
pilot-link: File transfer utilities between Linux and PalmPilots.

Name:pilot-link Vendor:Aurora SPARC Linux
Version:0.11.8 License:GPL
Release:16 URL:
This suite of tools allows you to upload and download programs and data files between a Linux/UNIX machine and the PalmPilot. It has a few extra utilities that will allow for things like syncing the PalmPilot's calendar app with Ical. Note that you might still need to consult the sources for pilot-link if you would like the Python, Tcl, or Perl bindings. Install pilot-link if you want to synchronize your Palm with your Red Hat Linux system.

Arch: src

Build Date:Wed Oct 18 23:01:05 2006
Packager:Aurora SPARC Linux <>
Size:676 KiB


* Tue Jul 18 17:00:00 2006 Ivana Varekova <varekova{%}redhat{*}com> 2:0.11.8-16
- fix configure script
* Wed Jul 12 17:00:00 2006 Jesse Keating <jkeating{%}redhat{*}com> - 2:0.11.8-15.1
- rebuild
* Fri Apr 21 17:00:00 2006 Than Ngo <than{%}redhat{*}com> 2:0.11.8-15
- fix pilot-xfer crash on missing device node #186779, #175334
- don't include unnecessary man page #185147

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