Patches for ILU 2.0beta1

Revised $Date: 2000/03/04 01:06:36 $ GMT

About Patches

Getting the "patch" program

The program "patch" is distributed from a number of places, and odds are you already have it on your system. If not, try for the sources. On Windows platforms, there appears to be a version in the Win32 distribution of the GNU tools:
Subject: Re: Absolute Newbie
Newsgroups: comp.object.corba
Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1999 18:05:20 GMT (Bill Janssen) writes:
> I wonder if there's a version of the UNIX `patch' utility for
> Windows

There is! I'm sure it is available from several places, we got it as
part of the CVS package. Version 1.10 of CVS for Windows can be
downloaded from:

To use patch.exe you also need win32gnu.dll which comes in the same
zip file.

There are several different UNIX versions of patch. Older versions won't be able to handle raw HTML as input, so you may want to upgrade if you have an old version. To check the version, try typing "patch -v" at a command line. If your patch program doesn't like that, or if the version printed out is less than 2.1, you will probably want to fetch the newer version and build it.

Applying a patch

To patch your sources, copy any patch listed below into a patch file. If you're going to apply more than one, apply them in order, and put each patch in a separate patch file. Then change your working directory to the top of the ILU source tree (ILUSRC), and use the command "patch -p0", (that's a zero) redirecting standard input to come from this file. For example, if you had put the ILU sources in /usr/local/ilu/src, and had put the patch in /usr/local/ilu/src/this-patch, you'd type
  % cd /usr/local/ilu/src
  % patch -p0 < /usr/local/ilu/src/this-patch
  [...various output from the patch program...]
NOTE: On a fresh (unpatched) distribution, it usually works to just feed this entire patches.html file into the patch program, e.g. patch -l -p0 < patches.html
WARNING: copying these files from a browser may produce problems with some patches due to a conversion of tabs to spaces. If you have a patch application fail, try specifying the -l switch to patch. Also, when ftp'ing this page, use binary transfer. On Windows, some patches may be reported as malformed if you transfer the file in ascii mode. On UNIX, some patch versions may object to having carriage returns in the file, so if you observe problems, check to see that some intermediate step did not insert carriage returns.

Actual Patches

  • In CORBA C++, the CORBA::ORB::string_to_object call fails when the string does not contain sufficient type information. This patch allows the C++ runtime to work around that.

    *** 1.28	1999/08/03 01:55:50
    --- runtime/cpp2/iluobject.cpp	1999/10/19 00:19:25
    *** 196,202 ****
      	ILUCPP_BOOL b_parse_result;
      	ilu_string  p_mstid = NULL;
    ! 	iluClass objects_class;
      	iluKernelObject kernelobject;
      	iluObject*	p_ilu_object;
      	iluError an_error;
    --- 196,202 ----
      	ILUCPP_BOOL b_parse_result;
      	ilu_string  p_mstid = NULL;
    ! 	iluClass objects_class, better_class;
      	iluKernelObject kernelobject;
      	iluObject*	p_ilu_object;
      	iluError an_error;
    *** 212,224 ****
      	if (!b_parse_result)
      		return NULL;
    ! 	// get the iluClass of this object
    ! 	objects_class = ilu_FindClassFromID(p_mstid);
    ! 	iluCppRuntime::iluFree(p_mstid);
    ! 	if (!objects_class) 
    ! 		return NULL;
      	// get a kernel object based on this sbh and class
      	kernelobject = ilu_ObjectOfSBH (pc_string_binding_handle, objects_class, &an_error);
      	if (ILU_ERRNOK(an_error)) {
    --- 212,229 ----
      	if (!b_parse_result)
      		return NULL;
    ! 	if (!p_mstid) {
    ! 	  objects_class = ilu_rootClass;
    ! 	}
    ! 	else {
    ! 	  // get the iluClass of this object
    ! 	  objects_class = ilu_FindClassFromID(p_mstid);
    ! 	  iluCppRuntime::iluFree(p_mstid);
    ! 	  if (!objects_class) 
    ! 	    return NULL;
    ! 	}
      	// get a kernel object based on this sbh and class
      	kernelobject = ilu_ObjectOfSBH (pc_string_binding_handle, objects_class, &an_error);
      	if (ILU_ERRNOK(an_error)) {
    *** 235,243 ****
      	ILUCPP_DEBUG3("iluObject::iluStringToObject found lso %p for kernel object %p\n", p_ilu_object, kernelobject);
    ! 	if (p_ilu_object == NULL)
    ! 		// we didn't find an object already present for this, so create a new surrogate
    ! 		p_ilu_object = iluCppInternal::iluCreateSurrogate(objects_class, kernelobject);
      	// exit the object's server
      	ilu_ExitServer(ilu_ServerOfObject(kernelobject), objects_class);
    --- 240,253 ----
      	ILUCPP_DEBUG3("iluObject::iluStringToObject found lso %p for kernel object %p\n", p_ilu_object, kernelobject);
    ! 	if (p_ilu_object == NULL) {
    ! 	  // we didn't find an object already present for this, so create a new surrogate
    ! 	  if (p_mstid == NULL)
    ! 	    better_class = ilu_ClassOfObject(kernelobject);
    ! 	  else
    ! 	    better_class = objects_class;
    ! 	  p_ilu_object = iluCppInternal::iluCreateSurrogate(better_class, kernelobject);
    ! 	}
      	// exit the object's server
      	ilu_ExitServer(ilu_ServerOfObject(kernelobject), objects_class);

  • The stubber generator program has a hard-coded limit in it that is too small for some large IDL/ISL files. This shows up in the CORBA C++ stubber refusing to parse those files. The following patch removes that hard limit.

