelter          ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
              .                                       .  _____
      _________    .______     ________  ____    :    .  \    \   ________
    ./   _____/    :_____ )_ ./  _____/./  _/____:    · __\___ \./  _____/
(() |    __/  .    |    |   \|   __/___|________ |    ./ ____/  |   __/___. ())
    |     \   |    |    |    |   l     |       l |    |     l   |   l   a'|
·:: |_     \  |    |____|    |___      |___      |    |___      |___      | ::·
----- \_____\ :    · -- |____| - \_____| - \_____|    · - \_____| - \_____| ---
              ·    .                             .    :
              `                                       '
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ funkhole         ] | 12 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ hostile          ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
          ____ ___           ____ ____ .______            .    :      ________
  _______|_   |   \.___ ____|    |    \|     /__   ______ |    |    ./  _____/
./  ______/   |    |   \    \.   .    /|   _    \./  __  \.    |____|   .__/__
|   ____/.    |    |   \\    |   |    \|   |     |    /   |    |    |   |     |
|      \ |___      |   |\    |___|     \___|     |        |___      |___      |
|_      \    \_____|___|     |   |_____/   |_____|__      |   \_____| a'\_____|
  \______\             |_____|                      \_____|
             -[ h ho hos host hosti hostil hostile.. HOSTILE! ]-
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ ghb file_id      ] | 13 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ 911-attitude     ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
 ::  .---------.  .----. `::::'.--------. `::
  .-'     ·     \/      `----./     .   .'.::
  .`--------.    `-.   .     `-.        `-. :
 .`-.        `    /    |       /     ·     \
 ::. \        .--'`----:      /`---.       /.
 ::::.`------' .:::::::.`----' .:::.`-----'.:
 ::'                                      `::
 :: (!) gamma-hydroxy-butyrate = yumm! (!) ::
 :::.                                    ..::
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ hilight          ] | 14 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ soxius           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                              __\__ _
   ____ ____  _____  ____      . \___) _________ .     :____ ____/\_____
 _/   _|__  \._____)/    |     ·  \  ./   __    \:    _|__  \.__   ____/_.
 |    ___/   |     |     |____ |     :_________  |   ____/   | /  l      :
 |     |     |     |     |    \|     (         l |     |     |/          |
 |     |     |     |     |     |     |           |     |     |           |
 |_____|     |     :____       |     ·___        |_____|     |____       |
       l_____:     ·    \______|     . a'\_______|     :     .    \______|
                   .                                   ·
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ history          ] | 15 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ radicator        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
     ___ ____ ____  ____    ___/\___    _______ _______      ___ ___
   ./  _|__  (____)/ __/____\_   __/__./   __  \______ )__ ./   |   \.
   |   ___/  |    |________ |/  l     |     /   |    |    \|________ |
   |    |    |    |       l |         |         |    |     _/      l |
   |____|    |    |___      |___      |___      |____|     \__       |
        |____|    :   \_____|   \_____|   \_____|    |_____|a'\______|
             :    ·
             `    .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ ibm wares        ] | 16 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                         _\__   _____    ___  __
                        (__\_) /    /  ./   \/  \.
                        |   \:/ ___/___|  \      |
                        |    |  \_____ |   \  /  |
                        |    |__       |____\/   |
                        ·    :  \______|    |____|
                        :    .
            ___  ___      ____ _______      ________  ____
          ./   ||   \. __/___ \______ )__ ./ ______/./ __/____
          |    /\    |/ ____/  |    |    \|    __/__|________ |
          |      \   |     l   |    |     |   l     |       l |
          |____/\    |___      |____|     |___      |___      |
                 \___|   \_____|    |_____|   \_____| a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ invisible empire ] | 17 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ mathews          ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                      __/\___    ___.___   ______.
