N.B requires Python 2.7.3 a] Customer must provide: - an apk, that will be installed into the target device - a web page that will be used to create the redirect page and the landing page. Landing page is a bit of a misnomer since the flow is redirect page -> landing page. The goal of the redirect page is to generate some entropy to enhance the exploit reliability, and then redirect towards the landing page, which does contain the exploit. b] How to run the exploit 1] Start the server with: # ./webkit_rc3_plus_tea.py 2] Create at least an instance to be served: # ./add_exploit_instance.py 1316691816 libfingerprint.so redirect.html landing.html demov2.apk The first argument is the exploit id, which will be used to generate the link. Launching the tool without arguments will generate ad unused exploit id. N.B. Once the server has been stop, all the existing instances whose status is either 'running' or 'finished' won't be served and need to be regenerated. Instances can be added while the server is running, once the apk has been uploaded to the device, the server won't serve the exploit anymore. 3] The link where the exploit will be served is: c] Content of the folder webkit_rc3_plus_tea.py: server add_exploit_instance.py: tool used to add exploit instances libfingerprint.so: shared object, needed to create exploit instances exp_server.py: 'exploit/apk server' tea_compressed.js: js implementation of xxtea play: folder containing fake play store files e72uds : exynos exploit gi21flm : gingerbreak exploit le8s98 : levitator exploit st21k : binario suid per rcs g1ml329py : gimli exploit