    *** 1.24	1999/09/10 10:42:50
    --- stubbers/genstub/generate.c	1999/09/27 21:30:30
    *** 40,49 ****
                      int  typedesc_index;   
      } StructCorr; 
    ! #define SIZE_TNV 30000
      typedef struct {
              void       *stub_ctl;             /* for comm with stubber */ 
              char       *tree_node_vector;     /* for failed instances  */
              int         current_set_node;  
              int         last_search_node;  
              Rule       *current_rule;      /* for error messages */
    --- 40,52 ----
                      int  typedesc_index;   
      } StructCorr; 
    ! #define INIT_SIZE_TNV 20000
    ! #define INC_SIZE_TNV 10000
      typedef struct {
              void       *stub_ctl;             /* for comm with stubber */ 
              char       *tree_node_vector;     /* for failed instances  */
    +         int         current_size_tnv;     
              int         current_set_node;  
              int         last_search_node;  
              Rule       *current_rule;      /* for error messages */
    *** 1242,1248 ****
         Instance     call_args;
         int          in_repeat, has_disj, found, current_eq, next_eq;
    !    int          first_rpt_level, first_disj_level, last_repeat_failed;
         CExp        *p_constr;
         RuleNode    *p_target; 
         GenTree     *category_subtree, *next_result_chain, *this_result_chain;
    --- 1245,1251 ----
         Instance     call_args;
         int          in_repeat, has_disj, found, current_eq, next_eq;
    !    int          first_rpt_level, first_disj_level;
         CExp        *p_constr;
         RuleNode    *p_target; 
         GenTree     *category_subtree, *next_result_chain, *this_result_chain;
    *** 1251,1256 ****
    --- 1254,1260 ----
         Ref          repeat_ref, index_ref;
         Instance     temps, temps1;
         int          ri, has_index_ref, di  /* debugging*/; 
    +    char        *temp_tnv;  
         in_repeat = 0;  
         has_disj = 0; 
    *** 1285,1291 ****
        first_rpt_level = 1;
    -   last_repeat_failed = 0;
        for( ri=0 ;
            (first_rpt_level &&  !in_repeat) || repeat_list_elem != NULL; ri++,
    --- 1289,1294 ----
    *** 1303,1309 ****
            lclmemcpy(ruleinst->properties[1], &temps, sizeof(Instance)); 
            lclmemcpy(&temps1, ruleinst->properties[1], sizeof(Instance)); 
    -      last_repeat_failed = 0;
           for ( di = 0 ;
                (first_disj_level && !has_disj) || current_eq != 0;
    --- 1306,1311 ----
    *** 1321,1327 ****
               /* for data currency.. recapture why two variables */
               ctl->current_set_node = ctl->last_search_node;
    !          assert(ctl->current_set_node < SIZE_TNV);
               lclmemcpy(ruleinst->properties[1], &temps1, sizeof(Instance)); 
               /* update local inst set node */
    --- 1323,1339 ----
               /* for data currency.. recapture why two variables */
               ctl->current_set_node = ctl->last_search_node;
    !          if(ctl->current_set_node >= ctl->current_size_tnv-10) {
    !            /* reallocate tree node vector */
    !            temp_tnv= ctl->tree_node_vector; 
    !            ctl ->tree_node_vector =
    !                 (void *)calloc( (ctl->current_size_tnv) + INC_SIZE_TNV,
    !                  sizeof(char));
    !            memcpy((void *)ctl->tree_node_vector, (void *)temp_tnv, 
    !                        sizeof(char) * ctl->current_size_tnv);
    !            ctl->current_size_tnv = ctl->current_size_tnv + INC_SIZE_TNV;
    !            free(temp_tnv); 
    !          }
               lclmemcpy(ruleinst->properties[1], &temps1, sizeof(Instance)); 
               /* update local inst set node */
    *** 1387,1395 ****
          } /* end of disjunction loop */
    -     if(!found) 
    -          last_repeat_failed = 1;
          if(!in_repeat) break;  
       }  /* end of repeat edge loop */ 
    --- 1399,1404 ----
    *** 1741,1747 ****
        ctl = (void *)calloc(1,sizeof(GCtl));
        ctl->stub_ctl = stub_ctl;
    !   ctl ->tree_node_vector = (void *)calloc(SIZE_TNV, sizeof(char));
        /* ?? */
         ctl->current_set_node = 0;
    --- 1750,1757 ----
        ctl = (void *)calloc(1,sizeof(GCtl));
        ctl->stub_ctl = stub_ctl;
    !   ctl ->tree_node_vector = (void *)calloc(INIT_SIZE_TNV, sizeof(char));
    !   ctl ->current_size_tnv - INIT_SIZE_TNV;
        /* ?? */
         ctl->current_set_node = 0;

  • The CORBA C++ stubber doesn't generate the right code for casting down to a CORBA::Object. Looks like a sign was inadvertently flipped (though there may be a deeper reason we no longer remember that the code was this way). Here's a patch.

    *** 1.58	1999/09/14 19:15:22
    --- stubbers/cpp2/cpp.cpp.rules	1999/10/19 00:03:59
    *** 4193,4199 ****
      != "CORBA_Object" ]
          L_narrow_corba: super1 in object.superclasses: (cpfx) 
    !        [ != "CORBA_Object"]
    --- 4193,4199 ----
      != "CORBA_Object" ]
          L_narrow_corba: super1 in object.superclasses: (cpfx) 
    !        [ == "CORBA_Object"]

  • The stubber generator does not handle idl interfaces without directly contained methods (e.g., if the interface just inherits from another), or types. These bugs are removed by the following:

    *** 1.5	1999/09/10 10:42:50
    --- stubbers/genstub/typesort.c	1999/10/20 20:56:32
    *** 334,339 ****
    --- 334,340 ----
                l1 = t->description->structuredDes.object->methods;
    +           if(l1 == NULL) break; 
                for(ptr = l1->head; ptr; ptr=ptr->next) {
                     l2 = ((Procedure)(ptr->data))->arguments;
                     if(l2 != NULL) {
    *** 567,573 ****
        Module       m; 
        if (module->contained_exceptions != NULL &&
    !       module->contained_types->head != NULL){
            for(ptr = module->contained_exceptions->head; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
               /* exception deps only used when outside module */
               get_exc_deps((Exception)(ptr->data), local_deps); 
    --- 568,574 ----
        Module       m; 
        if (module->contained_exceptions != NULL &&
    !       module->contained_exceptions->head != NULL){
            for(ptr = module->contained_exceptions->head; ptr; ptr = ptr->next) {
               /* exception deps only used when outside module */
               get_exc_deps((Exception)(ptr->data), local_deps); 
    *** 639,644 ****
    --- 640,646 ----
         marked_ct = 0;  
         first = 1;
    +    global_did_something = 0;
         while(1) {
            did_something = 0;

  • The stubber generator does not handle direct references to imported idl types, i.e., not represented by a typedef. The following corrects this problem:

    *** 1.22	1999/08/03 04:19:06
    --- stubbers/genstub/convert.c	1999/10/20 20:56:32
    *** 935,940 ****
    --- 935,941 ----
        Instance *new, *e1;
        int       exists;
    +   list      the_scoping; 
        new = new_generic_instance(ctl, e, &exists); 
        if(exists) return new;
    *** 942,952 ****
        get_ST_nontypename_and_index(ctl, exception_NonType,
                                 &new->typename, &new->typeindex);
        put_scoped_name_fields(ctl, new, "name", "flat_name", "isl_name",
    !         name_base_name(e->name), e->scoping);
        put_field(ctl, new, "ilup_ref", e);
        put_field(ctl, new, "scoping", 
    !            cvt_list(ctl, e->scoping, (cvt_EnumProc)cvt_name_mbr)); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "type", cvt_type(ctl, e->type));  
        put_field(ctl, new, "valueoptional", e->valueOptional);
        put_field(ctl, new, "builtin", e->builtIn); 
    --- 943,960 ----
        get_ST_nontypename_and_index(ctl, exception_NonType,
                                 &new->typename, &new->typeindex);
    +   if( ( e->scoping == NULL || e->scoping->head == NULL) &&
    +         e->import != NULL &&
    +         e->importInterfaceName != NULL &&
    +               (strcmp(e->importInterfaceName, "ilu"))) 
    +         the_scoping = e->import->scoping;
    +   else the_scoping = e->scoping; 
        put_scoped_name_fields(ctl, new, "name", "flat_name", "isl_name",
    !         name_base_name(e->name), the_scoping);
        put_field(ctl, new, "ilup_ref", e);
        put_field(ctl, new, "scoping", 
    !            cvt_list(ctl, the_scoping, (cvt_EnumProc)cvt_name_mbr)); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "type", cvt_type(ctl, e->type));  
        put_field(ctl, new, "valueoptional", e->valueOptional);
        put_field(ctl, new, "builtin", e->builtIn); 
    *** 1253,1258 ****
    --- 1261,1267 ----
       TypeKind fundamental_kind;
       Instance *new;
       int       exists;
    +  list      the_scoping;
      #ifdef DEBUG
        printf("\ncvt type %p", t);
    *** 1278,1290 ****
        new->storetype = storedata;
    !  /*TBD.. something about cached descriptions */  
        put_scoped_name_fields(ctl, new, "name", "flat_name", "isl_name",
              name_base_name(t->name), t->scoping);
        put_field(ctl, new, "supertype", cvt_type(ctl, t->supertype));
        put_field(ctl, new, "scoping", 
    !            cvt_list(ctl, t->scoping, (cvt_EnumProc)cvt_name_mbr)); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "builtin", t->builtIn); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "importedfromname", t->importInterfaceName);
        put_field(ctl, new, "typeininterface",
    --- 1287,1305 ----
        new->storetype = storedata;
    !   if( ( t->scoping == NULL || t->scoping->head == NULL) &&
    !         t->supertype != NULL &&
    !         t->importInterfaceName != NULL &&
    !                 (strcmp(t->importInterfaceName, "ilu"))) 
    !         the_scoping = t->supertype->scoping;
    !   else the_scoping = t->scoping; 
        put_scoped_name_fields(ctl, new, "name", "flat_name", "isl_name",
              name_base_name(t->name), t->scoping);
        put_field(ctl, new, "supertype", cvt_type(ctl, t->supertype));
        put_field(ctl, new, "scoping", 
    !            cvt_list(ctl, the_scoping, (cvt_EnumProc)cvt_name_mbr)); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "builtin", t->builtIn); 
        put_field(ctl, new, "importedfromname", t->importInterfaceName);
        put_field(ctl, new, "typeininterface",