                     (_   __/__./  _|__ \./  ____|
                     ./  l     |   ___/  |   __(___.
                     |___      |____|    |__       |
                         \_____|    |____|  \______|
                       ____                ____
  _____  ___ ____  ___|    |____  ____    (____)  ______   ___       ________
 \\____)/   \    |/   |    |____:/ __/____|    | /     / ./   |    ./ ______/
  |    |    \\   |    |    |    |________ |    |/ ____/__|    |____|   __/___.
  |    |    |\   |    |    |    |       l |    |  \_____ |    |    |   l     |
  |    |____|    |__      _|    |___      |____|__       |___      |___      |
  |    |    |____|  \____/ |____|   \_____|       \______|   \_____|   \_____|
  |    .                                       _\__
  :    ·          ________  ___  __   _______ (__\_)______      _______
  ·             ./  _____/./   \/  \./ _____ \_   \._____ )__ ./  ____/ ·
                |   __/___|  \      |  \______/    |    |    \|   __/___.
                |   l     |   \  /  |     \   .    |    |     |   l     |
                |___      |____\/   |      \_ |    |____|     |___      |
                    \_____|    |____|_______/ |____:    |_____| a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ javis            ] | 18 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ javis            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                                    .     :      _____
               ________       _____ ·     |_____(_____) _____
               \       \. ___/____ \:     |     |     |/  __/_____.
  ......... .___\______ |/ ______/  |     |     |     |__________ | ..........
  »»»»»»»»» |         l |       l   |     |     |     |         l | ««««««««««
  »»»»»»»»» |           |           |           |     |           | ««««««««««
  »»»»»»»»» |_        __|_____      |\         /|     |_____     _| ««««««««««
 (------------\______/--------\_____|-\       /-:     .-----\___/a'-----------)
                                       \_____/  .     ·
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ last inn         ] | 19 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ topflight        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                      ___/\___/   ___ ___   ________
   the last inn:      \_  ___/__./  _|__ \./  _____/
  ---------------     ./  \//   |   ___/  |   __/___.
                      |         |    |    |   l     |
   blablabla SHQ      |___      |____|    |___      |
   blablabla WHQ          \_____|    |____|   \_____|
   blabla!? DIST
  ____          ____   ____     _/\___            (___\) ___ ___   ___ ____
 |    |      __/___ \./ __/____(_   _/___.        .    \/   \   \./   \    |
 |    |____./ ____/  |________ |/  l     |        |    |    \\   |    \\   |
 |    |    |     l   |       l |         |        |    |    |\   |    |\   |
 |___      |___      |___      |___      |        |    |____|    |____|    |
     \_____|   \_____|   \_____| a'\_____|        :    ·    |____|    |____|
                                                  ·    .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ linda            ] | 20 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ linda            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                 ___      ____  ___ ____   \    \      ____
               ./   |    (____)/   \    | __\___ \. __/___ \.
               |    |___ :    |    \\   |/ ____/  |/ ____/  |
               |    |   \.    |    |\   |     l   |     l   |
               |___      |    |____|    |___      |___      |
                   \_____|    :    |____|   \_____| a'\_____|
                         .    ·
                         ·    .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ malfunction      ] | 21 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ golem            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                _____ ./   |                 ...  ...:::   :..::. ..
   ___  ___   _/____ \|    |___            .:::...  .:..  :·     .:::..
 _/   \/   \./  ___/  |    |   \.            :::   ::..   ..::::. .:::
 \       /  |     l   .__       |          ::...:::. · :::... :: :: :·
 /   \  /   |___      |  \______|                    ..::.           ;
 \____\/    |   \_____|                      : .
      |_____|               » m · a · l · f · u · n · c · t · i · o · n «
     _____________ ___   ___ ____   ______   . :   ___ _ _  _______   ___ ___
   _/  _______/   |   \./   \    | /      \._| |___  .____)/   __  \./   \   \.
