icewm-custom: IceWM-Custom
icewm-custom: Customization for IceWM, contains
icewm-custom: - Icons
icewm-custom: - theme XP-New, SilverXP, BerryXP, MicroGUI, picoGUI, Elberg
icewm-custom: - Configuration files
icewm-custom: - xinitrc scripts
icewm-custom: - xwmmenu entry
icewm-custom: - /etc/skel/.icewm

  Host      : Linux 2.4.22-skas-win4lin i686
  Date      : Sun Jan 11 09:23:36 PST 2004
  CFLAGS    : -O3  -march=noarch -mcpu=i686
  CONFIGURE : --prefix=/usr/X11R6

2003-12-26: Kocil
- Add xinitrc script to launch Icewm + Rox
- Conform buildwmmenu and buildsessions
- theme fix

2003-11-28: Kocil
- First build