Removed rpms ============ - Mesa-32bit - Mesa-libd3d-devel-32bit - alsa-plugins-jack-32bit - alsa-plugins-maemo-32bit - alsa-topology-devel-32bit - apache2-mod_scgi - attica-qt5-devel-32bit - binutils-devel-32bit - blas-devel-32bit - bluez-devel-32bit - cyrus-sasl-crammd5-32bit - cyrus-sasl-gssapi-32bit - cyrus-sasl-plain-32bit - dapl-devel-32bit - dbus-1-glib-devel-32bit - ecryptfs-utils-32bit - enchant-1-backend-voikko-32bit - enchant-2-backend-voikko-32bit - fcitx-gtk2-32bit - flac-devel-32bit - freetype2-devel-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-query-loaders-32bit - glib-networking-32bit - glibc-32bit - glibc-devel-static-32bit - glibc-locale-32bit - glibc-locale-base-32bit - glu-devel-32bit - gmp-devel-32bit - google-compute-engine-oslogin-32bit - grub2-arm64-efi - grub2-powerpc-ieee1275 - gstreamer-plugins-bad-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-extra-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-good-jack-32bit - gtk2-engine-glide-32bit - gtk2-engine-industrial-32bit - gtk2-immodule-thai-32bit - gtk3-immodule-amharic-32bit - gtk3-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk3-immodule-thai-32bit - gvfs-32bit - hdf5-devel-32bit - hdf5-mvapich2-devel-32bit - ColPack-devel-32bit - Mesa-libGL-devel-32bit - Mesa-libglapi0-32bit - Mesa-vulkan-overlay-32bit - aalib-devel-32bit - alsa-devel-32bit - alsa-plugins-pulse-32bit - atk-devel-32bit - clang11-devel-32bit - clang5-devel-32bit - cracklib-devel-32bit - cups-devel-32bit - cyrus-sasl-devel-32bit - dbus-1-devel-32bit - device-mapper-devel-32bit - fcitx-gtk3-32bit - freeglut-devel-32bit - gconf2-32bit - gdk-pixbuf-devel-32bit - gettext-runtime-32bit - glib2-tools-32bit - glibc-utils-32bit - gnome-keyring-pam-32bit - gnome-vfs2-32bit - gsettings-backend-dconf-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-base-devel-32bit - gstreamer-plugins-ugly-32bit - gtk2-devel-32bit - gtk2-engine-clearlooks-32bit - gtk2-engine-mist-32bit - gtk2-immodule-multipress-32bit - gtk2-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk2-tools-32bit - gtk3-immodule-inuktitut-32bit - gtk3-immodule-vietnamese-32bit - gtk3-immodule-wayland-32bit - hdf5-openmpi3-devel-32bit - hunspell-devel-32bit - isl-devel-32bit - jbig2dec-devel-32bit - kcoreaddons-devel-32bit - kdbusaddons-devel-32bit - ki18n-devel-32bit - kio-32bit - kjobwidgets-devel-32bit - knotifications-devel-32bit - kservice-32bit - kwindowsystem-devel-32bit - kxmlgui-devel-32bit - ladspa-32bit - libFLAC8-32bit - libGLEW2_2-32bit - libGLw1-32bit - libIex-2_2-23-32bit - libKF5I18n5-32bit - libKF5ItemViews5-32bit - libKF5JobWidgets5-32bit - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit - libLLVM5-32bit - libLTO5-32bit - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit - libQt53DAnimation5-32bit - libQt53DExtras5-32bit - libQt53DRender5-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5DBus-devel-32bit - libQt5Network5-32bit - libQt5Positioning5-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql-devel-32bit - libQt5Svg5-32bit - libQt5Test-devel-32bit - libQt5Widgets-devel-32bit - libQt5X11Extras5-32bit - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit - libSDL-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL2-devel-32bit - libSDL2_image-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_sound-devel-32bit - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSM6-32bit - libX11-devel-32bit - libXRes1-32bit - libXTrap-devel-32bit - libXaw3d-devel-32bit - libXaw3d7-32bit - libXaw6-32bit - libXaw7-32bit - libXcomposite1-32bit - libXcursor1-32bit - libXdamage-devel-32bit - libXfontcache-devel-32bit - libXinerama1-32bit - libXm4-32bit - libXmu-devel-32bit - libXp-devel-32bit - libXp6-32bit - libXprintUtil1-32bit - libXrandr2-32bit - libXrender-devel-32bit - libXrender1-32bit - libXvMC_nouveau-32bit - libXxf86misc1-32bit - libXxf86vm-devel-32bit - libXxf86vm1-32bit - liba52-0-32bit - libaom3-32bit - libass9-32bit - libassuan0-32bit - libatspi0-32bit - libattr-devel-32bit - libaudit1-32bit - libauparse0-32bit - libavcodec57-32bit - libavcodec58_134-32bit - libavformat57-32bit - libavformat58_76-32bit - libavresample3-32bit - libavtp0-32bit - libavutil55-32bit - libboost_container1_66_0-32bit - libboost_context1_66_0-32bit - libboost_coroutine1_66_0-32bit - libboost_date_time1_66_0-32bit - libboost_iostreams1_66_0-32bit - libboost_json1_75_0-32bit - libboost_math1_75_0-32bit - libboost_mpi1_66_0-32bit - libboost_program_options1_66_0-32bit - libboost_python-py3-1_66_0-32bit - libboost_random1_66_0-32bit - libboost_random1_75_0-32bit - libboost_regex1_75_0-32bit - libboost_regex_legacy-32bit - libboost_signals1_66_0-32bit - libboost_signals_legacy-32bit - libboost_test1_66_0-32bit - libboost_thread_legacy-32bit - libboost_wave1_66_0-32bit - libboost_wave1_75_0-32bit - libbrotlicommon1-32bit - libbz2-devel-32bit - libcairo-gobject2-32bit - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit - libcdda_paranoia0-32bit - libcdio16-32bit - libcdio19-32bit - libcdio_cdda2-32bit - libcdio_paranoia2-32bit - libcelt-devel-32bit - libcfg6-32bit - libclang-cpp13-32bit - libclang7-32bit - libcloudproviders0-32bit - libclucene-core1-32bit - libclutter-1_0-0-32bit - libcmocka-devel-32bit - libcollection-devel-32bit - libcolord2-32bit - libconfig++11-32bit - libconfig11-32bit - libcrack2-32bit - libcroco-0_6-3-32bit - libcupscgi1-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libcurl4-32bit - libdat2-2-32bit - libdbus-1-3-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdirac_encoder0-32bit - libdrm-devel-32bit - libdrm2-32bit - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit - libdw1-32bit - libebl-plugins-32bit - libeconf0-32bit - libexiv2-26-32bit - libext2fs2-32bit - libfdk-aac2-32bit - libfftw3_mpi3-32bit - libfl-devel-32bit - libfontconfig1-32bit - libfontenc-devel-32bit - libfreebl3-32bit - libfreetype6-32bit - libgbm-devel-32bit - libgbm1-32bit - libgdata22-32bit - libgee-0_8-2-32bit - libgeocode-glib0-32bit - libgif7-32bit - libgiomm-2_4-1-32bit - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit - libgit2-1_3-32bit - libglibmm-2_4-1-32bit - libglue2-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgnome-keyring0-32bit - libgnome-menu-3-0-32bit - libgnomecanvas-2-0-32bit - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-32bit - libgstcodecs-1_0-0-32bit - libgstgl-1_0-0-32bit - libgstisoff-1_0-0-32bit - libgstmpegts-1_0-0-32bit - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstsctp-1_0-0-32bit - libgstvideo-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwebrtc-1_0-0-32bit - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-3-0-32bit - libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkmm-3_0-1-32bit - libgudev-1_0-0-32bit - libgweather-3-16-32bit - libhangul1-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit - libhfstospell10-32bit - libhogweed6-32bit - libiec61883-0-32bit - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit - libjack0-32bit - libjacknet0-32bit - libjansson4-32bit - libjbig2-32bit - libjbig2dec0-32bit - libkkc2-32bit - libkwalletbackend5-5-32bit - liblbxutil-devel-32bit - liblcms2-devel-32bit - liblirc0-32bit - liblzma5-32bit - libmagic1-32bit - libmanette-0_2-0-32bit - libmediainfo0-32bit - libminizip1-32bit - libmjpegutils-2_0-0-32bit - libmodplug1-32bit - libmpeg2-0-32bit - libmpg123-0-32bit - libmunge2-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi2-32bit - libnice10-32bit - libnss_usrfiles2-32bit - libnuma1-32bit - liboggkate1-32bit - liboil-32bit - libopenssl-3-devel-32bit - libopenssl1_1-32bit - libp11-3-32bit - libp11-kit0-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit - libparted0-32bit - libpcap1-32bit - libpci3-32bit - libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libpfm4-32bit - libpinyin13-32bit - libpng16-16-32bit - libpolkit-qt5-1-devel-32bit - libpolkit0-32bit - libpoppler-glib8-32bit - libpoppler117-32bit - libpopt0-32bit - libpq5-32bit - libprotobuf20-32bit - libproxy1-32bit - libpsm_infinipath1-32bit - libpspell15-32bit - libpsx2-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqb-devel-32bit - libqb100-32bit - libqgpgme7-32bit - libqrencode4-32bit - libqt5-qtlocation-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtsensors-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit - libqt5-qtsvg-devel-32bit - libquicktime0-32bit - libraptor2-0-32bit - librasqal3-32bit - libraw1394-11-32bit - libraw1394-devel-32bit - librdmacm1-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - libreiserfs-0_3-0-32bit - libsam4-32bit - libsamplerate0-32bit - libsasl2-3-32bit - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libselinux1-32bit - libsensors4-32bit - libsmartcols1-32bit - libsnappy1-32bit - libsndfile1-32bit - libsnmp30-32bit - libsoftokn3-32bit - libsord-0-0-32bit - libspandsp2-32bit - libsqlite3-0-32bit - libsratom-0-0-32bit - libstartup-notification-1-0-32bit - libsuperlu5-32bit - libsvrcore0-32bit - libswresample2-32bit - libswscale5_9-32bit - libtag1-32bit - libtag_c0-32bit - libts0-32bit - libtss2-esys0-32bit - libunistring-devel-32bit - liburcu6-32bit - liburiparser1-32bit - libusbmuxd-2_0-6-32bit - libv4lconvert0-32bit - libva-glx2-32bit - libvdpau_trace1-32bit - libverto-devel-32bit - libverto-glib1-32bit - libverto-tevent1-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libvisual-32bit - libvoikko1-32bit - libvorbis-devel-32bit - libvpd2-devel-32bit - libwavpack1-32bit - libwebp-devel-32bit - libwebpextras0-32bit - libwebpmux3-32bit - libwmf-0_2-7-32bit - libwnck-3-0-32bit - libwrap0-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_media-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit - libxcb-damage0-32bit - libxcb-dri2-0-32bit - libxcb-record0-32bit - libxcb-render-util0-32bit - libxcb-res0-32bit - libxcb-screensaver0-32bit - libxcb-util1-32bit - libxcb-xinerama0-32bit - libxcb-xinput0-32bit - libxcb-xtest0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxklavier16-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libyajl2-32bit - libzhuyin13-32bit - libzstd-devel-32bit - llvm11-devel-32bit - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit - ltrace-32bit - mozilla-nss-32bit - mpfr-devel-32bit - mpg123-pulse-32bit - mpg123-sdl-32bit - nss-myhostname-32bit - openmpi3-libs-32bit - openslp-32bit - pam-modules-32bit - pam_kwallet-32bit - pam_mount-32bit - pam_pkcs11-32bit - perl-32bit - pipewire-modules-0_3-32bit - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit - python-base-32bit - python3-base-32bit - python39-base-32bit - readline-devel-32bit - samba-ad-dc-libs-32bit - samba-libs-32bit - sane-backends-devel-32bit - sonnet-devel-32bit - spirv-tools-devel-32bit - systemd-32bit - tk-32bit - xcb-util-cursor-devel-32bit - xcb-util-keysyms-devel-32bit - xen-libs-32bit - xf86-video-intel-32bit - zlib-devel-static-32bit - syslinux-debuginfo-x86_64 - intel-media-driver-32bit - jack-32bit - kbookmarks-devel-32bit - kcompletion-devel-32bit - kcrash-devel-32bit - keycloak - keyutils-devel-32bit - kguiaddons-devel-32bit - kservice-devel-32bit - ktextwidgets-devel-32bit - kwallet-devel-32bit - lapack-devel-32bit - lapacke-devel-32bit - libColPack0-32bit - libGLw-devel-32bit - libGLwM1-32bit - libHX-devel-32bit - libHX28-32bit - libIlmImfUtil-2_2-23-32bit - libKF5Attica5-32bit - libKF5AuthCore5-32bit - libKF5ConfigGui5-32bit - libKF5CoreAddons5-32bit - libKF5DBusAddons5-32bit - libKF5DocTools5-32bit - libKF5Notifications5-32bit - libKF5WidgetsAddons5-32bit - libLTO11-32bit - libMagick++-7_Q16HDRI5-32bit - libMagick++-devel-32bit - libOSMesa8-32bit - libQt53DCore5-32bit - libQt53DInput5-32bit - libQt53DLogic5-32bit - libQt53DQuickInput5-32bit - libQt53DQuickRender5-32bit - libQt5Concurrent-devel-32bit - libQt5Core5-32bit - libQt5DBus5-32bit - libQt5Designer5-32bit - libQt5DesignerComponents5-32bit - libQt5Gui5-32bit - libQt5Help5-32bit - libQt5Nfc5-32bit - libQt5OpenGL5-32bit - libQt5OpenGLExtensions-devel-static-32bit - libQt5PlatformSupport-devel-static-32bit - libQt5Script5-32bit - libQt5SerialPort5-32bit - libQt5Test5-32bit - libQt5TextToSpeech5-32bit - libQt5WaylandCompositor5-32bit - libQt5Widgets5-32bit - libQt5Xml5-32bit - libQtQuick5-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-1_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL2_image-devel-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL_gfx-devel-32bit - libSDL_sound-1_0-1-32bit - libSDLmm-devel-32bit - libXTrap6-32bit - libXaw3d6-32bit - libXaw8-32bit - libXevie-devel-32bit - libXevie1-32bit - libXext6-32bit - libXfont2-devel-32bit - libXfontcache1-32bit - libXmu6-32bit - libXrandr-devel-32bit - libXres-devel-32bit - libXss-devel-32bit - libXss1-32bit - libXtst-devel-32bit - libXv1-32bit - libXvMC1-32bit - libXxf86dga1-32bit - libarchive13-32bit - libargon2-1-32bit - libart_lgpl-devel-32bit - libart_lgpl_2-2-32bit - libasm1-32bit - libasound2-32bit - libatkmm-1_6-1-32bit - libavahi-common3-32bit - libavahi-glib1-32bit - libavc1394-devel-32bit - libavdevice58_13-32bit - libbabl-0_1-0-32bit - libbasicobjects-devel-32bit - libbluetooth3-32bit - libbluray2-32bit - libbonoboui-32bit - libboost_atomic_legacy-32bit - libboost_coroutine1_75_0-32bit - libboost_date_time_legacy-32bit - libboost_filesystem_legacy-32bit - libboost_graph1_66_0-32bit - libboost_graph_parallel1_75_0-32bit - libboost_iostreams_legacy-32bit - libboost_program_options_legacy-32bit - libboost_serialization1_66_0-32bit - libboost_serialization1_75_0-32bit - libboost_system1_66_0-32bit - libboost_system1_75_0-32bit - libboost_system_legacy-32bit - libboost_test_legacy-32bit - libboost_thread1_75_0-32bit - libboost_type_erasure1_75_0-32bit - libbrotlidec1-32bit - libbs2b0-32bit - libcaca0-32bit - libcairomm-1_0-1-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-0-32bit - libcanberra-gtk3-module-32bit - libcddb2-32bit - libcheck0-32bit - libchewing3-32bit - libchromaprint1-32bit - libclang5-32bit - libclucene-shared1-32bit - libclutter-gst-3_0-0-32bit - libcmap4-32bit - libcolord-gtk1-32bit - libcom_err-devel-32bit - libcom_err2-32bit - libcrypt1-32bit - libcups2-32bit - libcupsimage2-32bit - libdav1d5-32bit - libdbi-devel-32bit - libdbusmenu-qt5-devel-32bit - libdconf1-32bit - libdhash-devel-32bit - libdhash1-32bit - libdirac_decoder0-32bit - libdmapsharing-3_0-2-32bit - libdmtx0-32bit - libdmx-devel-32bit - libdvbv5-0-32bit - libdwarves-devel-32bit - libdwarves1-32bit - libecpg6-32bit - libedata-cal-2_0-1-32bit - libefa1-32bit - libelf-devel-32bit - libenca0-32bit - libenchant-2-2-32bit - libenchant1-32bit - libepoxy0-32bit - libexif-devel-32bit - libfabric-devel-32bit - libfabric1-32bit - libfarstream-0_2-5-32bit - libfbclient2-32bit - libfdisk1-32bit - libfdt-devel-32bit - libffado2-32bit - libfipscheck1-32bit - libfltk1-32bit - libfreebl3-hmac-32bit - libftgl2-32bit - libfuse3-3-32bit - libgck-devel-32bit - libgcr-3-1-32bit - libgcrypt20-hmac-32bit - libgdk_pixbuf-2_0-0-32bit - libgdk_pixbuf_xlib-2_0-0-32bit - libgegl-0_4-0-32bit - libgio-2_0-0-32bit - libglue-devel-32bit - libglvnd-devel-32bit - libgnome-32bit - libgnutls30-32bit - libgoa-1_0-0-32bit - libgphoto2-6-32bit - libgsm-devel-32bit - libgstadaptivedemux-1_0-0-32bit - libgstapp-1_0-0-32bit - libgstfft-1_0-0-32bit - libgstplay-1_0-0-32bit - libgsttag-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkhtml-4_0-0-32bit - libgtkhtml-editor-4_0-0-32bit - libgusb2-32bit - libhdf5-103-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_hl_cpp100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi2-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-openmpi4-32bit - libhunspell-1_6-0-32bit - 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kdbusaddons-devel-32bit - ki18n-devel-32bit - kio-32bit - kjobwidgets-devel-32bit - knotifications-devel-32bit - kservice-32bit - kwindowsystem-devel-32bit - kxmlgui-devel-32bit - ladspa-32bit - libFLAC8-32bit - libGLEW2_2-32bit - libGLw1-32bit - libIex-2_2-23-32bit - libKF5I18n5-32bit - libKF5ItemViews5-32bit - libKF5JobWidgets5-32bit - libKF5XmlGui5-32bit - libLLVM5-32bit - libLTO5-32bit - libMagickCore-7_Q16HDRI10-32bit - libQt53DAnimation5-32bit - libQt53DExtras5-32bit - libQt53DRender5-32bit - libQt5Bluetooth5-32bit - libQt5DBus-devel-32bit - libQt5Network5-32bit - libQt5Positioning5-32bit - libQt5PrintSupport-devel-32bit - libQt5Sql-devel-32bit - libQt5Svg5-32bit - libQt5Test-devel-32bit - libQt5Widgets-devel-32bit - libQt5X11Extras5-32bit - libQt5XmlPatterns5-32bit - libSDL-1_2-0-32bit - libSDL2-devel-32bit - libSDL2_image-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_mixer-2_0-0-32bit - libSDL2_ttf-devel-32bit - libSDL_sound-devel-32bit - libSDL_ttf-2_0-0-32bit - libSM6-32bit - libX11-devel-32bit - libXRes1-32bit - 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libboost_program_options1_66_0-32bit - libboost_python-py3-1_66_0-32bit - libboost_random1_66_0-32bit - libboost_random1_75_0-32bit - libboost_regex1_75_0-32bit - libboost_regex_legacy-32bit - libboost_signals1_66_0-32bit - libboost_signals_legacy-32bit - libboost_test1_66_0-32bit - libboost_thread_legacy-32bit - libboost_wave1_66_0-32bit - libboost_wave1_75_0-32bit - libbrotlicommon1-32bit - libbz2-devel-32bit - libcairo-gobject2-32bit - libcanberra-gtk0-32bit - libcdda_paranoia0-32bit - libcdio16-32bit - libcdio19-32bit - libcdio_cdda2-32bit - libcdio_paranoia2-32bit - libcelt-devel-32bit - libcfg6-32bit - libclang-cpp13-32bit - libclang7-32bit - libcloudproviders0-32bit - libclucene-core1-32bit - libclutter-1_0-0-32bit - libcmocka-devel-32bit - libcollection-devel-32bit - libcolord2-32bit - libconfig++11-32bit - libconfig11-32bit - libcrack2-32bit - libcroco-0_6-3-32bit - libcupscgi1-32bit - libcurl-devel-32bit - libcurl4-32bit - libdat2-2-32bit - libdbus-1-3-32bit - libdevmapper-event1_03-32bit - libdirac_encoder0-32bit - libdrm-devel-32bit - libdrm2-32bit - libdrm_amdgpu1-32bit - libdrm_nouveau2-32bit - libdw1-32bit - libebl-plugins-32bit - libeconf0-32bit - libexiv2-26-32bit - libext2fs2-32bit - libfdk-aac2-32bit - libfftw3_mpi3-32bit - libfl-devel-32bit - libfontconfig1-32bit - libfontenc-devel-32bit - libfreebl3-32bit - libfreetype6-32bit - libgbm-devel-32bit - libgbm1-32bit - libgdata22-32bit - libgee-0_8-2-32bit - libgeocode-glib0-32bit - libgif7-32bit - libgiomm-2_4-1-32bit - libgirepository-1_0-1-32bit - libgit2-1_3-32bit - libglibmm-2_4-1-32bit - libglue2-32bit - libgmime-3_0-0-32bit - libgnome-keyring0-32bit - libgnome-menu-3-0-32bit - libgnomecanvas-2-0-32bit - libgoa-backend-1_0-1-32bit - libgstbadaudio-1_0-0-32bit - libgstbasecamerabinsrc-1_0-0-32bit - libgstcodecs-1_0-0-32bit - libgstgl-1_0-0-32bit - libgstisoff-1_0-0-32bit - libgstmpegts-1_0-0-32bit - libgstreamer-1_0-0-32bit - libgstsctp-1_0-0-32bit - libgstvideo-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwayland-1_0-0-32bit - libgstwebrtc-1_0-0-32bit - libgthread-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-2_0-0-32bit - libgtk-3-0-32bit - libgtkglext-x11-1_0-0-32bit - libgtkmm-3_0-1-32bit - libgudev-1_0-0-32bit - libgweather-3-16-32bit - libhangul1-32bit - libhdf5_cpp103-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-mvapich2-32bit - libhdf5_fortran102-openmpi4-32bit - libhdf5_hl100-openmpi3-32bit - libhdf5hl_fortran100-32bit - libhfstospell10-32bit - libhogweed6-32bit - libiec61883-0-32bit - libimobiledevice-1_0-6-32bit - libjack0-32bit - libjacknet0-32bit - libjansson4-32bit - libjbig2-32bit - libjbig2dec0-32bit - libkkc2-32bit - libkwalletbackend5-5-32bit - liblbxutil-devel-32bit - liblcms2-devel-32bit - liblirc0-32bit - liblzma5-32bit - libmagic1-32bit - libmanette-0_2-0-32bit - libmediainfo0-32bit - libminizip1-32bit - libmjpegutils-2_0-0-32bit - libmodplug1-32bit - libmpeg2-0-32bit - libmpg123-0-32bit - libmunge2-32bit - libnetcdf18-openmpi2-32bit - libnice10-32bit - libnss_usrfiles2-32bit - libnuma1-32bit - liboggkate1-32bit - liboil-32bit - libopenssl-3-devel-32bit - libopenssl1_1-32bit - libp11-3-32bit - libp11-kit0-32bit - libpackagekit-glib2-devel-32bit - libpangomm-1_4-1-32bit - libparted0-32bit - libpcap1-32bit - libpci3-32bit - libpcre2-16-0-32bit - libpfm4-32bit - libpinyin13-32bit - libpng16-16-32bit - libpolkit-qt5-1-devel-32bit - libpolkit0-32bit - libpoppler-glib8-32bit - libpoppler117-32bit - libpopt0-32bit - libpq5-32bit - libprotobuf20-32bit - libproxy1-32bit - libpsm_infinipath1-32bit - libpspell15-32bit - libpsx2-32bit - libpython3_9-1_0-32bit - libqb-devel-32bit - libqb100-32bit - libqgpgme7-32bit - libqrencode4-32bit - libqt5-qtlocation-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtsensors-devel-32bit - libqt5-qtspeech-plugin-speechd-32bit - libqt5-qtsvg-devel-32bit - libquicktime0-32bit - libraptor2-0-32bit - librasqal3-32bit - libraw1394-11-32bit - libraw1394-devel-32bit - librdmacm1-32bit - libreadline7-32bit - libreiserfs-0_3-0-32bit - libsam4-32bit - libsamplerate0-32bit - libsasl2-3-32bit - libsecret-1-0-32bit - libselinux1-32bit - libsensors4-32bit - libsmartcols1-32bit - libsnappy1-32bit - libsndfile1-32bit - libsnmp30-32bit - libsoftokn3-32bit - libsord-0-0-32bit - libspandsp2-32bit - libsqlite3-0-32bit - libsratom-0-0-32bit - libstartup-notification-1-0-32bit - libsuperlu5-32bit - libsvrcore0-32bit - libswresample2-32bit - libswscale5_9-32bit - libtag1-32bit - libtag_c0-32bit - libts0-32bit - libtss2-esys0-32bit - libunistring-devel-32bit - liburcu6-32bit - liburiparser1-32bit - libusbmuxd-2_0-6-32bit - libv4lconvert0-32bit - libva-glx2-32bit - libvdpau_trace1-32bit - libverto-devel-32bit - libverto-glib1-32bit - libverto-tevent1-32bit - libvirt-devel-32bit - libvisual-32bit - libvoikko1-32bit - libvorbis-devel-32bit - libvpd2-devel-32bit - libwavpack1-32bit - libwebp-devel-32bit - libwebpextras0-32bit - libwebpmux3-32bit - libwmf-0_2-7-32bit - libwnck-3-0-32bit - libwrap0-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_aui-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_html-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_media-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_propgrid-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_qa-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_ribbon-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3-32bit - libwx_gtk2u_richtext-suse3_0_5-32bit - libxcb-damage0-32bit - libxcb-dri2-0-32bit - libxcb-record0-32bit - libxcb-render-util0-32bit - libxcb-res0-32bit - libxcb-screensaver0-32bit - libxcb-util1-32bit - libxcb-xinerama0-32bit - libxcb-xinput0-32bit - libxcb-xtest0-32bit - libxkbcommon-x11-0-32bit - libxklavier16-32bit - libxml++-2_6-2-32bit - libyajl2-32bit - libzhuyin13-32bit - libzstd-devel-32bit - llvm11-devel-32bit - llvm9-LTO-devel-32bit - ltrace-32bit - mozilla-nss-32bit - mpfr-devel-32bit - mpg123-pulse-32bit - mpg123-sdl-32bit - nss-myhostname-32bit - openmpi3-libs-32bit - openslp-32bit - pam-modules-32bit - pam_kwallet-32bit - pam_mount-32bit - pam_pkcs11-32bit - perl-32bit - pipewire-modules-0_3-32bit - pipewire-spa-plugins-0_2-32bit - python-base-32bit - python-hupper-doc - python-venusian-doc - python3-base-32bit - python39-base-32bit - readline-devel-32bit - samba-ad-dc-libs-32bit - samba-libs-32bit - sane-backends-devel-32bit - sonnet-devel-32bit - spirv-tools-devel-32bit - systemd-32bit - tk-32bit - xcb-util-cursor-devel-32bit - xcb-util-keysyms-devel-32bit - xen-libs-32bit - xf86-video-intel-32bit - zlib-devel-static-32bit Package Source Changes ====================== SDL2 +- Add CVE-2021-33657.patch: always create a full 256-entry color + map in case color values are out of range (boo#1198001 + CVE-2021-33657). + +- Add sdl2-surface-pitch-overflow.patch: fix overflow in surface + pitch calculation (boo#1181201 boo#1181202 CVE-2020-14410 + CVE-2020-14409). + +- sdl2-khronos.patch + * fixes build on i586 (boo#1158176) + +- Add CVE-2019-13616.patch: fix heap buffer overflow when reading + a crafted bmp file (boo#1141844 CVE-2019-13616). +- Add CVE-2019-13626.patch: add safeguards to the wav parser to + prevent crashes (boo#1142031 CVE-2019-13626). +- Drop CVE-2019-7572.patch, CVE-2019-7574.patch, + CVE-2019-7575.patch, CVE-2019-7577.patch, and + CVE-2019-7578.patch: these are handled by the new code added in + CVE-2019-13626.patch. + +- Remove CVE-2019-7637.patch, the modification of function + SDL_CalculatePitch is only suit for SDL not SDL2. + +- Add CVE-2019-7636.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read + issue (CVE-2019-7636, boo#1124826, CVE-2019-7638, boo#1124824). + +- Add CVE-2019-7635.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read + issue (CVE-2019-7635, boo#1124827). + +- Add CVE-2019-7578.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read + issue (CVE-2019-7578, boo#1125099, CVE-2019-7576, boo#1124799 + CVE-2019-7573, boo#1124805). + +- Add CVE-2019-7572.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue + (CVE-2019-7572, boo#1124806). + +- Add CVE-2019-7574.patch to fix a heap-based buffer over-read + issue (CVE-2019-7574, boo#1124803). + +- Add CVE-2019-7575.patch to fix a heap-based buffer overflow + issue (CVE-2019-7575, boo#1124802). + +- Add CVE-2019-7637.patch to fix a heap-base buffer overflow + issue (CVE-2019-7637, boo#1124825). + +- Add CVE-2019-7577.patch to fix a buffer over-read issue + (CVE-2019-7577, boo#1124800). + +- Build with Wayland support + +- Update to new upstream release 2.0.8 + * Added SDL_fmod() and SDL_log10(). + * Each of the SDL math functions now has the corresponding + float version. + * Added SDL_SetYUVConversionMode() and + SDL_GetYUVConversionMode() to control the formula used when + converting to and from YUV colorspace. The options are JPEG, + BT.601, and BT.709. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_X11_NET_WM_BYPASS_COMPOSITOR to + control whether the X server should skip the compositor for + the SDL application. This defaults to "1". + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_VIDEO_DOUBLE_BUFFER to control + whether the Raspberry Pi and KMSDRM video drivers should use + double or triple buffering (the default). + +- Add sdl2-symvers.patch. + +- update to 2.0.7 + * Added audio stream conversion functions. + * Added functions to query and set the SDL memory allocation + functions. + * Added locking functions for multi-threaded access to + the joystick and game controller APIs. + * Some functions are now thread-safe. +- removed patches, merged upstream + * dbus.diff + * SDL2-ppc64-declaration-after-statement.patch + * SDL-bnc1062784-check-overflow-xcf-props.patch + +- Add SDL-bnc1062784-check-overflow-xcf-props.patch. CVE-2017-2888 + +- Disable SSE3 (and also SSE2 on ix86) to prevent crashes on older + CPUs that don't support these instructions + +- Add dbus.diff + +- Enable KMS/DRM video driver + +- Update to new upstream release 2.0.6 + * Added Vulkan graphics support in SDL_vulkan.h. + * Added SDL_ComposeCustomBlendMode() to create custom blend + modes for 2D rendering. + * Added support for many game controllers, including the + Nintendo Switch Pro Controller. + * Added support for inverted axes and separate axis directions + in game controller mappings. + * Added functions to return information about joysticks and + open game controllers. + * Added SDL_GameControllerNumMappings() and + SDL_GameControllerMappingForIndex() to be able to enumerate + the built-in game controller mappings. + * Added SDL_LoadFile() and SDL_LoadFile_RW() to load a file + into memory. + * Added SDL_DuplicateSurface() to make a copy of a surface. + * Added an experimental JACK audio driver. + * Implemented non-power-of-two audio resampling. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_AUDIO_RESAMPLING_MODE to control the + quality of resampling. