File: c++advio_v241.tar.gz Author: Oleg Kiselyov ( Release: 2.4.1 (Nov 10, 1998) Compatibility: R4 Location: contrib/development Description: Advanced i/o, TCP, and Arithmetic Compr classlib Notes: cross-platform source code plus compiled BeOS R4 PPC library Advanced i/o and Arithmetic Compression classlib A set of classes (C++ streams) that perform: - a variable-bit coding of sequences of integers (including Arithmetic compression ), - a trick of sharing a stream buffer (a "file") among several streams, - explicit endian specification in dealing with integer streams. - TCP streams! - a primitive Logging service - a Vocabulary package, (poly/homo)morphic dictionaries with a dynamic "inheritance" path, an embedded language, actually There are also a few convenience functions/classes. The code is written in a portable way and rather commented; verification tests are provided as well. I use the convenience functions of the package in almost every code I write. The README file of the archive explains it all in great detail. c++serv.dr file tells what the other files are for. In addition, the archive contains an already built library -- libserv.a, BeOS PPC R4b4. To check the library, do make check-all As localhost does not accept connections on port 7, to run the vTCPstream test you need to set ECHO_HOST ECHO_HOST= vTCPstream (provide the valid IP address for the ECHO_HOST). To rebuild the library, do make dist-clean make lib The Makefile itself gives more details as to building and checking of this project.