   |   ____/ |    |    |    \\   :/   \____:_   __/--|    .     /   |    \\   |
   |      \  |    |    |    |\   |    /    |/  |     |    |         |    |\   |
   |_      \ |___      .____|    .___      |___      |    |___      .____|    |
     \_____/     \_____|    |____|   \_____| a'\_____.    |   \_____|    |____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ mod file_id      ] | 22 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ cyberlife        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   ____  ______  release          ________
 ./    \/      \. date: MM-DD-YY  \       \
 |     \/ /     | ___________   ___\______ \.
 |    \  /      |/    ___    \./ ________/  |
 |_____\/       |       /     |       l     |
        |       |_____        |___         _|
  disk  ·       :     \_______|   \_______/a'
  ·xx·  :       ·
   of   ·       . -{ bla.bla.bla.bla.bla! }-
  ·xx·  .       · -{ bla.bla.bla.bla.bla? }-
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ new user         ] | 23 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ thaboom          ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   ___ ____  ________  ___ .___       ___ ___   ____      ________ ______
 ./   \    |/  _____/./   ||   \.   ./   |   \./ __/____./ ______/______ )__
 |    \\   |   __/___|    /\    |   |    |    |________ |   __/___|    |    \.
 |    |\   |   l     |      \   |   |    |    |       l |   l     |    |     |
 |____|    |___      |____/\    |   |__       |___      |___      |____|     |
      |____|   \_____|      \___|      \______|   \_____| a'\_____|    |_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ old and gold     ] | 24 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                           _____                                      .......
      _______   ___        \    \                    .................:. .. :
    ./  __   \./   |      __\___ \.                  :                :...: :
    |    /    |    |____./ ____/  |               ....  o  l  (  D  )   . ..:
    |         |    |    |     l   |               :     a  n  (  D  )  .:
    |___      |___      |___      |               :  g  o  l  (  D  ) ..:
        \_____|   \_____|   \_____|      _____    ......................:
                       ____   ___ ____   \    \
                    __/___ \./   \    | __\___ \.
                  ./ ____/  |    \\   |/ ____/  |
                  |     l   |    |\   |     l   |
                  |___      |____|    |___      |
                      \_____|    |____| a'\_____|                _____
                                  _______   _______   ___        \    \
                                ./   _   \./   __  \./   |      __\___ \.
                                |________ |     /   |    |____./ ____/  |
                                /       l |         |    |    |     l   |
                                \__       |___      |___      |___      |
                                   \______|   \_____|   \_____|   \_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ oracle8 file_id  ] | 25 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ soldier303       ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
  »·(  o  r  a  c  l  e  8  )·« ___________
 ................   ________  ./     .     \
    _________   : _/  ._____\_|_           _)
  ./     _   \_ :/    l       )      .      l
  |      /     \|             :             |
  |             .             |\________ __a'
  l             |\____________!
 % \____________|:.( xx / xx )..( MM/DD/YY ).
                    ---------    ----------
 · oracle8 - quality releasers since 1897!? ·
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ outbreak         ] | 26 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ trance           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
            ___.___ .__/\___    ______.______      _______     ____      .___
  _______ ./   |   \(_   __/_. /     /\_____ )__ ./  ____/  __/___ \.____|   \_
./  __   \|    |    |/  l    |/ ____/__/   |    \|   __/__./ ____/  |    |    /
|    /    |         |        |  \____  |   |     |  l     |     l   |      __/
|         |___      |__      |__       |___|     |__      |___      |    |   \.
|___      |   \_____|  \_____|  \______|   |_____|  \_____| a'\_____|____|    |
    \_____|                                                              :    |
                   .  {  o  }  U  T  b  R  E  A  K  !  .                 ·    :
                   `-----------------------------------'                      .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ outstream        ] | 27 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ outstream        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
    _______   _______ ___/\___
  ./   __  \./   |   \.__  __/__
  |     /   |    |    |/  l     | ( a young gamer with trader instinct.. not )
  |         |         |         |
  |___      |___      |__       |
      \_____|   \_____|  \______|
             _____    ____/\__ _________   ________    _____   ___  __
           ./  ___)__.\__  __/_\_______ \./  _____/  _(____ \./   \/  \.