  • Patch for a problem involving CORBA idl module names containing underscores. By a combination of work by the idl parser and the ilu parser post-processing, outermost module names become ilu interface names, with any contained underscores translated to hyphens. This conflicts with the module names as expressed in type scoping lists by the idl parser, and causes an exception when the stubber generator creates explicit module structures. This patch works around the conflict.

    *** 1.16	1999/08/02 06:24:11
    --- stubbers/genstub/modules.c	1999/10/23 00:03:36
    *** 33,40 ****
      static Module new_module(char *name, Module parent) {
        Module  module; 
        module = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ilu_module_s));
    !   module->simple_name = name;
        module->containing_module = parent;
        return (module);
    --- 33,49 ----
      static Module new_module(char *name, Module parent) {
        Module  module; 
    +   char   *cloc;
        module = calloc(1, sizeof(struct ilu_module_s));
    !   /* use corba names as module names (no hyphens) */
    !   /* not clear this will always work */
    !   module->simple_name = (void *)malloc(strlen(name) +2);
    !   strcpy(module->simple_name, name);
    !   while(strchr(module->simple_name, '-') != NULL) { 
    !         cloc = strchr(module->simple_name, '-'); 
    !         *cloc = '_';
    !   }
        module->containing_module = parent;
        return (module);
    *** 137,142 ****
    --- 146,152 ----
         /* first name must be interface name, and must match current  */
         this_scope_elem = scoping->head; 
                    (char *)(this_scope_elem->data)));

  • Patch to avoid a VC++ compilation problem occurring when the cpp2 Underscore mapping option for idl modules is specified, and the idl proper (as in CosNaming.idl) specifies constructs mapping to real nested classes. The stubber-generated nested class names included the containing class names, which is not acceptable to VC++. The patch eliminates the extraneous qualification.

    *** 1.40	1999/09/14 10:22:21
    --- stubbers/cpp2/cpp2-gen.c	1999/10/23 00:20:28
    *** 747,753 ****
              Instance *m, Instance *t, char *sfx) {
          char  *cname;
          list   m_scoping, t_scoping;
    !     listElement *t_pt; 
          Type  type, urtype;
          type = (Type)get_any_property_value(ctl, t, "ilup_ref");
    --- 747,753 ----
              Instance *m, Instance *t, char *sfx) {
          char  *cname;
          list   m_scoping, t_scoping;
    !     listElement *t_pt, *t_pt1; 
          Type  type, urtype;
          type = (Type)get_any_property_value(ctl, t, "ilup_ref");
    *** 780,795 ****
          t_scoping = (list)get_any_property_value(ctl, t, "scoping"); 
    !     if(m == NULL || !( sctl->use_cpp_namespace ||
    !                       sctl->use_cpp_classes) ) 
             return (concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl, t_scoping->head, sfx, 
                                       0, 0, 0));
          m_scoping = (list)get_any_property_value(ctl, m, "scoping");
          /* get pt at which t_scoping diverges from m_scoping */
          t_pt = get_scope_diverge_pt(ctl, t_scoping, m_scoping);   
    !     return(concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl, t_pt, sfx, 0, 0,0));  
      char *F_full_rel_typeref(void *ctl, SCtl *sctl, Instance *t, char *sfx) {
    --- 780,809 ----
          t_scoping = (list)get_any_property_value(ctl, t, "scoping"); 
    !     if(m == NULL) {
             return (concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl, t_scoping->head, sfx, 
                                       0, 0, 0));
    +      }
          m_scoping = (list)get_any_property_value(ctl, m, "scoping");
          /* get pt at which t_scoping diverges from m_scoping */
          t_pt = get_scope_diverge_pt(ctl, t_scoping, m_scoping);   
    !     /* if underscore mapping, see if diverge pt not at beginning */
    !     /* and t_scoping contains real class, not at end */
    !     if( (t_pt != t_scoping->head) && 
    !       !( sctl->use_cpp_namespace || sctl->use_cpp_classes) ) {
    !       for(t_pt1 = t_scoping->head; t_pt1; t_pt1 = t_pt1->next) {
    !          if(get_int_property_value(
    !             ctl,(Instance*)(t_pt1->data),"is_real_class") == 1) break;
    !       } 
    !       if(t_pt1 == NULL || t_pt1->next == NULL)
    !          return (concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl,
    !                         t_scoping->head, sfx, 0, 0, 0));
    !     }
    !      return(concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl, t_pt, sfx, 0, 0,0));  
      char *F_full_rel_typeref(void *ctl, SCtl *sctl, Instance *t, char *sfx) {
    *** 800,808 ****
      /* For non types */
      char *F_full_ref(void *ctl, SCtl *sctl, Instance *t) {
        list l;
    -   Type type;
    -   type = (Type)get_any_property_value(ctl, t, "ilup_ref");
        l= (list)get_any_property_value(ctl, t , "scoping"); 
        return(concat_instance_namelist(ctl, sctl, l->head, "", 0, 0,0));  
    --- 814,819 ----

  • Patch to avoid an exception caused in some cases by lack of initialization of the interface->module_structure field to NULL during idl to isl translation.

    *** 1.3	1999/08/16 17:17:48
    --- stubbers/idl/idl2isl.c	1999/10/22 23:55:04
    *** 426,431 ****
    --- 426,432 ----
    +     new->module_structure = NULL;

  • Patch to differentiate between corba exception definition and other exception definitions in cpp2 stubs.