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_RENDER_LOGICAL_SIZE_MODE to control + the scaling policy for SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize(). + * Added the hints SDL_HINT_MOUSE_NORMAL_SPEED_SCALE and + SDL_HINT_MOUSE_RELATIVE_SPEED_SCALE to scale the mouse speed + when being read from raw mouse input. + * Added the hint SDL_HINT_TOUCH_MOUSE_EVENTS to control whether + SDL will synthesize mouse events from touch events. + * Added an experimental KMS/DRM video driver for embedded + development. +- Remove dbus-ime.diff (no longer needed) + +- Do not BuildRequires pkgconfig(fcitx) on SLE (not shipped anymore + since SLE12 SP2). + +- libspe2 doesn't exist any more + +- Add dbus-ime.diff and build with fcitx [boo#1025413] + +- Backported commit 5184186d4366 and fbf9b0e3589a as + SDL2-ppc64-declaration-after-statement.patch to fix build + on ppc64/ppc64le + +- Update to 2.0.5 + General: + * Implemented audio capture support for some platforms + * Added SDL_DequeueAudio() to retrieve audio when buffer + queuing is turned on for audio capture + * Added events for dragging and dropping text + * Added events for dragging and dropping multiple items + * By default the click raising a window will not be + delivered to the SDL application. You can set the hint + SDL_HINT_MOUSE_FOCUS_CLICKTHROUGH to "1" to allow that click + through to the window. + * Saving a surface with an alpha channel as a BMP will use a + newer BMP format that supports alpha information. You can + set the hint SDL_HINT_BMP_SAVE_LEGACY_FORMAT to "1" to use + the old format. + * Added SDL_GetHintBoolean() to get the boolean value of a + hint + * Added SDL_RenderSetIntegerScale() to set whether to + smoothly scale or use integral multiples of the viewport + size when scaling the rendering output + * Added SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormat() and + SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceWithFormatFrom() to create an SDL + surface with a specific pixel format + * Added SDL_GetDisplayUsableBounds() which returns the area + usable for windows. For example, on Mac OS X, this subtracts + the area occupied by the menu bar and dock. + * Added SDL_GetWindowBordersSize() which returns the size of + the window's borders around the client area + * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_HIT_TEST when a + window had a hit test that wasn't SDL_HITTEST_NORMAL (e.g. + in the title bar or window frame) + * Added SDL_SetWindowResizable() to change whether a window + is resizable + * Added SDL_SetWindowOpacity() and SDL_GetWindowOpacity() to + affect the window transparency + * Added SDL_SetWindowModalFor() to set a window as modal for + another window + * Added support for AUDIO_U16LSB and AUDIO_U16MSB to + SDL_MixAudioFormat() + * Fixed flipped images when reading back from target + textures when using the OpenGL renderer + * Fixed texture color modulation with SDL_BLENDMODE_NONE + when using the OpenGL renderer + * Fixed bug where the alpha value of colorkeys was ignored + when blitting in some cases + Linux: + * Added support for the Fcitx IME + * Added a window event SDL_WINDOWEVENT_TAKE_FOCUS when a + window manager asks the SDL window whether it wants to take + focus. + * Refresh rates are now rounded instead of truncated, e.g. + 59.94 Hz is rounded up to 60 Hz instead of 59. + * Added initial support for touchscreens on Raspberry Pi + +- Make building more verbose + +- Enable udev support + +- update to version 2.0.4 + General: + * Added support for web applications using Emscripten, see + docs/ for more information + * Added support for web applications using Native Client (NaCl), see + docs/ for more information + * Added an API to queue audio instead of using the audio callback: + SDL_QueueAudio(), SDL_GetQueuedAudioSize(), SDL_ClearQueuedAudio() + * Added events for audio device hot plug support: + SDL_AUDIODEVICEADDED, SDL_AUDIODEVICEREMOVED + * Added SDL_PointInRect() + * Added SDL_HasAVX2() to detect CPUs with AVX2 support + * Added SDL_SetWindowHitTest() to let apps treat parts of their SDL window + like traditional window decorations (drag areas, resize areas) + * Added SDL_GetGrabbedWindow() to get the window that currently has input + grab, if any + * Added SDL_RenderIsClipEnabled() to tell whether clipping is currently + enabled in a renderer + * Added SDL_CaptureMouse() to capture the mouse to get events while the + mouse is not in your window + * Added SDL_WarpMouseGlobal() to warp the mouse cursor in global screen + space + * Added SDL_GetGlobalMouseState() to get the current mouse state outside of + an SDL window* Added a direction field to mouse wheel events to tell + whether they are flipped (natural) or not + * Added GL_CONTEXT_RELEASE_BEHAVIOR GL attribute (maps to + [WGL|GLX]_ARB_context_flush_control extension) + * Added EGL_KHR_create_context support to allow OpenGL ES version selection + on some platforms* Added NV12 and NV21 YUV texture support for OpenGL and + OpenGL ES 2.0 renderers + * Added a Vivante video driver that is used on various SoC platforms + * Added an event SDL_RENDER_DEVICE_RESET that is sent from the D3D + renderers when the D3D device is lost, and from Android's event loop when + the GLES context had to be recreated + * Added a hint SDL_HINT_NO_SIGNAL_HANDLERS to disable SDL's built in signal + handling* Added a hint SDL_HINT_THREAD_STACK_SIZE to set the stack size of + SDL's threads + * Added SDL_sqrtf(), SDL_tan(), and SDL_tanf() to the stdlib routines + * Improved support for WAV and BMP files with unusual chunks in them + * Renamed SDL_assert_data to SDL_AssertData and SDL_assert_state to + SDL_AssertState + * Added a hint SDL_HINT_WINDOW_FRAME_USABLE_WHILE_CURSOR_HIDDEN to prevent + window interaction while cursor is hidden + * Added SDL_GetDisplayDPI() to get the DPI information for a display* Added + SDL_JoystickCurrentPowerLevel() to get the battery level of a joystick + * Added SDL_JoystickFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get the + SDL_Joystick* that an event is referring to. + * Added SDL_GameControllerFromInstanceID(), as a helper function, to get + the SDL_GameController* that an event is referring to. + +- libspe2 only exists for ppc and ppc64 + +- Drop old arts/esound soundserver support. + +- Remove SDL2 obsoletes (we never had packages of that name). + Copy current Provides to baselibs.conf. + aspell +- security update +- modified patches + % aspell-quotes.patch (p1) + % aspell-strict-aliasing.patch (p1) +- added patches + fix CVE-2019-25051 [bsc#1188576], heap-buffer-overflow in acommon:ObjStack:dup_top + + aspell-CVE-2019-25051.patch + +- recommend aspell-en also from the library [bsc#1177523] + +- Remove/replace old specfile constructs. + +- version update to 0.60.8 + * Prevent a potentially unbounded buffer over-read by no longer + supporting null-terminated UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings with the + original C API. @xref{Upgrading from Aspell 0.60.7}. + * Ensure that possible typos are listed before other suggestions when + typo analysis is used. Also fix a bug so that suggestions that split + a word using a space or hyphen are not always first. + * Add Markdown filter. + * Add new @option{wordlists} option, which is a list of UTF-8 files that + contain additional words to accept. + * Add new @option{camel-case} option, which enables support for checking + camelCase words. + * Sort personal and replacement dictionaries. + * Change @code{ultra} suggestion mode to only find words that are within + one-edit distance or have the same soundslike. + * Implement the @code{aspell filter} command. + * Fix a bug in @code{AspellDocumentChecker} that prevented it from + working with UCS-2 and UCS-4 encoded strings. + * Remove unused @option{sug-edit-dist} option. + * @code{AspellDocumentChecker} now expects the document a line at a time + in order to work with the new Markdown filter. If the document is + split on white space characters instead, nothing will break, but new + filters such as the Markdown filter may give incorrect results. + * The @option{clean} option and command will no longer split a word. + * Various documentation improvements. + * Removal of several outdated appendices that don't really belong in the + main manual. Parts that are still relevent may eventually be moved + elsewhere, but for now they are available online at + @uref{}. + * Fix various crashes and other problems found by Google's OSS-Fuzz. + * Add partial support for recognizing the Unicode apostrophe (') in + words. In particular Aspell will accept the Unicode apostrophe when + the language uses an ISO Latin charset that doesn't already have a + Unicode apostrophe. For now, Aspell will still use the ASCII version + in suggestions. + * Detect when a dictionary compiled on a 32-bit machine is used on a + 64-bit one (and vise versa), as due to an oversight, compiled + dictionaries depend on more than the endianness. Also added a compile + time option to remove this dependency, but at the cost of breaking + compatibility with already compiled dictionaries on 64-bit systems. + * Fix a bug which caused Aspell to crash when passing in a null string + to almost any of the C API functions. This should not happen if the + size is also zero as the pointer should never be derefrenced. + * Fix a bug that caused Aspell to crash with a SEGFAULT when built with + mingw-w64. + * In addition to outputting a warning when building with NDEBUG defined, + also include NDEBUG in the version string. + * Various compile fixes for newer version of Gcc and Clang. + * Fix VPATH builds. + * Use utf-8 encoding for manual instead of iso-8859-1. + * Other minor updates and bug fixes. +- deleted patches + - aspell-automake-1.13.patch (upstreamed) + - aspell-epmty_file.patch (upstreamed, bsc#266130 does not exhibit) + - gcc7-fix-warnings.patch (upstreamed) + +- Compact descriptions + +- gcc7-fix-warnings.patch - Fix warnings reported by GCC7. + +- Add gpg signature +- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner + +- baselibs.conf: libaspell15 + obsoletes "aspell- <= " + provides "aspell- = " + +- license GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and SUSE-BSD-Mark-Modifications + [bnc#777131] + +- license update: GFDL-1.1+ and LGPL-2.1 and HPND and BSD-3-Clause + SDPX + check +- Drop baselibs.conf: multilib support is only generated for libs + that have consumers. + +- update to 0.15.2: + * Fix fail* APIs, regression from 0.15.1 + * Fix warning in ptr macros with pointer to integer cast + * Fix various warnings in Check's unit tests + * Replace gnu_printf with printf in format __attribute__ + * Fix warnings from Check's macros: "warning: too many arguments for format" + * Fix format specifiers that do not match the argument types + * Define CK_ATTRIBUTE_FORMAT for GCC >= 2.95.3, to make use of + ‘gnu_printf’ format attribute + * Refactor tests to fix signed - unsigned conversions + * Refactor some Check internals to use proper interger types + * Implement missing mutual exclusion for Windows hosts + +- Update to 0.14.0: + * Add support for FetchContent in CMake + * Rename CMake project from 'check' to 'Check' + * Fix for checking for wrong tool when building docs in Autotools + * Fix compiler warning with printf format + * missing in some files + * Various documentation improvements + * END_TEST is now optional, as how START_TEST works has been redone + * Various CMake related changes + +- Modernize spec-file by calling spec-cleaner + +- Update to version 0.12.0: + + Fix out-of-tree builds with CMake (gh#libcheck/check#86). + + Fix issue found with Clang regarding invalid suffix on a + literal (gh#libcheck/check#110). + + Check now responds to a few errors in a more clear way when + it cannot run tests (gh#libcheck/check#122 and + gh#libcheck/check#123). + + The maximum message size of check assertions is now + configurable (gh#libcheck/check#127). + + Check support added for Visual Studios 2010, 2012, 2013, 2015, + and 2017 both for x86/64 and ARM (gh#libcheck/check#129 and + gh#libcheck/check#125). +- Adopt the use of %make_build and %make_install rather than raw + make commands, following the best practices. And pass docdir + to configure instead of passing directly to make. +- Add automake, autoconf and sed BuildRequires to avoid implicit + dependencies. + -- Update to version 0.9.12: - + Additional unit tests created for internal and external Check - APIs. - + Check now compiled on Windows using MSVC when using CMake and - NMake. All unit tests pass, though shell script based ones need - to be run in the MSYS environment. - + Check now compiles on Windows using Visual Studio 10 when using - CMake. check_check passes when run from Visual Studios. - + Always capture the start and end times of tests when using - NO_FORK mode. Previously the end time was not captured, - resulting in arbitrary durations being recorded when tests - failed. Bug#87. - + Added additional configure script checks for support of - timer_create() on the target system. This allows for OpenBSD to - compile and run all Check's unit tests successfully. - + Added a unit test, check_mem_leaks, which can be used against - valgrind to test for memory leaks. No memory leaks were found. - + Added tcase_add_loop_test support in checkm. - + Add support for logging in Test Anything Protocol (TAP) format. - + Refactor Check's assertions to be more like the assert() call - in assert.h, in that static source code analyzers can use gcc - attributes in the header to make assumptions about the flow of - the code. See feature request #29. - + Fix ck_assert_ptr_* causing const compilation warnings. -- Add check-missing-includes.patch: Add missing include in order - to fix the build. - -- Update to version 0.9.11: - + Check's unit tests pass when compiled out of the source tree. - + Check compiles for Windows using the MinGW/msys environment - (without using fork), and all unit tests pass. - + Check compiles for Windows using the Cygwin environment, and - all unit tests pass. - + Check compiles for Windows using MinGW in Linux (without using - fork), and all unit tests pass using wine 1.4. - -- Update to version 0.9.10: - + Support 64bit int for __ck_assert_int (sf#3599471). - + Add equivalent uint variants for __ck_assert_int (sf #3600433). - + Detect if the system has a C99 compliant version of the printf - related functions for check to use, and if not use an - implementation provided by check. - + Updated HACKING and release procedure in - + Detect if the system has clock_gettime() available, and if not - use an implementation provided by check. clock_gettime() is - used to measure test durations. The implementation for OSX uses - OSX specific system calls to get the time. For all other - systems, clock_gettime() does nothing. - + Updated documentation in check.h to reference new check API. - + Remove usage of deprecated fail(), fail_if(), and fail_unless() - calls from check's unit tests. - + Fix implementation of putenv in check's libcompat for systems - that do not provide it. - + Fix implementation of unsettenv in check's libcompat for - systems that do not provide it. - + mprovements to the new Check API: new comparison functions for - pointers: ck_assert_ptr_(eq|ne). - + Test timeouts can now be in nanosecond precision. - + Cleanup compile warnings (sf#3579199). - + Renamed Check's internal list functions to start with check_ - (sf#3448601). - -- Update to version 0.9.9: - + Measure test duration and print in XML output (sf#3521371) - + Added contrib/XML_for_JUnit.xsl (sf#3521371) - + Added support for setting log files via environment variables. - (sf#3576713) - + Added better pkg-config and subunit support (sf#3417041) - + Make tests/ bourne shell compatible (sf#3472578) - + Added ck_ prefix to mutex_lock variable, to avoid name clash on - Solaris (sf#3472574) - + In autoconf, request system extensions to generate 64-bit safe - code (sf#2803433) - + Fix for mutex deadlock when killing threads (sf#3564640) - + Make XML output well-formed (sf#3575642, sf#3485651) - + Fix buggy duration calculation (sf#3575451) - + A more complete CMake / MSVC patch for those interested in - pursuing Windows development with Check and Visual Studio. - + Added instructions for improving the speed and output of `make - check' when using Automake. - + Added a chapter in the documentation for selective running of - tests. - + Changed how the message pipe is read. Before, the whole file - was copied to RAM with realloc, giving problems with huge - allocations for repetetive tests, the problem was visible for a - specific GStreamer test case. - + Improvements to the new Check API: documentation, macros that - allow multiple evaluation, unit tests, and new - ck_assert_(str|int)_(lt|le|gt|ge) comparison functions. - + Made the new Check API primary and use it to define macros from - old Check API - + Added checkmk, a tool for reducing "boilerplate coding" when - writing unit tests with check. - + Added xslt link to xml output, added display of iteration field - into xslt stylesheet and moved it to directory accessible from - web page root - + Added longjmp to fail function to ensure that no code will be - executed in test function after failed assertion - + Fix dead assignments and several possible NULL pointer - dereferences. - -- Own %{_datadir}/aclocal to fix build without automake/autoconf. - -- Remove redundant tags/sections from specfile -- Use %_smp_mflags for parallel building - -- buildrequire pkg-config to fix provides - -- Add pkg-config Recommends to check-devel, as required by policy. - -- Package baselibs.conf - -- Update to version 0.9.8: - + Added CK_SUBUNIT support for outputting test information in - the subunit wire protocol. - + Added code and tests for timeout scaling via environment - variable - + Added documentation for testing exit values with - tcase_add_exit_test() - + Add make_macros perl script from somebody - + add type to check_type error message - + add contrib dir with xslt transform - + function exist testing support - + introduce HAVE_WORKING_SETENV to protect tc_timeout_env usage - + support running tests with multiple pthreads - + partial MSYS/MinGW support. -- spec file cleaned using spec-cleaner. - -- remove static libraries and "la" files - cluster-glue +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1587474580.a5fda2bc: + * Fix EC2 stonith plugin (bsc#1169784) + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1560323319.fd5a3bef: + * ibmhmc: Create /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp if it doesn't exist (bsc#1131545) + +- Create /var/run/heartbeat/rsctmp directory (bsc#1131545) + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1534346580.be86a9f2: + * Fix: stonith:ibmhmc: Add "managedsyspat" and "password" as supported parameters (bsc#1098758) +- Remove obsolete patch: + * Remove 0001-Medium-external-ec2-Mitigate-fence-race-bsc-1088656.patch + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1523280117.43b22d15: + * High: external/ec2: Avoid unicode errors and improve performance (bsc#1088656) +- Medium: external/ec2: Mitigate fence race (bsc#1088656) + * Add 0001-Medium-external-ec2-Mitigate-fence-race-bsc-1088656.patch + +- Build: Ship cibsecret by pacemaker instead of cluster-glue (bsc#1082456) + +- spec: Still use 90 as the consistent gid for the group "haclient" among the cluster + +- Stop building static archives only to remove them later. + +- Switch to pkgconfig dependencies +- Drop asciidoc from deps, even tho checks for it + the mans are generated by docbook + +- Format with spec-cleaner +- Remove old distributions as we build only on SLE12+ (sle11/sle10) +- Always disable fatal warnings, it only turns on -Werror which is + pointless for distro builds and just could break with gcc updates +- Use the user creation oneliner like other packages + +- Fix Python 3 compatibility in these agents (bsc#1073376): + * external/ibmrsa-telnet + * external/dracmc-telnet + * external/riloe + +- Port scripts to Python 3 + * Add 0001-Port-scripts-to-Python-3.patch + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1511436818.71ae59fa: + * Fix: stonith:external/ec2: Enforce en_US.UTF-8 locale when invoking aws client (bsc#1059171) + * Drop libnet dependency (bsc#1069596) + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1501749673.bdd95fd0: + * stonith: external/vcenter: Reset returns success with RESETPOWERON=0 if vm is already off (bsc#1050908) + * Remove hb_report from doc/ + * Fix warnings reported by GCC7. (bsc#1030241) + * * Drop 0001-Fix-warnings-reported-by-GCC7.patch which has been merged upstream + +- Remove openhpi support as the packages is going to be removed. + +- Add 0001-Fix-warnings-reported-by-GCC7.patch to fix bnc#1030241. + +- Require user and group nobody + +- Explicitly package %{_docdir}/%{name} to fix build with RPM 4.13. + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1485976882.03d61cd: + * Low: ipc: fix poll function parameter type + * Medium: hb_report: invoke crm to create a report + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1478088779.afaeeb2: + * Low: stonith: Convert gethostbyname() usage to getaddrinfo() + * Low: apcmastersnmp: Convert gethostbyname() usage to getaddrinfo() + * Low: ipmilan_command: Convert gethostbyname() to getaddrinfo() + * Low: wti_mpc: Convert gethostbyname() usage to getaddrinfo() + +- Update to version 1.0.12+v1.git.1476869614.524e5d0: + * Adjust version to correct sorting + +- Update to version 1.0.12+git.1476707642.08bec62: + * low: cl_plumbing: Fix incorrect negations +- Drop merged patches: + * Remove cluster-glue-gcc5.patch + * Remove remove-unused-constants.patch + +- Update to version 1.0.12+git.1476172419.3e86358: + * Upstream is now + * stonith: describe -E option + +- Update to 1.0.12+hg2818 + + Fix addresses of FSF, point to instead +- Fix build with GCC 6 + + Add remove-unused-constants.patch + +- Update to 1.0.12+hg2816 + + Medium: stonith: external/libvirt: fix handling of hosts with uppercase letters in names +- upstream cs: 56f40ec5d37e + +- Update to 1.0.12+hg2815 + + Medium: stonith: external/ec2: use target's uname as default for port (bsc#947026) +- Replace hb_report with script which calls crm report (bsc#950182) (bsc#950483) +- Remove 0006-ec2-instance-tag-bsc-947026.patch +- Remove 0001-high-hb_report-Collect-logs-from-journald-boo-900654.patch +- Remove 0002-high-hb_report-Prefer-pacemaker.log-if-it-exists-bsc.patch +- Remove 0003-high-hb_report-Always-prefer-syslog-if-available-bsc.patch +- Remove 0004-low-hb_report-increase-time-to-wait-for-the-logmark.patch +- Remove 0005-low-hb_report-collect-libqb-version-bsc-943327.patch +- Remove bnc662816_cluster-glue_hb_report_abspath.patch +- Move libglue-devel to group Development/Libraries/C and C++ +- Upstream cs: a10cd7cc13f5 + +- Dev: stonith: external/ec2: Be able to omit the "port" option. (bsc#947026) (fate#319008) +- Add 0006-ec2-instance-tag-bsc-947026.patch + +- high: hb_report: Always prefer syslog if available (bsc#942906) +- low: hb_report: Increase time to wait for the logmark +- low: hb_report: Collect libqb version (bsc#943327) +- Add 0003-high-hb_report-Always-prefer-syslog-if-available-bsc.patch +- Add 0004-low-hb_report-increase-time-to-wait-for-the-logmark.patch +- Add 0005-low-hb_report-collect-libqb-version-bsc-943327.patch + +- high: hb_report: Prefer pacemaker.log if it exists (bsc#941681) +- Add 0002-high-hb_report-Prefer-pacemaker.log-if-it-exists-bsc.patch + +- Low: stonith: external/ec2: update name in the short description +- High: stonith: external/ec2: new agent for aws/ec2 +- Medium: hb_report: use faster zypper interface if available +- Medium: stonith: external/vcenter: replace experimental smartmatch (bnc#900353) +- Medium: ha_logd: prevent race caused by pid reuse (bsc#894272) +- fix syslogmsgfmt logging inconsistency for stderr/stdout +- Medium: clplumbing: don't abort on bad input +- upstream cs: 9da0680bc9c0 + +- Add cluster-glue-gcc5.patch to fix gazillions of -Wformat=2 warnings + about signed/unsigned format vs. argument mismatches GCC 5 now emits. + Fixes build with GCC 5. + +- buildrequire the systemd macros before using them - and all + the package wants is the macro anyway, so no need to buildrequire + systemd libraries + +- undo: fix using hb_report script with non-bash shells due to + bad logic + * removed cluster-glue-fix-bashisms.patch + +- fix using hb_report script with non-bash shells +- add patches: + + cluster-glue-fix-bashisms.patch + +- Replace systemd BuildRequires with pkgconfig(systemd): we do not + require the full installation / dep chain of systemd. + cracklib +- %check: really test the package [bsc#1191736] + +- Update to version 2.9.7: + + fix a buffer overflow processing long words. +- Drop 0003-overflow-processing-gecos.patch and + 0004-overflow-processing-long-words.patch: fixed upstream. +- Update source URI. +- Remove use of translation-update-upstream. It cannot be added to + ring 0 on leap, and 2.9.7 has some translation fixes + (bsc#1172396). + +- Enable translation-update-upstream on leap, to remove the use of + is_opensuse (jsc#SLE-12096). + +- use /usr/lib instead of %{_libexecdir}, %{_libexecdir} should + contain internal binaries, not data + +- Use %license (boo#1082318) + +- Update to 2.9.6 + * fix issue with sort and locale + * some particularly bad cases to the cracklib small dictionary + * updates to cracklib-words (adds a bunch of other dictionary lists) + * migration to github +- run spec-cleaner + +- Only buildrequire and call translation-update-upstream on SLE: + the package in openSUSE is a dummy and is empty. + +- Add patch 0004-overflow-processing-long-words.patch + to fix a new buffer overflow identified together with bsc#992966. + +- Relabel patches: + cracklib-magic.diff -> 0001-cracklib-magic.diff + cracklib-2.9.2-visibility.patch -> 0002-cracklib-2.9.2-visibility.patch +- Add patch 0003-overflow-processing-gecos.patch + to fix a buffer overflow in GECOS parser (bsc#992966 CVE-2016-6318) + +- Update to 2.9.5 + * fix matching against first password in dictionary (Anton Dobkin) +- Changes for 2.9.4 + * remove doubled prototype +- Changes for 2.9.3 + * expose additional functions externally + +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner +- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes + +- Update to version 2.9.2 + + support build of python support outside of source tree + + fix bug in Python string distance calculation + + fix bug #16 / debian bug 724570 - broken optimization with packlib + prevblock +- Adapt patch to upstream changes + + cracklib-visibility.patch > cracklib-2.9.2-visibility.patch + cyrus-sasl +- CVE-2022-24407: cyrus-sasl: SQL injection in sql_auxprop_store + in plugins/sql.c (bsc#1196036) + o add upstream patch: + 0001-CVE-2022-24407-Escape-password-for-SQL-insert-update.patch + +- postfix: sasl authentication with password fails (bsc#1194265) + Add config parameter --with-dblib=gdbm +- Avoid converting of /etc/sasldb2 by every update. Convert + /etc/sasldb2 only if it is a Berkeley DB + +- CVE-2020-8032: cyrus-sasl: Local privilege escalation to root + due to insecure tmp file usage. (bsc#1180669) + Use /var/adm/update-scripts/ instead of /tmp. Clean up temporary + files. + +- Remove Berkeley DB dependency (JIRA#SLE-12190) + The packages cyrus-sasl and cyrus-sasl-saslauthd are built + without Berkely DB support. gdbm will be used instead of BDB. + The packages cyrus-sasl-bdb and