o v1.2 ====== o is a command line utility. It opens the arguments (directories) in the Browser as if you double clicked on the folders in the Browser. If you don't specify an argument it opens the current directory. This is 100% freeware and should work on dr8.x. Thanks to Eric Knight for providing the information on bedevtalk that allowed me to do this quick little hack. allen FIXES in 1.2 ------------ Compiled for dr8. Source code included. More precise documentation. v1.1's docs said o did things it couldn't. I didn't test it enough. FIXES in 1.1 ------------ It didn't work like it should have when you didn't give an argument. Instead of opening the directory you are in the terminal, it opened the the directory where you put o. v1.0 also didn't handle relative paths correctly. In 1.1 you can specify a relative path with some restrictions (see BUGS). BUGS ---- When you try to open from "/", "/boot" or "/" only absolute paths will work. I haven't found a way yet to get around this. You can't open volumes even if you give the absolute path. So "o /boot" won't work. Sorry. USAGE ----- o [directory ]... EXAMPLES -------- o (opens the current working directory in the Browser) o /boot/system (opens the /boot/system folder in the Browser) o /boot/system . (opens the current working directory and the /boot/system directory in the Browser) etc...