    *** 1.59	1999/10/18 16:17:26
    --- stubbers/cpp2/cpp.cpp.rules	1999/10/26 18:41:25
    *** 104,111 ****
      R_initialize(Interface i)
    !      (Exception e, Exception e1, eu, ex_uid, e_intf,
    !       Object o, us_ex_name,extpfx, mname, mpfx, b, brand) -->
        E_ [extpfx = F_full_prefix(i.module_str, 1) 
             mname = i.module_str.simple_name 
    --- 104,110 ----
      R_initialize(Interface i)
    !    (Exception e, Object o,  extpfx, mname, mpfx, b, brand) -->
        E_ [extpfx = F_full_prefix(i.module_str, 1) 
             mname = i.module_str.simple_name 
    *** 120,141 ****
        L_init (, extpfx, mpfx)
    !   { { E_  [i.exceptions != NULL] 
    !       L_except_comment( 
    !       L_def_except :e in i.exceptions:
    !           (e_intf, F_underscore_name(e1), F_reg_name(e1), ex_uid) 
    !          [
    !           [[ e.importedfrom != NULL e1 = e.importedexception ] | e1 = e ]
    !           [[ e1.type == NULL
    !               ex_uid = "REINTERPRET_CAST(iluCString, ((ILUCPP_NULL_PTR) 0))" ]
    !             | 
    !             [ eu = F_concat( "CONST_CAST(iluCString, \"", e1.type.uid)
    !              ex_uid =  F_concat(eu, "\")")]
    !            ] 
    !             e_intf = e1.interface.isl_name  
    !           ]
    !       } | TRUE }
        { { E_  [i.classes != NULL] 
    --- 119,129 ----
        L_init (, extpfx, mpfx)
    !   {{ E_  [i.exceptions != NULL] 
    !      L_except_comment( 
    !      R_def_except :e in i.exceptions: (e)
    !     }
    !     | TRUE}
        { { E_  [i.classes != NULL] 
    *** 148,153 ****
    --- 136,160 ----
    + R_def_except(Exception e)  (Exception e1, us_ex_name, eu, ex_uid)  -->
    +   E_ [  [ [ e.importedfrom != NULL e1 = e.importedexception ] | e1 = e ]
    +       us_ex_name = F_underscore_name(e1)
    +      [[ e1.type == NULL
    +         ex_uid = "REINTERPRET_CAST(iluCString, ((ILUCPP_NULL_PTR) 0))" ]
    +       | 
    +       [ eu = F_concat( "CONST_CAST(iluCString, \"", e1.type.uid)
    +         ex_uid =  F_concat(eu, "\")")] ] 
    +     ]
    +   {
    +      L_def_except (e1.interface.isl_name, us_ex_name, F_reg_name(e1), ex_uid)
    +       [ e1.corba_rep_id == NULL]
    +     | L_def_corba_except(us_ex_name, e1.corba_rep_id, ex_uid) 
    +   }
    + }
      L_init(intf, extpfx, mpfx) -->
    *** 174,179 ****
    --- 181,195 ----
                       CONST_CAST( iluCString, \"%ename_in_intf%\"),
    + L_def_corba_except(us_ex_name, corba_name, exc_uid) --> 
    +        interface_exceptions[g_%us_ex_name%_index] =
    +               iluCppInternal::iluDefineException(
    +                  REINTERPRET_CAST(iluCString, ((ILUCPP_NULL_PTR) 0)),
    +                  CONST_CAST( iluCString, \"%corba_name%\"),
    +                  %exc_uid%);
    + .
      L_object_comment(intf) -->

  • Generated definitions/declarations of c0::_narrow() methods for some class c0 did not always c0::_narrow(c2) where c2 is a superclass of a superclass of c0. THis patch should fix that problem.

    *** 1.45	1999/09/14 10:17:20
    --- stubbers/cpp2/cpp.hpp.rules	1999/10/29 02:04:27
    *** 1493,1504 ****
        L_obj_continue1(cpfx, oname)
        # if name CORBA_Object narrow code already emitted
    !   L_obj_narrow:supertype1 in object.superclasses: (oname, stname1)
    !      [ stname1 =  F_rel_typeref(m, supertype1,"")  
    ! != "CORBA_Object" ]
      #uses the base type for optional instead of optional
      #because don't have relative reference for const 
    --- 1493,1511 ----
        L_obj_continue1(cpfx, oname)
        # if name CORBA_Object narrow code already emitted
    !   R_obj_narrow:supertype1 in object.superclasses: (m, oname, supertype1)
    !      [ != "CORBA_Object" ]
    + R_obj_narrow (Module m, oname, Object object) (Any supertype) -->
    +      L_obj_narrow (oname, F_rel_typeref(m, object,""))
    +      R_obj_narrow: supertype in object.superclasses:(m, oname, supertype)
    +        [ != "CORBA_Object" ]
    + .
      #uses the base type for optional instead of optional
      #because don't have relative reference for const 

  • Definitions of the method c0::iluDowncast(..) for classes c0 did not include provisions for downcasting from c0 to superclasses of superclasses of c0. For example, if c0 inherited from c1 and c1 inherited from CORBA_Object, c0::iluDowncast did not provide for downcasting from c0 to CORBA_Object. This patch should fix the problem.

    *** 1.60	1999/10/27 03:26:23
    --- stubbers/cpp2/cpp.cpp.rules	1999/10/29 02:04:18
    *** 4204,4212 ****
          L_narrow_begin (ext_obj_name, cpfx)
    !     L_narrow_super: super in object.superclasses: (ext_super)  
    !        [ ext_super = F_full_typeref(super) 
    ! != "CORBA_Object" ]
          L_narrow_corba: super1 in object.superclasses: (cpfx) 
             [ == "CORBA_Object"]
    --- 4204,4211 ----
          L_narrow_begin (ext_obj_name, cpfx)
    !     R_narrow_super: super in object.superclasses: (super, cpfx)  
    !         [ != "CORBA_Object" ]
          L_narrow_corba: super1 in object.superclasses: (cpfx) 
             [ == "CORBA_Object"]
    *** 4262,4267 ****
    --- 4261,4278 ----
           L_object_any_insert_extract(ext_obj_name,, cpfx, extpfx) 
    + # iterative
    + R_narrow_super(Object object, cpfx) (Any super, Any super1) -->
    +     L_narrow_super(F_full_typeref(object))
    +     R_narrow_super: super in object.superclasses: (super, cpfx) 
    +         [ != "CORBA_Object" ]
    +     L_narrow_corba: super1 in object.superclasses: (cpfx) 
    +        [ == "CORBA_Object"]
    + .
      # cacheable == functional?
      R_method (Method method, Int mi)
       (Int method_id, cacheable, asynch, Int exception_ct,Int arg_ct,
    *** 4352,4364 ****
      L_narrow_begin (ext_obj, cpfx) -->
        // for use in narrowing
        void *%ext_obj%::iluDowncast (iluClass class_to_cast_down_to) {
          if (!class_to_cast_down_to  || class_to_cast_down_to == ilu_rootClass)
            return((void *)((iluObject*) this));
    -     // if %ext_obj% were a CORBA::Object type too, we'd also need
    -     //if (class_to_cast_down_to == %cpfx%Object::iluGetILUClassRecord())
    -     // return((void *)((%cpfx%Object_ptr)) this));
      L_narrow_super( ext_super) -->
    --- 4363,4373 ----
      L_narrow_begin (ext_obj, cpfx) -->
        // for use in narrowing
        void *%ext_obj%::iluDowncast (iluClass class_to_cast_down_to) {
          if (!class_to_cast_down_to  || class_to_cast_down_to == ilu_rootClass)
            return((void *)((iluObject*) this));
      L_narrow_super( ext_super) -->

  • The CORBA C++ type sort procedure spuriously diagnoses an inability to order the types, and exits, when a CORBA idl module contains only typedefs.