cyrus-sasl-saslauthd-bdb are built + with Berkely DB support. +- Update to 2.1.27 + * Added support for OpenSSL 1.1 + * Added support for lmdb + * Lots of build fixes + * Treat SCRAM and DIGEST-MD5 as more secure than PLAIN when selecting client mech + * DIGEST-MD5 plugin: + Fixed memory leaks + Fixed a segfault when looking for non-existent reauth cache + Prevent client from going from step 3 back to step 2 + Allow cmusaslsecretDIGEST-MD5 property to be disabled + * GSSAPI plugin: + Added support for retrieving negotiated SSF + Fixed GSS-SPNEGO to use flags negotiated by GSSAPI for SSF + Properly compute maxbufsize AFTER security layers have been set + * SCRAM plugin: + Added support for SCRAM-SHA-256 + * LOGIN plugin: + Don’t prompt client for password until requested by server + * NTLM plugin: + Fixed crash due to uninitialized HMAC context +- Replace references to /var/adm/fillup-templates with new + %_fillupdir macro (boo#1069468) +- bsc#983938 `` left-overs in several unit files +- added patches: + fix_libpq-fe_include.diff for fixing including libpq-fe.h +- removed patches obsoleted by upstream changes: + * shared_link_on_ppc.patch + * cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-openssl-1.1.0.patch + * 0002-Drop-unused-parameter-from-gssapi_spnego_ssf.patch + * 0003-Check-return-error-from-gss_wrap_size_limit.patch + * 0004-Add-support-for-retrieving-the-mech_ssf.patch + * 0001-Fix-GSS-SPNEGO-mechanism-s-incompatible-behavior.patch + * cyrus-sasl-fix-logging-in-gssapi.patch + +- Added support for retrieving negotiated SSF in gssapi plugin (bsc#1162518) + * Add 0002-Drop-unused-parameter-from-gssapi_spnego_ssf.patch + * Add 0003-Check-return-error-from-gss_wrap_size_limit.patch + * Add 0004-Add-support-for-retrieving-the-mech_ssf.patch +- Fixed GSS-SPNEGO to use flags negotiated by GSSAPI for SSF (bsc#1162518) + * Add 0001-Fix-GSS-SPNEGO-mechanism-s-incompatible-behavior.patch + +- added backport-patch cyrus-sasl-bug587.patch which fixes + off-by-one error in _sasl_add_string function + (see CVE-2019-19906 bsc#1159635) + +- bnc#1044840 syslog is polluted with messages "GSSAPI client step 1" + By server context the connection will be sent to the log function. + Client content does not have log level information. I.e. there is no + way to stop DEBUG level logs nece I've removed it. + * add cyrus-sasl-fix-logging-in-gssapi.patch + +- OpenSSL 1.1 support (bsc#1055463) + * add cyrus-sasl-2.1.27-openssl-1.1.0.patch from Fedora + +- added cyrus-sasl-issue-402.patch to fix + SASL GSSAPI mechanism acceptor wrongly returns zero maxbufsize #402 + (see + +- bnc#1026825 saslauthd: :set_auth_mech : unknown authentication mechanism: kerberos5 + +- really use SASLAUTHD_PARAMS variable (bnc#938657) + +- bnc#908883 cyrus-sasl-scram refers to wrong RFC + +- Make sure /usr/sbin/rcsaslauthd exists + dapl +- Add reproducible.patch to override build date (boo#1047218) + +- Add ucm-mcm-fix-backlog-parameter-for-socket.patch to fix + a "deadlock" that causes socket connection to timeout when + net.ipv4.tcp_syncookies=0. (bsc#1094657) + +- Update to 2.1.10 + * dtest_suite: add option to pause the test. + * dtestcm: add client retry, give server time to queue up all listens + * dtest: Add new man pages. (dtestx dtestcm dtestsrq) + * cma: fix open_query mode, initialize attributes + * ucm: up level CM timer logging, increase drep time at scale + * dtest: fix return value check on do_rdma_write_with_msg + * dtestx: check device capabilities and do atomic tests only if supported by HW + * common: set atomic attributes based on provider/device capabilities + * build: was moved to test/scripts + * mpxyd: let TX thread sleep if no open devices are referenced + * mcm: when mmap req from MIC return with fail stat print WARN. + * dtest_suite: remove duplicate + * dtest: enable -D option (data check) to work with scif provider + * dtest_suite: fix typo in user_string var + * mcm: remove logs from post send speed path + * mcm proxy: push WR from MIC to host with scif mmap memory instead of scif_send. + * dtest: the default size in pingpong test is set to 1 byte regardless to user input. + * dtest: cleanup 4 printfs from the middle of performance test, may reduce performance. +- Refresh patches against 2.1.10 + +- Merge .changes files with SLE12-SP3 (bsc#1041579) + +- Add conflicts between dapl and dapl-debug packages for devel + and utils +- Rename dapl-utils tests to avoid conflicts with other packages (dateutils) + * dapltest => dapl-test + * dtest => dapl-utest + * dtestcm => dapl-testcm + * dtestsrq => dapl-testsrq + * dtestx => dapl-testx +- Remove librdmacm and libibverbs version dependencies + +- Restore description of libdapl. Fix some grammar errors. + +- Disable dapl on armv7hl + +- Make dependencies on libs now coming from rdma-core versioned. +- Remove unused patch dapl-rename_dtest.patch + +- Update to 2.1.8 git version (bsc#970668). + List of changes is too long so please see the included ChangeLog. +- Patches removed because the fixes are included upstream: + dapl-fix_type_punning.patch + dapl-autotools.patch + dapl-add-s390x-platform-support.patch + dapl-add-aarch64-platform-support.patch + dapl-add-s390x-platform-support.patch +- Add dapl-s390.patch so that the defines are also valid for s390 + +- add dapl-add-aarch64-platform-support.patch (fate#318444) +- revert last change + +- Exclude aarch64 as there is currently no assembler code for this + architecture. + +- Replace dapl-s390_support.patch with + dapl-add-s390x-platform-support.patch (bsc#934683). +- Fix library name in baselibs.conf. +- Tag baselibs.conf and dapl-rpmlintrc as source. +- libdapl*.so work like plugins, hence they do not get a separate + subpackage. So shut up rpmlint complaining about the package + name. +- Drop the dapl-doc sub package and move the man pages to the + packages containing the files/programs they describe. + +- Also have dapl-utils conflict with dapl-debug-utils. +- Fix baselibs.conf to build libdat2-2-32bit. + ffado +- Update to release 2.4.3 + +- Replace pkgconfig(libxml++-2.6) with pkgconfig(libxml++-3.0) + BuildRequires. + +- Update to release 2.4.1 +- Removed uneeded and incorporated patches: + libffado-SConstruct-py3.patch, ffado-gcc6.patch and byteswap.patch +- Upstream changes: + * Fix some python syntax which was not compatible with python3. + These were missed during the preparation of FFADO 2.4.0. + * Modify the SCons build system to allow for scons running under + python3. + * Merge distribution patches provided by package maintainers. + * Address some difficulties experienced by package maintainers + when compiling FFADO. + * Improve the output of ffado-diag. + +- byteswap.patch: ensure byte swap macros are available for all components + +- Add reproducible.patch to always build with SSE2, + independent of build system CPU (boo#1100677) + +- Update to release 2.4.0 and fix build against glibc-2.27 + see boo#1079938. +- Removed patches fixed upstream: + ffado_SConstruct_powerpc_update.patch and sigev.patch. +- Rebased libffado-SConstruct-py3.patch partially fixed upstream. +- Added ffado-nosys.patch for missing import sys in SConstruct. +- Rebased ffado-gcc6.patch, partially fixed upstream. +- Upstream changes: + * Numerous build system and code improvements to support + architectures such as MIPS, x32 and various PowerPC flavours. + * A large number of fixes for newer versions of gcc + (particularly versions 6 and 7). + * Initial support for the optional TCO module of the + RME Fireface-800. + * Expanded ffado-mixer support for the Phase88 device. + * Initial work to make ffado-mixer compatible with + python3/pyqt5. + * Start work towards compatibility with scons3. + -- Update to bugfix version 2.2.1 -- Fixes compilation failures when DEBUG=no is specified -- Upstream changes for 2.2.0: - * Many bugs fixed - Mixer, router and monitor support for Saffire Pro 14 - Mixer and router support for Presonus Firestudio Tube, - Presonus Firestudio Project, and M-Audio Profire 2626 - Support Echo Audio AudioFire12 with firmware versions 5.0 and - later (addresses ticket 360) - Echo Audio device mixer additions: - hide SPDIF mode switch on AudioFire12 - digital interface switch on AudioFire8 and Pre8 - phantom power switch for AudioFire4 (addresses ticket 364) - playback routing for AudioFire2/4 (addresses ticket 335) - * Presonus device mixer additions: - better support the FP10 (formerly known as the Firepod) - implement support for the Firebox and Inspire1394 - * M-Audio mixer additions: - improve support for the Ozonic - add support for Firewire Solo (ticket 336), Audiophile, 410, 1814 - and ProjectMix I/O - * Device-specific mixer for Yamaha GO44 and GO46 interfaces added - * RME Fireface 400/800 improvements: - mixer and device settings can now be saved to and restored from - device flash clock source selection made more consistent - * DICE EAP / RME Matrix mixer enhancements: - "per output" view with mono/stereo control saving of mixer - settings to file - more consistent cooperation with jackd when sample rate is changed - * Audio streaming support added or refined for additional MOTU - interfaces: - Traveller mk 3 - Ultralite mk 3 - Ultralite hybrid (using firewire interface only) - 4pre -- Known issues: - * Saffire Pro 40 at 96 kHz fails to start most of the time - (ticket 326) - * Saffire Pro 24 and Pro 40 MIDI problems (tickets 372 and 375) - * Saffire Pro 24 and Pro 40 lack an ADAT/SPDIF switch - * Only mixer control is supported on M-Audio 1814 and M-Audio, - ProjectMix - * M-Audio Audiophile, 410 and 1814 require startup workaround. - See - * M-Audio Audiophile, 410 and 1814 will only work with FFADO when - loaded with the latest firmware - -- own /usr/lib/udev directory to avoid buildrequiring udev - -- Move udev rules to /usr/lib/udev for openSUSE 12.3 or later. - -- Update to 2.1.0 version: - * Significantly improved support for the new "juju" firewire stack - found in newer kernels - * Support for JACK freewheeling mode and set-buffer-size operation - * Lower CPU usage - * udev rules included in FFADO to give user access to audio device files - * More stable streaming - * Fix crash when realtime system clock was set - * Fix race conditions and invalid memory accesses on shutdown - * Fixes for clean compilation on recent gcc versions (up to 4.7) - * ffado-diag enhanced to aid debugging efforts - * Many bugs fixed -- Remove patchs merged on upstream release: - * ffado-gcc47.patch - * libffado-bswap.patch -- Do not use and include ChangeLog in the package because the svn repo is down - and this file could not be update -- Remove useless conditional macros - -- fix ppc64 build - -- Add ffado-gcc47.patch: Fix build with gcc 4.7. - -- Added "Recommends: ffado-mixer" to the ffado rpm. - -- Update to ffado-svn revision 2040 to fix bnc#747391 & bnc#736115 -- Upstream changes, see /usr/share/doc/packages/ffado/ChangeLog - -- adding -fPIC on arm (fixes build) - -- move doc generation into 2nd spec file - -- Fix some rpmlint errors - -- remove qt dependency, splitted into ffado-mixer spec file - -- Update to version 2.0.1 -- Upstream changes :- - Make it work on the new firewire-stack. - Of course some more fixes went into the package. But its mostly - intended for distributors so they can finally deprecate/disable the - old firewire stack in kernels. - For more changelog and instructions please look back at the 2.0.0 - release announcement - -- Update to svn 1856. -- Upstream changes : Make it easier for distributions to define - their own additional built-flags. - Numerous bug fixes, see ChangeLog for details. - -- Created package ffado version 2.0.0 - fipscheck -- Remove #include of unused fips.h to fix build with OpenSSL 1.1.1 - (bsc#1149792) - * add fipscheck-fips.h_not_needed.patch - -- Port to OpenSSL 1.1 (bsc#1042649) - Adds openssl-1_1-port.patch - -- Set RPM groups anew. Drop implicit cleaning parts. - -- add baselibs.conf - -- updated to 1.4.1 - - added manpages - - fipscheck/fipshmac: Add -s option to specify the hmac suffix - - fipshmac: Add '-d' option to specify where to put the .hmac files - - various bugfixes - -- license update: BSD-2-Clause - See LICENSE - -- imported a generic fips helper to verify fips modules, linked - to openssl. - flac +- Fix out of bound write in append_to_verify_fifo_interleaved_ + (CVE-2021-0561 bsc#1196660): + libFlac-Exit-at-EOS-in-verify-mode.patch + +- Fix memory leak (CVE-2020-0487 bsc#1180112): + stream_decoder.c-Fix-a-memory-leak.patch + +- Fix out-of-bounds access (CVE-2020-0499 bsc#1180099): + libFLAC-bitreader.c-Fix-out-of-bounds-read.patch + +- Fix memory leak in read_metadata_vorbiscomment_() function + (CVE-2017-6888, bsc#1091045): + flac-CVE-2017-6888.patch + +- Update to version 1.3.2 + * Fix undefined behaviour using GCC/Clang UBSAN (erikd). + * General hardening via fuzz testing with AFL (erikd and + others). + * General code improvements (lvqcl, erikd and others). + * Add FLAC in MP4 specification docs (Ralph Giles). + * Fix some cppcheck warnings (erikd). + * Assume all currently used OSes support SSE2. + flac: + * Fix potential infinite loop on flac-to-flac conversion + (erikd). + * Add WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE to WAV (as needed) when + decoding (lvqcl). + * Only write vorbis-comments if they are non-empty. + * Error out if decoding RAW with bits != (8|16|24). + metaflac: + * Add --scan-replay-gain option. + libraries: + * CPU detection cleanup and fixes (Julian Calaby, erikd + and lvqcl). + * Fix two stream decoder bugs (Max Kellermann). + * Fix a NULL dereference bug (on a malformed file). + * Changed the LPC order guess for a slight compression + improvement, particularly for classical music + (Martijn van Beurden). + * Improved encoding speed on older Intel CPUs. + * Fixed a seeking bug when decoding certain files + (Miroslav Lichvar). + * Put an upper bound (32768) on the number of seek + points. + * Fix potential memory leaks. + * Support 64bit brword/bwword allowing + FLAC__BYTES_PER_WORD to be set to 8 (disabled by + default). + * Fix an out-of-bounds heap read. +- Refreshed flac-cflags.patch + +- Drop patch that should be upstreamed first, otherwise we will + have to keep it ofrever: + * flac-ocloexec.patch +- Drop wrong patch: + * flac-fix-pkgconfig.patch + + If using this change you get assert.h include overriden in your + project by the one from FLAC/ which is not what upstream desired + If packages fail to build they should fix their include + +- Build documentation as noarch + +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner +- Update url +- Remove no longer needed patches + * flac-fix-CVE-2014-8962.patch + * flac-fix-CVE-2014-9028.patch + * 0001-getopt_long-not-broken-here.patch +- Remove following as benefit of using openssl is small + * 0001-Allow-use-of-openSSL.patch +- Add flac-cflags.patch +- Use doxygen to build documentation +- Split documentation to separate package +- Update to 1.3.1 + * Improved decoding efficiency of all bit depths but especially + so for 24 bits for IA32 architecture (lvqcl and Miroslav Lichvar). + * Faster encoding using SSE and AVX (lvqcl). + * Fixed bartlett, bartlett_hann and triangle functions. + * New apodization functions partial_tukey and punchout_tukey for + improved compression (Martijn van Beurden). + * Retuned compression presets to incorporate new apodization + functions (Martijn van Beurden). + * Fix -Wcast-align warnings on armhf architecture (Erik de + Castro Lopo). + * Help output documentation improvements. + * I/O buffering improvements on Windows to reduce disk + fragmentation when writing files. + * Only write vorbis-comments if they are non-empty. + * Fix symbol visibility in XMMS plugin. + * Many fixes and improvements across all the build systems. + * Fix CVE-2014-9028 (heap write overflow) and CVE-2014-8962 + (heap read overflow) + +- A couple of security fixes: + * flac-fix-CVE-2014-8962.patch: + arbitrary code execution by a stack overflow (CVE-2014-8962, + bnc#906831) + * flac-fix-CVE-2014-9028.patch: + Heap overflow via specially crafted .flac files (CVE-2014-9028, + bnc#907016) + +- Update to final upstream release 1.3.0 + * No user-visible changes +- More robust make install call + fltk -- explicitly pass -fPIC and -pie via CFLAGS and LDFLAGS to make /usr/bin/fluid - an position-independent executable. fltk by default passed -fPIC but not - - pie, which breaks our gcc-PIE profile. (bsc#1184122). - -- added xcursor dependency [bsc#1077881] - -- Trim description, drop TM/R marks according to guidelines. - -- Drop patch fltk-1.3.2-do_not_add_unneeded_extra_dependencies.patch - as upstream closed the ticked stating it is wrong -- Add patch fltk-1.3.4-fltk_config.patch - -- Explicitly package %{_docdir}/fltk-devel in order to fix build - with RPM 4.13.0. - -- updated to 1.3.4: see CHANGES -- remove fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch (upstreamed) - -- Add fltk-1.3.3-do-not-use-internal-ABI.patch: do not use internal - function Fl_XFont_On_Demand::value(), which changes ABI based on - the configuration. Add a fl_core_font() getter for the same. - -- Update to version 1.3.3 - +Very much changes; please have a look on CHANGES file -- Remove fltk-1.3.2-underlinking.patch; merged upstream - -- Correct -devel package dependencies - * /usr/include/FL/x*.H needs x11 headers - * /usr/include/FL/gl*.H needs gl headers. - -- added a fltk-devel-static subpackage to transport libfltk*.a - as needed by Documentation:Tools/flpsed. - freetype2 +- Add CVE-2020-15999.patch to fix a heap buffer overflow has been + found in the handling of embedded PNG bitmaps + CVE-2020-15999 bsc#1177914 + +- Use the compiler default C std, since 2012 gcc defaults + have changed, we now only need to get rid of ANSIFLAGS, override + that variable instead. + +- Update to version 2.10.1 + * The bytecode hinting of OpenType variation fonts was flawed, since + the data in the `CVAR' table wasn't correctly applied. + * Auto-hinter support for Mongolian. + * The handling of the default character in PCF fonts as introduced + in version 2.10.0 was partially broken, causing premature abortion + of charmap iteration for many fonts. + * If `FT_Set_Named_Instance' was called with the same arguments + twice in a row, the function returned an incorrect error code the + second time. + * Direct rendering using FT_RASTER_FLAG_DIRECT crashed (bug + introduced in version 2.10.0). + * Increased precision while computing OpenType font variation + instances. + * The flattening algorithm of cubic Bezier curves was slightly + changed to make it faster. This can cause very subtle rendering + changes, which aren't noticeable by the eye, however. + * The auto-hinter now disables hinting if there are blue zones + defined for a `style' (i.e., a certain combination of a script and + its related typographic features) but the font doesn't contain any + characters needed to set up at least one blue zone. +- Add tarball signatures and freetype2.keyring + +- Update to version 2.10.0 + * A bunch of new functions has been added to access and process + COLR/CPAL data of OpenType fonts with color-layered glyphs. + * As a GSoC 2018 project, Nikhil Ramakrishnan completely + overhauled and modernized the API reference. + * The logic for computing the global ascender, descender, and + height of OpenType fonts has been slightly adjusted for + consistency. + * `TT_Set_MM_Blend' could fail if called repeatedly with the same + arguments. + * The precision of handling deltas in Variation Fonts has been + increased.The problem did only show up with multidimensional + designspaces. + * New function `FT_Library_SetLcdGeometry' to set up the geometry + of LCD subpixels. + * FreeType now uses the `defaultChar' property of PCF fonts to set + the glyph for the undefined character at glyph index 0 (as + FreeType already does for all other supported font formats). As + a consequence, the order of glyphs of a PCF font if accessed + with FreeType can be different now compared to previous + versions. + This change doesn't affect PCF font access with cmaps. + * `FT_Select_Charmap' has been changed to allow parameter value + `FT_ENCODING_NONE', which is valid for BDF, PCF, and Windows FNT + formats to access built-in cmaps that don't have a predefined + `FT_Encoding' value. + * A previously reserved field in the `FT_GlyphSlotRec' structure + now holds the glyph index. + * The usual round of fuzzer bug fixes to better reject malformed + fonts. + * `FT_Outline_New_Internal' and `FT_Outline_Done_Internal' have + been removed.These two functions were public by oversight only + and were never documented. + * A new function `FT_Error_String' returns descriptions of error + codes if configuration macro FT_CONFIG_OPTION_ERROR_STRINGS is + defined. + * `FT_Set_MM_WeightVector' and `FT_Get_MM_WeightVector' are new + functions limited to Adobe MultiMaster fonts to directly set and + get the weight vector. + +- Remove old ppc64 parts in spec file +- Refresh patches: + + bugzilla-308961-cmex-workaround.patch + + don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library.patch + + enable-long-family-names-by-default.patch +- Enable subpixel rendering with infinality config: + + enable-subpixel-rendering.patch + + enable-infinality-subpixel-hinting.patch + +- Re-enable freetype-config, there is just too many fallouts. + +- Update to version 2.9.1 + * Type 1 fonts containing flex features were not rendered + correctly (bug introduced in version 2.9). + * CVE-2018-6942: Older FreeType versions can crash with certain + malformed variation fonts. + * Bug fix: Multiple calls to `FT_Get_MM_Var' returned garbage. + * Emboldening of bitmaps didn't work correctly sometimes, showing + various artifacts (bug introduced in version 2.8.1). + * The auto-hinter script ranges have been updated for Unicode 11. + No support for new scripts have been added, however, with the + exception of Georgian Mtavruli. +- freetype-config is now deprecated by upstream and not enabled + by default. +- Drop upstreamed patches: + * bnc1079600.patch + * psaux-flex.patch + * 0001-src-truetype-ttinterp.c-Ins_GETVARIATION-Avoid-NULL-.patch + * 0001-truetype-Better-protection-against-invalid-VF-data.patch + +- Add bnc1079600.patch: Fix several integer overflow issues in + truetype/ttinterp.c (bsc#1079600) + +- Refresh spec-file via spec-cleaner. +- Add shell script in separate package + freetype2-profile-tti35 in order to be able to set TrueType + interpreter version 35 (boo#1084085). + +- Added patch: + * enable-long-family-names-by-default.patch + + Define PCF_CONFIG_OPTION_LONG_FAMILY_NAMES to obtain 2.7.1 + behaviour + +- Added patches: + * 0001-src-truetype-ttinterp.c-Ins_GETVARIATION-Avoid-NULL-.patch + + Upstream fix for bsc#1079603: Avoid NULL reference in + src/truetype/ttinterp.c + * 0001-truetype-Better-protection-against-invalid-VF-data.patch + + Upstream fix for bsc#1079601: Protection against invalid VF + data + +- Add psaux-flex.patch to fix a regression in Type1 rendering + +- Update to version 2.9 + * Advance width values of variation fonts were often wrong. + * More fixes for variation font support; you should update to + this version if you want to support them. + * As a GSoC project, Ewald Hew extended the new (Adobe) CFF + engine to handle Type 1 fonts also, thus greatly improving + the rendering of this format. This is the new default. + * A new function, `FT_Set_Named_Instance', can be used to set + or change the current named instance. + * Starting with this FreeType version, resetting variation + coordinates will return to the currently selected named + instance. Previously, FreeType returned to the base font + (i.e., no instance set). + * Some fuzzer fixes to better reject malformed fonts. + +- Update to version 2.8.1 + * B/W hinting of TrueType fonts didn't work properly if + interpreter version 38 or 40 was selected. + * Some severe problems within the handling of TrueType Variation + Fonts were found and fixed. + * Function `FT_Set_Var_Design_Coordinates' didn't correctly handle + the case with less input coordinates than axes. + * By default, FreeType now offers high quality LCD-optimized + output without resorting to ClearType techniques of resolution + tripling and filtering. In this method, called Harmony, each + color channel is generated separately after shifting the glyph + outline, capitalizing on the fact that the color grids on LCD + panels are shifted by a third of a pixel. This output is + indistinguishable from ClearType with a light 3-tap filter. + * Using the new function `FT_Get_Var_Axis_Flags', an application + can access the `flags' field of a variation axis (introduced in + OpenType version 1.8.2) + * FreeType now synthesizes a missing Unicode cmap for (older) + TrueType fonts also if glyph names are available. + * The warping option has moved from `light' to `normal' hinting + where it replaces the original hinting algorithm. The `light' + mode is now always void of any hinting in x-direction. + +- Update to version 2.8 + * Support for OpenType Variation Fonts is now complete. The last + missing part was handling the `VVAR' and `MVAR' tables, which is + available with this release. + * A new function `FT_Face_Properties' allows the control of some + module and library properties per font. Currently, the + following properties can be handled: stem darkening, LCD filter + weights, and the random seed for the `random' CFF operator. + * The PCF change to show more `colourful' family names (introduced + in version 2.7.1) was too radical; it can now be configured with + PCF_CONFIG_OPTION_LONG_FAMILY_NAMES at compile time. If + activated, it can be switched off at run time with the new pcf + property `no-long-family-names'. If the `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES' + environment variable is available, you can say + FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=pcf:no-long-family-names=1 + * Support for the following scripts has been added to the + auto-hinter. + Adlam, Avestan, Bamum, Buhid, Carian, Chakma, Coptic, Cypriot, + Deseret, Glagolitic, Gothic, Kayah, Lisu, N'Ko, Ol Chiki, Old + Turkic, Osage, Osmanya, Saurashtra, Shavian, Sundanese, Tai + Viet, Tifinagh, Unified Canadian Syllabics, Vai + * `Light' auto-hinting mode no longer uses TrueType metrics for + TrueType fonts. This bug was introduced in version 2.4.6, + causing horizontal scaling also. Almost all GNU/Linux + distributions (with Fedora as a notable exception) disabled the + corresponding patch for good reasons; chances are thus high that + you won't notice a difference. + * If a TrueType font gets loaded with FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING, FreeType + now scales the font linearly again (bug introduced in version + 2.4.6). + * Fixed CVE-2017-8105, CVE-2017-8287: Older FreeType versions + have out-of-bounds writes caused by heap-based buffer overflows + related to Type 1 fonts. (boo#1035807, boo#1036457) +- See for + the complete changelog. + +- Update to version 2.7.1: + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + + Support for the new CFF2 font format as introduced with + OpenType 1.8 has been contributed by Dave Arnolds from Adobe. + + Preliminary support for variation fonts as specified in + OpenType 1.8 (in addition to the already existing support for + Adobe's MM and Apple's GX formats). Dave Arnolds contributed + handling of advance width change variation; more will come in + the next version. + * IMPORTANT BUG FIXES + + Handling of raw CID fonts was partially broken (bug introduced + in 2.6.4). + * MISCELLANEOUS + + Some limits for TrueType bytecode execution have been tightened + to speed up FreeType's handling of malformed fonts, in + particular to quickly abort endless loops. + + The number of twilight points can no longer be set to an + arbitrarily large value. + + The total number of jump opcode instructions (like JMPR) with + negative arguments is dynamically restricted; the same holds + for the total number of iterations in LOOPCALL opcodes. + + The dynamic limits are based on the number of points in a glyph + and the number of CVT entries. Please report if you encounter a + font where the selected values are not adequate. + + PCF family names are made more `colourful'; they now include the + foundry and information whether they contain wide characters. + For example, you no longer get `Fixed' but rather `Sony Fixed' + or `Misc Fixed Wide'. + + A new function `FT_Get_Var_Blend_Coordinates' (with its alias + name `FT_Get_MM_Blend_Coordinates') to retrieve the normalized + blend coordinates of the currently selected variation instance + has been added to the Multiple Masters interface. + + A new function `FT_Get_Var_Design_Coordinates' to retrieve the + design coordinates of the currently selected variation instance + has been added to the Multiple Masters interface. + + A new load flag `FT_LOAD_BITMAP_METRICS_ONLY' to retrieve bitmap + information without loading the (embedded) bitmap itself. + + Retrieving advance widths from bitmap strikes (using + `FT_Get_Advance' and `FT_Get_Advances') have been sped up. + + The usual round of fuzzer fixes to better reject malformed + fonts. +- Drop freetype2-bitmap-foundry.patch, merged upstream. + +- update to version 2.7: + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + + As announced earlier, the 2.7.x series now uses the new subpixel + hinting mode as the default, emulating a modern version of + ClearType. + This change inevitably leads to different rendering results, and + you might change the `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING' + configuration option to adapt it to your taste (or use the new + `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES' environment variable). See the + corresponding entry below for version 2.6.4, which gives more + information. + + A new option `FT_CONFIG_OPTION_ENVIRONMENT_PROPERTIES' has been + introduced. If set (which is the default), an environment + variable `FREETYPE_PROPERTIES' can be used to control driver + properties. Example: + FREETYPE_PROPERTIES=truetype:interpreter-version=35 \ + cff:no-stem-darkening=1 \ + autofitter:warping=1 + This allows to select, say, the subpixel hinting mode at runtime + for a given application. See file `ftoption.h' for more. + * IMPORTANT BUG FIXES + + After loading a named instance of a GX variation font, the + `face_index' value in the returned `FT_Face' structure now + correctly holds the named instance index in the upper 16bits as + documented. + * MISCELLANEOUS + + A new macro `FT_IS_NAMED_INSTANCE' to test whether a given face + is a named instance. + + More fixes to GX font handling. + + Apple's `GETVARIATION' bytecode operator (needed for GX + variation font support) has been implemented. + + Another round of fuzzer fixes, mainly to reject invalid fonts + faster. + + Handling of raw CID fonts was broken (bug introduced in version + 2.6.4). + + The smooth rasterizer has been streamlined to make it faster by + approx. 