logoReplacing a kernel module in initrd

  1. Use Rox to find the location of initrd (usually at the root directory where you installed Fatdog64).
  2. Make a backup of this initrd file, in case you make a mistake.
  3. Click the initrd file. The initrd will be extracted into a working folder (somewhere under /tmp)
  4. Inside this folder, there is a file called kernel-modules.sfs
  5. Open a terminal session from the folder:
    • Make sure no files are selected.
    • Right-click
    • Choose "Window" menu, then choose "Terminal Here"
  6. From terminal, run the command unsquashfs kernel-modules.sfs
  7. You will get a new folder created within, called squashfs-root.
  8. Inside this squashfs-root folder, you can find lib/modules/3.3.2 folder. The version number (3.3.2) may be different for different version of Fatdog64.
  9. Copy the module you have created in the appropriate location inside the above folder.
  10. When done, from terminal, run the command depmod -b $(pwd)/squashfs-root -a. This will rebuild the module depedency list.
  11. Delete the original kernel-modules.sfs. Don't worry, we are going to build a new one.
  12. From terminal, run the command mksquashfs squashfs-root kernel-modules.sfs -comp xz Make sure you do this after deleting the original kernel-modules.sfs.
  13. Now remove the squashfs-directory.
  14. Close your terminal by typing exit, we're done.
  15. Last step - do this if you feel you have done everything right - click and launch the repack-initrd from Rox. This will re-build the initrd and delete the working folder.

Note 1: If you make a mistake, just close the folder and you can restart again. Nothing is changed until you do the last step (repack-initrd).
Note 2: that you can do the operation from terminal or from Rox, but please ensure:
  1. Use terminal commands for those that explicitly mentions "from terminal, do XXX".
  2. In terminal, do not "cd" to anywhere else (if you do, please change to the original directory before you execute the commands - the instructions above assume you do not change the directory).