    *** 1.6	1999/10/20 07:04:12
    --- stubbers/genstub/typesort.c	2000/01/13 20:28:49
    *** 772,778 ****
        /* now condense dep list and see if anything left */
    !   if(global_did_something == 0) return dep_list;
        new_dep_list = new_list();
    --- 772,779 ----
        /* now condense dep list and see if anything left */
    !   if( (global_did_something == 0) && marked_ct < list_size(dep_list))
    !        return dep_list;
        new_dep_list = new_list();

  • Some IIOP patches: (1) make sure only empty string is sent as repository ID for CORBA::Object types, for compatibility with other ORBs; (2) When sending an object key back across a channel to a non-ILU object, send the connection-cached key only if the ih of the object starts with the "ilu--corba-native-object" string; (3) some fixes to the (till now) untested logic in resolution of iiopname: URLs.

    *** 1.236	1999/09/09 17:45:27
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	2000/02/16 01:10:29
    *** 1333,1345 ****
            char	*sbh = ilu_SBHOfObject(obj);
            ilu_ProtocolInfo pinfo = NIL;
            ilu_TransportInfo tinfo = NIL;
            ilu_boolean owned;
            if (sbh == NIL || object_class(obj) == NIL)
      	return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, &err, minor, ilu_im_broken, err);
    !       myior.ior.type_id = _ilu_Strdup(ilu_MstidOfObject(obj));
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(err)) return err;
            if (strncmp(object_ih(obj), CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX) != 0)
    --- 1333,1349 ----
            char	*sbh = ilu_SBHOfObject(obj);
    +       char *	mstid = ilu_MstidOfObject(obj);
            ilu_ProtocolInfo pinfo = NIL;
            ilu_TransportInfo tinfo = NIL;
            ilu_boolean owned;
            if (sbh == NIL || object_class(obj) == NIL)
      	return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, &err, minor, ilu_im_broken, err);
    !       if (strcmp(mstid, CORBA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID) == 0)
    ! 	myior.ior.type_id = _ilu_Strdup("");
    !       else
    ! 	myior.ior.type_id = _ilu_Strdup(mstid);
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(err)) return err;
            if (strncmp(object_ih(obj), CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX) != 0)
    *** 1428,1434 ****
            if (sbh == NIL)
      	return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, &err, minor, ilu_im_broken, err);
    !       myior.ior.type_id = ilu_StrdupE(mstid, &err);
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(err)) return err;
    --- 1432,1441 ----
            if (sbh == NIL)
      	return ILU_ERR_CONS1(internal, &err, minor, ilu_im_broken, err);
    !       if (strcmp(mstid, CORBA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID) == 0)
    ! 	myior.ior.type_id = ilu_StrdupE("", &err);
    !       else
    ! 	myior.ior.type_id = ilu_StrdupE(mstid, &err);
            if (ILU_ERRNOK(err)) return err;
    *** 2553,2559 ****
        n = ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*n) + (count * sizeof(NameComponent_s)), err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
        n->nnames = count;
    !   n->names = (NameComponent_s *) (((char *) n) + sizeof(NameList));
        for (i = 0;  i < n->nnames;  i++) {
          n->names[i].id = NIL;
          n->names[i].kind = NIL;
    --- 2560,2566 ----
        n = ilu_MallocE(sizeof(*n) + (count * sizeof(NameComponent_s)), err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
        n->nnames = count;
    !   n->names = (NameComponent_s *) (((char *) n) + sizeof(*n));
        for (i = 0;  i < n->nnames;  i++) {
          n->names[i].id = NIL;
          n->names[i].kind = NIL;
    *** 3116,3121 ****
    --- 3123,3129 ----
        /* call resolve on the name service */
        user_obj = CosNamingResolve (ns_obj, namelist, errout, err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout2;
    +   if (errout->whicherr != ilu_rine_Success) goto errout2;
        /* free up the ns_obj, and the namelist */
        if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    *** 4759,4765 ****
        if (discriminator_p)
    !       if (s->key != NIL) {
      	ostr = s->key;
      	ostr_len = s->keylen;
            } else {
    --- 4767,4773 ----
        if (discriminator_p)
    !       if ((s->key != NIL) && (strncmp(object_ih(h), CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX) == 0)) {
      	ostr = s->key;
      	ostr_len = s->keylen;
            } else {

  • This patch adds partial support (IIOP protocol only) for the "corbaname:" and "corbaloc:" URL forms in the revised INS submission.