           |________ |_/  l    |  ______/|   ___/__./ ____/  |  \      |
          ./       l |         |   |    \|  l      |     l   |   \  /  |
          |____      |___      |___|     \.__      |___      |____\/   |
               \_____|   \_____|   |      | |______|   \_____|  a'|    |
                                   |______|                       |____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ phalloid         ] | 28 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ phalloid         ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                                         ____      _______         ______
   _______              _____  ____     |    |____/   __  \.______ \     \
  _\_____ \____ ___   _|____ \.    |____|    |    |    /   (_____/__\_____\__
 /         /  _|__ \./  ___/  |    |    :    |    |        |     |  ________/
/_________/   ___/  |     |   |    |    .___      |__      |     |_    |   |
 |     |  |    |    .___      .___      | a'\_____|  \_____|     | \_      |
 |_____|  |____|    |   \_____|   \_____|                  .     :   \_____|
               |____|                                            .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ porno            ] | 29 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
       _________   _________ ________      ____ _____. _________
     ./________ \_/   __    \_______ )__ ./    \     |/   __    \.
     | \_________/     /     |     |    \|     \\    |     /     |
     |       \   |           |     |     |     |\    |           |
     |        \_ |____       |_____|     |_____|     |____       |
     |_________/      \______|     |_____|     |_____|  a'\______|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ premium          ] | 30 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ dixy             ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                                    ___                                 ___
  _ __ ______ ______       ______  |   \.___  _______    ______    ___./   |
  \_\______  \_ ____)__  ./ ____ \_|    |   \.\______\ ./   |  \ ./   |    |
     /_________\  |    \ . /_______) \  |  / | _______ |    |   \| \  |  / |
      /     |     |     \|    l    |  \   /  |/       \.    |    |  \   /  |
     /      |     |      |         |   \_/   |         |         |   \_/   |
   _/       |     |      |         |    |    |         |         |    |    |...
   \        |     |      |         |    |    |         |         |    |    |  :
  . \       |_____|      |         |    |    |         |         |    |    |  :
  :  \______|   a'|______|_________|____|    |_________|_________|    |____|  :
  :                                .    |____| · p R E M I U M · |____|       :
. :................................:                        .....      ...... :
:                                  :                        :...: :    :    : :
:                                  :..........................    :...........:
:                                  .                         :....:    .    .
:..................................:                                   :....:
   eehhh.. what happened to the
   other logos with this style?
   baaaaah.. huh.. nevermind!@#
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ psychadelic shit ] | 31 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   _______   ____      ___ ___    ______   ___ ___   ________
 ./ _____ \_/ __/____./   |   \. /      \./  _|__ \./  _____/
 | /_______/________ |________ |/   \____|   ___/  |   ___/__.
 |     \    /      l |       l |    /    |    |    |   l     |
 |      \_ /___      |___      |___      |____|    |___      |
 |_______/     \_____|   \_____|   \_____|    |____|   \_____|
                                   _____                       ___/
                                   \    \   ________  ___     (__/_)  ______
                                  __\___ \./ ______/./   |    . /  . /      \.
       ____                     ./ ____/  |  ___/___|    |____|    |/   \____|
     ./ __/____                 |     l   |  l      |    |    |    |    /    |
     |________ | ___ ___   /\   |___      |___      |___      |    |___      |
     |       l |/  _|__ \./  \      \_____|   \_____|   \_____|    : a'\_____|
     |___      |   ___/  |\   \                               .    ·
         \_____|    |    | \  /___/\__                        :    .
               |____|    |  \/|_   __/__.
                    |____|    |/  l     |   P S Y C H E D E L I C   S H I T !
                         |    |         |  -----------------------------------
                         :    |___      |
                         .    ·   \_____|
 They are the "plastic ravers". They are spending money to buy "Thunderdome"
 volume 1-24, and says: WHOW! RAVE'S COOL!