20%. + + The `ftgrid' demo program now understands command line option + `-d' to give start-up design coordinates. + + The `ftdump' demo program has a new command line option `-p' to + dump TrueType bytecode instructions. +- removed freetype2-subpixel.patch in favor of above + FREETYPE_PROPERTIES environment variable + +- Update to version 2.6.5: + + Compilation works again on Mac OS X (bug introduced in version + 2.6.4). + + The new subpixel hinting mode is now disabled by default; it + will be enabled by default in the forthcoming 2.7.x series. + Main reason for reverting this feature is the principle of least + surprise: a sudden change in appearance of all fonts (even if + the rendering improves for almost all recent fonts) should not + be expected in a new micro version of a series. +- Rebase freetype2-subpixel.patch. + +- Upadte to version 2.6.4: + * A new subpixel hinting mode, which is now the default rendering + mode for TrueType fonts. It implements (almost everything of) + version 40 of the bytecode engine. The existing code base in + FreeType (the `Infinality code') was stripped to the bare + minimum and all configurability removed in the name of speed + and simplicity. The configurability was mainly aimed at legacy + fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, or Courier. [Legacy fonts + are fonts that modify vertical stems to achieve clean + black-and-white bitmaps.] The new mode focuses on applying a + minimal set of rules to all fonts indiscriminately so that + modern and web fonts render well while legacy fonts render + okay. Activation of the subpixel hinting support can be + controlled with the `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_SUBPIXEL_HINTING' + configuration option at compile time: If set to value 1, you + get the old Infinality mode (which was never the default due to + its slowness). Value 2 activates the new subpixel hinting mode, + and value 3 activates both. The default is value 2. At run + time, you can select the subpixel hinting mode with the + `interpreter-version' property (provided you have compiled in + the corresponding hinting mode); see `ftttdrv.h' for more. + * Support for the following scripts has been added to the + auto-hinter: Armenian, Cherokee, Ethiopic, Georgian, Gujarati, + Gurmukhi, Malayalam, Sinhala, Tamil. +- Rebase freetype2-subpixel.patch. + +- Update to version 2.6.3 + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + - Khmer, Myanmar, Bengali, and Kannada script support has been + added to the auto-hinter. + * MISCELLANEOUS + - Better support of Indic scripts like Devanagari by using a + top-to-bottom hinting flow. + - All FreeType macros starting with two underscores have been + renamed to avoid a violation of both the C and C++ standards. + Example: Header macros of the form `__FOO_H__' are now called + `FOO_H_'. In most cases, this should be completely transparent + to the user. The exception to this is `__FTERRORS_H__', which + must be sometimes undefined by the user to get FreeType error + strings: Both this form and the new `FTERRORS_H_' macro are + accepted for backwards compatibility. + - Minor improvements mainly to the Type 1 driver. + - The new CFF engine now supports all Type 2 operators except + `random'. + - The macro `_STANDALONE_', used for compiling the B/W and smooth + rasterizers as stand-alone modules, has been renamed to + `STANDALONE_', since macro names starting with an underscore and + followed by an uppercase letter are reserved in both C and C++. + - Function `FT_Library_SetLcdFilterWeights' now also activates + custom LCD filter weights (instead of just adjusting them). + - Support for `unpatented hinting' has been completely removed: + Consequently, the two functions `FT_Face_CheckTrueTypePatents' + and `FT_Face_SetUnpatentedHinting' now return always false, + doing nothing. + +- Update to version 2.6.2 + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + - The auto-hinter now supports stem darkening, to be controlled by + the new `no-stem-darkening' and `darkening-parameters' + properties. This is an experimental feature contributed by + Nikolaus Waxweiler, and the interface might change in a future + release. + - By default, stem darkening is now switched off (for both the CFF + engine and the auto-hinter). The main reason is that you need + linear alpha blending and gamma correction to get correct + rendering results, and the latter is not yet available in most + freely available rendering stacks like X11. Applying stem + darkening without proper gamma correction leads to far too dark + rendering results. + - The meaning of `FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT' has been slightly + modified. It now essentially means `no hinting along the + horizontal axis'; in particular, no change of glyph advance + widths. Consequently, the auto-hinter is used for all scalable + font formats except for CFF. It is planned that other + font-specific rendering engines (TrueType, Type 1) will follow. + * MISCELLANEOUS + - The default LCD filter has been changed to be normalized and + color-balanced. + - For better compatibility with FontConfig, function + `FT_Library_SetLcdFilter' accepts a new enumeration value + `FT_LCD_FILTER_LEGACY1' (which has the same meaning as + `FT_LCD_FILTER_LEGACY'). + - A large number of bugs have been detected by using the libFuzzer + framework, which should further improve handling of invalid + fonts. Thanks again to Kostya Serebryany and Bungeman! + - `TT_CONFIG_OPTION_MAX_RUNNABLE_OPCODES', a new configuration + option, controls the maximum number of executed opcodes within a + bytecode program. You don't want to change this except for very + special situations (e.g., making a library fuzzer spend less + time to handle broken fonts). + - The smooth renderer has been made faster. + +- Update to version 2.6.1 + * IMPORTANT BUG FIXES + - It turned out that for CFFs only the advance widths should be + taken from the `htmx' table, not the side bearings. This bug, + introduced in version 2.6.0, makes it necessary to upgrade if + you are using CFFs; otherwise, you get cropped glyphs with GUI + interfaces like GTK or Qt. + - Accessing Type 42 fonts returned incorrect results if the glyph + order of the embedded TrueType font differs from the glyph order + of the Type 42 charstrings table. + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + - The header file layout has been changed (again), moving all + header files except `ft2build.h' into a subdirectory tree. + Doing so reduces the possibility of header file name clashes + (e.g., FTGL's `FTGlyph.h' with FreeType's `ftglyph.h') on case + insensitive file systems like Mac OS X or Windows. + Applications that use (a) the `freetype-config' script or + FreeType's `freetype2.pc' file for pkg-config to get the include + directory for the compiler, and (b) the documented way for + header inclusion like + [#]include + [#]include FT_FREETYPE_H + ... + don't need any change to the source code. + - Simple access to named instances in GX variation fonts is now + available (in addition to the previous method via FreeType's MM + interface). In the `FT_Face' structure, bits 16-30 of the + `face_index' field hold the current named instance index for the + given face index, and bits 16-30 of `style_flags' contain the + number of instances for the given face index. `FT_Open_Face' + and friends also understand the extended bits of the face index + parameter. + You need to enable TT_CONFIG_OPTION_GX_VAR_SUPPORT for this new + feature. Otherwise, bits 16-30 of the two fields are zero (or + are ignored). + - Lao script support has been added to the auto-hinter. + * MISCELLANEOUS + - The auto-hinter's Arabic script support has been enhanced. + - Superscript-like and subscript-like glyphs as used by various + phonetic alphabets like the IPA are now better supported by the + auto-hinter. + - The TrueType bytecode interpreter now runs slightly faster. + - Improved support for builds with cmake. + - The function `FT_CeilFix' now always rounds towards plus + infinity. + - The function `FT_FloorFix' now always rounds towards minus + infinity. + - A new load flag `FT_LOAD_COMPUTE_METRICS' has been added; it + makes FreeType ignore pre-computed metrics, as needed by font + validating or font editing programs. Right now, only the + TrueType module supports it to ignore data from the `hdmx' + table. + - Another round of bug fixes to better handle broken fonts, found + by Kostya Serebryany . +- Dropping upstreamed patch Dont-use-hmtx-table-for-LSB.patch. + +- Add Dont-use-hmtx-table-for-LSB.patch: Fixes gnu#45520, cut off + fonts in gtk and qt. Taken from upstream git. + +- Update to version 2.6 + * Thread safety improvements + * Thai script support has been added to the auto-hinter. + * Arabic script support has been added to the auto-hinter. + * Following OpenType version 1.7, advance widths and side bearing + values in CFFs (wrapped in an SFNT structure) are now always + taken from the `hmtx' table. + * Following OpenType version 1.7, the PostScript font name of a + CFF font (wrapped in an SFNT structure) is now always taken from + the `name' table. This is also true for OpenType Collections + (i.e., TTCs using CFFs subfonts instead of TTFs), where it may + have a significant difference. + * Fonts natively hinted for ClearType are now supported, properly + handling selector index 3 of the INSTCTRL bytecode instruction. + * Major improvements to the GX TrueType variation font handling. + +- Merge with the version 2.5.5 from openSUSE:Factory +- Removed patches: + * CVE-2014-9656.patch + * CVE-2014-9657.patch + * CVE-2014-9658.patch + * CVE-2014-9659.patch + * CVE-2014-9660.patch + * CVE-2014-9661.patch + * CVE-2014-9662.patch + * CVE-2014-9663.patch + * CVE-2014-9664.patch + * CVE-2014-9665.patch + * CVE-2014-9666.patch + * CVE-2014-9667.patch + * CVE-2014-9668.patch + * CVE-2014-9669.patch + * CVE-2014-9670.patch + * CVE-2014-9671.patch + * CVE-2014-9672.patch + * CVE-2014-9673.patch + * CVE-2014-9674.patch + * CVE-2014-9675.patch + - Integrated in the 2.5.5 release +- Modified patches: + * don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library.patch + * bugzilla-308961-cmex-workaround.patch + * freetype2-subpixel.patch + * freetype2-bitmap-foundry.patch + * overflow.patch + - Adapt to the new version of sources + +- Modified patch: + * CVE-2014-9671.patch + - Adapt the code to correspond to the current git master of + freetype2 (fixes bsc#933247) + +- Enable the bz2 compression in freetype2 +- Remove patch overflow.patch from freetype2.spec where it is not + applied. +- Run spec-cleaner on the spec file. + +- fixed vulnerabilities (bnc#916847, bnc#916856, bnc#916857, + bnc#916858, bnc#916859, bnc#916860, bnc#916861, bnc#916862, + bnc#916863, bnc#916864, bnc#916865, bnc#916867, bnc#916868, + bnc#916870, bnc#916871, bnc#916872, bnc#916873, bnc#916874, + bnc#916879, bnc#916881) + - CVE-2014-9656.patch + - CVE-2014-9657.patch + - CVE-2014-9658.patch + - CVE-2014-9659.patch + - CVE-2014-9660.patch + - CVE-2014-9661.patch + - CVE-2014-9662.patch + - CVE-2014-9663.patch + - CVE-2014-9664.patch + - CVE-2014-9665.patch + - CVE-2014-9666.patch + - CVE-2014-9667.patch + - CVE-2014-9668.patch + - CVE-2014-9669.patch + - CVE-2014-9670.patch + - CVE-2014-9671.patch + - CVE-2014-9672.patch + - CVE-2014-9673.patch + - CVE-2014-9674.patch + - CVE-2014-9675.patch + +- Update to version 2.5.5 + * IMPORTANT BUG FIXES + - Handling of uncompressed PCF files works again (bug + introduced in version 2.5.4). +- Drop freetype2-2.5.3-fix-pcf.patch, merged upstream + +- Update to version 2.5.4 + * IMPORTANT BUG FIXES + - A variant of vulnerability CVE-2014-2240 was identified + (cf. and fixed + in the new CFF driver. All users should upgrade. + - The new auto-hinter code using HarfBuzz crashed for some + invalid fonts. + - Many fixes to better protect against malformed input. + * IMPORTANT CHANGES + - Full auto-hinter support of the Devanagari script. + - Experimental auto-hinter support of the Telugu script. + - CFF stem darkening behaviour can now be controlled at + build time using the eight macros + CFF_CONFIG_OPTION_DARKENING_PARAMETER_{X,Y}{1,2,3,4} . + - Some fields in the `FT_Bitmap' structure have been changed + from signed to unsigned type, which better reflects + the actual usage. It is also an additional means to + protect against malformed input. This change doesn't break + the ABI; however, it might cause compiler warnings. + * MISCELLANEOUS + - Improvements to the auto-hinter's algorithm to recognize + stems and local extrema. + - Function `FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info' always returned an error + even in case of success. + - Version 2.5.1 introduced major bugs in the cjk part of + the auto-hinter, which are now fixed. + - The `FT_Sfnt_Tag' enumeration values have been changed to + uppercase, e.g. `FT_SFNT_HEAD'. The lowercase variants + are deprecated. This is for orthogonality with all other + enumeration (and enumeration-like) values in FreeType. + - `cmake' now supports builds of FreeType as an OS X framework + and for iOS. + - Improved project files for vc2010, + introducing a property file + - The documentation generator for the API reference has been + updated to produce better HTML code (with proper CSS). + At the same time, the documentation got a better structure. + - The FT_LOAD_BITMAP_CROP flag is obsolete; it is not used + by any driver. + - The TrueType DELTAP[123] bytecode instructions now work in + subpixel hinting mode as described in the ClearType + whitepaper (i.e., for touched points in the + non-subpixel direction). + - Many small improvements to the internal arithmetic routines. +- Rebase don-t-mark-libpng-as-required-library.patch, + bugzilla-308961-cmex-workaround.patch, freetype2-subpixel.patch, + freetype2-bitmap-foundry.patch and overflow.patch +- Add freetype2-2.5.3-fix-pcf.patch from upstream to resolve +, "Freetype 2.5.4 does not + load ungzipped PCF fonts" + google-compute-engine -- Don't enable and start google-network-daemon.service when it's - already installed (bsc#1169978) - -- Add gceosl-no-def-sysgrps.patch (bsc#1170719, bsc#1170720) - + Do not add the created user to the adm (CVE-2020-8903), - docker (CVE-2020-8907), or lxd (CVE-2020-8933) groups - if they exist (bsc#1173258) - -- Rename the sysctl file that applies the GCE network settings (bsc#1167810) - + The file 11-gce-network-security.conf applies network configuration - settings. Specifically the value for net.ipv4.conf.all.rp_filter is also - part of the system defaults in /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-default.conf and thus - the default setting was applied, instead of the desired setting. As - 50-default is processed after 11-gce-network-security. - -- Add gcei-waitlimit-dns.patch (bsc#1151398) - + Add a wait limit to retrying DNS resolution to avoid a forever loop - -- Fix file list - + On i586 Python code is also under _libdir thus creating a conflict between - the packages. - -- Add gcei_disableipv6.patch (bsc#1150058) - + Upstream introduced an interface named "DisableIpv6" but the - implementation was incomplete and the interface was missing for SUSE - distros - -- Fix install location of NSS and PAM shared libraries (bsc#1146172) -- Switch RPM group for oslogin package from Hardware to System/Daemons - -- Add patch to normalize setup version of Python code - + gcei-normalize-python-version.patch -- Fix file matching patterns in %files section for oslogin package - -- Update to version 20190801 (bsc#1144092, bsc#1144170) - + Google Compute Engine - * Re-enable boto config without plugin. - * Fix metadata script retrieval for python 2 and 3. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Fix for 2FA on RHEL 8. -- from version 20190730 - + Google Compute Engine - * Support for Debian 10. - * New package versioning. - * Support for Google Private Access over IPv6. - * Support root disk expansion in RHEL 8 and Debian 10. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Bug fixes for sudoers. - * Initial groups support (not yet enabled). -- Add patch to explicitly link NSS and PAM shared - libraries against libboost_regex on SLE-12 - + gcei-link-boost_regex.patch -- Refresh patches for new version - + gcei-scripts-after-reg.patch -- Set StandardOutput=journal+console in custom systemd service files - + google-optimize-local-ssd.service - + google-set-multiqueue.service -- Stop installing configuration file for systemd-journald - + Logging is now configured through systemd service files -- Update file matching patterns in %files section for new version - -- Update to version 20190522 (bsc#1136266, bsc#1136267) - + Google Compute Engine - * Fix guest attributes flow in Python 3. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Update OS Login control file for FreeBSD support. -- from version 20190521 - + Google Compute Engine - * Retry download for metadata scripts. - * Fix script retrieval in Python 3. - * Disable boto config in Python 3. - * Update SSH host keys in guest attributes. - * Fix XPS settings with more than 64 vCPUs. - -- Update to version 20190416 (bsc#1128392, bsc#1134179) - + Google Compute Engine - * FreeBSD fixes: syslog socket location and OS detection. - * Upstart systems: only run startup scripts at boot. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Fix pam_group ordering detection. - * Restart cron from the OS Login control file. - * Add PAM entry to su:account stack. -- from version 20190315 - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Fix alternate challenge section for two factor authentication. - * Fix FreeBSD compatibility issues in the control file. -- from version 20190304 - + Google Compute Engine - * Set oom_score_adjust for google_accounts_daemon. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Use pam_group to provide users with default groups. - * Add compat.h to support FreeBSD. - * Exit immediately after a two factor authentication failure. - * Add support for Google phone prompt challenges. -- Adjust paths for new upstream directory layout in %build and %install -- Include systemd service file to run google_optimize_local_ssd command - + google-optimize-local-ssd.service -- Include systemd service file to run google_set_multiqueue command - + google-set-multiqueue.service -- Install journald configuration files into /usr/lib/systemd/journald.conf.d -- Refresh patches for new version - + gcei-hide-py-deps.patch - + gcei-scripts-after-reg.patch - + gcei-set-run_dir.patch - -- Update to version 20190124 (bsc#1123671, bsc#1123672) - + Google Compute Engine - * Fix metadata script retrieval to support Python 3. - -- Remove dropped service from systemd setup macros (bsc#1122172) -- Drop use of restart_on_update, force service restart with -f option - on service_del_preun and service_del_postun -- Detect and handle removed services in pre rather than post - -- Update to version 20181206 (bsc#1119029, bsc#1119110) - + Google Compute Engine - * Support enabling OS Login two factor authentication. - * Improve accounts support for FreeBSD. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Support OS Login two factor authentication (Alpha). - * Improve SELinux support. -- from version 20181023 - + Google Compute Engine - * Fix: Update sudoer group membership without overriding local groups. -- from version 20181018 - + Google Compute Engine - * Fix: Remove users from sudoers group on account removal. - -- Remove conditions for distributions older than Leap 42.3 and SLE 12 - + Delete init scripts google-accounts-daemon.suse, - google-clock-skew-daemon.suse, google-instance-setup.suse, - google-network-daemon.suse, google-shutdown-scripts.suse, - google-startup-scripts.suse -- Fix build for distributions with gcc version less than 4.9 - + Add new dependency on boost - -- Update to version 20181011 - + Google Compute Engine - * Revert: Remove users from sudoers group on account removal. -- from version 20181008 - + Google Compute Engine - * Remove users from sudoers group on account removal. - * Remove gsutil dependency for metadata scripts. -- from version 20180905 - + Google Compute Engine - * Remove ntp package dependency. - * Support Debian 10 Buster. - * Restart the network daemon if networking is restarted. - * Prevent setup of the default ethernet interface. - * Accounts daemon verifies username is 32 characters or less. - + Google Compute Engine OS Login - * Add user name validation to pam modules. - * Return false on failed final load. - * Support FreeBSD. - * Support Debian 10 Buster. -- from version 20180611 - + Google Compute Engine - * Prevent IP forwarding daemon log spam. - * Make default shell configurable when executing metadata scripts. - * Rename distro directory to distro_lib. -- Refresh patches for new version - + gcei-set-run_dir.patch - -- Ensure that google-ip-forwarding-daemon service and - google-network-setup are stopped and disabled - during upgrade -- Ensure that google-network-daemon service is enabled - and started during upgrade - -- Add patch to set run_dir to /var/run (bsc#1097378, #1097616) - + gcei-set-run_dir.patch -- Drop deleted patch from spec file - + gcei-lnx-distro-py3.patch - -- Remove gcei-lnx-distro-py3.patch - + Upstream intention is to depend on distro module from GitHub -- Add dependency on python3-distro for SLE/Leap 15 and later - -- Add patch gcei-lnx-distro-py3.patch (bsc#1094074) - -- Update to version 20180510 (bsc#1092214) - + Prevent delay in configuring IP forwarding routes. - + Improve instance setup support for FreeBSD. -- Include new google-network-daemon - + Add google-network-daemon.service activation in - %pre and %post sections - + Add google-network-daemon.suse init script for SysV -- Stop shipping deprecated google-ip-forwarding-daemon service - + Remove google-ip-forwarding-daemon.service activation in - %pre and %post sections - + Drop google-ip-forwarding-daemon.suse from source distribution -- Add missing association with "init" package for %pre, %post, - %preun and %postun sections -- Install google_oslogin_nss_cache binary into oslogin package - -- Update to version 20180504 (bsc#1092214) - + Create a new network daemon. - + Refactor the IP forwarding daemon and network setup. - + Improvements for using NSS cache in the accounts daemon. - + Include libnss cache as part of the OS Login package. -- Refresh patches for new version: - + gcei-scripts-after-reg.patch - -- Update to version 20180227 (bsc#1066273) - + Add distro specific logic. - + Support SLES 11 and 12 in multi-nic setup. - + Fix boto config documentation. - + Add modprobe blacklist for nouveau and floppy modules. - + Fix irqbalance conflict in Debian package. - + Fix conflict with other applications that use curl and SSL. -- Install new kernel module blacklist into /etc/modprobe.d. -- Refresh patches for new version: - + gcei-hide-py-deps.patch - -- Update to version 20180129 (bsc#1078349, bsc#1079077) - + Improve rsyslog daemon reset when using the dhcp exit hook. - + The OS Login feature is generally available. - + Change the OS Login uid restriction to allow uid 1000. - + Close socket connections after requesting metadata. -- From version 20171213 - + Force IPv4 for Debian apt configs. - -- Update to version 20171129 (bsc#1070895, bsc#1070918) - + Generate SSH host keys when none are present. - + Improve logging when activating OS Login. - + Fix parsing logic for expiration time on SSH public keys. - + Fix home directory creation PAM config. - -- Change dependencies -init depends on -oslogin - + oslogin feature is now enabled by the initialization code - when appropriate -- Do not start the oslogin feature upon package install - -- Fix build for SLES 11 - -- Update to version 20171025 (bsc#1064356, bsc#1065308) - + Add apt configuration to prevent auto-removal of Google packages. - + Rename set_hostname to prevent naming conflicts. - + Remove logging when checking OS Login status. -- From version 20171019 - + Support the enable-oslogin metadata key for activating OS Login. - + Improve packaging to restart services. - + OS