    *** 1.239	2000/02/16 01:10:14
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	2000/02/17 00:23:11
    *** 2414,2419 ****
    --- 2414,2602 ----
        return ilu_FALSE;
    + ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc (ilu_string corbaloc, ilu_string *ih, ilu_string *sid,
    + 				     ilu_string *mstid, ilu_string *cinfo, ilu_cardinal *cinfolen,
    + 				     ilu_boolean *pass_cinfo, ilu_Error *err)
    + {
    +   /* Parse new INS-style URL:
    +    *
    +    * corbaloc::[:][,]/
    +    */
    +   char *p;
    +   char *decoded_key = NIL;
    +   char protocol_token[64];
    +   char addresses[1024];
    +   char object_key[1024];
    +   char sid_hostname[1024];
    +   unsigned int sid_port, key_len;
    +   unsigned int sid_major, sid_minor;
    + 	   ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  loc is <%s>\n", corbaloc));
    +   if (strncmp(corbaloc, "corbaloc:", 9) == 0)
    +     p = corbaloc + 9;
    +   else
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    +   if (sscanf(p, "%1023[^/]/%1023s", &addresses, object_key) != 2)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    +   else if ((strlen(addresses) < 1) || (strlen(object_key) < 1))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	   ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  addresses are <%s>, key is <%s>\n",
    + 	    addresses, object_key));
    +   decoded_key = _ilu_DecodeBuffer(object_key, strlen(object_key), &key_len, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
    +   if (strcmp(decoded_key, "ilu") == 0)   /* ILU object */
    +     {
    +       /* We have an ILU object, go ahead and transform it */
    +       ilu_cardinal comma_count = strcharcount(addresses, ',') + 1;
    +       if (mstid != NIL)
    + 	*mstid = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4);
    +       if (sid != NIL)
    + 	*sid = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1);
    +       if (ih != NIL)
    + 	*ih = _ilu_Strdup(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1 + strlen(decoded_key + 4 + strlen(decoded_key + 4) + 1) + 1);
    +       if (cinfo != NIL)
    + 	{
    + 	  static char cinfodivider[2] = { ILU_CINFO_DIVIDER, 0 };
    + 	  static char cinfomarker[2] = { ILU_CINFO_MARKER, 0 };
    + 	  char pinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char tinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char hostname[1024];
    + 	  int port;
    + 	  int major_version, minor_version;
    + 	  char *pinfo;
    + 	  char *addr_ptr = addresses;
    + 	  char *comma;
    + 	  *cinfo = NULL;
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  /* we'll just do one address, though we could build a multi-part cinfo
    + 	     which has all the addresses listed in "address" */
    + 	  comma = strchr(addr_ptr, ',');
    + 	  if (comma) *comma = 0;
    + 	  major_version = 1;
    + 	  minor_version = 0;
    + 	  port = 9999;
    + 	  if ((sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]:%u", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname, &port) != 4) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname) != 3) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]:%u", hostname, &port) != 2) &&
    + 	      (sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]", hostname) != 1)) {
    + 		     ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  bad cinfo in URL <%s>\n", corbaloc));
    + 	    ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ci, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	    goto errout;
    + 	  };
    + 	  sprintf (pinfobuf, "iiop_%u_%u_1@tcp_%s_%lu", major_version, minor_version,
    + 		     hostname, port);
    + 	  *cinfo = ilu_StrdupE(pinfobuf, err);
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  if (cinfolen != NIL)
    + 	    *cinfolen = strlen(*cinfo);
    + 	  *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    + 	}
    +       else if (pass_cinfo != NIL)
    + 	*pass_cinfo = ilu_FALSE;
    +       ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +       return ilu_TRUE;
    +     }
    +   else
    +     {
    +       ilu_cardinal comma_count = strcharcount(addresses, ',') + 1;
    +       if (ih != NIL) {
    + 	*ih = _ilu_Strcat3(CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX, object_key, NIL);
    + 	if (*ih == NIL) {
    + 	  ILU_ERR_CONS1(no_memory, err, nbytes, strlen(object_key) + SIZEOF_CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX + 1, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	  goto errout;
    + 	};
    +       };
    +       if (mstid != NIL) {
    + 	*mstid = NIL;
    +       };      
    +       if (cinfo != NIL)
    + 	{
    + 	  static char cinfodivider[2] = { ILU_CINFO_DIVIDER, 0 };
    + 	  static char cinfomarker[2] = { ILU_CINFO_MARKER, 0 };
    + 	  char pinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char tinfobuf[1024];
    + 	  char hostname[1024];
    + 	  int port;
    + 	  int major_version, minor_version;
    + 	  char *pinfo;
    + 	  char *addr_ptr;
    + 	  char *comma;
    + 	  *cinfo = NULL;
    + 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	  for (addr_ptr = addresses;  comma_count > 0;  comma_count--) {
    + 	    comma = strchr(addr_ptr, ',');
    + 	    if (comma) *comma = 0;
    + 	    major_version = 1;
    + 	    minor_version = 0;
    + 	    port = 9999;
    + 	    if (*addr_ptr == ':')	/* default IIOP protocol */
    + 	      addr_ptr += 1;
    + 	    else if (strncmp(addr_ptr, "iiop:", 5) == 0)
    + 	      addr_ptr += 5;
    + 	    else {
    + 	      ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG,
    + 		       ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  bad cinfo segment <%s> in URL <%s>\n", addr_ptr, corbaloc));
    + 	      ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ci, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	      goto errout;
    + 	    }
    + 	    if ((sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]:%u", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname, &port) != 4) &&
    + 		(sscanf (addr_ptr, "%u.%u@%1024[^:]", &major_version, &minor_version, hostname) != 3) &&
    + 		((major_version = 1, minor_version = 0, sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]:%u", hostname, &port)) != 2) &&
    + 		(sscanf (addr_ptr, "%1024[^:]", hostname) != 1)) {
    + 	      ILU_NOTE(IIOP_DEBUG,
    + 		       ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  bad cinfo segment <%s> in URL <%s>\n", addr_ptr, corbaloc));
    + 	      ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ci, ilu_FALSE);
    + 	      goto errout;
    + 	    };
    + 	    if (sid != NIL) {
    + 	      strcpy (sid_hostname, hostname);
    + 	      sid_port = port;
    + 	      sid_major = major_version;
    + 	      sid_minor = minor_version;
    + 	    };
    + 		     ("_ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc:  cinfo:  IIOP %u.%u at %s:%u\n",
    + 		      major_version, minor_version, hostname, port));
    + 	    sprintf (pinfobuf, "iiop_%u_%u_1_%s", major_version, minor_version, object_key);
    + 	    pinfo = _ilu_EncodeBuffer(pinfobuf, strlen(pinfobuf), err);
    + 	    sprintf (tinfobuf, "tcp_%s_%lu", hostname, ((unsigned long) port) & 0xFFFF);
    + 	    if (*cinfo)
    + 	      *cinfo = _ilu_Strcat5 (*cinfo, cinfomarker, pinfo, cinfodivider, tinfobuf);
    + 	    else
    + 	      *cinfo = _ilu_Strcat3(pinfo, cinfodivider, tinfobuf);
    + 	    if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout;
    + 	    if (cinfolen != NIL)
    + 	    *cinfolen = strlen(*cinfo);
    + 	    *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    + 	    if (comma) addr_ptr = comma + 1;
    + 	  }
    + 	}
    +       else if (pass_cinfo != NIL)
    + 	*pass_cinfo = ilu_FALSE;
    +       if (sid != NIL) {
    + 	*sid = ilu_IIOP_ServerIDFromObjectKey((ilu_bytes) decoded_key, key_len,
    + 					      sid_hostname, sid_port,
    + 					      sid_major, sid_minor, err);
    + 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
    + 	  goto errout;
    +       };
    +       ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +       return ilu_TRUE;
    +     }
    +  errout:
    +   if (decoded_key != NIL)
    +     ilu_free(decoded_key);
    +   return ilu_FALSE;
    + }
      typedef struct NameComponent_s {
        char *	id;
        char *	kind;
    *** 2466,2471 ****
    --- 2649,2666 ----
        return NIL;
    + static void RemoveComponentQuoting (char *buffer)
    + {
    +   register char *q, *p;
    +   q = buffer; p = buffer;
    +   while (*p != 0) {
    +     if (*p != '\\')
    +       *q++ = *p;
    +     p++;
    +   }
    +   *q = 0;
    + }
      static NameList
        ParsePathIntoNameList (ilu_string path, ilu_Error *err)
    *** 2490,2495 ****
    --- 2685,2692 ----
            *possible_dot = 0;
            n->names[i].kind = possible_dot + 1;
    +     RemoveComponentQuoting(n->names[i].id);
    +     RemoveComponentQuoting(n->names[i].kind);
          if (ending != NIL)
            component = ending + 1;
    *** 3146,3151 ****
    --- 3343,3427 ----
        return NIL;
    + /* Returns object result of contacting the specified CosNaming service,
    +    and doing "resolve" on the specified path.  If an error occurs remotely,
    +    returns NIL, with "err" indicating success, and sets "errout"
    +    to indicate the error.  If an error occurs
    +    locally, returns NIL, and sets "err" to indicate the error.
    +  */
    + static ilu_Object
    +   ResolveCORBAName (ilu_string corbaname,
    + 		    ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s *errout,
    + 		    ILU_ERRS((bad_locks, inv_objref,
    + 			      no_resources, IoErrs)) * err)
    + {
    +   char *p;
    +   char addresses[1024];
    +   char object_path[1024];
    +   char ns_url[2048];
    +   ilu_Object ns_obj;
    +   ilu_Object user_obj;
    +   NameList namelist;
    +   Initialize_CosNaming_NamingContext (err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   if (strncmp(corbaname, "corbaname:", 10) == 0)
    +     p = corbaname + 10;
    +   else
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    +   if (sscanf (p, "%1023[^#]#%1023s", addresses, object_path) != 2)
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    +   else if ((strlen(addresses) < 1) || (strlen(object_path) < 1))
    +     return ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, NIL);
    + 	   ("ilu_IIOP_ResolveCORBAName:  addresses are <%s>, path is <%s>\n",
    + 	    addresses, object_path));
    +   /* Form an iioploc: url for the NameService */
    +   sprintf(ns_url, "corbaloc:%s", addresses);
    +   if (strchr(ns_url + 9, '/') == NIL)
    +     strcpy (ns_url + strlen(ns_url), "/NameService");
    +   /* Turn the path into a list of name/extension pairs */
    +   namelist = ParsePathIntoNameList(object_path, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return NIL;
    +   /* Get an object corresponding to the name service */
    +   ns_obj = ilu_ObjectOfSBH (ns_url, CosNaming_NamingContext, err);
    +   if (ns_obj == NIL)
    +     ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_ior, 0);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout1;
    +   ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, +1);
    +   ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   /* call resolve on the name service */
    +   user_obj = CosNamingResolve (ns_obj, namelist, errout, err);
    +   if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto errout2;
    +   if (errout->whicherr != ilu_rine_Success) goto errout2;
    +   /* free up the ns_obj, and the namelist */
    +   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    +     ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    +   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    +     ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   FreeNameList(namelist);
    +   /* return the user_obj */
    +   return user_obj;
    +   /* return with an error */
    +  errout2:
    +   ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +   _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    +   ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
    +  errout1:
    +   FreeNameList (namelist);
    +   return NIL;
    + }
      static void
            FreeResolveIIOPNameErrs(ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s *err)
    *** 3176,3182 ****
        ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s usererrs;
        ilu_Server s;
    !   kobj = ResolveIIOPName (iiopname, &usererrs, err);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
        switch (usererrs.whicherr) {
        case ilu_rine_Success:
    --- 3452,3463 ----
        ilu_ResolveIIOPNameErrs_s usererrs;
        ilu_Server s;
    !   if (strncmp(iiopname, "iiopname:", 9) == 0)
    !     kobj = ResolveIIOPName (iiopname, &usererrs, err);
    !   else if (strncmp(iiopname, "corbaname:", 10) == 0)
    !     kobj = ResolveCORBAName (iiopname, &usererrs, err);
    !   else
    !     ILU_ERR_CONS1(inv_objref, err, minor, ilu_iom_CosNaming_InvalidName, 0);
        if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) return ilu_FALSE;
        switch (usererrs.whicherr) {
        case ilu_rine_Success:
    *** 1.248	1999/08/11 02:11:21
    --- runtime/kernel/iluntrnl.h	2000/02/17 00:23:14
    *** 1723,1728 ****
    --- 1723,1730 ----
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOP (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    + extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    + extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBAName (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIOR2 (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);
    *** 1.205	1999/08/30 22:19:30
    --- runtime/kernel/object.c	2000/02/17 00:23:13
    *** 386,391 ****
    --- 386,393 ----
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iiop", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOP);
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iioploc", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPLoc);
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("iiopname", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName);
    +       ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("corbaloc", _ilu_IIOP_ParseCORBALoc);
    +       ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("corbaname", _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOPName);
      #ifdef W3NG_PROTOCOL
            ilu_RegisterSBHParser ("w3ng", _ilu_w3ng_ParseURL);
    *** 820,825 ****
    --- 822,829 ----
      	  strncmp(sbh, "IOR2:", 5) == 0 ||
      	  strncmp(sbh, "iioploc:", 8) == 0 ||
      	  strncmp(sbh, "iiopname:", 9) == 0 ||
    + 	  strncmp(sbh, "corbaloc:", 9) == 0 ||
    + 	  strncmp(sbh, "corbaname:", 10) == 0 ||
      	  strncmp(sbh, "ior:", 4) == 0)

