[Sun SITE Poland in figures (January 1997) : 1694 external pages pointing to, 130.000 accesses/day to the WWW server, 20.000 + (4GB) files downloaded via FTP/day, 3GB/day transferred via w3cache with savings ratio over 30% ]
Sun SITE (Sun Software, Information and Technology Exchange) is a Sun Microsystems sponsored program at leading universities around the world.
The goals of Sun SITE are to:
- provide easy access to public domain software on the Internet
- act as a repository for key information
- promote development and research of new Internet tools
- launch hot new applications on the Internet including various Multimedia Expositions.
Sun SITE Poland is administered by
Warsaw University and
the service is run on a SPARCserver 1000E and a SPARCstorage array disks.
Sun SITE Poland is located on Ochota campus in Warsaw, with a dedicated 2 Mbps link to Polish Internet backbone (soon to be complemented by a link to WARMAN backbone).
Currently, major sponsors of Sunsite Poland are Sun Microsystems, Inc. and the ICM
which temporarily supplied 8 Gbytes of extra storage and supports the administration of the server
with its human power.
Others Sun SITEs in the world