 They listen to modules like "firestarter" (prodigy) and "hippy" (technohead)
 and screams: I LOVE RAVE!
 They are lower standing creatures. No one needs idiots like that.
 Please do not, i repeat DO NOT use the word "rave", until you know the meaning
 of it! It's NOT your fucking "Thunderdome" compilations. GET A FUCKING LIFE!@#
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ real solution    ] | 32 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ radicator        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                 ________      ________     ____   ___
                 \______ )__ ./ ______/  __/___ \./   |
                   /   |    \|   ___/__./ ____/  |    |____.
                 _/    |     |   l     |     l   |    |    |
                 \_____|     |___      |___      |___      |
                       |_____|   \_____|   \_____|   \_____|
   ____      _______  ____       ___ ___ ___/\___   _____  _______   ___ ____.
 ./ __/____./   __  \|    |     /   |   \._   __/__(_____)/   __  \./   \    |
 |________ |     /   |    |____|    |    |/  l     |     |     /   |    \\   |
 ./      l |         |    |    |         |         |     |         |    |\   |
 |___      |___      |___      |__       |___      |     |___      |____|    |
     \_____|   \_____|   \_____|  \______| a'\_____|     |   \_____|    |____|
                                                   :     ·
                                                   ·     .
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ requests         ] | 33 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
 ________      _______  ______   ___ ___   _______  ____   ___/\___   ____
 \______ )__ ./  ____/./  __  \./   |   \./  ____/./ __/___\_   __/_./ __/___.
  |    |    \|   __/__|    /   |    |    |   __/__|_______ |/  l    |_______ |
  |    |     |  l     |        |    |    |  l     |      l |        |      l |
  |____|     |__      |____    |___      |__      |__      |___     |__      |
       |_____|  \_____|   /____|   \_____|  \_____|  \_____|   \____|a'\_____|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ sexy bitch       ] | 34 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ linda            ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   _____     ________  ___|      /_ ____
 ./  __/___./  _____/./   |     /  |    \.    you were always, always such a
 |________ |   ___/__|_   |   _/_______  |    bore. But now you won't nag no
 |       l |  l      |         \       | |    more. Silence  is golden,  you
 |___      |___      |____|     \_       |    know. Dead  boys don't say no.
     \_____|   \_____|    |_____/ \______|
    You are a pervert       ______ .    ·__/\__      ______   ___ ___
    you  are a  lier.      /     / :    ._   _/___  /      \./  _|__ \.
    Where  have   you    ./ ____/__|    |/  l     |/   \____|   ___/  |
    been  all  night?    |  \____  |    |         |    /    |    |    |
    Get   your  hands    |__       |    |___      |___      |____|    |
    off my body,  and       \______|    :   \_____|   \_____|  a'|____|
    get    the   hell              `    .
    out   of   sight.
                              Faking all emotions, and all orgasms too.
                        I didn't mean a word of it,  when i said "i love you".
                                                            crd -- RIP
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ s0nic            ] | 35 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ a s0nic member   ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
            _____       _________   ____ _____ ______   ________
--------- ./ ___/_____./    __   \./    \     |______) /        \. ------------
 sonic!ci |__________ |      /    |     \\    |      ./   \______| sonic!cinos
 sonic!cino /       l |           |     |\    |      |    /      | sonic!cinos
 sonic!ci'_/          |           |     |     |      |           | sonic!cinos
 sonic!ci \___        |____       |_____|     |      |___        | sonic!cinos
.------------ \_______| -- \______| --- |_____|      : a'\_______| ------------
`-------------------------------------------- .      · -----------------------.
.----- .[- the makers of quality music -]. -- ·      : -----------------------'
`-------------------------------------------- :      . -------------- -    -  ·
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ shocke           ] | 36 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ shocke           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
   _____       ____ ____   _________    ________  _____|      / ________
 ./ ___/_____./   _|__  \./   ___   \. /        \|     |     /_( ______/
 |__________ |    ___/   .      /    |/    \_____|         _/     __/____.