  • This patch fixes some locking problems with CosNamingResolve.

    *** 1.241	2000/02/17 00:22:38
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	2000/02/17 01:42:24
    *** 3402,3412 ****
        if (errout->whicherr != ilu_rine_Success) goto errout2;
        /* free up the ns_obj, and the namelist */
    !   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    !     ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
        _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    !   if (object_server(user_obj) != object_server(ns_obj))
    !     ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
        /* return the user_obj */
    --- 3402,3410 ----
        if (errout->whicherr != ilu_rine_Success) goto errout2;
        /* free up the ns_obj, and the namelist */
    !   ilu_EnterServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
        _ilu_DeltaHolds(ns_obj, -1);
    !   ilu_ExitServer (object_server(ns_obj), CosNaming_NamingContext);
        /* return the user_obj */
    *** 3463,3482 ****
        case ilu_rine_Success:
            s = object_server(kobj);
            if (ih) {
      	*ih = ilu_StrdupE(object_ih(kobj), err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
            if (sid) {
      	*sid = ilu_StrdupE(server_id(s), err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
            if (mstid)
      	*mstid = NIL;
            if (cinfo || cinfolen) {
      	if (cinfo) {
      	  *cinfo = ilu_StrdupE(s->sr_cinfo.icb_base, err);
    ! 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) break;
      	if (*cinfolen) {
      	  if (cinfo)
    --- 3461,3481 ----
        case ilu_rine_Success:
            s = object_server(kobj);
    +       ilu_EnterServer(s, object_class(kobj));
            if (ih) {
      	*ih = ilu_StrdupE(object_ih(kobj), err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto cleanup0;
            if (sid) {
      	*sid = ilu_StrdupE(server_id(s), err);
    ! 	if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto cleanup1;
            if (mstid)
      	*mstid = NIL;
            if (cinfo || cinfolen) {
      	if (cinfo) {
      	  *cinfo = ilu_StrdupE(s->sr_cinfo.icb_base, err);
    ! 	  if (ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) goto cleanup2;
      	if (*cinfolen) {
      	  if (cinfo)
    *** 3487,3492 ****
    --- 3486,3497 ----
      	if (pass_cinfo)
      	  *pass_cinfo = ilu_TRUE;
    +     cleanup2:
    +       if (sid) ilu_free(*sid);
    +     cleanup1:
    +       if (ih) ilu_free(*ih);
    +     cleanup0:
    +       ilu_ExitServer(s, object_class(kobj));
        case ilu_rine_SystemError:

  • When a foreign ORB offers the opportunity to use UCS-2, we reject it! This patch fixes that bug.

