%if isinstance(static, dict) and "peid_signatures" in static: %endif
File name: ${file["name"]}
File size: ${file["size"]} bytes
File type: ${file["type"]}
CRC32: ${file["crc32"]}
MD5: ${file["md5"]}
SHA1: ${file["sha1"]}
SHA256: ${file["sha256"]}
SHA512: ${file["sha512"]}
Ssdeep: ${file["ssdeep"]}
PEiD Signatures: %if static["peid_signatures"] and len(static["peid_signatures"]) > 0: %for peid_signature in static["peid_signatures"]:
• ${peid_signature}
%endfor %else: None matched %endif
Yara Signatures: %if yara is not UNDEFINED: %if yara:
    %for rule in yara:
  • ${rule["name"]} (${rule["meta"]["description"]})
  • %endfor
%else: None matched %endif %else: Yara signatures disabled %endif
Antivirus Results: %if virustotal is not UNDEFINED: %if virustotal["response_code"] == 1: ${virustotal["positives"]}/${virustotal["total"]} (collapse) %else: File not found on VirusTotal %endif %else: VirusTotal lookup disabled %endif