Login is available in Beta. - + Add status option to the OS Login control file. -- From version 20171006 - + Fix system hang during VM shutdown. - + JSON parser accepts string types for int64 values. -- From version 20170921 - + JSON parser casts uid and gid to unsigned integers. -- From version 20170914 - + Remove fstab barrier options in EL 7. - + Use curl to download metadata script files for SSL certificate validation. - + Use netifaces for retrieving MAC address names if the import exists. - -- Ship the udevrules with the -init package only - -- Fix baslibs.conf, use package, not files -- Include rpmlintrc and baslibc.conf as source - -- Add gcei-scripts-after-reg.patch (bsc#1057671) - -- Update to version 20170829 (bsc#1049242, FATE#323757) - + Support oslogin feature - + Add rpmlintrc - ~ We ship pam and nss modules in -oslogin we do not want - to name the package according to the shared library naming policy - + Add baslibs.config - ~ Handle the nss and pam modules provided by oslogin properly -- From version 20170718 - + Allow nologin paths other than /sbin/nologin. - + Try to download GCS URLs with curl if gsutil is not installed. - + Fix control scripts to correctly restart sshd and nscd if they exist. - + Retry HTTP requests if error 500 is received. - + Move oslogin sudoers directory locations. -- Setup for Python 3 build oSTW and SLE 15 -- Source package renamed to google-compute-engine - + Binary subpackages -init -oslogin - -- The startup script attempts a network connection, thus it must - run after network setup - -- Scripts that are one-shot should not be marked as "stop_on_removal" - as there is no process running (bsc#1017395) -- One-shot scripts should not run with startproc - -- Update to version 20161213 (bsc#1015829, bsc#1016372) - + Remove gcei-handle-failed-open.patch included upstream - + Remove gcei-handle-missing-gsutil.patch included upstream - + Forward port gcei-hide-py-deps.patch - + Improved alias IP support -- From 20161118 - + Add support for alias IPs in the IP forwarding daemon. - + IP forwarding daemon adds back local routes after network restart. - + Account daemon removes expired key access without metadata change. - + Account daemon ignores SSH keys with non-ascii characters. - + Improved exception handling. - + Fix for syslog startup on systemd. - + Add a route to the metadata server to /etc/hosts. -- From 20160930 - + Provide a service to enable network interfaces on boot. - + Create a common library for inspecting network interfaces. - + Allow metadata script output that is not UTF-8. - + Fixed instance config file logic. - + Fixed accounts management Python 3 compatibility. - + Fixed IP forwarding Python 3 compatibility. - + Improved style consistency. - + Run a service on boot to enable additional network interfaces. - + Update dhclient-script on EL 6 to fix local routing. - -- Resolve description inaccuracy -- Call %service_* just once, but with all args - -- Include in SLE 12 and SLE 11 (FATE#321748, FATE#321890, bsc#994943) - -- Update gcei-handle-failed-open.patch to match upstream PR - -- Add gcei-handle-failed-open.patch - * Do not exit with a traceback if the sudoers file cannot be written - -- Package the rsyslog config unconditionally, rsyslog also available on - SLE 11 - -- Add sysvinit scripts for SUSE, upstream scripts are RHEL specific - * google-accounts-daemon.suse - * google-clock-skew-daemon.suse - * google-instance-setup.suse - * google-ip-forwarding-daemon.suse - * google-shutdown-scripts.suse - * google-startup-scripts.suse - -- Own the udev directories, fixes issue with SLE 12 build - -- Conflict with the previous generation of initialization code. - * According to upstream and update path is not supported and - has too many corner cases to reliably work. Thus running instances are - not expected to upgrade. - -- Initial build - - Version 20160803 - hfst-ospell +- Fix the build with new ICU bsc#1164440, fixes Leap build after + we bumped ICU on SLE-15-SP2 + +- Add baselibs.conf: build libhfstospell10-32bit, which is required + by libvoikko1-32bit. + +- Initial commit, required by libvoikko + hunspell -- suggests english directory [bsc#1193627] - -- security update -- added patches - fix CVE-2019-16707 [bsc#1151867], invalid read operation in SuggestMgr:leftcommonsubstring in suggestmgr.cxx - + hunspell-CVE-2019-16707.patch - -- Update to version 1.6.2: - * Command line tool: - + Added German translation - + Fixed bug with wrong output encoding, not respecting system - locale. - -- Update to version 1.6.1: - * Library changes: - + Performance improvements in suggest() - + Fixes regressions for Hungarian related to compounding. - + Fixes regressions for Korean related to ICONV. - * Command line tool: - + Added Tajik translation - + Fix regarding serching of OOo dicts installed in user folder - * Manpages: - + Fix microsoft-cp1251 to cp1251. Dicts should not use the - first. - + Typos. - -- Update to version 1.6.0: - * Changes in the library: - + Performance improvement in ngsuggest(), suggestions should be - faster. - + Revert MAXWORDLEN to 100 as in 1.3.3 for performance reasons. - + MAXWORDLEN can be set during build time with -D defines. - + Fix crash when word with 102 consecutive X is spelled. - * Changes in the command line tool: - + -D shows all loaded dictionares insted of only the first. - + -D properly lists all available dictionaries on Windows. - -- update to 1.5.4: - * fix API compatibility with 1.4 - -- update to 1.5.0: - * Lot of stability fixes - * Fixed compilation errors on various systems (Windows, FreeBSD) - * Small performance improvement compared to 1.4.0 - * API is same as 1.4. - -- Drop Requires: pkgconfig because this is already autodetected - by rpm. Use mode inheritance for defattr. Edit rpm group and - description a tiny bit. - -- Update baselibs.conf bnc#977784 -- Add conflicts to hunspell 1.4.0 - -- Update to 1.4.1: - * Past begin() iterator decrement error - * VS Debug build threw error on decrement past begin. -- Split shared library -- Do not call autoreconf -- Move manpages to corresponding packages - -- Update to 1.4.0 - * New release that strips out fixed length buffers from large - parts of the library - * Note: dictmgr.hxx header is dropped -- Drop upstreamed hunspell-grep2.24.patch - -- Version update to 1.3.4: - * Various updates to the buildsystem - * Various werror bugfixes - * Loads of coverity fixes -- Add patch to build with grep 2.24: - * hunspell-grep2.24.patch -- Remove upstreamed patch: - * hunspell-emacs-utf8.patch -- Do not search for translations - broken automake from upstream - * Not worth fixing only bit italian and mostly hungarian translations - for cli anyway - infinipath-psm +- Add Add-missing-extern-keywords.patch to fix compilation with GCC10 (bsc#1160270) + +- Disable LTO (boo#1133133). + +- Extend reproducible.patch to fix all build dates + +- sysmacros.patch: Include for minor + +- Add reproducible.patch to fix build date (boo#1047218) + +- Mark libpsm_infinipath1 as obsoleting psm2-compat to make sure + it is always picked by default but can be manually "downgraded" + to psm2-compat knowing user (bsc#1080773). + +- Update _service to allow auto updates from github + +- Restore conflict with libpsm2-compat + +- Drop conflicts with libpsm2-compat + +- Update to v3.3-26-g604758. (bsc#1036485) + +- Update to latest version v3.3-25-g326b95a (bsc#1027068, fate#322648) + +- Update to latest version (fate#320170, bsc#943853). + +- Make package conflict with libpsm2 (fate#321230). + +- Add baselibs.conf as 32 bit libs are needed (bsc#1004947). + +- Update to version 3.3-19 + * No Changelog available +- Build against system libuuid +- Split libraries into two separate subpackages +- Remove infinipath-non_executable_stack.patch; fixed on upstream + release + +- Fix source URI. + +- Set libdir when calling make for installing. +- Add infinipath-non_executable_stack.patch to mark the stack + unexecutable (bsc#942689). +- Remove bogus line in spec file. + +- Fix name of libdir. + +- Adapt patches to changed sources. + +- fix %%if version condition in spec + +- Only use -Wno-unused-but-set-variable for SLE12 and up. +- Don't use a macro for installing. + +- replace ambiguous macro %%makeinstall with more common %%make_install + instlux +- upgraded to 15.4.0. + * Added Leap 15.4 (but not default) + +- upgraded to 15.3.6. + * 15.3.2 to 15.3.3 + - fix for Windows 11; WSL2 is used by default + * 15.3.3 to 15.3.4 + - fix for Windows 11; requires kernel package + * 15.3.4 to 15.3.5 + - Added "Unicode false" to disable Unicode mode + (fix for NSIS >= 3.07) + * 15.3.5 to 15.3.6 + - Move "Unicode false" to top + +- upgraded to 15.3.2. + * Added Leap 15.3 WSL + jbigkit +- v2.1 +-Fixes bnc#870855 +-Fixes CVE-2013-6369 + +- Don't strip binaries + +- Added url as source. + Please see + +- fix baselibs.conf + +- build -32bit packages to make libtiff5-32bit installable + +- Initial SUSE package. + json-c -- Add patch bsc1171479.patch - + fix integer overflow and out-of-bounds write (CVE-2020-12762, bsc#1171479) - -- json-c 0.13 - + Deprecated and removed features: - * Internal use of bits.h has been eliminated. - * lh_abort() is deprecated - + Behavior changes: - * Tighten the number parsing algorithm to raise errors instead - of truncating the results. For example 12.3.4 or 2015-01-15, - which now return null. - * Use size_t for array length and size. Platforms where - sizeof(size_t) != sizeof(int) may not be backwards compatible - * Check for failue when allocating memory, returning NULL and - errno=ENOMEM. - * Change json_object_object_add() return type from void to int, - and will return -1 on failures, instead of exiting. (Note: - this is not an ABI change) - + New features: - * Aiming to follow RFC 7159 now. - * Support for JSON pointer, RFC 6901 (see json_pointer.h) - * Add a couple of additional option to json_object_to_json_string_ext: - JSON_C_TO_STRING_PRETTY_TAB - JSON_C_TO_STRING_NOSLASHESCAPE - * json_object_object_add_ex() - better perf when certain - constraints are known to be true - * Serialization format of doubles now configurable - * New functions - - json_object_equal() - utility function for comparing - json_objects - - json_object_deep_copy() - a way to copy entire object - trees - - json_object_set_() - modify the value of - existing json_object's without the need to recreate them. - Also add a json_object_int_inc function to adjust an int's' - value. - - json_util_get_last_err() - retrieve the string describing - the cause of errors, instead of printing to stderr. - - perllike hash function for strings - * json_global_set_string_hash() - * json_c_visit() - a way to iterate over a tree of json-c - objects. - + Notable bug fixes and other improvements: - * Make reference increment and decrement atomic to allow - passing json objects between threads. - * Fix json_object_object_foreach to avoid uninitialized - variable warnings. - * Improve performance by removing unneeded data items from - hashtable code and reducing duplicate hash computation. - * Performance: store small strings inside json_object - * Performance: of json_object_to_json_string by removing - variadic printf - * Fix parsing of "-Infinity", and avoid needlessly copying the - input when doing so. - * Fix stack buffer overflow in json_object_double_to_json_string_format() - * Fix various potential null ptr deref and int32 overflows - * Fix a long-standing bug in array_list_put_idx() where it - would attempt to free previously free'd entries due to not - checking the current array length. - * use uselocale() instead of setlocale() in json_tokener to - behave better in threaded environments. - * Fix out of bounds read when handling unicode surrogate pairs. - * Ensure doubles that happen to be a whole number are emitted - with ".0" - * Visual Studio: use a snprintf/vsnprintf wrapper that ensures - the string is terminated. - * Fix double to int cast overflow in json_object_get_int64. - * Clamp double to int32 when narrowing in json_object_get_int. - * Use strtoll() to parse ints - instead of sscanf - * usual code linting - + Build changes: - * Add Appveyor and Travis build support - * Support for MacOS and Windows through CMake - * Silent build by default - * Link against libm when needed - * Add support for building with AddressSanitizer - * Add support for building with Clang - * Add a --enable-threading configure option, and only use the - (slower) __sync_add_and_fetch()/__sync_sub_and_fetch() - function when it is specified. -- cleanup with spec-cleaner -- remove fix-set-but-not-used.patch - + fixed: -- remove gcc7-fix.patch - + fixed in 014924ba899f659917bb64392bbff7d3c803afc2 - -- Added gcc7-fix.patch - -- Update to upstream release 0.12.1 -- Removed upstream fixed json-c-0.12-unused_variable_size.patch -- Added fix-set-but-not-used.patch - -- json-c 0.12 - Fixes for security issues contained in this release have been - previously patched into this package, but listed for completeness: - * Address security issues: - * CVE-2013-6371: hash collision denial of service - * CVE-2013-6370: buffer overflow if size_t is larger than int -- Further changes: - * Avoid potential overflow in json_object_get_double - * Eliminate the mc_abort() function and MC_ABORT macro. - * Make the json_tokener_errors array local. It has been deprecated for - a while, and json_tokener_error_desc() should be used instead. - * change the floating point output format to %.17g so values with - more than 6 digits show up in the output. - * Remove the old name compatibility support. The library is - only created as now and headers are only installed - into the ${prefix}/json-c directory. - * When supported by the linker, add the -Bsymbolic-functions flag. - * Make strict mode more strict: - * number must not start with 0 - * no single-quote strings - * no comments - * trailing char not allowed - * only allow lowercase literals - * Added a json_object_new_double_s() convenience function to allow - an exact string representation of a double to be specified when - creating the object and use it in json_tokener_parse_ex() so - a re-serialized object more exactly matches the input. - * Add support NaN and Infinity -- packaging changes: - * json-c-hash-dos-and-overflow-random-seed-4e.patch is upstream - * Move from json-c-lfs.patch which removed warning errors and - autoconf call to json-c-0.12-unused_variable_size.patch from - upstream which fixes the warning - * except for SLE 11 where autoreconf call is required - * add licence file to main package - -- Add json-c-hash-dos-and-overflow-random-seed-4e.patch to fix - CVE-2013-6370 and CVE-2013-6371 (bnc#870147) - -- Update metadata (description, RPM groups), and remove .la file - in %install, not %check. - -- Upgrade to 0.11 version: - - SONAME change. - - Fix provides and obsoletes accordingly - - symlink the .pc file to the oldname for software that needs it -- Remove json-c-fix-headers.patch integrated upstream - -- add json-c-fix-headers.patch from master branch to fix compilation - of apps using the lib - -- Update to 0.10 version : - * Add a json_object_to_json_string_ext() function to allow output - to be formatted in a more human readable form. - * Add json_object_object_get_ex(), a NULL-safe get object method, - to be able to distinguish between a key not present and the value - being NULL. - * Add an alternative iterator implementation, see json_object_iterator.h - * Make json_object_iter public to enable external use of the - json_object_object_foreachC macro. - * Add a printbuf_memset() function to provide an effecient way to set and - append things like whitespace indentation. - * Adjust json_object_is_type and json_object_get_type so they return - json_type_null for NULL objects and handle NULL passed to - json_objct_object_get(). - * Rename boolean type to json_bool. - * Fix various compile issues for Visual Studio and MinGW. - * Allow json_tokener_parse_ex() to be re-used to parse multiple object. - Also, fix some parsing issues with capitalized hexadecimal numbers and - number in E notation. - * Add json_tokener_get_error() and json_tokener_error_desc() to better - encapsulate the process of retrieving errors while parsing. - * Various improvements to the documentation of many functions. - * Add new json_object_array_sort() function. - * Fix a bug in json_object_get_int(), which would incorrectly return 0 - when called on a string type object. - Eric Haszlakiewicz - * Add a json_type_to_name() function. - Eric Haszlakiewicz - * Add a json_tokener_parse_verbose() function. - Jehiah Czebotar - * Improve support for null bytes within JSON strings. - Jehiah Czebotar - * Fix file descriptor leak if memory allocation fails in json_util - Zachary Blair, zack_blair at hotmail dot com - * Add int64 support. Two new functions json_object_net_int64 and - json_object_get_int64. Binary compatibility preserved. - Eric Haszlakiewicz, EHASZLA at transunion com - Rui Miguel Silva Seabra, rms at 1407 dot org - * Fix subtle bug in linkhash where lookup could hang after all slots - were filled then successively freed. - Spotted by Jean-Marc Naud, j dash m at newtraxtech dot com - * Make json_object_from_file take const char *filename - Spotted by Vikram Raj V, vsagar at attinteractive dot com - * Add handling of surrogate pairs (json_tokener.c, test4.c, - Brent Miller, bdmiller at yahoo dash inc dot com - * Correction to comment describing printbuf_memappend in printbuf.h - Brent Miller, bdmiller at yahoo dash inc dot com -- Packaging : - * upgrade upstream location - * cleanup old patches included now upstream - . json-c-0.9-linkhash.patch - . json-c-0.9-json_tokener.patch - . json-c-0.9-json_object_from_file.patch - . json-c-0.9-base.patch - * Redone lfs patch against new 0.10 release - * Removed empty NEWS file - libXaw -- U_NULL-pointer-dereference-in-XawAsciiSinkInitialize.patch - * Fix crash when required font is not installed. (bsc#1098411) - -- Update to version 1.0.13 - * Fix build with gcc -Werror=format-security - * configure: Drop AM_MAINTAINER_MODE - * Honor NOCONFIGURE=1 - * Use autoconf HAVE_UNISTD_H instead of imake X_NOT_POSIX to find - * Just use C89 size_t instead of rolling our own Size_t - * Use SEEK_* names instead of raw numbers for fseek whence argument - * Makefile: use AM_V_GEN and AM_V_at to implement automake silent rules - * Makefile: use $(LN_S) for better code portability - * Include - * Fix abs() usage. - -- Update to version 1.0.12: - + Replace TXT16 with XChar2b inline. - + Remove CRAY/WORD64 support. - + Fix fd leak when write() fails in WriteToFile(). - + Fix fd leak when fdopen() fails in InitStringOrFile(). - + Include winsock header on WIN32 to provide fd_set etc. - -- Add proper bit-type symbols for sparc64 - -- Use more robust make install call - -- Update to version 1.0.11: - + Only call XawStackFree if XawStackAlloc was used for allocation - + Correct order of arguments to XawStackFree() - + Correct undefined behavior access to out of scope pointer - contents - -- Update to version 1.0.10: - + Fix potential infinte loop in XawBoxQueryGeometry() - + Fixes for compiler warnings - + General cleanups - + Build configuration and documentation improvements -- Changes from version 1.0.9: - + Fix build issues - + Minor documentation cleanups - + Build configuration improvements - -- Split xorg-x11-libs into separate packages - libass +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2020-36430 [bsc#1188539], heap-based buffer overflow in decode_chars + + libass-CVE-2020-36430.patch + +- Add upstream CVE-2020-24994_1.patch and CVE-2020-24994_2.patch (bsc#1184153, CVE-2020-24994) + * Stack overflow in the parse_tag function in libass/ass_parse.c + +- security update +- added patches + fix CVE-2020-26682 [bsc#1177862], signed integer overflow in the call to outline_stroke() from ass_outline_construct() + + libass-CVE-2020-26682.patch + +- Update to version 0.14.0: + * Brand new, faster and better outline stroker (replaces FreeType + stroker) + * Remove option to use the FreeType rasterizer + * Fix spots of missing border around self-intersecting shapes + * Switch from Yasm to NASM for building hand-written assembler + code + * Clear font cache in ass_set_fonts(). This fixes potentially + incorrect font choices and an occasional crash if this function + is called midway through rendering a file. + +- Update to version 0.13.7 + * Fix invalid memory accesses with BorderStyle=4 + * Fix change detection bug on frame resizes + * Fix cache bugs with border size + * Reduce precision of border width in font outline caching + * Don't treat :;<=>? as hexadecimal digits in color headers + * Fix parsing of unusual Alignment values in ASS style definitions + * Fix potential truncation in timestamp parsing + * Treat negative PlayResX/PlayResY like VSFilter + * Fixes to parsing of embedded fonts + * Remove arbitrary bitmap limit (fixes issues with subtitle rendering at 4K) + * Allow using shadow offset to adjust size of background with BorderStyle=4 + +- Update to version 0.13.6: + * Add Justify style override that changes text justification + (left/right/center) without affecting event positioning. This + breaks ABI compatibility with prior releases. + * Fix ass_set_cache_limits() to affect total bitmap cache size + including composite bitmap cache. + * Number parsing fixes + + Fix illegal read when parsing some numbers in scientific + notation with huge exponents. + + Correctly evaluate numbers in scientific notation with large + exponents. + + Correctly evaluate numbers with many leading zeros. + * Bug fixes found with fuzzing + + Fix a small memory leak in the parser. + + Fix illegal read in the parser on specially crafted input + with \t tags. + +- Update 0.13.4: + * Fuzzing fixes bnc#1002982 CVE-2016-7969, CVE-2016-7970 and + CVE-2016-7972 + * Improve compatibility/portablility of build system, should fix e.g. compilation on Solaris. + * Fix memory leak in DirectWrite font provider. + * Fix the rasterizer when rendering some large outlines. + * Remove hack that forced RTL base direction depending on font encoding. + * Greatly improve the internal caches with refcounting and gradual clearing. + +- Update to 0.13.2 + * Add ass_set_check_readorder() API function to disable use of + the ReadOrder field for duplicate checking in + ass_process_chunk(). + * ass_step_sub(track, now, 0) now finds the start of the subtitle + at now. + * Bug fixes: + + Fix an issue with the new duplicate checking, which could + lead to missing subtitles after seeking. + + Fix a crash with Core Text under specific circumstances. + +- Update to 0.13.1 + * Much faster duplicate event check in ass_process_chunk. + * Interpret negative timestamp components as actual negative numbers. + * Look up fonts that contain PostScript outlines by their PostScript + name instead of their full names. Family names continue to be used for all fonts. + * Keep spaces in font names + * Drop support for Fontconfig < 2.10.92 to ensure correct font matching + * Fix some small memory leaks, potential crashes and bad data uses + +- Update summary/description + +- Update RPM groups + +- Update to 0.13.0 + * Add native font selection backends for OSX (CoreText) and + Windows (DirectWrite). You can now run libass without + fontconfig on these platforms. This fixes problems with + fontconfig behaving badly on these platforms (it could take + minutes to scan all system fonts). Even on Linux, this speeds + up loading of embedded fonts (such as provided by + ass_add_font()). The DirectWrite backend only works on Windows + Vista and later. On XP, fontconfig is still needed. libass can + be compiled with both DirectWrite and fontconfig, and then it + will fallback to fontconfig automatically if DirectWrite is not + available at runtime. + * Add ass_get_available_font_providers() API function. + * Change the 4th parameter of ass_set_fonts(). This now selects + the font provider. This is somewhat backwards compatible with + the old behavior, but if you ever passed values other than 0 + or 1, your application might break with this libass release. + * The ass_fonts_update() function now does nothing. It's kept + for backward compatibility only. + * Much faster gaussian blur. This can bring a large speedup with + big blurred signs and such. + * Drop ENCA support + * Bug fixes + + Fix compilation of the freetype rasterizer (disabled by + default) + + Fix rendering with some cases of consecutive line breaks + (\N\N). + + Fix some memory allocation failure checks + + Avoid system locale dependent behavior by reinventing some + standard C functions + + Fix rendering errors with strikes (GH #193) + + MSVC compilation fixes +- Enable harfbuzz and yasm build requires + +- Update to 0.12.3 + * VSFilter blur compatibility changes + * VSFilter color/alpha parsing compatibility changes + * Bugfixes + + Fix some potential memory leaks and crashes + + Fix large timestamps (larger than about 600 hours) + + Fix a potential crash with the new rasterizer and complex + fonts + + Do not apply user-configured line position to non-dialog + events + + Strictly clip non-dialog events to the video rectangle +- Changes for 0.12.2 + * Add extern "C" guards to the public headers for C++ + compatibility + * Improvements to style override API and implementation + * Bugfixes + + Fix some rasterizer bugs of unknown severity + + Fix a broken memset() of unknown severity + + Make timestamp parsing more lenient, which makes libass + accept invalid + + files accepted by most other ASS parsers + + Increase compatibility with broken ASS drawings accepted by + VSFilter + +- Update to version 0.12.1 (bnc#921212) + * Make ASS drawings with an extremely high number of control points work + This change increases compatibility with VSFilter. + * Bugfixes + - Fix a crash when using newer harfbuzz versions (GH #155) + - Load embedded memory fonts correctly + - Large shadow offsets rendered incorrectly (GH #142) + - Fix incorrect closing of last drawing contour + - Fix issues with undefined behavior in shifts + - Lots of of malloc() error checking +- Update home and download source Url to new project home +- Add baselibs.conf in sources list for Factory + libbluray -- Update to 1.3.0: - + Add bd_event_name(). - + Add return value to bd_refcnt_inc(). - + Add cache for parsed clpi file data. - + Add player setting for JRE location (JAVA_HOME). - + Improve FreeBSD BD-J support. - + Improve portability. - + Improve JVM and .jar file probing. - + Fix leak. -- Update to 1.2.1: - + Add initial support for .fmts files. - + Improve missing/broken playlist handling. - + Improve UHD metadata support. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Fix long delay in "Evangelion, You are (not) alone" menu. - + Fix JVM bootstrap issues with some Java 9 versions. - + Fix sign extended bytes when reading single bytes in BDJ. - + Fix creating organization and disc specific BD-J BUDA - directories. - + Use external libudfread when available. - + Rename list_titles to bd_list_titles and add it to installed - programs. -- Update to version 1.2.0: - + Add functions to list and read BD-ROM files. - + Add support for separate key pressed / typed / released user - input events. - + Add support for AWT mouse events (BD-J). - + Fix build with OpenJDK 12 / 13. -- Update to version 1.1.2: - + Add libxml version to pkg-config Requires.private. - + Improve support for NetBSD operating system. