Original "Lorenz" Backspace Modules by Booker C. Bense Original "Maze" BackSpace Module by David Bau Original "NickSpace" BackSpace Module by Michael Koehrsen koehrsen@whitewater.chem.wisc.edu From Booker // This code is the work of Booker C. Bense (benseb@next.sdsc.edu) // You are free to change/distribute this code provided this notice // remains intact From David // MazeView by David Bau // Copyright 1994 by David Bau. All rights reserved. // // I feel silly even saying this, but please don't charge for this // module or any product containing a portion or modification of it, // and when distributing, please give credit where credit is due. From Micheal //1/13/95 //This is a BackSpace module. I named it NickSpace after the noted human //Nick Manjoine, because it was inspired by a characteristic behavior of his. //The distribution includes a fat binary (Intel and Motorola) and source. //The source should compile readily under NS 3.1 and 3.2, but will probably // require some makefile tweaking for earlier versions. //If you like it, or do anything further to it, let me know. Ported to "saver" format by Douglas Boyce This archive contains the same LorenzView and MazeView that is on the archive (administrator please remove it). Contents: LorenzView LorenzRotateView LorenzSnakeView LorenzCrossView By Booker MazeView By David NickSpace By Michael All view are alpha until I add controls (delays, color picking, etc) where appropriate. Can't say when but all the code will be released.