   /       l |     |     :           |     /     |     |    \     l      |
 ./          :     |     |           :           |     |     \_          |
 |____       ._____|     |___        .____       ._____|      /___       |
      \______|     |     |   \_______|    \______|   a'|_____/    \______|
                   |     :
                   ·     .   is just about to light a joint when.. BEEP BEEP
                                                           ..what do you want?
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ soxius           ] | 37 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ soxius           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
                __________.     :                              _____
   ______     _/    __    \     |______         ____  _____  _/ ___/____
 _/ ____/____ |      /     |_   |      \_______/    \|     \.\_________ \.
 |__________ \.            |    _     __/______)     |      |          l |
  /         l |____        |    |       |      |            |____        |
 /___         |    \_______|____|       |      |___         |  a'\_______|
     \________|                 |_______|      |   \________|
                                       :       .
 «   ·   s   o   x   i   u   s   ·   »         ·
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ total recall     ] | 38 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ shocke           ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----
         ____/\____    ________  ____/\___      _____  ____
         \__    __/__./   __   \._    ___/_. __/____ \|    |
          ./   l     |     /    |/   l     |/ _____/  |    |_____.
          |          |          |          |      l   |    |     |
          |___       |___       |___       |___       |___       |
              \______|   \______|   \______|   \______|   \______|
      ________     ________    _______      _____   ___        ___
      \_____  )_ ./  _____/   /       \. __/____ \./   |     ./   |
       /   |    \|   ___/___./   \_____|/ _____/  |    |_____|    |____
      /    |     |   l      |    /     |      l   |    |     |    |    \.
      \____|     |___       |___       |___       |___       |___       |
           |_____|   \______|   \______|   \______| a'\______|   \______|
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ unix and linux   ] | 39 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ zap              ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
 ---------------------------------------------------------------[a']- :::: ----

      ___ ___   ___ ____|    .____ ______
    ./   |   \./   \    :    ·    |     /
    |    |    |    \\   |    |_       _/
    |    |    |    |\   |    |    |    \
    |___      .____|    |    |____|     \
        \_____|    |____|    :    |______\
                        ·    |
                                 -( . a . n . d . )-          ______.
                              ___      ____  ___ ___   ___ ___\     |_____
                            ./   |    (____)/   \   \./   |    \    |    /
                            |    |____|    |    \\   |    |    |\_     _/
                            |    |    |    |    |\   |    |    |/   |   \
                            |___      |    |____|    |___      |____|    \
                                \_____.____|    |____|   \_____|  a'|     \
                                        ?? w    h    a    t ??      ......
 ---------------------------------------??------------------??--- .::::::::. --
 :                            .--- ---. ?? asciibyacidflash ?? ::.`··' . `::: :
 : lOGO: [ upload           ] | 40 /  | ?? bemushroomedwith ?? ::::' ....:::'.:
 :                            |   /   | ?? amanitamuscaria! ?? :::'.::::::·'.::
 : fOR?: [ outstream        ] |  / 40 | ??                  ?? ::: :::.  . ·:::
 :                            `--- ---' ?????????????????????? :::. `:::::: :::
 : [« mETHYLENEDIOXYMETHYLAMPHETAMINE »] ......................:::::: `··' .:::
 :.......................................::::::::::::::::::::::::::::` .. :::::
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      ::: _______ :: ___________  :::: _______ ::  _____ : _______ ::::
      : _/   |   \._|____  \_   |____./    _  \. _|____ \_ \      \ :::
      : |    |    /         /   |    :     |   |/  ___/  | _\______\___
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      . |___      |     |_ |___      |___      |___      /__    l   | .