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Improve Java 8+ compability. - + Fix main playlist caching in Windows. - + Fix mark triggering when multiple marks are passed during - single read(). - + Fix seek bar pop-up at chapter boundary with some discs. - + Fix reading resources indirectly from mounted .jar file. -- Update to version 1.1.1: - + Enable playback without menus when index.bdmv is missing. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Fix loading libraries on MacOS / hardened runtime. - + Fix resetting user-selected streams when playing without menus. - + Fix stack overflow when using Java9+ with debugger connection. - + Fix polygon-based BD-J graphics primitives. - + Fix loading libmmbd in Windows 64-bit. - + Fix loading classes with Windows Java 8. - + Fix build with Java 1.6. - + Fix pkg-config Libs.private. -- Update to version 1.1.0: - + Add initial support for OpenJDK 11. - + Add initial support for UHD disc BD-J menus. - + Add support for compiling .jar file with Java 9+ compiler. - + Move AWT classes to separate .jar file. - + Update libudfread submodule repository URL. - + Improve main title selection. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Fix playback of some broken BD-J discs. - + Fix playback of discs without normal titles (only TopMenu / - FirstPlay title). -- Remove unused dependencies from pkgconfig(libbluray) - Our pkg is dynamically linked, so Libs.private is not needed - Nothing in the exported header files needs paths from - Requires.private - * libbluray-pkgconfig.patch -- Refresh libbluray-java9.patch -- Drop libbluray-jvm_dir.patch -- Enable build against java-devel >= 10. - -- Modified patch: - * libbluray-java9.patch - + Some change in hunks integrating upstream fixes that were - partially different from ours. - -- BuildConflict with jdk10 or higher, since some removal of - deprecated SecurityManager functions makes BD-J not buildable - with jdk10 - -- Update to version 1.0.2: - + Add initial support for UHD BluRay discs (without BD-J menus). - + Detect JRE (from the Java Applet plugin) on MacOS. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Improve libmmbd support. - + Fix static build dependencies in pkgconfig file. - + Fix creation of cache (sub-)directories on windows platforms. - + Fix BD-J temporary storage when persistent storage is disabled. - + Fix leaks. -- At least java-devel >= 1.8 ist required for build. - -- Added patch: - * libbluray-java9.patch - + Fix build with jdk9 - + Due to incompatible changes in jdk9, the same code cannot be - built with jdk9 and jdk <= 1.8 - + Only apply on systems that hava jdk9 - -- BuildConflict with java-devel >= 1.9. Java 8 is the last to - support source_version 1.5. - -- Update to version 1.0.1: - + Add possibility to check whether BD-J is functional without - opening a disc. - + Improve main title selection. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Fix Windows dll loading. - + Fix JAVA_HOME environment variable handling in Windows. - + Fix build issues when CPPFLAGS is given in make command line. - + Fix MSVC build issues. - + Remove --disable-bdjava and --disable-udf configure options. -- Fixed patch libbluray-jvm_dir.patch. - -- Update to version 1.0.0: - + Add support for Java VM (BD-J) on MacOS. - + Add clip_id to BLURAY_CLIP_INFO. - + Add a suitable JVM path for Fedora/RHEL and clones. - + Add support for AVCHD 8.3 filenames. - + Add player setting for disabling persistent storage. - + Add bd_set_rate(). - + Add playback time position to BD_EVENT_SEEK. - + Add BD_VK_ROOT_MENU handling. - + Add support for heavily fragmented 3D .m2ts files. - + Improve Win32 dll loading security. - + Improve playback resume position accuracy. - + Improve error resilience and stability. - + Fix using libmmbd with unmounted discs. - + Fix leaks. - + Delay BD-J overlay opening until something visible has been - drawn. - + Close BD-J overlay when window is not visible. - + Use temporary storage when cache or persistent root location is - unknown. -- Fixed patch libbluray-jvm_dir.patch. -- Changed soname version to 2. - -- Rename %soname to %sover to better reflect its use. - Fix RPM groups. - -- drop patch A02-expopse-clip_id.patch as Handbrake seems to be the only - package that needs it, to avoid binary runtime incompatibilities with - libbluray packages that would stem from other repositories - -- add patch to expose clip_id (as applied by Debian), which is - necessary to build packages that depend on it (such as Handbrake) - * A02-expose-clip_id.patch - -- Drop libbluray-autotools.patch as it has no real benefit and if - something should be upstreamed - -- Fix download url to not fail on network error - -- Update to version 0.9.3: - + Add bd_open_files(). This function deprecates old global file - system hooks. - + Add flag for on-disc menu support to DISC_INFO. - + Add configure argument to disable building of JAR file. - + Add missing player settings enums. - + Update linux Java search path list and preferred JVM. - + Enable UDF support by default. - + Split developer tools from examples. - + Improve BDJ_EVENT_CHAPTER triggering. - + Improve main title detection. - + Improve error resilience. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Improve detecting of working aacs implementation. - + Improve libmmbd support. - + Fix BD-J media player stop(). - + Fix restoring playback rate with some BD-J discs. - + Fix restoring suspended playback time position. - + Fix current chapter lookup. - + Fix lost key focus with multi-HScene discs. - + Fix playback of discs without Top Menu title. - + Fix caching of some BD-J files from UDF filesystem. - + Fix stopping playback from HDMV menus. - + Fix possible errors in win32 .iso image reading. - + Fix undefined values in DISC_INFO. - + Fix memory leaks. -- Fixed patch libbluray-jvm_dir.patch. - -- Update to version 0.9.2: - + Add primary audio stream to bd_select_stream(). - + Improve error resilience. - + Fix Java 8 compability issues. - + Fix Android build. - + Fix SecurityException in AWTAutoShutdown. - + Fix BD-J check when install path in Windows contains - non-ASCII chars. - + Fix jvm.dll loading in Windows ($JAVA_HOME/bin should be in - dll load path). - + Fix class translating in recent Java 8 versions. -- Fixed patches libbluray-autotools.patch and libbluray-jvm_dir.patch. - -- Update to version 0.9.1 - + Improved BD-J security. - + Improved error resilience. - + Improved seeking (avoid skipping PAT/PMT/PCR). - + Fix UO mask check when bd_play_title() is used for Top Menu. - + Fix re-starting of title bound Xlets when title changes. - + Fix loading classes with invalid debug info. - -- Update to version 0.9.0: - + Add functions to read files from VFS. - + Improved error resilience. - + Improved BD-J compability. - + Fix Xlet-initiated font caching. - + Fix return value when setting BLURAY_PLAYER_SETTING_DECODE_PG. - + Fix build with C++ compiler - -- Fix build in SLE_11 - -- Update to version 0.8.1: - + Notify application when UO mask changes. - + Improved error resilience. - + Improved BD-J compability. - + Fix crash after bd_open(NULL). - + Fix compability problem with libbdplus. - + Fix memory leak in UDF filesystem parser. - + Fix crash in freetype. - -- Update to version 0.8.0: - + Add security checks to BD-J. - + Add support for UDF image files and unmounted discs. - + Add UDF volume identifier to DISC_INFO. - + Add bd_init(), bd_open_disc() and bd_open_stream(). - + Add /usr/share/libbluray/lib/ to .jar file search paths. - + Add BD_EVENT_PLAYLIST_STOP (playlist playback is interrupted). - + Accept directory name (without .jar file name) in LIBBLURAY_CP. - + Improved error resilence. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Fix Java 8u40 compability. - + Fix infinite loop with some broken HDMV menus. -- Fixed patches libbluray-autotools.patch and libbluray-jvm_dir.patch. -- Build with UDF support. - -- Put the configure args each on its own line - -- Use proper homepage. - -- Update to version 0.7.0: - + Add player setting for BD-J persistent storage and cache paths. - + Add support for system fonts. BD-J fonts in jre/lib/fonts/ - are not required anymore. - + Add BD-J organization ID and disc ID to BLURAY_DISC_INFO. - + Release still mode when BD-J terminates. - + Implement BD-J caching. - + Improve BD-J compability. - + Java 8 compability fixes. - + Fix storage size for bdjo object reference in BLURAY_DISC_INFO. - + Fix BD-J on-disc font usage. - + Fix animations in some BD-J menus. - + Fix BD-J storage path charset issues in Windows. - -- Added patch libbluray-jvm_dir.patch to set the correct path to - java lib because variable JAVA_HOME on openSUSE is defined - as '/usr//jvm/jre' by update-alternatives. - -- Enable BD-J support. - -- Update to version 0.6.2: - + Fix possible subtitle corruption after seek. - + Fix some main path embedded HDMV menus. - + Fix reading outside of source image in BD-J drawImage(). - + Fix missing BD_EVENT_ERROR when BD-J is not supported. - + Several stability and code quality fixes. -- Version 0.6.1: - + Fix stream position when seamless angle change point is at - clip boundary. - + Fix Mac OS X jni compilation - + Fix bd_seek() jumping outside of clip/playlist. - + Fix crash when stream selection is changed after playlist end. - + Fix J2ME build. - + Fix seamless angle change. - + Fix freetype2 resource leaks on shutdown. - + Improve duplicate playlist detection. -- Version 0.6.0: - + Improved BD-J support (Most BD-J discs are correctly played). - + Mark BD-J titles supported in BLURAY_DISC_INFO if BD-J is - functional. - + Install .jar files to datadir (/usr/share/java/) instead of - libdir. - + Added version number to .jar file names. - + Added JNI headers for BD-J (cross) compilation. - + Added HDMV/BD-J title information to BLURAY_DISC_INFO. - + Added disc application info to BLURAY_DISC_INFO. - + Added bd_set_rate(). - + Added color keys (RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE). - + Improved error resilence. - + Fix build without libxml. -- Version 0.5.0: - + Portability fixes. - + Build system updates. - + Improved BD-J support (still alpha). - + Improved updating of application-allocated ARGB frame buffer. - + Get JRE library location from registry (Windows). - + Added bd_get_main_title(). - + Added BD_EVENT_ERROR when title playback fails. - + Added BD-J flags to disc info. - + Added support for user timeout in HDMV menus. - + Added cropping of RLE images. Cropping values in overlay are - now always 0. - + Added support for LIBAACS_PATH and LIBBDPLUS_PATH environment - variables. - + Added timestamp based m2ts stream filtering. -- Removed patch use-recommended-freetype-include.patch, - fixed upstream. - libidn -- libidn 1.34 (bsc#1087709): - * libidn: Fix integer overflow in combine_hangul() - * libidn: Fix integer overflow in punycode decoder - drop previously patched libidn-CVE-2017-14062.patch - * libidn: Fix performance issue in idna_to_unicode_internal() - * libidn: Fix performance issue in stringprep functions. - * libidn: Fix NULL pointer dereference in g_utf8_normalize() - * libidn: Fix NULL pointer dereference in stringprep_ucs4_nfkc_normalize() - * libidn: Increase performance of stringprep functions - * testing: Add OSS-fuzz integration and regression testing - * build: Update gnulib files - * build: Modernize GTK-Doc build - * build: Fix parallel builds - * build: Add configure flag --disable-doc - * build: Add configure flag --enable-ubsan (enable UB Sanitizer) - * build: Add configure flag --enable-asan (enable Address Sanitizer) - * build: Fix compiler warnings - * build: Fix build for gcc-7 - drop reviously patched libidn-gcc7-part1.patch - * i18n: Added Swedish translation -- update upstream signing key from website - -- Update summaries. Remove ineffective --with-pic. - -- Add patch to fix bsc#1056450 CVE-2017-14062: - * libidn-CVE-2017-14062.patch - -- Use %license (boo#1082318) - -- Add patches to build with gcc7: - * libidn-gcc7-part1.patch - -- libidn 1.33: - * bnc#990189 CVE-2015-8948 CVE-2016-6262 - * bnc#990190 CVE-2016-6261 - * bnc#990191 CVE-2016-6263 - * libidn: Fix out-of-bounds stack read in idna_to_ascii_4i. - * idn: Solve out-of-bounds-read when reading one zero byte as input. - * libidn: stringprep_utf8_nfkc_normalize reject invalid UTF-8. - -- Update to 1.32 - * libidn: Fix crash in idna_to_unicode_8z8z and - idna_to_unicode_8zlz. This problem was introduced in 1.31. - * API and ABI is backwards compatible with the previous version. -- Update gpg keyring - -- Add Apache-2.0 license to the license line. Under this is the - java code, but we don't build it -> just the sources license - -- Version bump to 1.31: - * Fixes bnc#923241 CVE-2015-2059 out-of-bounds read with stringprep on - invalid UTF-8 - * Few other triv changes - -- Version bump to 1.30: - * punycode.{c,h} files were reimported -- Cleanup with spec-cleaner - -- update version 1.29: - * libidn: Mark internal variable "g_utf8_skip" as static. - * idn: Flush stdout to simplify for tools that buffer too heavily. - * i18n: Added Brazilian Portuguese translation. - * Update gnulib files. - * API and ABI is backwards compatible with the previous version. - libsndfile +- Fix heap buffer overflow in flac_buffer_copy (CVE-2021-4156, + bsc#1194006): + libsndfile-CVE-2021-4156.patch + +- Fix heap buffer overflow vulnerability in msadpcm_decode_block + (CVE-2021-3246, bsc#1188540): + ms_adpcm-Fix-and-extend-size-checks.patch + +- Fix segfault in wav conversion due to the invalid loop count + (CVE-2018-19758, bsc#1117954): + libsndfile-wav-loop-count-fix.patch + +- Fix buffer overflow in sndfile-deinterleave, which isn't really a + security issue (bsc#1100167, CVE-2018-13139, bsc#1116993, + CVE-2018-19432): + sndfile-deinterlace-channels-check.patch + +- Use license file tag + +- Fix potential overflow in d2alaw_array() (CVE-2017-17456, + bsc#1071777): + libsndfile-CVE-2017-17456-alaw-range-check.patch +- Fix potential overflow in d2ulaw_array() (CVE-2017-17457, + bsc#1071767): + libsndfile-CVE-2017-17457-ulaw-range-check.patch + +- Fix VUL-0: divide-by-zero error exists in the function + double64_init() in double64.c (CVE-2017-14634, bsc#1059911): + 0030-double64_init-Check-psf-sf.channels-against-upper-bo.patch +- Tentative fix for VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function + d2alaw_array() in alaw.c (CVE-2017-14245, bsc#1059912) and + VUL-0: out of bounds read in the function d2ulaw_array() in + ulaw.c (CVE-2017-14246, bsc#1059913): + 0031-sfe_copy_data_fp-check-value-of-max-variable.patch + +- Fix Heap-based Buffer Overflow in the psf_binheader_writef + (CVE-2017-12562, bsc#1052476): + 0020-src-common.c-Fix-heap-buffer-overflows-when-writing-.patch + +- Fix out-of-bounds read memory access in the aiff_read_chanmap() + (CVE-2017-6892, bsc#1043978): + 0010-src-aiff.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch + +- Fix FLAC buffer overflows (CVE-2017-8361 CVE-2017-8363 + CVE-2017-8365 CVE-2017-8362 bsc#1036944 bsc#1036945 bsc#1036946 + bsc#1036943): + 0001-FLAC-Fix-a-buffer-read-overrun.patch + 0002-src-flac.c-Fix-a-buffer-read-overflow.patch + +- Update to version 1.0.27: + * Fix a seek regression in 1.0.26 + * Add metadata read/write for CAF and RF64 + * FIx PAF endian-ness issue +- Update to version 1.0.28 + * Fix buffer overruns in FLAC and ID3 handling code + (CVE-2017-7585, CVE-2017-7586, bsc#1033054, bsc#1033053) + * Reduce default header memory requirements + * Fix detection of Large File Support for 32 bit systems. +- Obsoleted patch: + libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch + +- Fix spec file to enable builds on non opensuse OS + +- Update to version 1.0.26: + * Fix for CVE-2014-9496, CVE-2014-9756 and CVE-2015-7805. + * Add ALAC/CAF support. Minor bug fixes and improvements. +- Refreshed patches: + sndfile-ocloexec.patch + libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch +- Removed obsoleted patches: + libsndfile-example-fix.diff + libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch + libsndfile-paf-zero-division-fix.diff + libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch + libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch + sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch + sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch + +- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-7805, bsc#953516) + libsndfile-src-common.c-Fix-a-header-parsing-bug.patch + libsndfile-fix-header-read-CVE-2015-7805.patch +- VUL-0: libsndfile 1.0.25 heap overflow (CVE-2015-8075, bsc#953519) + libsndfile-psf_strlcpy_crlf-fix-CVE-2015-8075.patch +- Fix the build with SLE11-SP3 due to AM_SILENT_RULE macro + +- VUL-1: libsndfile DoS/divide-by-zero (CVE-2014-9756, bsc#953521): + libsndfile-src-file_io.c-Prevent-potential-divide-by-zero.patch + +- Cleanup spec file with spec-cleaner +- Add gpg signature +- Remove old ppc provides/obsoletes + +- VUL-0: two buffer read overflows in sd2_parse_rsrc_fork() + (CVE-2014-9496, bnc#911796): backported upstream fix patches + sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-segfault-in-SD2-RSRC-parser.patch + sndfile-src-sd2.c-Fix-two-potential-buffer-read-overflows.patch + libsodium -- Add baselibs.conf: build libsodium23-32bit, which is required by - zeromq's -32bit packages. - -- Add gpg signature -- Modernise spec file with spec-cleaner - -- Enable verbose make output when building tests - -- Update to 1.0.16 - * Signatures computations and verifications are now way faster - on 64-bit platforms with compilers supporting 128-bit - arithmetic (gcc, clang, icc). This includes the WebAssembly - target. - * New low-level APIs for computations over edwards25519: - crypto_scalarmult_ed25519(), crypto_scalarmult_ed25519_base(), - crypto_core_ed25519_is_valid_point(), crypto_core_ed25519_add(), - crypto_core_ed25519_sub() and crypto_core_ed25519_from_uniform() - (elligator representative to point). - * crypto_sign_open(), crypto_sign_verify_detached() and - crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_open` now reject public - keys in non-canonical form in addition to low-order points. - * The library can be built with ED25519_NONDETERMINISTIC defined - in order to use synthetic nonces for EdDSA. This is disabled - by default. - * sodium_stackzero() was added to wipe content off the stack. - * The Salsa20-based PRNG example is now thread-safe on platforms - with support for thread-local storage, optionally mixes bits - from RDRAND. - * Argon2 and scrypt are slightly faster on Linux. - -- Refresh spec-file. -- Update to 1.0.15. - * Release notes: - * The default password hashing algorithm is now Argon2id. - * The pwhash_str_verify() function can still verify Argon2i hashes without any changes, - and pwhash() can still compute Argon2i hashes as well. - * The aes128ctr primitive was removed. It was slow, non-standard, not authenticated, - and didn't seem to be used by any opensource project. - * Argon2id required at least 3 passes like Argon2i, despite a minimum of 1 - as defined by the OPSLIMIT_MIN constant. This has been fixed. - * The secretstream construction was slightly changed to be consistent with forthcoming variants. - * The Javascript and Webassembly versions have been merged, and the module now returns - a .ready promise that will resolve after the Webassembly code is loaded and compiled. - * Note that due to these incompatible changes, the library version major was bumped up. - -- Update to version 1.0.14 - * Internal consistency checks failing and primitives used with - dangerous/out-of-bounds/invalid parameters used to call abort(3). - Now, a custom handler that doesn't return can be set with the - set_sodium_misuse() function. It still aborts by default or if - the handler ever returns. This is not a replacement for non-fatal, - expected runtime errors. This handler will be only called in - unexpected situations due to potential bugs in the library or in - language bindings. - * *_MESSAGEBYTES_MAX macros (and the corresponding _messagebytes_max() - symbols) have been added to represent the maximum message size that - can be safely handled by a primitive. Language bindings are - encouraged to check user inputs against these maximum lengths. - * The test suite has been extended to cover more edge cases. - * crypto_sign_ed25519_pk_to_curve25519() now rejects points that - are not on the curve, or not in the main subgroup. - * Further changes have been made to ensure that smart compilers - will not optimize out code that we don't want to be optimized. - * The sodium_runtime_has_* symbols for CPU features detection are - now defined as weak symbols, i.e. they can be replaced with an - application-defined implementation. This can be useful to - disable AVX* when temperature/power consumption is a concern. - * crypto_kx_*() now aborts if called with no non-NULL pointers - to store keys to. - * SSE2 implementations of crypto_verify_*() have been added. - * Passwords can be hashed using a specific algorithm with the new - crypto_pwhash_str_alg() function. - * Due to popular demand, base64 encoding (sodium_bin2base64()) - and decoding (sodium_base642bin()) have been implemented. - * A new crypto_secretstream_*() API was added to safely encrypt - files and multi-part messages. - * The sodium_pad() and sodium_unpad() helper functions have been - added in order to add & remove padding. - * An AVX512 optimized implementation of Argon2 has been added. - * The crypto_pwhash_str_needs_rehash() function was added to check - if a password hash string matches the given parameters, or if it - needs an update. - Updates from 1.0.13 - * An AVX2 optimized implementation of the Argon2 round function was added. - * The Argon2id variant of Argon2 has been implemented. The high-level - crypto_pwhash_str_verify() function automatically detects the - algorithm and can verify both Argon2i and Argon2id hashed passwords. - The default algorithm for newly hashed passwords remains Argon2i - in this version to avoid breaking compatibility with verifiers - running libsodium <= 1.0.12. - * A crypto_box_curve25519xchacha20poly1305_seal*() function set was implemented. - -- Update to version 1.0.12 - * Ed25519ph was implemented, adding a multi-part signature API - (crypto_sign_init(), crypto_sign_update(), crypto_sign_final_*()). - * New constants and related accessors have been added for Scrypt - and Argon2. - * XChaCha20 has been implemented. Like XSalsa20, this construction - extends the ChaCha20 cipher to accept a 192-bit nonce. This - makes it safe to use ChaCha20 with random nonces. - * crypto_secretbox, crypto_box and crypto_aead now offer variants - leveraging XChaCha20. - * SHA-2 is about 20% faster, which also gives a speed boost to - signature and signature verification. - * AVX2 implementations of Salsa20 and ChaCha20 have been added. - They are twice as fast as the SSE2 implementations. The speed - gain is even more significant on Windows, that previously - didn't use vectorized implementations. - * New high-level API: crypto_kdf, to easily derive one or more - subkeys from a master key. - * Siphash with a 128-bit output has been implemented, and is - available as crypto_shorthash_siphashx_*. - * New *_keygen() helpers functions have been added to create - secret keys for all constructions. This improves code clarity - and can prevent keys from being partially initialized. - * A new randombytes_buf_deterministic() function was added to - deterministically fill a memory region with pseudorandom data. - This function can especially be useful to write reproducible tests. - * A preliminary crypto_kx_*() API was added to compute shared - session keys. - * AVX2 detection is more reliable. - -- update version 1.0.11 - * sodium_init() is now thread-safe, and can be safely called - multiple times. - * Better support for old gcc versions. - * AVX2 detection was fixed, resulting in faster BLAKE2b hashing - on platforms where it was not properly detected. - * The Sandy2x Curve25519 implementation was not as fast as - expected on some platforms. This has been fixed. - * The NativeClient target was improved. Most notably, it now - supports optimized implementations, and uses pepper_49 by default. - * The library can be compiled with recent Emscripten versions. - Changes have been made to produce smaller code, and the default - heap size was reduced in the standard version. - * Decryption functions can now accept a NULL pointer for the output. - This checks the MAC without writing the decrypted message. - * crypto_generichash_final() now returns -1 if called twice. - -- Update to version 1.0.10 - * Compile fix update for older GCCs - -- Update to version 1.0.9 - * A detached API was added to the ChaCha20-Poly1305 and AES256-GCM - implementations. - * The Argon2i password hashing function was added, and is accessible - directly and through a new, high-level crypto_pwhash API. - The scrypt function remains available as well. - * A speed-record AVX2 implementation of BLAKE2b was added. - * Countermeasures for Ed25519 signatures malleability have been - added to match the irtf-cfrg-eddsa draft. - * The HChaCha20 core function was implemented (crypto_core_hchacha20()). - * No-op stubs were added for all AES256-GCM public functions even - when compiled on non-Intel platforms. - * crypt_generichash_blake2b_statebytes() was added. - * New macros were added for the IETF variant of the ChaCha20-Poly1305 - construction. - -- Update to version 1.0.8 - * Handle the case where the CPU supports AVX, but we are running - on an hypervisor with AVX disabled/not supported. - * Faster (2x) scalarmult_base() when using the ref10 implementation. - -- Update to version 1.0.7 - * Sandy2x, the fastest Curve25519 implementation ever, - has been merged in, and is automatically used on CPUs - supporting the AVX instructions set. - * An SSE2 optimized implementation of Poly1305 was added, - and is twice as fast as the portable one. - * An SSSE3 optimized implementation of ChaCha20 was added, - and is twice as fast as the portable one. - * Faster sodium_increment() for common nonce sizes. - * New helper functions have been added: sodium_is_zero() - and sodium_add(). - -- Follow upstream's lead and compile with -flto for > 13.2 on x86 - and x86-64. - -- Update to 1.0.6 - * Optimized implementations of Blake2 have been added for modern - Intel platforms. crypto_generichash() is now faster than MD5 and - SHA1 implementations while being far more secure. - * The crypto_sign_edwards25519sha512batch_*() functions have been - tagged as deprecated. - * sodium_compare() now works as documented, and compares numbers - in little-endian format instead of behaving like memcmp(). - * sodium_runtime_has_ssse3() and sodium_runtime_has_sse41() have - been added. - -- Now that gcc 5.2 is available on TW, remove the ARMv7 workaround. - -- Update to 1.0.4 - * Support for AES256-GCM has been added. This requires a CPU with - the aesni and pclmul extensions, and is accessible via the - crypto_aead_aes256gcm_*() functions. - * ChaCha20 with an extended (96 bit) nonce and a 32-bit counter has - been implemented as crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf(), - crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor() and crypto_stream_chacha20_ietf_xor_ic(). - An IETF-compatible version of ChaCha20Poly1305 is available as - crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_npubbytes(), - crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_encrypt() and - crypto_aead_chacha20poly1305_ietf_decrypt(). - * The sodium_increment() helper function has been added, to increment - an arbitrary large number (such as a nonce). - * The