    *** 1.242	2000/02/17 01:42:24
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	2000/02/23 00:23:37
    *** 1729,1735 ****
        ilu_bytes	junk = NIL;
        ilu_cardinal	nativeCodesetForShortChar = 0, nativeCodesetForChar = 0;
        ilu_cardinal	nConverters;
    !   ilu_cardinal	junklen;
        bo = (prof->profileData[0] == 0) ? BigEndian : LittleEndian;
        pk = _cdr_InmemPacket (prof->profileDataLen, prof->profileData, bo, 0, err);
    --- 1729,1735 ----
        ilu_bytes	junk = NIL;
        ilu_cardinal	nativeCodesetForShortChar = 0, nativeCodesetForChar = 0;
        ilu_cardinal	nConverters;
    !   ilu_cardinal	junklen, test_charset_id;
        bo = (prof->profileData[0] == 0) ? BigEndian : LittleEndian;
        pk = _cdr_InmemPacket (prof->profileDataLen, prof->profileData, bo, 0, err);
    *** 1768,1780 ****
            if (nativeCodesetForShortChar == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_SHORT_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	*short_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForShortChar;
            for (j = 0;  j < nConverters;  j++) {
    ! 	if (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &junklen, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
      	  goto errout2;
    ! 	if (junklen == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_SHORT_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	  *short_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForShortChar;
      		 ("(iiop.c:parse_MultiComponent_Profile):    SHORT CHARACTER codeset converter for %08x\n",
    ! 		  junklen));
            if ((_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &nativeCodesetForChar, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) ||
      	  (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &nConverters, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)))
    --- 1768,1780 ----
            if (nativeCodesetForShortChar == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_SHORT_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	*short_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForShortChar;
            for (j = 0;  j < nConverters;  j++) {
    ! 	if (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &test_charset_id, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
      	  goto errout2;
    ! 	if (test_charset_id == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_SHORT_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	  *short_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForShortChar;
      		 ("(iiop.c:parse_MultiComponent_Profile):    SHORT CHARACTER codeset converter for %08x\n",
    ! 		  test_charset_id));
            if ((_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &nativeCodesetForChar, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)) ||
      	  (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &nConverters, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err)))
    *** 1785,1797 ****
            if (nativeCodesetForChar == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	*long_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForChar;
            for (j = 0;  j < nConverters;  j++) {
    ! 	if (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &junklen, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
      	  goto errout2;
    ! 	if (junklen == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
    ! 	  *long_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForChar;
      		 ("(iiop.c:parse_MultiComponent_Profile):    CHARACTER codeset converter for %08x\n",
    ! 		  junklen));
            /* allow free to free "junk" */
            _cdr_InmemFree(codesetInfo, NIL, NIL);
    --- 1785,1797 ----
            if (nativeCodesetForChar == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
      	*long_character_codeset = nativeCodesetForChar;
            for (j = 0;  j < nConverters;  j++) {
    ! 	if (_cdr_get_u32 (codesetInfo, &test_charset_id, err), ILU_ERRNOK(*err))
      	  goto errout2;
    ! 	if (test_charset_id == ilu_IIOP_NATIVE_CHAR_CODE_SET_ID)
    ! 	  *long_character_codeset = test_charset_id;
      		 ("(iiop.c:parse_MultiComponent_Profile):    CHARACTER codeset converter for %08x\n",
    ! 		  test_charset_id));
            /* allow free to free "junk" */
            _cdr_InmemFree(codesetInfo, NIL, NIL);

  • If ilu_PingObject is called on a non-ILU CORBA object, it should use the method "is-a" defined by CORBA instead of the method "ILUPing" defined by ILU. This patch provides that.

    *** 1.242	2000/02/17 01:42:24
    --- runtime/kernel/iiop.c	2000/02/24 03:34:30
    *** 1964,1969 ****
    --- 1964,1985 ----
          return NIL;
          return d.mstid_candidate;
    + }
    + /*Main Invariant holds; L2 otherwise unconstrained*/
    + ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_PingObject (ilu_Object o, ilu_Connection *new_conn)
    + {
    +   ilu_Error lerr;
    +   if (new_conn)
    +     *new_conn = NIL;
    +   /* Make sure object is of at least the putative type */
    +   if (!IsOfTypeViaRPC(o, ilu_FindClassFromID(CORBA_OBJECT_TYPE_ID), &lerr) || ILU_ERRNOK(lerr))
    +     {
    +       ILU_HANDLED(lerr);
    +       return ilu_FALSE;
    +     }
    +   return ilu_TRUE;
      static ilu_boolean ParseIOR (struct IIOP_IOR_IOR *ior,
    *** 1.206	2000/02/17 00:22:38
    --- runtime/kernel/object.c	2000/02/24 03:30:36
    *** 1456,1462 ****
      /*Main Invariant holds; L2 otherwise unconstrained*/
    ! ilu_boolean ilu_PingObject(ilu_Object o, ilu_Connection * new_conn)
        ilu_Call_s      call_s;
        ilu_Call        call = &call_s;
    --- 1456,1463 ----
      /*Main Invariant holds; L2 otherwise unconstrained*/
    ! static ilu_boolean
    !   PingObject(ilu_Object o, ilu_Connection * new_conn)
        ilu_Call_s      call_s;
        ilu_Call        call = &call_s;
    *** 1545,1550 ****
    --- 1546,1567 ----
          return status;
    + /*Main Invariant holds; L2 otherwise unconstrained*/
    + ilu_boolean ilu_PingObject(ilu_Object o, ilu_Connection * new_conn)
    + {
    + #ifdef IIOP_PROTOCOL
    + #define CORBA_NATIVE_OBJECT_IH_PREFIX		"ilu--corba-native-object:"
    +     /* CORBA object from another kind of ORB; use is-a */
    +     return _ilu_IIOP_PingObject (o, new_conn);
    +   else
    + #endif /* def IIOP_PROTOCOL */
    +     return PingObject(o, new_conn);
    + }
      /**Call-Locking(call, IHi) before,
         Call-Locking(call,  No) after*/
    *** 1.249	2000/02/17 00:22:38
    --- runtime/kernel/iluntrnl.h	2000/02/24 03:04:56
    *** 1718,1723 ****
    --- 1718,1727 ----
      ilu_Class _ilu_IIOP_FindClassViaRPC(ilu_Object o);
      /* o->ob_class is temporarily set to some known type of o */
    + ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_PingObject (ilu_Object o, ilu_Connection *new_conn);
    + /* pings object by doing an "is-a" call with IDL:org.omg/CORBA/Object:1.0
    +    called by ilu_PingObject */
      /*L1, L2 unconstrained*/
      extern ilu_boolean _ilu_IIOP_ParseIIOP (ilu_string, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_string *, ilu_cardinal *, ilu_boolean *, ilu_Error *);

  • If the Lisp support receives a NIL object, it outputs a bogus warning. This fixes that.

    *** 1.28	1999/08/30 23:17:39
    --- runtime/lisp/ilu-lisp-skin.c	2000/03/04 01:01:47
    *** 525,531 ****
            if (disc)
      	fprintf (stderr, "ilu-lisp-skin.c:ilulisp_InputObjectID:  ******** Couldn't input discriminator of type %s (%s)\n",
      		 pclass->cl_name, pclass->cl_unique_id);
    !       else
      	fprintf (stderr, "ilu-lisp-skin.c:ilulisp_InputObjectID:  ******** Couldn't input object with pclass %s (%s)\n",
      		 pclass->cl_name, pclass->cl_unique_id);
    --- 525,531 ----
            if (disc)
      	fprintf (stderr, "ilu-lisp-skin.c:ilulisp_InputObjectID:  ******** Couldn't input discriminator of type %s (%s)\n",
      		 pclass->cl_name, pclass->cl_unique_id);
    !       else if (!pclass->cl_optional)
      	fprintf (stderr, "ilu-lisp-skin.c:ilulisp_InputObjectID:  ******** Couldn't input object with pclass %s (%s)\n",
      		 pclass->cl_name, pclass->cl_unique_id);
  • End of patches