      ::... \_____._     / . a'\_____| . \_____| . \_____|  \_      | :
      :.::::....... \___/ :::. ..  ..  .:.  .. ..:.  .... ..  \_____| :
      :.:...::..:.::.....:::.:. ::. ::.  :.. :..  :..::.:.:.:... ....::
      :                                                               :
      : enter the rules for uploading RIGHT here..                    :
      :                                                               :
               :   ..............   .............................
               :                :   :                           :
               :         :      :   :                           :
               :.........:  ... : . : .....      ...............:
                            :   :   :     :      :
                            :   :   :     :      :
                            :   :   :     :      :                  :
                            :   :...................................:
              ..............:       .     .      .
              :                     :     :      :
              :                     :     :      :...............
              :   :                 :     :                     :
              :   :................ : .................         :
              :                     :     .           :         :
              :                     :...............  : ........:
              :                                       :
              .         f i n i s h e d . .           :
                                                        .. finished forever?
 .. why not?
                                                          .. but i'm not sure.
          _______ _______      ________  ________.__/\___    ____
        ./   _   \._____ )__  /  _____/./  _____/(_   __/__./ __/____
        |________ |    |    \|   __/___|   __/___./  l     |________ |
       _/       l |    |     |   l     |   l     |         |       l |
  .--- \___      _|____|     |___      |___      |___      |__       | ---.
  :        \____/      |_____|   \_____|   \_____|   \_____|a'\______|    :
  |                                                                       |
  |      c r e d i t s   &   r e s p e c t   -   a s   a l w a y s !      |
  |  -- ------------------------------------------------------------- --  |
  |                                                                       |
  |  __  axetro.bb^king.carnifex.cesspool.chrombacher.crawl.crusader  __  |
  ___\/_    cybergod.cyberlife!.dartagnan.desoto.ed.fatal.frosty     _\/___
  \  /\/  fungus.hostile.hydra.jameswest.java.javis.jupiter8!.linda  \/\  /
  .\/      mindjiver!.mouge.nurgle.phalloid.rasta.reactor.scarface      \/.
  |      skeleton.snike.snuskis.soxius.speed devil.starchild.trance!      |
  |          trilogy.wise-k.zap!.and everyone who belongs here..          |
  |                                                                       |
  |  -- -----------------( smoke a joint, deticated to them! )------- --  |
  |                                                                       |
    Special greets to Remedy, Zentry and Cristopher Olsson. RESPECT THEM!
               :   ..............                               .
               :                :                               :
               :         ...... : ............ ................ :
               :         :      :              :                :
               :         :      :              :                :
               :         :      :              :                :
               :         :      :              :                :
               :         :      :............. : .............. :
               :         :                     :              : :
               :         :                     :              : :
               :..............                 :       .  .  .: :
                  .          :                 :                :
                  :          .                 :                :
                  :          :...........................       :
                  :                 .                           :
                  :                 :                           :
                  :................ : .................         :
                                    :                 :         :
                                    :...............  : ........:
                        t h i n k i n g . . ( ? )     :
  ___  ___   ________  ____     ___         ____   _______   ________  ____
./   \/   \./  _____/./ __/___./ _/____  __/___ \./   _   \./ ______/ / __/___
|    \/ /  |    __/__|_______ |_______ |/ ____/  |________ |    __/__.\______ |
|   \  /   |   l     |      l |      l |     l   |       l |   l     |      l |
|____\/    |___      |__      |__      |___      |__      _|___      |__      |
      |____|   \_____|  \_____|  \_____|   \_____|a'\____/     \_____|  \_____|
  [----« what would this shit be without some shitty messages? BETTER! »----]
            __ __ .                                         . __ __
     ((-- -(_ (____\_                                     _/____) _)- --))
                 \__ ___ _    _     _  _  _     _    _ ___ __/
         axetro ..............               Debian raawks.. right? :)
         cybergod ............               Well..  call me about the
                                             computers.  They are real
                                             powerpacks  when  you use
                                             them to other things than
                                             dos/windows. :)
         hydra ...............               Keep on working with  the
                                             DD/UNIX version! RESPECT!
         jupiter8! ...........               [JoshWink(jw@jw.com)] Are
                                             you there? Are you there?