sodium_compare() helper function has been added, to compare - arbitrary large numbers (such as nonces, in order to prevent replay attacks). - -- Update to 1.0.3 - * In addition to sodium_bin2hex(), sodium_hex2bin() is now a - constant-time function. - * crypto_stream_xsalsa20_ic() has been added. - * crypto_generichash_statebytes(), crypto_auth_*_statebytes() - and crypto_hash_*_statebytes() have been added in order to - retrieve the size of structures keeping states from foreign - languages. - * The JavaScript target doesn't require /dev/urandom or an - external randombytes() implementation any more. Other minor - Emscripten-related improvements have been made in order to - support libsodium.js - * Custom randombytes implementations do not need to provide - their own implementation of randombytes_uniform() any more. - randombytes_stir() and randombytes_close() can also be NULL - pointers if they are not required. - * On Linux, getrandom(2) is being used instead of directly - accessing /dev/urandom, if the kernel supports this system - call. - * crypto_box_seal() and crypto_box_seal_open() have been added. - * A solutions for Visual Studio 2015 was added. - -- Update to version 1.0.2 - * The _easy and _detached APIs now support precalculated keys - * sodium_free() can now be called on regions with PROT_NONE - protection. - * Memory allocation functions can now be used on operating systems - with no memory protection. - libwebp +- Update to new upstream release 1.0.3 + * Resize fixes for Nx1 sizes and the addition of non-opaque + alpha values for odd sizes. + * Lossless encode/decode performance improvements. + * Lossy compression performance improvement at low quality + levels with flat content. + * vwebp will now preserve the aspect ratio of images that + exceed monitor resolution by scaling the image to fit. + +- Update to version 1.0.2: + * Lossless encoder speedups. + * Lossy encoder speedup on ARM. + * Lossless multi-threaded security fix. +- Changes from version 1.0.1: + * Lossless encoder speedups. + * Big-endian fix for alpha decoding. + * Gif2webp fix for loop count=65535 transcode. + * Further security related hardening in libwebp & libwebpmux. + * Miscellaneous bug & build fixes. + +- update baselibs.conf for the new soversions + +- update to 1.0.0 + - lossy encoder improvements to avoid chroma shifts in various + - ircumstances (issues #308, #340) + - big-endian fixes for decode, RGBA import and + WebPPictureDistortion + - Tool updates: + gifwebp, anim_diff - default duration behavior (<= 10ms) + changed to match web browsers, transcoding + tools (issue #379) + img2webp, webpmux - allow options to be passed in via a file + (issue #355) +- changes from 0.6.1 + - lossless performance and compression improvements + a new + 'cruncher' mode (-m 6 -q 100) + - ARM performance improvements with clang (15-20% w/ndk r15c, + issue #339) + - webp-js: emscripten/webassembly based javascript decoder + - miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issue #329, #332, #343, #353, + [#360], #361, #363) + - Tool updates / additions: + - added webpinfo - prints file format information (issue #330) + - gif2webp - loop behavior modified to match Chrome M63+ + (; '-loop_compatibility' can be + used for the old behavior +- changes from 0.6.0 + - lossless performance and compression improvements + - miscellaneous performance improvements (SSE2, NEON, MSA) + - webpmux gained a -duration option allowing for frame timing + modification + - new img2webp utility allowing a sequence of images to be + converted to animated webp + - API changes: + - libwebp: + WebPPictureSharpARGBToYUVA + WebPPlaneDistortion + - libwebpmux / gif2webp: + WebPAnimEncoderOptions: kmax <= 0 now disables keyframes, + kmax == 1 forces all keyframes. See + mux.h and the gif2webp manpage for + details. +- changes from 0.5.2 + - This release covers CVE-2016-8888 and CVE-2016-9085. + - further security related hardening in the tools; fixes to + gif2webp/AnimEncoder (issues #310, #314, #316, #322), + cwebp/libwebp (issue #312) + - full libwebp (encoder & decoder) iOS framework; libwebpdecoder + WebP.framework renamed to WebPDecoder.framework (issue #307) + - CMake support for Android Studio (2.2) + - miscellaneous build related fixes (issue #306, #313) + - miscellaneous documentation improvements (issue #225) + - minor lossy encoder fixes and improvements +- changes from 0.5.1 + - miscellaneous bug fixes (issues #280, #289) + - reverted alpha plane encoding with color cache for + compatibility with libwebp 0.4.0->0.4.3 (issues #291, #298) + - lossless encoding performance improvements + - memory reduction in both lossless encoding and decoding + - force mux output to be in the extended format (VP8X) when + undefined chunks are present (issue #294) + - gradle, cmake build support + - workaround for compiler bug causing 64-bit decode failures on + android devices using clang-3.8 in the r11c NDK + - various WebPAnimEncoder improvements +- disable extras for now. it seems it is not building and + installing a library anymore + +- Update baselibs.conf + +- Update to 0.5.0 + * miscellaneous bug & build fixes (issues #234, #258, #274, #275, + [#278]) + * encoder & decoder speed-ups on x86/ARM/MIPS for lossy & + lossless + + note! YUV->RGB conversion was sped-up, but the results will + be slightly different from previous releases + * various lossless encoder improvements + * gif2webp improvements, -min_size option added + * tools fully support input from stdin and output to stdout (issue + [#168]) + * New WebPAnimEncoder API for creating animations + * New WebPAnimDecoder API for decoding animations + * other API changes: + + libwebp: + WebPPictureSmartARGBToYUVA() (-pre 4 in cwebp) + WebPConfig::exact (-exact in cwebp; -alpha_cleanup is now the + default) + WebPConfig::near_lossless (-near_lossless in cwebp) + WebPFree() (free'ing webp allocated memory in other + languages) + WebPConfigLosslessPreset() + WebPMemoryWriterClear() + + libwebpdemux: removed experimental fragment related fields + and functions + + libwebpmux: WebPMuxSetCanvasSize() + * new libwebpextras library with some uncommon import functions: + WebPImportGray/WebPImportRGB565/WebPImportRGB4444 +- Make building more verbose + +- Update to version 0.4.4 + * rescaling out-of-bounds read fix (issue #254) + * various build fixes and improvements (issues #253, #259, #262, #267, #268) + * container documentation update + * gif2webp transparency fix (issue #245) +- Add freeglut-devel build requires + +- Add libwebp-devel to baselibs.conf [bnc#936417] + +- remove aarch64-disable-neon.diff: compiler was fixed, neon + can be compiled now + +- Update to new upstream release 0.4.3 + * lossless decode fix and a multi-threading fix + * documentation / vwebp updates for animation + +- Update baselibs.conf: make it match the currently build library + packages. + +- update to 0.4.2: + This is a binary compatible release. + * Android / gcc build fixes + * (Windows) fix reading from stdin and writing to stdout + * gif2webp: miscellaneous fixes + * fix 'alpha-leak' with lossy compression (issue #220) + * the lossless bitstream spec has been amended to reflect the current code +- add aarch64-disable-neon.diff: work around compile failure with + neon on aarch64. +- add libwebpdecoder1 subpackage + nextcloud +- Update to 23.0.5 + * Fix boo#1199812 + - CVE-2022-29163 (CWE-671): User can create a link that is not + password protected even if the administrator requires it + * Changes + - Use the nextcloud certificate bundle for s3 (server#31818) + - Federated share performance improvements (server#31902) + - Principal search by display name case insensitive (server#31976) + - Log why the login token can’t be used for credentials (server#31978) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.4 to 8.2.5 (server#32100) + - Bump moment from 2.29.2 to 2.29.3 (server#32101) + - Fix showing of all apps are up-to-date in apps management (server#32115) + - Do not update _lastChanged on auto-detected attributes (server#32120) + - Tell mysql to ignore the sort index for search queries (server#32124) + - Get not only time-sensitive next job from list but any when not in cron-mode (server#32131) + - Update description of cronjob settings to be aligned to the documenta… (server#32135) + - Fx translations with trailing colon (server#32160) + - L10n: Change apostrophe (server#32174) + - Fix social sharing buttons (server#32182) + - Don’t use plain URL on the email subject (server#32247) + - Don’t use hash to check if binding worked (server#32284) + - Fix preview generator trying to recreate an existing folder (server#32323) + - Fix for transferring ownership of groupfolders (server#32330) + - Bump @testing-library/vue from 5.8.2 to 5.8.3 (server#32334) + - Explicitly close div element (server#32417) + - Fix user agent trimming on installation (server#32420) + - Show user account on grant loginflow step (server#32422) + - Add Email validation (server#32474) + - Fix array key on import() (circles#1027) + - Switch to getOption() (circles#1043) + - Add new diagram templates (example-files#24) + - Update phpunit workflows (files_pdfviewer#600) + - Prevent video file downloads when there is a download limit (files_videoplayer#276) + - Fix password generation (password_policy#358) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.4 to 8.2.5 (privacy#764) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.12 to 1.23.13 (text#2348) + - Improve preloading (viewer#1232) +- Changes from 23.0.4 + - Run tests with primary object storage in CI + large upload fixes (server#31453) + - User_ldap fix ldap connection resets #31421 (server#31514) + - Validate overwrite.cli.url to be a url in setup check (server#31518) + - Fix duplicated UUID detection when there are empty uuids (server#31521) + - Fix occ user:add-app-password (server#31536) + - Fix the logger that is imported for critical actions (server#31540) + - Toggle profile globally (server#31624) + - Improve imagick, bcmath and gmp extension warnings (server#31634) + - Add optional WebDav propfind properties to count sub elements (server#31641) + - Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage (server#31656) + - Do not forget DB table prefix with truncate query (server#31666) + - Limit the length of app password names (server#31678) + - Add OPcache recommendations to Transifex (server#31705) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 (server#31721) + - Add oauth2_clients migration for Owncloud (server#31730) + - Don’t create cards_abiduri it if already exists (server#31733) + - Show that the web updater is not recommended on big instances (server#31740) + - Add direct arg to login flow (server#31748) + - Wrap oauth2 migrations inside conditions (server#31774) + - Fix assignment of the LDAP Wizard connection (server#31785) + - Fix ldap wizard styling (server#31804) + - Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 1.8.3 to 1.8.5 (server#31821) + - Ignore errors when searching for bundled preview (server#31831) + - Deduplicate storage ids in list before reusing (server#31835) + - Dont re-query fileinfo when getting dav quota (server#31836) + - Take permissions from multiple paths into account for share permissions (server#31846) + - Log in audit log federated shares events (server#31856) + - Update autoloaders and Node package-lock.json (server#31862) + - Fix incorrect if conditions in View (server#31878) + - Do not decorate the CLI output if it’s explicitly turned off (server#31880) + - Fix _App::getCurrentApp() when being called from CLI or phpunit (server#31882) + - Bump moment from 2.29.1 to 2.29.2 (server#31913) + - Fix shared mount roots not being returned from getSharesInFolder (server#31923) + - Confirm user is internal to globalscale (server#31940) + - AmazonS3: allow not implemented versioning (server#31946) + - Fix accept/reject remote share action (server#31949) + - Update CRL after revocation of socialsharing_telegram.csr (server#31955) + - Fix LDAP Dark Theme Issue (server#31968) + - Bump guzzlehttp/psr7 from 1.8.3 to 1.8.5 (3rdparty#1016) + - Fallback to the admin settings if the user did not configure it (activity#781) + - Bypass/limit permissions (circles#1001) + - Update memberships on path change (circles#1007) + - Check owner attendance (circles#1010) + - Remove child shares (circles#1015) + - Update displayName (circles#1017) + - Oracle support (circles#978) + - Limit some feature when Circles is managed by an app (circles#982) + - Use stable23 for oci tests (circles#985) + - Missing $prec (circles#995) + - Update population (circles#997) + - Disable social recommendation (firstrunwizard#693) + - Fix settings navigation order (firstrunwizard#697) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.3 to 8.2.4 (privacy#752) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.7 to 1.23.9 (text#2233) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.9 to 1.23.10 (text#2259) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.10 to 1.23.11 (text#2274) + - Fix: menu bubble size at the end of the line (text#2277) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.11 to 1.23.12 (text#2286) + - Properly cancel and reset ongoing streams when unmounting (viewer#1208) +- Changes from 23.0.3 + - Allow writing audit log to syslog and systemdlog (server#30852) + - Allow to disable AuthToken v1 (server#30949) + - Add primary key for ratelimit table (server#30965) + - Bump samba images in tests (server#30967) + - Update variables.scss - Fallback font before Noto Color Emoji (server#30969) + - Show if the mail server settings are not set or verified (server#30998) + - Use the unjailed-path in OC_Helper::getStorageInfo() for files located in SharedStorage. (server#30999) + - Fix: Birthday events missing after reimporting contacts (server#31000) + - Bump clipboard from 2.0.9 to 2.0.10 (server#31023) + - Fix bugs with incorrect currentFileList in the favorite and share by you view (server#31050) + - Allow specify a config prefix for another database connection (server#31059) + - Don't provide favorite activity settings (server#31084) + - Only setup part of the filesystem for appdata requests (server#31098) + - Allow sub-admins to access delegated settings. (server#31102) + - Ignore contact interaction with self (server#31120) + - Fix overlapping buttons in apps-management (server#31179) + - Fix typo in DAV namespace registration (server#31183) + - Fix a broken tooltip (server#31184) + - Improve user status revert performance (server#31192) + - Fix path handling when transferring incoming shares (server#31204) + - Bump dompurify from 2.3.5 to 2.3.6 (server#31226) + - Improve caching policy use immutable when loading versionned assets (server#31244) + - Hide download button for images (server#31253) + - Don't redirect when loading files index page (server#31255) + - Consider only reminders with calendar data (server#31262) + - Also cache non-existing to reuse it (server#31297) + - Ignore cache in occ ldap:check-ldap command (server#31299) + - Wrap S3 multipart upload exception (server#31302) + - Fix ldap:check-user method for newly created LDAP users (server#31306) + - Avoid PHP errors in the checkers drone step (server#31313) + - Background job time windows (server#31318) + - Mark split database configs as sensitive (server#31331) + - Update CRL after revocation of rocket_integration.csr (server#31350) + - Bump backbone from 1.4.0 to 1.4.1 (server#31369) + - Make Sabre File exception messages translatable (server#31392) + - Censor more configs (server#31399) + - Don't set up full filesystem to check for certificates (server#31401) + - Also use hashed/indexed column on delete (server#31402) + - Fix caching of the user avatar (server#31410) + - Fix duplicate primary email message (server#31412) + - Fix developer link (server#31423) + - Fix fileactions for sharing overview (server#31424) + - Prevent default right-click options when hideDownload is enabled (server#31427) + - Fix return type of avatar file (server#31432) + - Fix "Nextcloud is not allowed to use the OPcache API" warning (server#31437) + - Add Nextcloud docs link to OPcache recommends (server#31438) + - Be conservative when reading from fresh created column (server#31442) + - Init user's file system if not existing on ownership transfer (server#31445) + - Use persistent connections when connecting to redis (server#31450) + - Fix settings error message timeout (server#31457) + - Connectivity check: allow using the protocol in 'connectivity_check_domains' (server#31479) + - Add option to disallow creation of local storages (server#31481) + - Fix too many file download notifications when watching a video (server#31485) + - Fix new file menu (server#31490) + - Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage (server#31529) + - Fix user status not resetting correctly after a call (server#31543) + - Prevent reading key on SFTP stat bool (server#31547) + - Fix more than 1000 entries in queries exception in CardDavBackend (server#31550) + - Update CRL after revoke deckimportfromtrello.csr (server#31618) + - Revert "Fix listeners declaration in case of occ usage" (server#31642) + - Try to reduce the load from writing (activity#731) + - Allow specify a config prefix for another database connection (activity#735) + - Adjust nextcloud lib version (activity#739) + - Make background job time insensitive (activity#741) + - Fix cached circle returning bool before being parsed as JSON (circles#932) + - MembershipsService -> membershipService (circles#934) + - Block/force circle types (circles#938) + - Set member as INVITED only if not external (circles#940) + - Allow configuration of one single password per circle (circles#944) + - Display spent time on request (circles#949) + - Lighter SQL requests and compat with Oracle (circles#956) + - Update population (circles#959) + - Fix PrimaryKey on circles_event (circles#965) + - Fix import (circles#970) + - Only refresh notifications once with notify push (notifications#1155) + - Improve mass notification processing (notifications#1156) + - Bump url-parse from 1.5.4 to 1.5.10 (photos#1043) + - Fix privacy UI with subscription (privacy#707) + - Bump vue-loader from 15.9.6 to 15.9.8 (privacy#712) + - Bump @nextcloud/babel-config from 1.0.0-beta.1 to 1.0.0 (privacy#715) + - Bump @babel/core from 7.13.15 to 7.13.16 (privacy#718) + - Bump eslint-import-resolver-webpack from 0.13.0 to 0.13.2 (privacy#721) + - Bump babel-loader from 8.2.2 to 8.2.3 (privacy#724) + - Bump sass from 1.32.10 to 1.32.13 (privacy#731) + - Bump vue and vue-template-compiler (privacy#732) + - Bump eslint-config-standard from 16.0.2 to 16.0.3 (privacy#733) + - Bump node-polyfill-webpack-plugin from 1.1.0 to 1.1.4 (privacy#734) + - Bump eslint-webpack-plugin from 2.5.3 to 2.5.4 (privacy#738) + - Add index for last_contact in text_sessions table (text#2147) + - Use file.path to track EditorWrapper instances more accurately (text#2150) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-transform from 1.3.3 to 1.3.4 (text#2159) + - Fix: only apply bullet style to ul > li (text#2195) + - Build(deps): bump prosemirror-view from 1.23.6 to 1.23.7 (text#2207) + - Fix: update psalm baseline to account for changes in server (text#2208) + - Derpgon cz fix/stable23/image data urls (text#2210) + - Display content first and then load menus (text#2228) + - Build(deps-dev): bump @babel/plugin-proposal-class-properties from 7.16.0 to 7.16.7 (viewer#1171) + - Build(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/webpack-vue-config from 4.1.0 to 4.1.4 (viewer#1174) + - Build(deps): bump camelcase from 6.2.0 to 6.2.1 (viewer#1175) + - Build(deps): bump @nextcloud/event-bus from 2.1.0 to 2.1.1 (viewer#1176) + - Build(deps-dev): bump @cypress/browserify-preprocessor from 3.0.1 to 3.0.2 (viewer#1178) + - Build(deps-dev): bump @nextcloud/eslint-config from 6.1.0 to 6.1.2 (viewer#1179) + - Build(deps-dev): bump wait-on from 6.0.0 to 6.0.1 (viewer#1180) + openSUSE-EULAs +- Update to version 84.87.20220520.1491bf6: + * license for Mesa-dri-nouveau no longer needed (boo#1186721) + * Prepare for deepin-feature-enable + +- Update to version 84.87.20220225.c939427: + * Use https instead of git + openal-soft -- Remove Apache-2.0 licensed file during %prep since we actually don't - need it so we're sure not to use it. -- Use %license tag - -- add fix-neon-build.patch for armv7l build - -- Add missing dependency for JACK backend - -- Update to 1.17.2 - * Implemented device enumeration for OSSv4. - * Fixed building on non-Windows systems without POSIX-2008. - * Fixed Dedicated Dialog and Dedicated LFE effect output. - * Added a build option to override the share install dir. - * Added a build option to static-link libgcc for MinGW. -- Changes for 1.17.1 - * Fixed building with JACK and without PulseAudio. - * Fixed building on FreeBSD. - * Fixed the ALSA backend's allow-resampler option. - * Fixed handling of inexact ALSA period counts. - * Altered device naming scheme on Windows backends to better - match other drivers. - * Updated the CoreAudio backend to use the AudioComponent API. - This clears up deprecation warnings for OSX 10.11, although - requires OSX 10.6 or newer. -- Changes for 1.17.0 - * Implemented a JACK playback backend. - * Implemented the AL_EXT_BFORMAT and AL_EXT_MULAW_BFORMAT - extensions. - * Implemented the ALC_SOFT_HRTF extension. - * Implemented C, SSE3, and SSE4.1 based 4- and 8-point Sinc - resamplers. - * Implemented a C and SSE based band-limited Sinc resampler. - This does 12- to 24-point Sinc resampling, and performs - anti-aliasing. - * Implemented B-Format output support for the wave file writer. - This creates FuMa-style first-order Ambisonics wave files - (AMB format). - * Implemented a stereo-mode config option for treating stereo - modes as either speakers or headphones. - * Implemented per-device configuration options. - * Fixed handling of PulseAudio and MMDevAPI devices that have - identical descriptions. - * Fixed a potential lockup when stopping playback of suspended - PulseAudio devices. - * Fixed logging of Unicode characters on Windows. - * Fixed 5.1 surround sound channels. By default it will now - use the side channels for the surround output. A - configuration using rear channels is still available. - * Fixed the QSA backend potentially altering the capture - format. -- Update project and download url -- Dropped upstreamed fix-neon-build.patch -- Refreshed openal-no-autospawn.diff - -- replace openal-soft-arm_neon-only-for-32bit.patch with - fix-neon-build.patch to fix the build instead of disabling neon - -- add openal-soft-arm_neon-only-for-32bit.patch to fix build - on aarch64 - -- baselibs for -devel too for building wine. - -- Use %cmake_install macro -- Add dependency on pkg-config -- Remove missingok from ghost file, it should not be needed - -- remove conflicts with openal. That package doesn't exist since - 11.1 and actually only the library conflicts. -- add back ldconfig calls for libopenal0 -- mark alsoft.conf as %config(noreplace,missingok) to silence - rpmlint once the rpmlint bug is fixed. - -- Update to version 1.16.0 - * Implemented EFX Chorus, Flanger, Distortion, Equalizer, and Compressor - effects. - * Implemented high-pass and band-pass EFX filters. - * Implemented the high-pass filter for the EAXReverb effect. - * Implemented SSE2 and SSE4.1 linear resamplers. - * Implemented Neon-enhanced non-HRTF mixers. - * Implemented a QSA backend, for QNX. - * Implemented the ALC_SOFT_pause_device, AL_SOFT_deferred_updates, - * AL_SOFT_block_alignment, AL_SOFT_MSADPCM, and AL_SOFT_source_length - extensions. - * Fixed resetting mmdevapi backend devices. - * Fixed clamping when converting 32-bit float samples to integer. - * Fixed modulation range in the Modulator effect. - * Several fixes for the OpenSL playback backend. - * Fixed device specifier names that have Unicode characters on Windows. - * Added support for filenames and paths with Unicode (UTF-8) characters on - Windows. - * Added support for alsoft.conf config files found in XDG Base Directory - * Specification locations (XDG_CONFIG_DIRS and XDG_CONFIG_HOME, or their - defaults) on non-Windows systems. - * Added a GUI configuration utility (requires Qt 4.8). - * Added support for environment variable expansion in config options (not - keys or section names). - * Added an example that uses SDL2 and ffmpeg. - * Modified examples to use SDL_sound. - * Modified CMake config option names for better sorting. - * HRTF data sets specified in the hrtf_tables config option may now be - relative or absolute filenames. - * Made the default HRTF data set an external file, and added a data set for - 48khz playback in addition to 44.1khz. - * Added support for C11 atomic methods. - * Improved support for some non-GNU build systems. -- Add gcc-c++ requirement; new dependency -- Use %cmake macro - pam -- Between allocating the variable "ai" and free'ing them, there are - two "return NO" were we don't free this variable. This patch - inserts freaddrinfo() calls before the "return NO;"s. - [bsc#1197024, pam-bsc1197024-free-addrinfo-before-return.patch] - -- Define _pam_vendordir as "/%{_sysconfdir}/pam.d" - The variable is needed by systemd and others. - [bsc#1196093, macros.pam] - -- Corrected a bad directive file which resulted in - the "securetty" file to be installed as "macros.pam". - [pam.spec] - -- Added tmpfiles for pam to set up directory for pam_faillock. - [pam.conf] - -- Corrected macros.pam entry for %_pam_moduledir - Cleanup in pam.spec: - * Replaced all references to ${_lib}/security in pam.spec by - %{_pam_moduledir} - * Removed definition of (unused) "amdir". - -- Added new file macros.pam on request of systemd. - [bsc#1190052, macros.pam] - -- Added pam_faillock to the set of modules. - [jsc#sle-20638, pam-sle20638-add-pam_faillock.patch] - -- In the 32-bit compatibility package for 64-bit architectures, - require "systemd-32bit" to be also installed as it contains - for 32 bit applications. - [bsc#1185562, baselibs.conf] - -- If "LOCAL" is configured in access.conf, and a login attempt from - a remote host is made, pam_access tries to resolve "LOCAL" as - a hostname and logs a failure. - Checking explicitly for "LOCAL" and rejecting access in this case - resolves this issue. - [bsc#1184358, bsc1184358-prevent-LOCAL-from-being-resolved.patch] - -- pam_limits: "unlimited" is not a legitimate value for "nofile" - (see setrlimit(2)). So, when "nofile" is set to one of the - "unlimited" values, it is set to the contents of - "/proc/sys/fs/nr_open" instead. - Also changed the manpage of pam_limits to express this. - [bsc#1181443, pam-bsc1181443-make-nofile-unlimited-mean-nr_open.patch] - -- Add a definition for pamdir to pam.spec - So that a proper contents of macros.pam can be constructed. - [pam.spec] - -- Create macros.pam with definition of %_pamdir so packages which - are commonly shared between Factory and SLE can use this macro - [pam.spec] - -- pam_cracklib: added code to check whether the password contains - a substring of of the user's name of at least characters length - in some form. - This is enabled by the new parameter "usersubstr=" - See - [jsc#SLE-16719, jsc#SLE-16720, pam-pam_cracklib-add-usersubstr.patch] - -- pam_xauth.c: do not free() a string which has been (successfully) - passed to putenv(). - [bsc#1177858, pam-bsc1177858-dont-free-environment-string.patch] - -- Initialize pam_unix pam_sm_acct_mgmt() local variable "daysleft" - to avoid spurious (and misleading) - Warning: