File: Squeezer1.0RC1.pkg Author: Massimiliano Origgi Release: 1.0RC1 (Oct. 29th, 1999) Compatibility: R4.5 Location: contrib/utilities Description: The premiere graphic archiver for the BeOS. Notes: Squeezer is the premiere graphic archiver for BeOS. Now you can easily create, modify, view and extract files in your archives, all with an intuitive and fast interface completely integrated with the Tracker. Here is a list of the most important features of Squeezer: - Handles multiple archives at the same time - Supports multiple archivers through addons(zip, tar, gzip available) - Displays archive contents in an easy to use tree list - Fully integrated with the Tracker - Displays files without extracting them from the archive - Add or extract files with drag and drop - Rename or delete files in the archives - Create directories in the archives - Stores separate configuration settings for each archive - Quickly access recently visited archives - Fully font sensitive interface - Tool tips for quick help Squeezer requires BeOS R4.5 or later.