                                             aaahaa.. imagine that! :)
         linda ...............               Thanks for existing!.. :)
         mathews .............               Keep on daydreaming dude!
                                             Don't let your  kid touch
                                             the amiga.. aaaaaargh! :)
         mendator ............               It was VERY  nice to meet
                                             you (FINALLY).. :)
         scarface ............               WHOW! It's Simone on MTV.
                                             btw.. she IS a bitch.. ;) 

         zap .................               Redhat sucks.. something!         
         zara ................               mmmmmmmmm..
                  _.                                       ._
          //         \\-\__________ _  .  _ __________/-//         \\
     (_ _/                         - - · - -                         \_ _)
                                               .. i think i'll survive anyway!
-[ line 1997 (eof) ]--------------------------------------------[ adds below ]-                      __/\___    ___.___   ______.

 .                   this file has been frozen inside                     .
 :                            ____ _|_ __                                 :
 :                             \/  \ / \/,                                :
 : ______    ______    ______  ____      _____     ______   ______  ______:
 __) _  (____) __ (____)  _ (__)  (__  __)   /_____) ___( __)  _ (__) _  (__
/    /    _     (   _      __     __/_/   _ /   _   __(__/      __    /    /
\___/    /\____    /\___/   \____ (   \___/    /\____   _____/   \___/    /
 :  )___/gdm-)____/    /____/  )______/  /____/    )____/lkr/____/   )___/:
 :                 _                                    _                 :
 :         -   - -)_)- P ·  A  ·  L  ·  A  ·  C  ·  E -(_(- -  -          :
 :                                                                        :
 `----------------.- t.h.e.n.o.r.t.h.e.r.n.p.a.l.a.c.e -.-----------------'

    _::_   3nds ringdown loaded with amiga/ascii/console/psx/mac    _::_
     \/      4040 26mb 5.3gb cd-rom 2/33.6ds 1/28.8ds 3/telnet       \/

  motion · royal · traders dream · trsi recordz · aftershock · hoodlum hq
 style · lsd · data division ehq · polka bros. · puzzle world headquarter!
    save our souls hq · looker house ehq · royal mac schq · oldskool hq
          kefrens world headquarter · artwork european headquarter 
                .   -  -  board dedushka-morozes  -  -   .
                 :                                        :
  zinko · playmate · sisko · bilbo baggins/m! · neil/flt · recall/cls^qtx
         ufok/cqt^mst^lsd^psg^crx · fury/psg/m! · black panther/psg
                 :                                        :
                 . -^-  - -santa +45-58aSKyARSELF- -  -^- .

                 .                                        .

_._      <<(· THE YARD ·)>>        \      .   ______  _______       ____._
 ¡/                                 \     |_ /     / ___     \ _____\   ¡
 |   1\36k6 sLOT·2\iSDN sLOTS       _\   (__\\____/__\ /______\   _/ \  |
 |  4\iSDN sTATIC tELNET sLOTS     /__________________/  /________\mt^lp|
 | aMIGA·cONSOLES·gRAFFiTi·iBM  _ ________ _             ____ ________  |
 | aSCii·liNUX·hiPHOP·dAYdREAM  \ \      ///   ________./    ¡\      /  |
 | aEROHOLiCS·dISCIPLES oF aGEEMA  \     \____/    _  /¡    _|_\     \__|
 | sOiA·lP!·oMEN·aRCADE·pUREpHUN    \     \   \____\  \!___/    \____/
_!___ ______ ________________________\_____\__/________:   \____________._
 ·   \\     \\               ________________\                          !
       \_____\\______________\ cONTACTING: · zANEr · diPSWiTCH · hAsH ·