===================== File: groff-bin_AA.tgz Author: (ported by) Parag Patel Release: 1.10 Compatibility: DR9-AA Location: contrib/editors Description: binaries for Gnu groff/tbl/eqn/etc, macros, and BSD man Notes: This is a quick port of the Gnu groff 1.10 to the BeOS, as well as a port of the OpenBSD "man" command. Extract the archive under the "/boot" directory. Everything will install into /boot/local mimicing a Unix /usr/local tree. The only exception is man.conf which normally goes into /etc but is placed in /boot/local/lib for BeOS. groff 1.10 ported quite easily with no changes to the sources. Some minor makefile and configure command tweaks, plus a working "cxx" script to compile C++ files named "foo.C", and things pretty much compiled right up. Go to the Gnu ftp site to get the sources, or drop me a note if you want mine. Getting openbsd's man to run was another set of headaches, involving throwing together a variety of library routines to mimic those in BSD. (I really should just port the entire set of BSD libraries one of these days.) =====================