your password will expire in ... days. - fixed upstream with commit db6b293046a - [bsc#1178727, pam-bsc1178727-initialize-daysleft.patch] - -- /usr/bin/xauth chokes on the old user's $HOME being on an NFS - file system. Run /usr/bin/xauth using the old user's uid/gid - Patch courtesy of Dr. Werner Fink. - [bsc#1174593, pam-xauth_ownership.patch] - -- Moved pam_userdb to a separate package pam-extra. - [bsc#1166510, pam.spec] - -- disable libdb usage and pam_userdb again, as this causes some license - conflicts. (bsc#1166510) - -- Add libdb as build-time dependency to enable pam_userdb module. - Enable - [jsc#sle-7258, bsc#1164562, pam.spec] - -- When comparing an incoming IP address with an entry in - access.conf that only specified a single host (ie no netmask), - the incoming IP address was used rather than the IP address from - access.conf, effectively comparing the incoming address with - itself. (Also fixed a small typo while I was at it) - [bsc#1115640, use-correct-IP-address.patch, CVE-2018-17953] - -- Remove limits for nproc from /etc/security/limits.conf - ie remove pam-limit-nproc.patch - [bsc#1110700, pam-limit-nproc.patch] - -- pam_umask.8 needed to be patched as well. - [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch] - -- Changed order of configuration files to reflect actual code. - [bsc#1089884, pam-fix-config-order-in-manpage.patch] - -- Use %license (boo#1082318) - -- Prerequire group(shadow), user(root) - -- Allow symbolic hostnames in access.conf file. - [pam-hostnames-in-access_conf.patch, boo#1019866] - -- Increased nproc limits for non-privileged users to 4069/16384. - Removed limits for "root". - [pam-limit-nproc.patch, bsc#1012494, bsc#1013706] - -- pam-limit-nproc.patch: increased process limit to help - Chrome/Chromuim users with really lots of tabs. New limit gets - closer to UserTasksMax parameter in logind.conf - -- Add doc directory to filelist. - -- Remove obsolete README.pam_tally [bsc#977973] - -- Update Linux-PAM to version 1.3.0 -- Rediff encryption_method_nis.diff -- Link pam_unix against libtirpc and external libnsl to enable - IPv6 support. - -- Add /sbin/unix2_chkpwd (moved from pam-modules) - -- Remove (since accepted upstream): - - 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch - - 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch - - 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch - - 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch - - 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch - -- Add 0005-Use-TI-RPC-functions-if-we-compile-and-link-against-.patch - - Replace IPv4 only functions - -- Fix typo in common-account.pamd [bnc#959439] - -- Add 0004-PAM_EXTERN-isn-t-needed-anymore-but-don-t-remove-it-.patch - - readd PAM_EXTERN for external PAM modules - -- Add 0001-Remove-YP-dependencies-from-pam_access-they-were-nev.patch -- Add 0002-Remove-enable-static-modules-option-and-support-from.patch -- Add 0003-fix-nis-checks.patch - -- Add folder /etc/security/limits.d as mentioned in 'man pam_limits' - -- Update to version 1.2.1 - - security update for CVE-2015-3238 - -- Update to version 1.2.0 - - obsoletes Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff - -- Re-add lost patch encryption_method_nis.diff [bnc#906660] - -- Update to current git: - - Linux-PAM-git-20150109.diff replaces Linux-PAM-git-20140127.diff - - obsoletes pam_loginuid-log_write_errors.diff - - obsoletes pam_xauth-sigpipe.diff - - obsoletes bug-870433_pam_timestamp-fix-directory-traversal.patch - -- increase process limit to 1200 to help chromium users with many tabs - polkit-qt5-1 -- Drop the unneeded baselibs.conf. - -- New upstream release 0.114.0 -- Changes since 0.113.0: - * Use feature_summary() - * Drop PolkitQt1::version*() API declaration, never implemented - * Use target_sources to directly set sources instead of helper vars - * Include headers in example & test like external consumer would - * Set include dirs for linking libraries during build by target interface - * Generate version & config file in core build dir - * Use individual export headers/macros per each library - * Remove outdated template FindPolkitQt.cmake - * Remove module prefix from Qt includes in public headers - * Link polkit-qt-test to agent lib target, an include is used - * Remove module prefix from Qt includes of non-public headers - * Remove unused include - * Remove unneeded/unused include_directories - * Use more override - * Use more nullptr - * Port away from legacy LINK_PUBLIC & LINK_PRIVATE - * Fully qualify slot argument - * Use QStringLiteral - * Convert license statements to SPDX expressions - * Remove unused cmake macro files - * Enable CMAKE_AUTOUIC and CMAKE_AUTORCC - * Let cmake set the C++ standard - * Port from Q_ENUMS to Q_ENUM - * Make use of PkgConfig to find dependencies - * Use Q_DECLARE_OPERATORS_FOR_FLAGS in same namespace as flags definition - * Use more nullptr - * API dox: reference KDE Frameworks, no longer KDE Development Platform - * Support API documentation generation with kapidox - * Make it compile without deprecated method -- Use %cmake_build instead of %make_jobs for compiling - sane-backends +- sane-backends version upgrade to 1.0.32 for SLE15: + * sane-backends version upgrade to 1.0.32 + to fix bugs in sane-backends version 1.0.31 in particular + + double height image with the avision backend (bsc#1179065) + to avoid regressions by hardware enablement for scanners + (jsc#SLE-15561 and jsc#SLE-15560 with jsc#ECO-2418) + cf. the entry below dated "Wed Oct 14 11:17:03 CEST 2020" + +- Remove udev rules mangling for USB devices (ATTR vs ATTRS) (!510) +- Do no add SCSI id twice for EPSON Perfection 1640SU (!509) + +- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.32 + Changes since 1.0.31 + see + Numbers of the form '(#NNN)' usually mean upstream issues like + and numbers + of the form '(!MMM)' usually mean upstream merge requests like + + Backends + * all backends now respect the 'local_only' parameter when 'true' + is passed to 'sane_get_devices()' in that they do not actively + go out looking for networked devices (!502) + * 'artec_eplus48u': fixes configuration for AstraSlim SE (!545) + * 'avision': adds the AV186+ and AV188 as supported (!532) + * 'avision': fixes doubled height issue (#402) + * 'avision': fixes a debug message and compiler warning (!515) + * 'canon_dr': adds support for the DR-C120 and DR-C130 (#175) + * 'canon_dr': adds support for uploading of fine calibration + uploads + * 'canon_dr': enables fine calibration for the P-208 + * 'canon_dr': improves DR-C225 support (#431) + * 'canon_lide70': adds support for document scanning + on the Canon LiDE 600(F), thanks to a hardware donation + by Georg Sauthoff + * 'dll': fixes a memory leak (!537) + * 'epson2': adds support for the ET-2600 (#395) + * 'epson2': adds autofocus support for devices + that support it (!531) + * 'epson2': fixes brightness support for DS-G20000/12000XL (!529) + * 'epson2': fixes an unchecked return value issue (!526) + * 'escl': adds support for brightness, threshold, sharpen + and contrast options (!527, !528) + * 'escl': adds support for LaserJet FLowMFP M578 + and MFP M630 (#424) + * 'escl': adds support for DeskJet 2710, 2723 (!519) + and 3760 (!554) + * 'escl': adds support for the PIXMA TS-5351 (!544) + and MG5765 (!517) + * 'escl': adds support for the Brother HL-L258DW (!517) + * 'escl': fixes Avahi device discovery (!536) + * 'escl': fixes crashes for devices without a flatbed (!554) + * 'escl': fixes segfaults in option handling (!557) + * 'escl': fixes sleep mode (!577) + * 'escl': fixes builds without libpoppler-glib-dev (#422) + * 'escl': fixes a memory issue in its capability handling (#425) + * 'fujitsu': fixes brightness/contrast for the iX500 + * 'fujitsu': fixes memory corruption for duplex scans + * 'genesys': disables support for CanoScan 4400F to prevent + possible physical damage (#436) + * 'gt68xx': fixes scan cancellation logic (#356) + * 'pixma': adds untested support for models + released in 2020 (!553) + * 'pixma': adds support for ADF scans on the i-SENSYS MF260 + * 'pixma': adds support for PIXMA M340 buttons + and ADF status (!513) + * 'pixma': adds an option to control when to calibrate (#321) + * 'pixma': fixes support for the MX492 (!548) + * 'pixma': fixes ADF support for the MX490 Series + * 'pixma': fixes max resolution for ADF scans + on the PIXMA M320 (#364) + * 'pixma': fixes compile errors when libxml2 + is not available (#345) + * 'plustek': fixes CanoScanN650u discovery (#137) + * 'test': fixes several memory leaks (!537) + Frontends + * 'saned': add support for listening on a custom + or ephemeral port via a new '-p'/'--port' option (!549) + * 'scanimage': fixes crashes for multi-pass + and handheld scans (#408) + * 'scanimage': fixes a memory leak (!551) + * 'scanimage': fixes option handling + for non-compliant backends (#362) + Documentation + * updates our copy of the GPL with the FSF's current postal + address. This changes references to the Library GPL (LGPL-2.0) + into refs to the Lesser GPL (LGPL-2.1) but does *not* affect + the licensing of our backends (#320). + * source code now points to the Free Software Foundation's + website for copies of the GPL and LGPL (#320) + * updates translations for British English and Ukrainian + * adds a pointer to our Ubuntu PPA for pre-built binaries + * adds SCSI IDs for the EPSON Perfection 1640SU (!509) + * fixes a boat-load of spelling mistakes (!516, thanks @marschap) + * updates description files for 'scangearmp2' + and 'utsushi' external backends + Build + * removes support for 'automake' maintainer mode (!522) + * removes 'sane' subdirectory from the lock directory + to fix issues when the lock directory is on 'tmpfs' (#363) + * adds support for builds using GitLab "source" tarballs (#248) + * fixes static link scenarios (#124) + * fixes 'python' invocations to use the detected program (!525) + * disables 'genesys' testsuite when that backend + is not built (#354) + * suppresses warnings about obsolete autoconf macros (#122) + * fixes availability of sane-backends.pot file inputs (#344) + * fixes '' for use with 'autoconf-2.70' (#409) + * removes CVS keywords from the source to ease use + by downstreams that still use CVS (!547) + Miscellaneous + * udev rules now trigger on all events other + than 'remove' (!541). This aims to address a kernel API change + introduced in 4.14. The new behaviour may slow down udev's + processing of kernel events when still using our plain 'udev' + or 'udev+acl' rules, even though these have been optimized + slightly (#341). If that bothers you, now is a good time + to switch to our 'udev+hwdb' rules in combination with + the 'hwdb' database if you have not done so already. + +- sane-backends version upgrade to 1.0.31 for SLE15: + * sane-backends version upgrade to 1.0.30 + fixes memory corruption bugs CVE-2020-12861, CVE-2020-12862, + CVE-2020-12863, CVE-2020-12864, CVE-2020-12865, + CVE-2020-12866, CVE-2020-12867 (bsc#1172524) + cf. the entry below dated "Tue Aug 18 15:15:05 UTC 2020" + * sane-backends version upgrade to 1.0.31 + to further improve hardware enablement for scanner devices + (jsc#SLE-15561 and jsc#SLE-15560 with jsc#ECO-2418) + * The new sane-backends version requires additionally the + libpoppler-glib8 RPM (because of the new escl backend) + which is provided by the SLE15 Basesystem-Module. + +- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.31 + Changes since 1.0.30 + see + Backends + * adds the canon_lide70 backend + * avision: adds support for the KODAK i1120, + fixes thread cancellation issues, + disables exposure option for non-filmscanners + * canon_dr: improves error reporting + * dmc: fixes compiler warnings on the scan area options + * epsonds: rewrites the network I/O following changes + made to the epson2 backend in 1.0.30 to fix security issues. + Network support is still unsupported. + * escl: adds ADF support, fixes many minor issues and improves + error handling. Now also supports devices behind a proxy + (needs explicit configuration). + * fujitsu: adds support for the fi-800R and a card scanning + slot, fixes a bug when reading hardware sensors on the first + invocation. Adds USB IDs for fi-7800 and fi-7900. + * genesys: adds support for the Canon 5600F, Canon LiDE 90, + Plustek OpticFilm 7200 and 7200 (v2), 7400, 7600i, 8100 + and 8200i. Fixes several issues with the Canon 8600F. + Adds 4800dpi support for the Canon LiDE 210 and fixes 3200dpi + flatbed support on the Canon 8400F. Adds an option to fill + dark calibration with a constant. Adds transparency support + for gl847 chipset based devices. Fixes CIS scanner support + for gl842 chipset based devices. Removes lineart and image + enhancement emulation support. + * gphoto: supports the PLANon DocuPen RC800 (with a recent + enough version of gphoto2) + * gt68xx: modifies scan cancellation behaviour + * hp5400: adds button support, fixes a scan cancellation + crash issue + * pixma: add supports for the i-SENSYS MF440 Series and untested + support for the PIXMMA G7000 Series and GM4000 Series as well + as the i-SENSYS MF720 Series. + * plustek: fixes a potential buffer overrun + * test: adds gamma options + Documentation + * removes the SANE Standard. This is now maintained + as a separate project at + + HTML and PDF versions can be found at + + * adds and updates information for multiple supported and + unsupported devices + * translation updates for British English, French, German, + Italian and Ukranian + * scanimage: documents the JPEG compression level + * minor improvements documenting build requirements + Build + * removes the --with-api-spec option from configure + * replaces the --enable-avahi option with an --with-avahi + that defaults to enabling if possible. If the option is given + and the required support is not available, configure will + exit with an error. + * improves checking for libjpeg version dependent requirements + * has been made reproducable (upstream issue 228) + * fixes build issues on MinGW + Miscellaneous + * various fixes and improvements in the USB record/replay support + * fixes a file descriptor validation test in sanei_pio + * adds missing include in sanei_usb +- sane-backends.builttime.patch is no longer needed because the + issue + is fixed in the upstream sources + +- Update to 1.0.30: + * epson2: fixes CVE-2020-12867 (GHSL-2020-075) and several memory + management issues found while addressing that CVE + * epsonds: addresses out-of-bound memory access issues to fix + CVE-2020-12862 (GHSL-2020-082) and CVE-2020-12863 (GHSL-2020-083), + addresses a buffer overflow fixing CVE-2020-12865 (GHSL-2020-084) + and disables network autodiscovery to mitigate CVE-2020-12866 + (GHSL-2020-079), CVE-2020-12861 (GHSL-2020-080) and CVE-2020-12864 + (GHSL-2020-081). Note that this backend does not support network + scanners to begin with. + * magicolor: fixes a floating point exception and uninitialized data + read + * fixes an overflow in sanei_tcp_read() + +- Update to 1.0.29: + * Backends + + adds an escl backend (theoretically supporting all AirPrint + devices with a scan unit) + + adds support for 23 new scanner models via existing backends + + significantly changes genesys and pixma backends + + fixes bugs in canon_dr, fujitsu, hp3900, mustek_usb2, + plustek and xerox_mfp backends + + fixes all compiler warnings on Debian 10 (#120) + + fixes portability issues for uClibc-ng and MacOS builds + + adds support to record and replay USB I/O traffic + + adds timestamps to debug logs + * Frontends + + fixes a 32-bit arithmetic overflow issue in scanimage + * Documentation + + updates translations for British English, Catalan, German, + Ukrainian, Valencian + + adds scangearmp2 external backend descriptions + + updates hpaio and utsushi external backend descriptions + + adds the ChangeLogs/ directory to the source tarball (#103) + * Build + + additionally requires libcurl and libxml2 to build the + escl backend + + requires libxml2 for USB I/O recording and replay + functionality + + re-enables pthread support for backends that use its API + directly, irrespective of the pthread_t type (#153) + + moves genesys and pixma backends to a directory of their own +- Update to 1.0.28: + * Backends + + adds a ricoh2 backend + + adds support for 40+ new scanner models + + significantly changes canon_dr, fujitsu, genesys, gt68xx, + + hp5590 and, pixma backends + + fixes bugs in as6e, avision, mustek and plustek backends + + fixes scores of compiler warnings + * Frontends + + adds, changes and removes options for saned (see man 8 saned + for details) + - adds: -l (listen), -D (daemonize), -o (once), + - e (stderr), -u (user) + - removes: -s (syslog). Use -a -d level -o -f for the + old behavior + - changes: -d (debug). Use -a -d level -o -f -e for the + old behavior + + saned now cancels scans if the data connections appears to + have gone away (after 4 seconds by default, configurable in + saned.conf) + + adds --output-file option to scanimage + + adds --help option to scan-find-scanner + + changes sane-desc to create relative hyperlinks + * Documentation + + adds translations for Catalan, Hebrew and Valencian + + updates translations for British English, Dutch, German and + + Ukrainian + + marks unmaintained backends as such + + documents USB workaround in sane-usb manual page + * Build + + requires a C++11 compatible compiler for the genesys backend + + requires a JPEG library when building the pixma backend + + fixes unneeded linking when not using preloadable backend + support + + disables pthread support for systems with non-integral + pthread_t type + + normalizes trailing whitespace in source code files. If you + have local patches that no longer apply, have a look at the + whitespace ignoring options of patch and git apply. +- Rebased patches: + * sane-backends.builttime.patch +- Dropped patches: + * no-descriptions-external-hpoj.patch + +- Replaced the non-working saned@.service with the simpler kind + according to the second template in "man saned" of the therein + described "systemd configuration for saned" (boo#1074054). + +- Drop BuildRequires for libieee1284-devel and libieee1284 + which is only needed for some parallel port scanners + but parallel port scanners are no longer supported + so that the backends canon_pp, hpsj5s, and mustek_pp + are no longer provided. +- Fixed installation of systemd unit files saned@.service + and saned.socket that enable socket based saned activation + which replaces xinetd (boo#1074054). + +- add a 32bit devel package for use in wine32 bit builds + +- Deleted xinetd service in favor of socket based activation + via systemd unit files saned@.service and saned.socket + see + +- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.27: + There is no 1.0.26 release of sane-backends. + That number was skipped so that the SANE upstream + development version numbers would more clearly be + an extension of the prior release. + Changes since 1.0.25: + * Significant enhancements to canon_dr, epjitsu, epsonds, + fujitsu, genesys, hp3500, pixma and xerox-mfp backends. + * Minor updates, bugfixes or scanners added in several backends. + * 30+ new scanner models supported. + * Made libusb-1.0 the default for USB support. + * Switched code from C90 to C99 (Thanks to Volker Diels-Grabsch). + * Updated Linux USB3 workaround: + The Linux USB3 workaround which was added in version 1.0.25 + is now disabled by default. If you have difficulty using + a scanner which previously worked, or intermittent scanner + availability, try setting the new environment variable + SANE_USB_WORKAROUND=1 + before starting your frontend. + * Documentation and translation updates. + * Bugfixes (Avahi, threading, USB, ICC/PNG/JPEG, etc). + * Reduced compiler warnings, improved code: + A special thanks goes to Olaf Meeuwissen for picking up + the janitorial duties in sane-backends. He has found and + fixed a large number of long-standing bugs, curated the + SANE upstream bug tracker, improved the build scripts + and docs, and provided user support. +- CVE-2017-6318.patch is no longer needed because + the issue is fixed in the upstream sources. +- dell1600n_net-fix-strncat.patch is no longer needed because + the issue is fixed in the upstream sources. + +- CVE-2017-6318.patch fixes CVE-2017-6318 which is about that via + access to saned some opcodes could leak uninitialized memory + back to the requester allowing information disclosure + of memory content in saned (bsc#1027197). + In general regarding "access to saned" see + + +- sane-backends.builttime.patch: reduce build-compare noise + +- remove gphoto2 backend, as is usefulness is highly questionable, + but adds many (indirect) build and runtime dependencies + +- Upgraded to sane-backends version 1.0.25: + Changes since 1.0.24: + * New backends: epsonds (Epson DS, PX and WF series), + pieusb (PIE and Reflecta film/slide scanners). + * Support for JPG and PNG output format in scanimage. + * Significant enhancements to avision, canon_dr, epjitsu, + fujitsu, genesys, kodakaio and pixma backends. + * Minor updates, bugfixes or scanners added in several backends. + * 300 new scanner models supported. + * Workaround for USB3 problems in Linux kernel. + * Added code for IR functionality. + * Documentation and translation updates. + * Bugfixes (threading, networking, udev rules). + A big thanks to Olaf Meeuwissen, for his efforts in bug triage, + patch wrangling and code cleanups. +- fix-buffer-overflow.patch, fix-mustek_pp_ccd300.c.patch, + install-umax_pp-tool.patch, MG5550-works.patch are obsolete + since sane-backends-1.0.24 because it is fixed in the source. +- re-add-SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE.patch should be longer needed + because there should be longer a fontend that references + SANE_CAP_ALWAYS_SETTABLE in its source code. +- Recreated adapt_epkowa.desc_for_yast2-scanner.patch + according to the comment in sane-backends.spec + so that it applies for sane-backends-1.0.25. +- Dropped avision.c.patch and avision.conf.patch + (cf. the entry below dated "Mon Sep 15 23:23:23 UTC 2013") + because it does no longer apply to sane-backends-1.0.25 sources. + Issues that are not specific for a particular Linux distribution + must be fixed directly at SANE upstream so that all Linux + distributions get it properly fixed and not via patches + at one particular Linux distribution where it falls apart + each time when SANE upstream changes that sources. +- Added BuildRequires for libpng-devel and libtiff-devel because + scanimage output format supports PNG and TIFF. +- dell1600n_net-fix-strncat.patch fixes the following build error: + Statement might be overflowing a buffer in strncat. + BAD: strncat(buffer,charptr,sizeof(buffer)) is wrong + GOOD: strncat(buffer,charptr,sizeof(buffer)-strlen(buffer)-1) + The upstream issue report is + +- Disabled use of LaTeX to generate documentation because LaTeX + blows up the build system and "BuildRequires: texlive-latex" + causes various cycles and the documentation + is not for users but for developers who could get + the "Programmer's Documentation" from SANE upstream + at + +- MG5550-works.patch: support Canon Pixma MG5500 + zlib +- CVE-2018-25032: Fix memory corruption on deflate, bsc#1197459 + * bsc1197459.patch + +- Update 410.patch to include new fixes from upstream, + fixes bsc#1192688 +- Refresh bsc1174736-DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK-set-to-0x1ff.patch + to match upstream commit +- Drop patches which changes have been merged in 410.patch: + * zlib-compression-switching.patch + * zlib-390x-z15-fix-hw-compression.patch + * bsc1174551-fxi-imcomplete-raw-streams.patch + +- Fix hw compression on z15 bsc#1176201 +- Add zlib-s390x-z15-fix-hw-compression.patch + +- Add patch to fix compression level switching + bsc#1175811 bsc#1175830 bsc#1175831 + * zlib-compression-switching.patch + +- Set -DDFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK=0x7e on s390/s390x jsc#13776 + +- Permit a deflateParams() parameter change as soon as possible(bsc#1174736) + * bsc1174736-DFLTCC_LEVEL_MASK-set-to-0x1ff.patch + Fix DFLTCC not flushing EOBS when creating raw streams(bsc#1174551) + * bsc1174551-fxi-imcomplete-raw-streams.patch + +- Update 410.patch to contain latest fixes from IBM bsc#1166260 + * The build behaviour changed + +- Update the zlib-no-version-check.patch to be even more forgiving + with the versions on the zlib to allow updates without rebuilds + +- Add SUSE specific patch to fix bsc#1138793, we simply don't want + to test if the app was linked with exactly same version of zlib + like the one that is present on the runtime: + * zlib-no-version-check.patch + +- Update the s390 patchset bsc#1137624: + * 410.patch + +- Tweak zlib-power8-fate325307.patch to have type of crc32_vpmsum + conform to usage + bsc#1141059 + +- Use FAT LTO objects in order to provide proper static library. + +- Do not enable the previous patchset on s390 but just s390x + bsc#1137624 + +- Add patchset for s390 improvements jsc#SLE-5807 bsc#1136717: + * 410.patch + +- Try to safely abort if we get NULL ptr bsc#1110304 bsc#1129576: + * zlib-power8-fate325307.patch + +- Add patch for fate#325307 zlib speedup on power8: + * zlib-power8-fate325307.patch + +- Add patch to safeguard against negative values in uInt bsc#1071321: + * 0001-Do-not-try-to-store-negative-values-in-unsigned-int.patch + +- Added 32bit minizip support + +- Add gpg signature +- Re-enable profiling + +- Add s390 performance patch (fate#314093): + * zlib-1.2.11-optimized-s390.patch + +- baselibs.conf: add missing dependencies + +- Update to version 1.2.11: + * Fix deflate stored bug when pulling last block from window + * Permit immediate deflateParams changes before any deflate input + +- Update to version 1.2.10: + * Avoid warnings on snprintf() return value + * Fix bug in deflate_stored() for zero-length input + * Fix bug in gzwrite.c that produced corrupt gzip files + * Remove files to be installed before copying them in + * Add warnings when compiling with assembler code + +- Update to version 1.2.9: + * Improve compress() and uncompress() to support large lengths + * Allow building zlib outside of the source directory + * Fix bug when level 0 used with Z_HUFFMAN or Z_RLE + * Fix bugs in creating a very large gzip header + * Add uncompress2() function, which returns the input size used + * Dramatically speed up deflation for level 0 (storing) + * Add gzfread() and gzfwrite(), duplicating the interfaces of fread() and fwrite() + * Add crc32_z() and adler32_z() functions with size_t lengths + * Many portability improvements +- Drop patches included in upstream: + * zlib-bnc1003577.patch + * zlib-bnc1003579-part2.patch + * zlib-bnc1003579.patch + * zlib-bnc1003580.patch + * zlib-bnc1013882.patch +- Drop zlib-1.2.7-improve-longest_match-performance.patch + * not accepted by upstream for two releases + * rebasing no longer possible + +- Include fixes for bnc#1003580 bnc#1003579 bnc#1003577 bnc#1013882: + * zlib-bnc1003577.patch + * zlib-bnc1003579-part2.patch + * zlib-bnc1003579.patch + * zlib-bnc1003580.patch refreshed + * zlib-bnc1013882.patch CVE-2016-9843 + +- Trim descriptions to fit target audience. Update RPM group + classification. + +- Require zlib-devel in zlib-devel-static to fix previous change + +- Bring back zlib-devel-static. Needed by binutils + +- Remove zlib-devel-static, nothing should use libz.a anyway. +- Package minizip library, everything using it should now pull + minizip-devel and unbundle it bnc#935864 +