The K Desktop Environment

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8. Process Handling

The KDE UI library provides the classes KProcess and KShellProcess to run external processes that are invoked within the application that needs to run another application. This has generally two advantages:

A lot of applications already make wide use of these classes as they are very flexible and provide the necessary interface not only to start another application but to control its output and termination. As mentioned, a lot of Unix applications are already available but only work on commandline. The commandline arguments are hard to remember and most users won't ever touch them if they don't need them really. For occasional usage, the interface is too complex and therefore not very user-friendly. As KDE applications target a desktop system where even unexperienced users can feel themselves at home, this is the best way to write so-called front-ends for terminal applications.

Another possible use even for KDE programmers would be to write their target application as a commandline program and provide a user-friendly GUI interface.

The following sections will describe the KProcess class first, then the usage of KShellProcess, as this is a subclass of KProcess, therefore differs only in its usage.

8.1 KProcess

The KProcess class is based on QObject, therefore able to communicate by signals and slots. It can be used to start any executable binary as a child process on the local system and control it by communication and run mode. To use KProcess, include kprocess.h and create an instance of KProcess. If the instance has been created and used already, you have to call clearArguments() to ensure the arguments are empty before the next usage. The actual usage is to transmit the complete commandline argument to the process instance using the operator << as strings. Then the actual process is called with start(). This function has to be called with the run mode and communication.

Run mode

The run mode of the external application can be set when calling start() as the first argument. The run mode can be one of DontCare, NotifyOnExit, Block. Now, what does this mean to the application that is called and to the application that calls the process ?

The start() method also returns if the start has been successful or not. Therefore you should always call the method with an if() statement to display a message box if starting the process returns false. Reasons for start() to return false could be:

To inform the user why the process cannot be executed, you have to investigate these three possibilities. The first possibility, an empty commandline, depends on your GUI that provides the methods setting the commandline options. Normally, you would retrieve them by a dialog where the user sets the options on how to start the application. The GUI for these dialogs normally uses radio buttons to let the user choose one of several options (or more if the process allows this), a lineedit for filenames (with an additional file-selection button to call a KFileDialog::getOpenFileName()), eventually a lineedit for output locations, also with a KFileDialog::getSaveFileName().

The second possibility mostly occurs in situations where the application has been started twice or the user has opened another instance of its main window where or by which he caused another process call. In this case, you could use getPid() to determine the current process ID which can be used in a message box to show that the process is already running.

Finally, failing a call of a child process often means that the program is not available on the system. There, you should inform the user that he has to install the program to ensure functionality. Another option would be to test the PATH environment variable of the user for the directories he uses to call applications. Then you could test with QFile::exists(), if the binary is there even before trying to start it.


The communication with the caller process is another option that has to be set while calling KProcess::start(). With this, you can retrieve the output of the process where needed. The available communication modes are:

As mentioned for AllOutput and All communication modes, the available modes can be OR'ed together to combine the needed modes.

By the according signals and slots, you can connect the communication data channels to e.g. a text widget or a buffer. Displaying the output directly into a text widget will be used for Stdout in most cases while error messages can as well be retrieved into a non-visible buffer which can be processed to visualize errors by messageboxes.

8.2 KShellProcess

The KShellProcess class is a specialized KProcess class. The main difference is that you can call your executable via a Unix shell which allows all options the selected shell offers. You should check for available shells as well before calling a shell process for a special shell; the normal constructor will check for any shell available but can be set to use e.g. /bin/bash to make use of the Bourne shell - but you can't expect any system to have the Bourne shell available. The use of a KShellProcess offers the following advantages:

The methods of KProcess then offer the necessary communication and runmodes the process may need.

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