Introduction to CU-SeeMe

A videoconferencing program, CU-SeeMe, is available free from Cornell University under copyright of Cornell and its collaborators. CU-SeeMe provides a one-to-one connection, or by use of a reflector, a one-to-many, a several-to-several, or a several-to-many conference depending on user needs and hardware capabilities. It displays 4-bit grayscale video windows at 160x120 pixels or at double that diameter, and does not (yet) include audio. So as far as we know, CU-SeeMe was the first and may still be the only software available for personal computers which supports real-time multiparty videoconferencing on the Internet.

CU-SeeMe is intended to provide useful conferencing at minimal cost. Receiving requires only a personal computer with a screen capable of displaying 16 grays and a connection to the Internet. Sending requires the same plus a camera and video capture capability such as a SuperMac VideoSpigot board.

At this time, CU-SeeMe runs in an early prototype under Windows and in a more mature version on the Macintosh using an IP network connection. With CU-SeeMe each participant can decide to be a sender, a receiver, or both.

Warning: Although being improved with each version, CU-SeeMe is not mature production software--USE AT YOUR OWN RISK.